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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 208 KB, 1515x848, 2022 03 09 Providence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20038687 No.20038687 [Reply] [Original]

We're having a /lit/ meetup in Providence this Saturday.

Email providenceliterature at protonmail if you're interested & I'll give you the place & time.


If you've been to university organizations, reading groups, or hung out in a cafe up here, you've noticed the stifling eggshell-walking culture. And also that no one reads /lit/ books.


Something in the vein of Ben Franklin's Junto, Emerson's Transcendental Club. Discussion, critique, &c.

>> No.20038942


>> No.20038980

>First spoiler
That's a shame mate, hope a couple anons show up and you have a grand old time. If not, internet meetups could be a decent second best option, provided all the right precautions were in place. Not sure how it would be any safer or less safe than meeting face to face.

>> No.20039025
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>internet meetups
What does this mean?

>> No.20039121

>Email to get time and place
Lmao, no one is going.

>> No.20039156

Well, you know. Like how you go to 4channel, but you're in the real world? Kind of like that.

>> No.20039161

got a few so far =^)

>> No.20039165
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That's what this is.

>> No.20039167

What do you guys think of providence? I'm planning on taking a road trip with my girlfriend this summer and want to stop some places in new england. We did Vermont last summer, and are planning on Maine now but with some stops along the way

>> No.20039176

We're from buffalo. We like smaller places with character and passion

>> No.20039191

Okay but like it's when you start in the real world and then go to 4channel.

>> No.20039221


>> No.20039232
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Visit Newport and Boston. Salem is pretty cool too.

>> No.20039659

Don't visit Boston; it is large without character. Does have passion (anger), if you're into that.

>> No.20039719

what do you mean

>> No.20039732

I've been to Boston, I think it has more soul than most big American cities. But we'll probably skip it, want something a bit smaller

>> No.20040043

What'd in mind so far?

>> No.20040692
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>> No.20040766

salem was a good rec, montreal if we want something bigger, maybe more vermont for hikes + montpelier, portland for maine. I'll just see whatever falls into place. You can't go wrong with this part of the country

>> No.20040805

Providence is by far the worst major city in New England. Literally a straight dumpster.

>> No.20040816

I dont understand why anyone would want to meet with 4chan people irl.

>> No.20040845

>Meeting up with like minded people
Don't see the problem with it, desu.

>> No.20040862

Its a shit hole, lots of homeless, lots of drugs.

>> No.20040886

I would probably mog all of you so it would be an ego boost

>> No.20041021

Kek based

>> No.20041095

Do you have tattoos
How much can you bench

>> No.20041099 [DELETED] 

You can't meet 4chan people irl, if they meet irl they aren't 4chan people, they are tourists. The only people who go to "meetups" are the same horrible little homosexuals who camwhore and post in stack threads.

>> No.20041171

No true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge.

>> No.20041385


>> No.20041388


>> No.20041836

I've gone to a /lit/ meetup and I've been on this board regularly for longer than you've had fuzz on your balls.

>> No.20041844

Live in the Midwest unfortunately. No car either

>> No.20042072


>> No.20042144

I imagine the average /lit/ poster is something like this (a huge faggot)
>27-35 years old
>Lives in a mid-size "hip" American city (think Austin)
>Soiboy but knows how to dress well
>Has a reasonably attractive, serious gf, but she has some gay fetish like pegging (he thinks this is "based")
>Addicted to social media, mostly Twitter
>Does not actually read books

>> No.20042815

>I imagine the average /lit/ poster
>Has a reasonably attractive, serious gf
ya blew it

>> No.20043200

the shut-in levels are off the charts here

>> No.20043212

Do you guys actually meet-up or is this a le board Kultur meme?

>> No.20043221

>wanting to meet people

>> No.20043638
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>> No.20044096
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>> No.20044125
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I'll be extremely disappointed if the meetup isn't at Justine's or Mayday.

>> No.20044278

I can go but I'm extremely shy

>> No.20044295

>fucking providence

I live near this place and I'd rather shoot myself than step foot there voluntarily

>> No.20044307

Avoid Providence, Worcester, Lynn, and Woonsocket. Everything else in New England is tolerable at best

>> No.20044384

you are an idiot

>> No.20044396

I'll bring the brownies!

>> No.20044414
File: 65 KB, 418x522, Capturee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it

>> No.20044435

Providence is a bit too far from me or I'd make the trip, have fun gents. Have one closer to DC next time.

>> No.20044440
File: 1.03 MB, 721x1414, 7maGrptgVaUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading is cringe

>> No.20044453

>Yet more crab bucket shit
Wallow in your own misery, don't need your ironic bullshit today.

>> No.20044457
File: 64 KB, 1024x1024, 1631018201183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually flattered that a random troll would think I have a gf.

>> No.20044463

reading is regret and i'm surrounded by the evidence

>> No.20044490

Not much to do with the nature of the criticism.

>> No.20044550

are you guys from connecticut

i think i know who this is

>> No.20044611

Do not eat the brownies this anon brings

>> No.20044648

Why? I love brownies.

>> No.20044678


Providence blows. A lot of neo shitlib authoritarian retards, homeless drug addicts, racist conservatives and ignorant working class slobs with the IQ's of toothpicks. I do everything I can to avoid Providence and the "culture."

Have fun though, if I see you guys or this book meetup I'll be sure to swing by and chat everyone up for the fuck of it. I like to pick peoples brains and see how well they can formulate an original thought and back up their intellectual stances with reason, evidence, and logic.

>> No.20044715

You should never eat food or drink prepared by a known anon. No I won't explain why.

>> No.20044730

*prepared by a /k/fag

>> No.20044802

ANY known anon.

>> No.20044873

How can one person be so wrong?

>> No.20044908

>but she has some gay fetish like pegging (he thinks this is "based")

>> No.20044918

Holy cow this is my city. I'm not going to come because lit posters are insufferable, but I'll definitely watch from a distance.

>> No.20044927

Downtown can be nice. Avoid the area just outside of it though. Frankly avoid anywhere just outside any major attraction, e.g, the neighborhood adjacent Federal Hill is a total shithole. Federal Hill is kind of a shithole too, but some of the restaraunts are nice.

>> No.20044960

>three people at a starbucks talking
>30 creepy looking anons wearing masks and trenchcoats all watching uncomfortably from about ten yards away while pretending they're not watching
>all thirty of them pretending to look at their phones
Man you can just stop by and say hi and call them all faggots. Don't be a looooomer.

>> No.20044968

No. I am afraid to speak, to be seen, and to be known.

>> No.20044975

We're going to FIND YOU

>> No.20044981

HAH! Good luck, ive extensive experience stalking the Brown students. If they didn't pick up on my scent then certainly nobody fan

>> No.20045049

/lit/ posters at a meetup would probably be a less insufferable crowd just by virtue of them being in public

>> No.20045054

I have found this exchange to be humorous.

>> No.20045091
File: 102 KB, 623x752, £_£.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true from experience

>> No.20045118

Things are just done differently on the internet, especially text- and image-based mediums. Change the system and people will respond accordingly.

>> No.20045129

ok dad

>> No.20045145

Kek. Sorry, I don't want to be anyone's dad today, unless being my own counts.

>> No.20045222


>reason, evidence, and logic.

Whats your reasoning behind that?

>> No.20045636


>> No.20045643

Providence is one of the worst city in America. Filled with junkies, homeless people and far left faggots. Why not do it in Newport?

>> No.20045645

my favorite providence book is how to bomb the us govt

>> No.20045760
File: 272 KB, 1080x1337, 1645301383200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question

>> No.20046056

Is that antifafu? Last time I saw a picture of her was when she went on testosterone to look like a man.

>> No.20046175

Can't believe I lived here for five years for college. Hope you guys have fun.

>> No.20046469

I from Australia and visited Providence back in 2010 for work at Brown University. I really enjoyed the city. I was there for maybe 3 weeks and we thought seriously of staying there when I was offered a lasting position but I don't think I could have spent many years there.

>> No.20046604


>> No.20046611
File: 887 KB, 563x826, DF439C35-4338-4E18-A1AF-E5BF9131AE38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was literally just the way she was dressing, you fool.