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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 746x1200, normal-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20036262 No.20036262 [Reply] [Original]

Tried reading this and gave up after fifty pages.
Why would someone who has so little to say about life write a book?
It's literally just about being horny.

>> No.20036275

>I will now reread Note from the Underground

>> No.20036293

Lent it to my brother-in-law and he lost it, so, sadly, no.

>> No.20036324
File: 79 KB, 720x703, 50DB65CD-3388-4C86-A182-F3685FCA5163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads 50 pages
>273 page book
You have heard a fraction of what Rooney has to say. The problem here is your attention span; not Rooney's writing. Maybe lay off the porn and video games for a bit bud, you will enjoy life much more.

>> No.20036328

>stopped reading Rooney

Sounds like he is, in fact, enjoying life much more.

>> No.20036330

He is posting on 4chan. No one here is enjoying life.

>> No.20036334

That's enough pages to determine whether something is worthless or not

>> No.20036347
File: 125 KB, 750x562, C1A0F5EC-1B6F-450B-A311-7C3F67D270B3_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boop boop! I have determined you are a worthless person based off 2 of your posts. Sorry.

>> No.20036350

>Lent it to my brother-in-law and he lost it
Hate cunts like that, bet he didn't even offer to replace it, did he? I mean fuck if that were me I would have simply replaced it before even thinking of telling you I lost it. And he's dicking your sister to boot. I bet he wears tank tops unironically.

>> No.20036352

After fifty pages, if a writer hasn't done anything to interest me, I'm not gonna stick around.
Figured I'd give it a shot even though I knew it wasn't going to be what I typically read, but it's just an unimaginative coomer fantasy.

>> No.20036376

>coomer fantasy
No you freak, you read about a normal sexual relationship between two adolescents. Believe it or not love is mot always perfect and cookie cutter, and sex isn't sterile and emotionless either. You unironically need to touch grass if you think what Connell and Marianne were doing was pure smut.

>> No.20036396

This fucker is literally nutting in your sister's tight wet hole and he just conveniently ""loses"" your book? This nigga is punking you. Why are you not doing time right now?
Just picture it. His throbbing unprotected meat plunging deep into her quivering wet cunt. She's moaning, grabbing his bare ass. His rippling muscles. Her tits bouncing about. The sounds. The sweat. The smell.

>> No.20036409

It reads like glorified YA with far too much sexual energy than is healthy. Reading about a sexual relationship between two high schooler's is just weird and gross as an adult.

>I'm some marry sue socially retarded girl who reads Proust
>athletic chad wants to fuck me

Bravo Rooney

>> No.20036410
File: 92 KB, 1545x869, 77A7FC07-626C-4DCB-9C28-B7004B8A3DDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's literally just about being horny.
So are most 4chan posts. Even the ones that aren’t explicitly about it are still charged with the nervous energy of sexual frustration. Does that stop you from reading them?

>> No.20036420

Take it easy, Tyrone.

>> No.20036423

And you got this take from 50 pages, did you?

>> No.20036439

That's what the first fifty pages were about, yes.

>> No.20036444
File: 71 KB, 891x696, CE14B8A0-D3FF-459F-96CD-D7C6388FCC62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why don't you go back and read the other 200 and see how you feel then, ok?

>> No.20036459

i peaced out in the first few pages after the pseud quotemarkless dialog and the constant le quirky banter about nutella and shit
it was obvious how shallow the book was gonna be

>> No.20036465

No thanks.

>> No.20036556

if the first 20% of a book is bad why would you expect the remaining 80% to be any different

>> No.20036565

Imagine letting another man fuck your sister let alone lose you book.

>> No.20036653

>opinions worth reading

choose one

>> No.20037255

clever boy

>> No.20037351
File: 33 KB, 722x720, bac[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeeee just hate everytthing like me and you'll enjoy lfie more!!!

>> No.20037472

Considering how shallow the content is, I have no idea why anyone thought a try hard gimmick like not using quotation marks would be a good idea.

>> No.20037680

Stop reading YA novels for teenage girls

>> No.20037691
File: 153 KB, 833x1280, I also drink tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20037696


>t. men of inaction, slaves to their own lust.

>> No.20037702

you don't have to love Normal People to acknowledge the fact that there sure is a lot more to it
>emotional expressions and communication
>technical devices and relationships
>millenial life-style
>self-destructive behaviour

>> No.20037706

>fucking disgusting
> abloo bloo

>> No.20037718

of course we cringe at emotions, love, and modern life, but we should ask ourself why.

>> No.20037746

Sally Rooney is so fucking hot
I need a Celtic gf now

>> No.20037950
File: 180 KB, 1337x1304, rooney-cringe5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just about being horny
You missed the marxist """theorizing""" that all her books are full of.

>> No.20037956
File: 104 KB, 773x533, rooney_accurate_summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fraction of what Rooney has to say
Pic related is an accurate and exhaustive summary.

>> No.20037972
File: 250 KB, 1303x518, Sally-Rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded cringe bitch

>> No.20037975
File: 358 KB, 1337x2645, rooney-cringe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded 20-something ignorant little shit who thinks she's got everything figured out and babbles endlessly about her retarded theories: the novel

>> No.20038014

Where are these from?

>> No.20038020
File: 26 KB, 561x404, D2700667-612B-4F3F-9896-A09D9514740B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yawn. We've been through this little routine about 5 times by now. You are stupid and you need to get a life.

>> No.20038027

The perturbed roastie defending her fave really made this thread enjoyable.

>> No.20038037
File: 280 KB, 1556x2400, conver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conversations with friends is a much better book from her

>> No.20038042

How are these made?

>> No.20038052


>> No.20038053
File: 35 KB, 310x500, oink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no idea why anyone thought a try hard gimmick like not using quotation marks would be a good idea.

desperate imitation of irvine welsh only none of what she writes is entertaining and she lacks all self reflection


>> No.20038075

>umm, the arab slave trade and south african farm murders are a far-right conspiracy theory, chud

this is literally what wikipedia says. god fucking damn, i want to MURDER every last kike on EARTH, with a MACHETE

>> No.20038080

It's not some great mystery. We're repulsed by it at a cultural and biological level. Your lizard brain is screaming to your subconscious that something has gone terribly wrong while the rest of society is trying to convince you that it's totally normal to have 20+ sexual partners before you're out of college.

Humans, specifically European and Asian population, developed incredibly strong pair bonding as a survival technique. It's in the best interest to ensure your partner is loyal so you don't end up raising another man's child and your genes pass on. It's another reason culturally we put such value on women remaining virgins, the more sexual partners they have the more it fucks with their ability to pair bond.

The other benefit is when you're locked in tight quarters with that person for four months over winter with little to no entrainment it keeps you from going crazy.

None of this shit is hard to understand, people just like to obfuscate it so they can pretend like they're better than there base biological urges or somehow engineering society to work against it was a good thing. Rates of SSRI prescription and suicide during the time of greatest abundance in human history would point to the fact that no, this did not make people happier. Apparently there's more to relationships than cooming and Instagram photos.

>> No.20038088

Where on earth have you got the idea Sally Rooney wants young girls to slut around?

>> No.20038091

She's literally a member of the bourgeois, she's never had to do any actual work in her life, yet she shits on all white men as oppressors. I really wish this neoliberal intersectionality bullshit never got tied to Marxism, its so far gone from the original critique of capitalism.

>> No.20038093

>emotionless relationships

What do you think that is exactly?

>> No.20038096

Yeah and Sally Rooney does not portray them in a positive light, does she?

>> No.20038097


sounds like a sloot to me, familius

leave your ballsack by the door on your way out

>> No.20038137

rooney is based simply for making artlets seethe and reveal themselves, like the ones above. you all need to go back to your videogames

>> No.20038246

>It's literally just about being horny.
No wonder sexless /lit faggots can't relate to it.

>> No.20038266


My favourite thing about this image is that the annotations show that whoever made it has no reading comprehension. It literally criticises identity politics. Thats what the entire text does. But whoever made the image seems to only be able to see three to four words at a time

Peak /lit/

>> No.20038269
File: 16 KB, 419x370, 1625355803690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this book is truly so irrelevant and free of meaningful content as you claim then how you stop fucking talking about it

>> No.20038274

Maybe I should just say fuck it and write an idealized novelization of my diary talking about doing drugs and dating.

>> No.20038280

>lay off the porn
And yet you're encouraging him to read Rooney...

>> No.20038296

She can't stop fucking talking about them, so, actions over words.
Eh, she's evidently neutral and the critiques present still come from the Left, which obviously doesn't place her in opposition.