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/lit/ - Literature

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20035785 No.20035785 [Reply] [Original]

We the Living and the Fountainhead are genuinely great novels and I'm tired of pretending they're not.

>> No.20035821

wtf is fountainhead?

>> No.20035843

haven't read either but I'm working on Shrugged. First half is really good and the second half feels way more preachy and reaching than the first.

>> No.20035844

You have terrible taste or are a lying troll

>> No.20036048

I read Atlas Shrugged in my early 20s and it's absolute cancer. It's barely a novel; it reads like something written in prison by a supreme-gentleman autist who ate a bunch of women on his university campus. It has its moments, certainly, but it is 1000 pages too long and this cannot be overlooked.

When I was reading it, my dad bought me The Fountainhead as well for banter. I left it on my shelf, unread, for nearly a decade. Compared to Atlas Shrugged, it's absolutely fantastic.

>> No.20036060

I was put off Rand by the size of her books and by knowing that they were so political, but I decided to read Anthem since it's so short. I realised that the politics there are put across so directly that I actually enjoyed it, she's so unapologetic about her views.

>> No.20036075

based and WTD pilled