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20034641 No.20034641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do so many leftists still fall for bullshit Russian propaganda despite the fact that soviet union no longer exists and modern Russia is a reactionary capitalist oligarchy?

>> No.20034644

In what universe are leftists pro-Russia?

>> No.20034651

Gravel institute apparently


>> No.20034654

The bootlicker ones support Russia because them invading Ukraine is anti-imperialist.

>> No.20034655

You forgot to post "books for this feel" to make your dog shit bait thread at least somewhat on topic you retard.

>> No.20034661


>> No.20034663

>thinly veiled Ukrainian agitprop thread
wow another one these are so interesting I'm so glad you guys this for free day and night

>> No.20034665

Contrarianism and anti-West mentality.

>> No.20034687

Not /lit/

I think most Russians see themselves as primarily "Western" and don't embrace the Euroasianism push

>> No.20034708

They are sidebrains. CIA/NATO/imperialism/capitalism is one side so the other side (China, Russia, whatever) simply must be heckin valid communism/revolution/trans positive utopia where veterans of /leftypol/ discord channels will be given medals.

You could convince them to eat shit if you told them "NATO" is against eating shit. Most of them don't know what NATO is, they just have an agglomeration of blurry images in their minds, mixed with free-floating factoids like "The ASPCA toppled Guatemala in an illegal coup!" they got from their discord friends and youtube videos. CIA=NATO=AMERICA=CAPITALISM=THE THING WE SAY "GULAGS LMAO" ABOUT ON TWITTER.

Sidebraining is almost irresistible for midwits. They have been raised on capitalist propaganda that tells them that there is always a good guy and a bad guy in any conflict, always a plucky underdog, and they've mapped their illiterate un-Marxist understanding of Marxism onto this. The presumption of a binary comes first, then they fill in gaps with factoids about China's economy because it makes them feel like one of the cool "in the know" people, then they smudge the whole thing further with edginess and weak irony, because in the zoomer worldview, people "in the know" are always sarcastic and edgy as a function of their supreme confidence. Zoomers unconsciously admire the mental image of an edgy ironic in-the-know guy going "lmao actually China's economy is ...." because their local discord/forum/social media ecosystem has a midwit guy like that and everyone looks up to him.

They literally just can't fathom that it's both possible to know that the CIA-NATO-Deep State complex is the worst thing that's ever happened to humanity and that China probably is badly maltreating some poor mountain gooks in the northwest. The CIA wants you to care about the Uyghurs, therefore China must somehow be good, and if you watch enough Youtube videos and twist your brain enough and fill it with enough disconnected retarded factoids about revisionist takes on the Great Leap Forward you will be a smart cool edgy guy and you can really show Uncle Gary at the next Thanksgiving reunion.

>> No.20034719
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>mfw he thought the cold war was over

>> No.20034785
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Leftists don't. Putin's Russia is wholeheartedly embraced by the Right Wing. Hail Victory! Hail Z!

This thread is a CIA attempt to curry favor with conservative-leaning people (because it's 4chan) and to get them to turn away from support for Russia by associating it with leftists. Also you're a glownigger and so are these guys >>20034654
and the obvious tell is the use of the word >contrarianism
or any variation of contrarian which was recently put out in a system-wide Intel agency cyber unit ListServ to be spammed on message boards and social media. Kys. Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme this thread. Not /lit/ related.

>> No.20034788

'russian propaganda'
cringe redditor, you don't have to agree with the politics of putin to see what he is doing is based.
The encroachment of NATO, the Nazis in Ukrainian government and the constant shelling on the people in Donbass. The world needs a new security architecture, the Russians drew a line and the west went over it. Russia is trying to minimize civilian casualties in this intervention, but Zelenskyy doesn't care about his people. War is brutal, but if Ukraine implements Russia's demands things can hopefully move to peace.
You aren't an authentic 'leftist', you're a boring ass establishment shill, who thinks being a leftist means 'free healthcare' and 'democracy in the workplace'.

Fuck off you urbanite scum.

>> No.20034792

The alternative? Fall for bullshit western propaganda?

>> No.20034793
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leftists are whatever they're psionically mind controlled to be

>> No.20034819

oh god... you are an anarchist aren't you?
Go join Right Sector in Ukraine, like the buddies of you are doing.

>> No.20034841

There's liberal/vaushite/bidenite/hillary/anarchist leftism


the illiberal//leninist/trotskyist/tankie/anti-west leftism

The latter type probably read a lot of RT news, came from a working class background, found themselves stumbling into politics in the 80s. Usually older.

The former is normally young, middle class, university educated. Reads the guardian, the new yorker or whatever equivalent.

>> No.20034844

Good question OP.
Today I read "Thank you Jeeves- PG Woodhouse" and I really enjoyed it! Honestly a brilliant book with lots of japes and hi-jinx (and I love me some japes and hi-jinx).
I think the next book I'll read (since you asked) will probably be "The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Victor Hugo" as I bought it a while ago and forgot to take it out of my rucksack and put it on the shelf.
Thanks for keeping the thread /lit/ based!

>> No.20034858

Sounds like a left comm take

My two cents is that to leftists: west = bad, east = good. And its always been like this

>> No.20034873

Thanks for the input, Ranjeet.

>> No.20034916

Right Sector is based
Leftists aren't even human, and its becoming increasing clear the US needs a hard right turn to stop their faggotry.
Putin's said he's de-nazifying Russia and he's surrounded by rich Jews, heeb. The left is accusing Ukraine of holding nazis. Its typical oy vey shit from you oven dodgers.

>> No.20034927


>> No.20034967

Uh I'm Anglo?

>> No.20034972

dimwits should know by now that it never ended

>> No.20034978

Does Zizek still work for the Russian Times

>> No.20034987

General anti western view point and muh heckin ukraine nahzees

>> No.20034990

Russia is communist no matter how much they pretend they aren't

>> No.20034995

>why do so many leftists
Such as?

>> No.20035027

>came from a working class background,

when will this meme of leftists in the west being working class stop?

>> No.20035084

Most leftists are pro-ukraine.
>"b-but single example!"
And for every pro-russia leftist, there are ten more pro-ukraine leftists.
I have seen more edgy imperialist pro-russia right-wingers than edgy stalinist pro-russia leftists.

>> No.20035090


>that soros "quote"

Americans really are something else....

>> No.20035096
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the good one ended
t. knower

>> No.20035103

>he's surrounded by rich Jews, heeb
Show me a world leader who isn't. At least they submit to him and not the other way around as is the case in the US and Europe where Blackcock and Vanguard control the countries like puppeteers.
>The left is accusing Ukraine of holding nazis. Its typical oy vey shit from you oven dodgers
Wtf are you talking about? Take your meds. Putin's putting a check on globohomo economic imperialism. That's a good thing by me. Sorry he hasn't literally holocausted his country's Jew yet. Pick a side, fence sitter.

>> No.20035107

There are a lot of Tankie rationalizations, but the one point for which I've yet to hear a convincing counterargument is that the US wouldn't allow a Russian expansion into Mexico.

>> No.20035110

You're pathetically naive. How's that NHS been working for you these past couple years?

>> No.20035115

define expansion

>> No.20035122

>putting a check on globohomo economic imperialism
you know his gov't is frens with china right

>> No.20035126

All power structures of sufficient size are bad news. They will persist because climbing them amplifies an individual's influence through exploitation. This is too desirable a position to remove from human social group organization consciousness. You have options. You can cry about it, fight it, get climbing, engage with it in a consciously reduced capacity, or turbo autist innawoods flee from it. I'm a minimal engagement guy myself. It uses me, I use it less than it uses me, and I pursue my own weird purposes in my free time. It's like living with a shitty master, but it isn't unbearable and there is time unbounded from its demands.

>> No.20035130

We can quibble with income levels and the exact definitions of working class, however I think it's obvious that there's a "type of person" in the west who have no members in their family that attended university, and attained a white collar job etc. There's still a lot of "unskilled" workers in the British economy. The kind of people who drift from call centre job to Tesco contract

>> No.20035137

You do realize NATO is an anti-communist institution, right?

>> No.20035142
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>this scares the mutt

>> No.20035154
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And btw just to add to this, that kind of person is someone that would have traditionally voted labour in the UK, but now defected to tories. The biggest split electorally is the smug liberal elites in metropolitan centres, which have convenient access to high tech, skilled ICT jobs, the social capital to train and send their children to university to become middle class drones, versus the rural yokels that subsist on the fumes of our bullshit service economy

>> No.20035158
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so cute

>> No.20035167

Putin isn't putting a check on anyone, you stupid commie nigger. Putin's is trying to establish the USSR, and oppress the Baltic states. He's a subhuman like you. Both of you should be shot.

>> No.20035173

And? China isn't globohomo although they are an authoritarian hellscape. But globohomo is ratcheting that shit up too so honestly, I'd rather have an ethno-nationalist authoritarianism than a globohomo one.
>Yay more Jewish pharmaceuticals!
Get lost.

>> No.20035176

And that's a problem because? The commies aren't human. Commies should be blown to pieces with artillery equipment.

>> No.20035186

So you just like a different flavor of economic imperialism? And we should discard your opinion of having any worth, cause you have no values.

>> No.20035192

China's policies are why inkwells exist there desu
>inb4 muh "Sinophobia"
no I actually feel kind of bad for them desu

>> No.20035212


everything that I've seen on RT channel was Putin's own words with subtitles. Putin's words are relevant because he's the damn guy making decisions in his country and if we're gonna make him an enemy then we better understand how he thinks.

everything that I've seen on literally every western media channel is a bunch of random reporters spewing the same narrative written god knows who. Listening to western politicians speak makes it immediately obvious that they have not listened to a single word coming from Putin's mouth and they are only aware of the narrative pushed by said anonymous writers.

>from the source
>no commentary
>no opinions
>no speculation
>no stupid reporters

>not from the source
>stupid reporters

go kys

>> No.20035212,1 [INTERNAL] 

Wrong. Leftists oppose fascism. Fascists were in control of Ukraine thanks to the US
Fuck censorship and fuck the decaying neoliberal commercial hegemony too.