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20033040 No.20033040 [Reply] [Original]

I'm turning 25 this year. I heard somewhere that once you get to your late 20's, your mind isn't as sharp as it was before so it gets harder to learn new things. I would like know if that's true when it comes to reading lit material. If that's the case, then what are some book that I need to read once the mental degeneration kicks in?

>> No.20033047

With lit it's not about losing the ability to be receptive, it's that if you don't have that basis when you're young then you're never going to reach that truly higher sense of receptivity ever.

So start reading the Greeks now and thinking about what you read, also learning different languages (to read lit in).

>> No.20033052

Not in my case I'm 39 and most of what I pick up I retain. However I'm currently getting filtered by Max Weber

>> No.20033068

It’s not so much that this happens definitively in your late 20s, rather as you get older your brain loses the neuroplasticity of your youth that allows it to learn and adapt to new information very quickly. It’s why old people seem very set in their ways whilst young people are constantly bouncing around different political ideologies or experimenting with new ideas. Don’t bother reading books for the mental degeneration, just do regular brain training exercises, like sudoku or wordle or something like that.

>> No.20033074

Nigga Van Gogh picked up a paint brush at 28. The problem isn’t physiological it’s just people hate to practice because society teaches failure is bad even though it is the only precondition to success

>> No.20033132

You can delay the degeneration by reading and applying the ultramind solution and learning meditation. Read the mind illuminated.

>> No.20033142

I think it depends on the person. My brain didn't really start working properly until ~25.

>> No.20033308

To prevent your mind from weakening, which for many people starts long before their late 20s, you should learn languages, and do some sort of regular math/logic puzzles. Or programming challenges or something. 20 minutes a day of each is more than sufficient to stay sharp enough for lit purposes well into your 70s or 80s. The point is to make sure you are making your brain constantly learn/memorize/exercise.

>> No.20033362

Fluid intelligence starts to see a slight decrease in your mid 20s, it's very little though. In your early 40s you start seeing more decline, but even then it's not a radical difference from your peak.
In your mid to late 50s you enter a period of extreme decline.

These can all be countered somewhat with good lifestyle choices. Sleep enough, take care of your body both in terms of exercise and diet. Don't abuse alcohol. Very basic stuff.

There's some data that also supports the "learn new stuff" theories, so that's probably a good idea. It could be a language, it could be an instrument, just keep that brain working and seek new stimuli.

>> No.20033373

The more you know, the easier you'll know more. If you keep on learning new stuff you'll keep sharp for decades to come.
And no, you can't fill up your memory of whatever.

>> No.20033378


>> No.20033768

Mental degeneration only happens because people dont keep their minds or bodies active and lead stressful lives.

You can be 90 but upright and clearheaded.