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20032433 No.20032433[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>finally finish novel, send it out to publishers
>get a courtesy visit from the police shortly afterwards
>they find nothing but the male officer says 'I'll remember you' as they leave
I think I made a mistake trying to communicate anything to others.

>> No.20032437

unbelievable story
for starters, it presupposes the publishers read more than one paragraph of your work

>> No.20032439

I opened it with a detailed plot to kidnap a girl.

>> No.20032445

#1 rule for ensuring a police visit goes well is to begin by offering the cop(s) a cigarette. It had worked almost every time for me.

>> No.20032446
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It can't have been THAT bad?

>> No.20032448

If not bait, post it

>> No.20032453

>male officer says 'I'll remember you' as they leave
Congratulations op, you just made a friend.

>> No.20032457
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>anon sent his pedophilia erotica "homage to Lolita" novel to Scholastic
>surprised when the feds show up

>> No.20032554
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Ok but I don't want to post the whole thing because I still have some vague hope of it getting accepted and would rather hold off on the 4chan association. So I'll just post a snippet. Please be considerate, I worked for a long time on this story.

Chapter 3: We live in a society, but society does not live in me.

I've heard it said all of the best ideas are conceived of while walking. I don't know what places trod the likes of Da Vinci or Einstein but I was doing circuits around Jefferson middle school again. The lunch recess was half over before I finally spotted Ponytail under her usual elm as relief and realization played convulsive wargames on my face, relief lost. For the first time in months she wasn't alone, some high cheeked blonde blonde faggot was bending her ear under the leaves and god help me they looked to be getting along. He was like some miniature David Bowie with better teeth whose pure whites I could discern from here, a shining intruder in our special shade, I hated him with practiced reflex. At first I almost thought it was another girl as my subconscious immediately manned its defense mechanisms but then the faint residue of their laughter reached me and in tears knew it wasn't so, and in that moment I knew something else too, that I had to act fucking quickly. If this wasn't to be another agonized empty delusion, if Ponytail ever meant anything, the moment was now, to know the name of action, know that planning is prevarication, even if everything goes tummy up and we both have to die it's still better than losing her to some bastard, you have nothing to lose but your shame. I walked then ran then walked to my car, opened the truck, swapped my plates, and spoke my first words in weeks -- or maybe it was a lifetime, "I'll go and introduce myself".

>> No.20032565

you need to tighten your writing and you have made some sloppy errors like 'blonde blonde'.
however, the feel is not bad and didn't make me cringe so that's something.

>> No.20032578

>Chapter 3: We live in a society, but society does not live in me.
I'm already in love. PLEASE self publish if you can't get traditionally published

>> No.20032587

Fuck you're right. I wish I wasn't a poorfag and could afford an editor, proofing this is an ordeal all its own nevermind writing it.

>> No.20032595

Kino of the highest caliber. You'll only be appreciated after your lifetime.

>> No.20032608

Actually very nice prose. Was pretty engaging.
I managed to cringe at the curses sprinkled in. I get you're going for rawness, but the faggot and fucking were overkill and took me out of it. The bastard was good because you built up to it, but you can't just assault the average reader with obscenities

>> No.20032721

yeah fair point. i have the same tendency in my own writing and end up cutting a lot of it.
all OP really needs to do is let the book sit for a while then come back later with fresh eyes

>> No.20032996

Very beautiful, anon. Dont stop

>> No.20033001

Perhaps the publisher was captivated by his opening paragraph that he couldn't help but read more.

>> No.20033007

ESL? I feel like some of these sentences don't read right or just don't flow correctly. Other than that, I like it.

>> No.20033013
File: 70 KB, 600x906, 2D4C2FE5-368E-4300-BCF6-8335FCAE7FB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We live in a society, but society does not live in me
>I was doing circuits around Jefferson middle school again
>I ran then walked then ran to my car
Holy fuck OP… I KNEEL

>> No.20033014

Fucking grim, but not fucking bad

Probably struggle to find a publisher because it is so fucking grim, and the readership would be narrow. Would need to read the entire thing to see if the literati would accept it, because if they don't it could be a weather vain for the disenfranchised.

However, reads well, does need tightening, and a good editor

>> No.20033060

Same thing happened with my philosophical work. Motherfuckers bring up Elliot Rodger even though if he were alive I'd be nine years his senior. I told them to fuck off and said they were wasting their time

>> No.20033070

I'm da blackest blackest blackest boy in the sand lot!

>> No.20033091
File: 17 KB, 337x337, OIP (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> high cheeked blonde blonde faggot
is excellent

>> No.20033095

>>walked to my car, opened the truck, swapped my plates,

why did he swap the plates before speaking to her?!? I'm hooked, OP.

>> No.20033098

So that witness reports would give the wrong license number after he kidnaps her obviously. Let me guess you’ve never walked circuits around a middle school before?

>> No.20033102

I haven't kidnapped anyone out of high school yet. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.20033106

middle school, high school, whatever. probably the technique would be similar.

>> No.20033107

presumably you'd need a larger trunk

>> No.20033110

How exactly would on e do that without getting arrested? I remember a similar kerfuffle from the other side as teachers nervously whispered about some man loitering outside the gates.

>> No.20033111

I'm kinda getting some John Niven vibes but he sounds more full of himself. Maybe try publishers that published him? Not the next illiad but not bad at all desu. Self publishing would be a serious option if you know how to advertise.

>> No.20033113

I wish we we had some sort of union to self publish and prop each other up. I myself have been sitting on my magnum opus for months now. It's not that I'm against self publishing but it feels like a waste.

>> No.20033115

>Chapter 3: We live in a society
dude just dude

>> No.20033117

Decent prose anon, fun to read.

>> No.20033120

>I walked then ran then walked to my car

>> No.20033129

Yeah true. Like blowing it into empty space. I think it can work if you can get it some traction but it feels like that is extremely difficult compared to traditional publishing.

>> No.20033154

very based OP i like the prose

>> No.20033178

Did the police like your story?

>> No.20033219

He told you that he wants to remember you, so he can say that he met you once you inevitably become a famous and successful author. They loved your story OP, this is a good sign

>> No.20033310

this is awesome OP, its like lolita on crack cocaine

>> No.20033324
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>> lolita on crack cocaine

>> No.20033390

Looks like kino's back on the menu.

>> No.20033395

>He was like some miniature David Bowie with better teeth whose pure whites I could discern from here, a shining intruder in our special shade, I hated him with practiced reflex.

>> No.20033727

I like it. Don't give up, fren. If nothing else works, self publish, I'll buy a copy

>> No.20033735

imagine being a woman who works at a publishing house and being so pathetic you report a writer to the police. I can't believe they can vote.

>> No.20033745

Blame people like J.S. Mill. He was the original cuck philosopher

>> No.20033817

I shall.

>> No.20033845

It takes guts to write something, well done, I hope it goes well. I liked that paragraph a lot.

>> No.20033871
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>We live in a society, but society does not live in me.

>> No.20033913

I find it somewhat hard to read, but maybe because my screen is shattered and the text is small af
regardless, nice prose man
keep going king

>> No.20033924

I will unironically edit and proofread your work for free anon.
@ me

>> No.20033945

Imagine making up stories that it was a woman

>> No.20035141

You should dedicate the book

>to the policeman who said he'd remember

>> No.20035687

That alone would elevate the book to kino

>> No.20036215

>and spoke my first words in weeks -- or maybe it was a lifetime, "I'll go and introduce myself".
Absolute fucking kino

>> No.20036363

i want to read the full novel now

>> No.20036432

Imagine believing any of this is real.

>> No.20036454

Some of the best work I've seen on /lit/, you should be proud. There's room for improvement but you could easily get published right now if the rest is like this.

>> No.20036464

Post excerpt, please.

>> No.20036648

This is insane. You're insane. learn to use semi-colons and hypens to break up the thoughts into my coherent sections and you have something here

If this involves a villainous protag it would be genuine true kino

>> No.20036672

Last time they (german policemen) refused and were annoyed to escort me by to the train station.

>> No.20036679

Do you like Bret Easton Ellis by any chance?

>> No.20036683

Be sure to promote it here or post the .epub. I want to read it and give you a donation.

>> No.20036736

Beautiful. Do you have an introduction to calm normies down OP, or are you just gonna throw the reader into the character's mind?

>> No.20036931

pretty brazy

but you've got some sloppy syntax here and there. i quite liked the repetition in blonde blonde. don't change it imo.

>> No.20037176

no self respecting man would do something that low just to get the kick from being 'morally just'. also, 99% of the publishing industry is a gash

>> No.20037184

800$ for shit that never happened

>> No.20037197


>> No.20037235
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 731ED22B-F21E-4E6D-A562-C8A2A0CC1ED6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this about an incel in middle school or a grown man obsessed with a middle school girl?

>> No.20037254

I enjoyed reading it anyway op. Pretty grim subject matter but 20 years ago it probably would’ve still gotten published at least.

>> No.20037285

Unironically fucking fantastic. Your prose is saturated with a particularly viscous variety of SOVL

>> No.20037306

Need to spend more time developing why you care about the Ponytail character before introducing the antipathetic lil Bowie. Contrast between how you feel about the two characters.

>> No.20037317

>chapter 3
he probably does

>> No.20037362

I don't think a middle schooler would drive a car or reference Hamlet and Marx in severely autistic internal dialogue.

>> No.20037367

>the former
>the latter

>> No.20037368

>reference Hamlet and Marx
im a brainlet & missed these references, can you point them to me

>> No.20037420

"the name of action"
"have nothing to lose but your chains"

>> No.20037435

How many times did you use the word nigger on the front page?

>> No.20037449

>blonde blonde
>confirmed error
Damnit OP, and I was just about to call >>20032565 a midwit faggot for not recognizing an obvious reduplication.

>> No.20037471

Does the brand matter?

>> No.20037478

I will also read and edit for free this is kino

>> No.20037507

This is genuinely bad, it feels like you were half asleep when writing it.

>> No.20037514

I've been in 4chan for about 9 years and i never ever come to this board. But OP you caught my eye, you must continue no matter what, godspeed.

>> No.20037516

You sound like the same kind of idiot that says Dubliners is shit because you can understand the words

>> No.20037520

What difference does it make?
It makes none,
and your prejudice won't keep you warm tonight

>> No.20037730


>I don't know what places trod the likes of Da Vinci or Einstein but I was doing circuits around Jefferson middle school again

this has got to be a new lit meme and also surely the sentance that got the cops called.

>> No.20037764
File: 57 KB, 572x572, 1644483457124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it, man. YOU GOT BOTH SOVL AND TALENT. Don't be disheartened; genius are rarely appreciated in their own time.

>> No.20037946
File: 142 KB, 360x346, laughing pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We live in a society, but society does not live in me

>> No.20037948

>perving around a middle school
>has a car
Glorious. The adventures of a depraved pedo neet. Please continue.

>> No.20038136


>> No.20038241

I like the profanity.
It illustrates the main character's rejection by and of society for seemingly paradoxical reasons: it does not satisfy his seemingly high intellectual standards (nor does he himself), and at the same time it cannot accomodate his vulgar base urges.

Good job OP, even though the story in the OP is fake and gay.

>> No.20038245

>finally finish novel, send letter to the author
>get a courtesy visit from the police shortly afterwards
>they find nothing but the male officer says 'I'll remember you' as they leave

>> No.20038317

This is going down in board history instantly.

>> No.20038321
File: 70 KB, 976x549, 1610203258255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting in epic thread. This is gonna be a classic.

>> No.20038345

Anyone who calls this good prose hasn’t read a book since high school, this is dogshit

>> No.20038347

What the fuck does this even mean

>> No.20038366

By what criteria?

>> No.20038473

Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo....

His father told him that story: his father looked at him through a glass: he had a hairy face.

He was baby tuckoo. The moocow came down the road where Betty Byrne lived: she sold lemon platt.

O, the wild rose blossoms
On the little green place.

He sang that song. That was his song.

O, the green wothe botheth.

When you wet the bed, first it is warm then it gets cold. His mother put on the oilsheet. That had the queer smell.

His mother had a nicer smell than his father. She played on the piano the sailor’s hornpipe for him to dance. He danced:

Tralala lala,
Tralala tralaladdy,
Tralala lala,
Tralala lala.

Uncle Charles and Dante clapped. They were older than his father and mother but uncle Charles was older than Dante.
How's this for good prose?

>> No.20038549

Writing ain't free. The road to good prose gotta be littered with the blood of literary shitters. James Joyce aka "Stream of Consciousness Voice" is not my author. He is pervert and probably exile as well :DD. Bovary and Twist not Bloom and Dedalus OK. Praise classics

>> No.20038870

Let’s start with by what criteria you consider it good

Haha what a goofy little copypasta, you sure got me there buddy

>> No.20038916

I this guy most have gotten all of his discord buddies to each samefag 10 times to this uninteresting story. Hope you get enough upvotes on r/4chan to make this worth the effort, faggot.

>> No.20038922


>> No.20038926

Holy based

>> No.20038927


>> No.20038932

Yeah that's what I was thinking.

>> No.20038936


>> No.20038939

I see what's happening, don't think I don't.

>> No.20038943

What a fag right?

>> No.20038944

Nothing surprises me anymore.

>> No.20038947


>> No.20038969

fucking kino

>> No.20039002
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1200 :^)

>> No.20039012


>> No.20039020

Nice inspect element and shop

>> No.20039023
File: 7 KB, 514x480, 1465662922127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I walked then ran then walked to my car
very relatable

>> No.20039029

You faggots would get way better content with less energy by just using 4chan normally and documenting outrageous moments when they come to you naturally. God I hate reddit, you guys only want to hear the same jokes in the same format with minor variations.

>> No.20039067

it was submitted yesterday you nob, go look for yourself

>> No.20039089

Just link me bro. I don't even know what subREDDIT it was put on

>> No.20039090
File: 8 KB, 464x96, RmR4LHk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to submit that sort of thing but they never seemed to like them much so i don't bother anymore

>> No.20039097


>> No.20039099

probably the 4chanlit subreddit

>> No.20039123

Bad writing and bad meme bait.

>> No.20039148

If you recognize that then why do you do this at all? They so fucking pathetic and unsophisticated. It's openly made for these kids who are actually *afraid* of going to 4chan (as if it's illegal or will get you murdered, don't ask me how) but still get off on playing around with something clandestine. The end result is basically just reddit puns posted on 4chan and instantly snipped and posted for upvotes. Last time I checked there, the whole front page was jokes about r/antiwork being 'le dumb' (as if that's something we'd naturally talk about, and that our NEET population would even oppose it if we did).

That's all just innocently stupid but then some of them actually come here and think it's like their "greentexts". That's how we got this week's situation of dozens of redditors getting unironically mad when people use slightly arrogant language in their arguments ("you guys think you're so smart but you aren't!!", etc.) and you see people making low quality threads for single-format jokes like Sam Hyde references and getting mad if you "ruin the humor" by making replies that don't fit with them.

>> No.20039159

This is excellent, keep going and don't stop.

>> No.20039163
File: 174 KB, 835x696, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I didn't. I'm actually very discouraged this ended up on reddit as a point of ridicule. I wanted my story to be humorous and sad but I also wanted for anons to laugh with me rather than whatever demented episode this has become. It's made me realize I didn't actually think about or what might happen if I got an audience. I'm not posting any more for obvious reasons. In the end 'I' break David Bowie's teeth, I steal the girl, 'my' plan never wins her over, 'I' let her go, it ends sort of like Coriolanus 'there isnot a world elsewhere'. Oddly apropos given this thread, whatever I guess.

I agree with your skeptical paranoia because it's close to my distaste for reddit and all that entails, but you have got the causality reversed. At minimum I felt the need to defend myself this little bit even as as a formality, I have no proof any of this is true except for pic related which I can only convince you is real by appealing to the mutual indolence in the average anon. I'm glad/hope some anons hate my post on principle because of the association, I would too.

I thought I knew myself. I see now I was laboring under one last delusion, that there was anywhere for people like us. This corner of the internet used to be that, but it's something else now.

>> No.20039178

Redditors are hyenas

>> No.20039187

For what it's worth, I did enjoy your writing.

>> No.20039188

have sex

>> No.20039200

That's why I said I don't do it anymore. Things that are funny to me don't seem to be funny to reddit. Or more accurately, aren't funny to the people who use reddit today, because when I was using reddit in the 2009-2012 range I found corners of it very amusing, including the 4chan subreddit. But the site was several magnitudes smaller with way less oversite. Like, there was a subreddit called /r/niggers and you could call people a faggot all day without any problems. It's a lot different now

>> No.20039224

the comments on reddit seem positive, like people want to read it OP. I want to read it

>> No.20039228

It's a shame. I've never had a reddit account but not enough of a snob to never take a peek at it out of curiousity, so I understand being frustrated at how shit it's gotten.

Sometimes I do check to see if any of the insane happenings I've witnessed have gotten posted (for example, one guy getting unironically mad in a thread about the actor Adam Driver and asking for the address of the anon defending him so he could go murder him), but no. It's just reposts of the generic jokes they already see on reddit.

>> No.20039241
File: 823 KB, 3264x2448, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fine. Disregard reddit and anyone else who doesn't offer constructive feedback. Keep writing.

>> No.20039242

There's no greater insult than a redditor's praise.

>> No.20039268

I can't read reddit.
I browse through a proxy that ends in some dudes unsecured wifi, and shut off all javascript and cookies and whatnot, so reddit won't even render on my browser. Futaba and danbooru render even on a text browser (minus pics).
Why would anyone on any website not take such precautions?

There is plenty enough exposure here. Why risk being doxed?

>> No.20039283

Does the work have a title OP? I would rather not miss out should it ever get published.

>> No.20039300

>I wanted my story to be humorous and sad but I also wanted for anons to laugh with me
pretty much the reaction you got out of me, senpai. don't mind the reddit hivemind, people over there are too preoccupied with meeting the expectations of what they think their "community" would applaud them for saying to ever post their own thoughts on anything.

>> No.20039329

It's just framing OP. The post is framed in a way that makes reddit primed to think you're already a deranged pedo from 4chan, not just some e/lit/ist sharing their story about a character who is not you doing something retarded. Of course that's how they're interpreting it

>> No.20039331
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>> No.20039407

What was that thread about? Sounds like you found Boyega's reddit account lol

>> No.20039479

I too thought blonde blonde was intentional and OP should def keep it. Lose the swearing, also, ruins the otherwise petty solid immersion.

>> No.20039636
File: 27 KB, 625x459, RAZFFoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if any of the insane happenings I've witnessed have gotten posted
they do but redditors are pussies who report that stuff and it gets deleted unless the subs jannies are cool

>> No.20039644

>79: no reason
>1: tag this as dead body or something (thread's titled "Anon murders someone.")

>> No.20039715

Obviously was talking about 4chan

>> No.20039731

Is this from the thread where a guy was saying "It's a lot harder to strangle someone than they make it look in the movies"?

>> No.20039784

yeah I think so