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20030374 No.20030374 [Reply] [Original]

Besides Nietzsche and the French moralists, what are some other writers that wrote at length about morality?

>> No.20030433

wtf is Nietzsche?

>> No.20030437

Stop this

>> No.20030468

>be lawfag
>study the intellectually most demanding subject in academia
>read more than philosophy and literature majors
>go through well over a decade of expensove schooling
>end as either a corporate drone or repesenting Tyrone in court, and he is definetly guilty
>he throws shit at you because he is convicted

>> No.20030487

Hume, but you have to read all about the faculties of the mind and ward off chimeras like a priori causation to understand it

>> No.20030517

you know your pic is literally how the law is written, it just gets ignored because it would make the law pointless and was probably only meant to add prestige to the "law" and never intended to be followed that way. sort of like how life is called an unalienable right but the government always has and always will kill its own citizens

>> No.20030527

The problem is there are too many laws, even lawyers are getting fed up with it.
>le hate speech law
Means nothing and has no place wothin the system of criminal law

>> No.20030538

That is not true, the part about "knowingly" breaking the law means the action itself, knowing that you're doing it. Ignorance of the law has always been by default not an excuse, and has only in very rare and benign situations been accepted.


>> No.20030550


im just saying, one of the basic official rules on if someone can be punished for breaking a law is that they had to have known there is a law. along with there had to have been a law and they had to be able to understand the law. insanity please uses the last one to wiggle out of punishment

i had a professor give us one of the only, if not only, example of someone successfully winning a case on the grounds that they didnt know the law. and it wasnt even a nigger if you can believe that

>> No.20030561

>one of the basic official rules on if someone can be punished for breaking a law is that they had to have known there is a law
this is not true

>> No.20030590

its is true. laws are bullshit and elites change them on a whim to suit them though so dont get all in a huff about it. they exist only for the niggercattle

>> No.20030657

Yeah, but it's not. Read the article I sent you, it goes back to Aristotle.

Also, there are not "basic official rules" on what can be in laws apart from the US Constitution, which doesn't touch on these sorts of things almost at all.

>> No.20030676

This would be correct if the law can be inferred from basic moral principles or was broadly stated such that all members of society can be assumed to know them if they've met certain criteria, but 99% of "the laws" in a Liberal state are mind-numbingly opaque bullshit whose enforcers, at every level, can't even begin to explain why the individual law in question even exists, let alone tell you when it was first made into a law.
>b-b-but m-muh harvard pseudo-intellectual rhetorician once sai-
"Ten years of getting assraped by niggers for filing form PEEPEE-95C instead of POOPOO-69B" cannot in any sense be declared moral or ethical, simple as.

>> No.20030707

your retarded wiki article has literally nothing to do with actual us or even european law. youre arguing what should be rather than what is

the us uses different guidelines and ultimately its all semantics and bullshit and """interpretations""" do a 180 between one case and the next. yes, technically youre supposed to have known there was a law before you can be punished for it but for 99.9999999% of cases they just rule that you should have know or any reasonable person would have known and just ignore it. it does exist though and people have won cases on it

imagine how big of a jew you have to be too look at "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." and think that means you can ban people from owning guns. its all bullshit and no one has any principles anymore

>> No.20031020

Not true, the only real requirement is that the law was reasonable in the circumstances and that there was fair notice, meaning it's not a secret or difficult to comprehend law.

>> No.20031024

>"the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." and think that means you can ban people from owning guns
At that time guns were muzzle loaded and it took a skilled gunman 30 seconds to 1 minute to reload his gun for a second shot. If anything any gun which holds more than one bullet should be outlawed and any gun which can be reloaded faster than 1 minute should be outlawed. There's no evidence that at the time when the law was written the lawmakers ever thought a gun could hold 120 rounds, fire them all in 30 seconds and be reloaded with 120 rounds within 5 seconds.

>> No.20031043

>you don't have the right to defend yourself
>but you do have the right to have your children kidnapped and mutilated
No wonder people laugh at you lmfao

>> No.20031047

> technically youre supposed to have known there was a law before you can be punished for it
this is not written anywhere, there is no "technically" about it you dumb child

>> No.20031059

If the founders had any view to limit the amount of bullets that would be fired, they would have written that into the law. They specified "arms" not "weapons" as the discernible limiting factor: an arm is something you can carry in your arm.
Furthermore, this is not how laws are passed...through judicial reinterpration. If you think there should be limits on bullets or types of guns, lobby your friends and neighbours so that your politicians change the laws in the legislature.

>> No.20031060
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at that time people owned cannons and ships. the first american navy, ships cannons and all, were borrowed from private citizens

you would already know this and more if you ever gave the topic actual though instead of just repeating phrases you saw on tv to pretend youre smart

regardless that doesnt effect the law anyway. it doesnt say they wont be infringed unless they get really cool

>> No.20031066

>If you think there should be limits on bullets or types of guns, lobby your friends and neighbours so that your politicians change the laws in the legislature.
That's exactly how we got these laws, you fucking retard. Judges didn't make them, legislatures did. Judges simply chose not to stop them.

>> No.20031069

arms means a weapon you utter dipshit

>> No.20031074

The second amendment hasn't been struck down. I'm talking to the guy who wants limits on the second amendment, meaning they would have to amend the constitution.

>> No.20031078

You would also know that this law is a response to the British storming into people's houses. You can't expect a citizen to have a canon or a ship in their house now can you? Your point is nonsequitur.

>> No.20031081

...that can be carried.

>> No.20031082

It hasn't been struck down, it has just been ignored. Feel free to seethe about it all you want.


>> No.20031084

There's precedent for my argument. That's how non-land-owners, women, and black people got the right to vote.

>> No.20031086

It has been ignored in many jurisdictions, yes. I don't disagree with that. I am pro-2A in every sense.

>> No.20031087
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yeah like nuclear arms

>> No.20031088
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there already are limits (infringements) on the second amendment meaning the second amendment is not in effect

the law is meant to fight against governments and anything else you want

regardless, that doesnt effect the law anyway. it doesnt say they wont be infringed unless you cant ruck 20 miles with it

>> No.20031091

So then why are you trying to refute my point by mentioning canons and ships?

>> No.20031092

I know you are, faggot. You're getting cucked by the government and all you can do is incoherently cry about it.

>> No.20031093

Women got the vote through amendment and the supreme court ruled that non-land-owners and black people are protected under other amendments.

>> No.20031100

You're just literally mad that your guns can be taken away at any moment because that law makes no sense anymore in the present day. Keep seething.

>> No.20031104

Yes. Now how do you not understand that there is precedent to have an ammendment which reinterprete the second ammendment? You seem to think you are winning by agreeing with me.

>> No.20031110
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You're seething so hard that you're spinning in circles and can't tell who is agreeing with you and who is calling you a faggot. Get cucked, peasant.

>> No.20031117
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Why would they bother to go through the process when it's clear they can do what they want and get away with it anyway? Slaves have such silly notions about the world.

>> No.20031124

youre a dishonest and cowardly person who hides his impotence by pretending to agree with tyrannical decisions. youll support anything as long as the government enforces it ie masks and mandatory injections for jobs

>> No.20031125

Fair point. But I'd call that a misnomer. I don't think arms and weapons are perfectly synonymous. I think weapons is a more general term than arms. And I can't find the link but I'm certain it was from Scalia that I first heard this point made.
Yes, even more so here in Canada. You have no idea.
An amendment is a much more difficult and signicant piece of legislation than a bylaw, statute, or state law. It is much harder to achieve and applies to more people. That's my only point. I feel like you're implying that because lesser laws have violated the constitution that those constitutional clauses are somehow nullified.

>> No.20031135

That wasn't me.

>> No.20031149
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they were obviously fine with citizens owning cannons so how do you imagine that the right to arms magically doesnt include cannons and war machines like a cannon equipped ship?

>> No.20031178

They didn't have citizens shooting their canons from the harbor into the city. Nor at other boats in the harbor.

>> No.20031183
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Was that a troll who got tired or a legitimate retard who cried himself to sleep when he got called out for being a dumb faggot?

>> No.20031186
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i just realized im on /lit/ and not /fit/. no wonder so many of you nigger loving faggots in this thread just blindly support the government fucking you without lube

>> No.20031192

Only one guy here supported the government, the rest were just calling (you) a retard for being ignorant of basic facts.

>> No.20031193

And we don't either, what's your point?

>> No.20031215
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what basic facts? what are you even talking about? youre just shouting at random people and puffing out your chest lol. /lit/ insecurity on full display. you wont even state your argument in your dumb "i win" posts because you dont want people to challenge them

>> No.20031228

they literally had citizens turning traitor and joining enemy armies during their big fancy war of independence. how nigger brained can you get anon?

>> No.20031239

Yes they did. Those people were called Loyalists and the Framers STILL let citizens, including Loyalties who remained in the U.S., bare arms after the Revolutionary War.

>> No.20031247

It takes a very Jewish temperament to be interested in law

>> No.20031255

I'm talking about the conversation with that retard/you regarding ignorance as an excuse. No part of the constitution says that you have to be aware of a law to be convicted by it, it has always been the norm for it matter and there are only a handful of exceptions.

>> No.20031260

i have a family member whos a lawyer. i can confirm. puts up a big front about being magnanimous but is extremely condescending, petty, and hateful in private. basically just a women. its also why i know that anon who said even lawyers are tired of all these random laws is bullshit. they would outlaw water if they could

>> No.20031282

Is he a litigator or transaction?

>> No.20031306

i dont know, ive never asked him about it since i find him being a lawyer extremely distasteful and always try to ignore it. its like having an uncle be a gay porn actor that isnt ricardo or aniki

>> No.20031405

because youre being a slimy jew about it. you yourself admit that it happens as does your wiki link. i myself also pointed out that it never really comes up in court and is simply ignored. nowadays a lot of people get reduced sentences or no punishment at all because they are """refugees""" and its deemed they didnt know the local laws very well.

to say that there have been very few cases where it was successfully argued that you had to have knowledge of the law in order to be punished is the same as saying that you have to have knowledge of the law in order to be punished. no one ever won a defense because mercury is the first planet, because thats not a legal defense. this is. good luck winning a case on it though

>> No.20031499
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Try Immanuel Kant's duty ethics.

>> No.20031551

I'd respond to that but it was just a neurotic meltdown that you committed to text format

>> No.20031562

i accept your concession

>> No.20031569

You already gave me yours by making this huge stink about the constitution and failing to point to the part of it that says you can't punish people who are ignorant of laws (as there isn't one).

>> No.20031572

stop replying to me. i have accepted your concession

>> No.20031584

By violating your will with this reply I finally and irrevocably demand, recieve by force, and accept your concession. There will be no encore, and your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

>> No.20031597

i accepted your concession first, all your concessions are just a fever dream larp