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/lit/ - Literature

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20025395 No.20025395 [Reply] [Original]

Inaugural edition. This thread is for your most basic questions about the study of literature, including but not limited to:

>what should I read before X?
>what should I read after X?
>what are some works that are similar to X?
>what are some good papers or commentaries on X?
>can someone recommend the best translation for X?


>where do I start with literature?
The Greeks. First the Illiad, then the Odyssey, then the tragedies. After that read the Bible.

This OP pasta is currently incomplete. Feel free to suggest further additions.

>> No.20025405

How much do you need to read in order to be able to write a novel?
>inb4 you need real life experiences

>> No.20025445

There's no real answer to this question. Also your question is better suited for /wg/. This general is for readers.

>> No.20025447

What exactly is literary criticism and how is it different from giving out your thoughts on a book?

>> No.20025472

This is a literature board but there are no books on art history or architecture on the wiki. Can I get some recommendations? Or can someone just add it to the wiki?

>> No.20025487

Every day.

>> No.20025907

Any good books on the topic of self hatred and other inwardly-antagonistic/self-sabotaging patterns of thought?

Any good (I guess introductory) books on the french revolution? As someone who knows jack shit about the history of that time period I've always wondered why france went the way of an autocratic imperialist empire right after getting rid of muh monarchy. Wasn't part of the point of getting rid of the monarchy to prevent a small group (or one person) from having too much power?

>> No.20025930

Thank you OP i’m going to do everybody a favor and repost some of the questions here as independent threads to ensure maximum exposure

>> No.20026129

unironically the greeks

>> No.20026153

Started mishimas life to sale just recently...stopped reading for unknown reason at 65%
Started murakamis after dark...finished.
What do ?

>> No.20026272

Are books with sewn bindings really worth the extra money?

>> No.20026619

They look better on certain collections but iam very fine with paperbacks...
I can carry them around as i want and they don't break easily

>> No.20026785

Tocqueville, Carlyle, and Burke, possibly in that order, are pretty nice on France.

>> No.20027480

I think you'll get those at /his/ if you ask.

>> No.20027502
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what are some books that carry the same premise as picrel but focus on the military more? I'm reading both John Keegan's "A History Of Warfare" and Max Weber's "Economy And Society" and that would just hit the sweet spot

>> No.20027568

I think so. They are better to read, when the dust jacket is off, and they hold up much better. Sewn bound books stay open easily, yet paperbacks must be forced open, after which they must be forced closed. Paperbacks get tattered easily.they are not the kind of books you keep for yourself or for your grandchildren. I hate paperbacks. I'd pay extra for an ebook than read a paperback.

>> No.20027595

I want to start Goffman, where do i start bros ?

>> No.20027867

I need books and stories about or thematically linked to someone committing a sin of some real gravity and finding forgiveness through repentance.

Any answers obliged, although I'm working my way through The Bible already, and I'm aware I ought to read other holy texts and scriptures as well. I would appreciate it from a Christian perspective if possible, any denomination.

I don't know anything about economic, military, social or other perspectives, but of philosophy in the revolution, Enlightenment thinkers are considered to be worth reading. They provided the ideas which gave rise to the revolution, but they were not the spark nor the fire of it, from what I understand. Descartes, Diderot, Voltaire, Rousseau, Hume, Kant, and so on.

>> No.20028730

Crime and Punishment fits that description.

>> No.20028842


Its your shadow that makes you do dumb shit, stuff that you know is bad for you but you cant do the right fucking thing even though you know exactly what to do..
I started shilling this book because it was the only thing i read that truly helped me to sort my bullshit
>Warrior, Magician, Lover, King: A Guide to the Male Archetypes Updated for the 21st Century: A guide to men’s archetypes, emotions, and the development of the mature masculine in the world today by Rod Boothroyd
Just type warrior king magician in zlibrary and it will pop up.

>> No.20030383


>> No.20030963

Anons, correct me if I'm wrong.

I think it has to do with the depth of analysis. A criticism is always going to be your thoughts, but it becomes a literary criticism if you go in-depth regarding the mechanics of fiction. Also if you have real credentials and history.

There's no guidelines you have to follow when reading fiction. It's supposed to be a hobby you enjoy, so if there's a way you feel you should go, then go that way. If you're looking for suggestions though, read more Murakami.

I agree with >>20026619 but I also think paperbacks are just easier for reading, so it's not worth it.

>> No.20031738

Bump. I still think this could be a good addition to the board. How would anons here feel about a pastebin with definitions for the literary -isms?

>> No.20031766

Look at this list of books that Mary Shelley read during only a few years of her life. You need to be reading at least this much - and that’s only to become a bad writer like Mary Shelley


>> No.20031811
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I’m going to follow this guide and I already got Mythology and The Iliad + Odyssey at my local library. Any advice in general about the novels, and do I have to read the Norse section of Mythology?

>> No.20031824

I only know that Fagles is the best translation and you don't have to read any of the non-fiction books other than Mythology.

>> No.20031826

skip that hamilton recommend but the rest are good. never read a commentary book about a book youre planning on reading.

>> No.20031834

But... I already got it at my local library, and I barely know anything about the Greeks. Plus I like the parts I’ve read so far.

>> No.20032121

>skip that hamilton recommend
Why would you recommend skipping that one? What if someone knows nothing about the Greeks? To me it seems like the only essential one.

>> No.20032217
File: 400 KB, 2048x2651, alexthegreat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone recommend biographies of truly great men? King/warrior/poets and the like. I'm interested in the concept of 'Greatness' itself. The subject could be historical or contemporary, though greatness is an epithet mostly earned in eulogy.

>> No.20032223

Feynman doesn't fit the archetypes you described but he was pretty great. Look for 'Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!' if you're interested.

>> No.20032345
File: 83 KB, 800x1296, Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related, a biography of Freud, and an introductory book on Freud's thought (Edward Lear's Freud, specifically), a good starting point for someone who's interested in psychoanalysis? I have collections of Goethe and Shakespeare, too. So I have his chief literary influences at hand.