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20024954 No.20024954 [Reply] [Original]

I can barely hear any video essay or podcast without JP getting mentioned outta nowhere.
>grrr don't tell me to clean my room!
>reee he's actually controlled opposition!
It's almost if these people have daddy issues.

>> No.20024967

He's just a scapegoat. The first person they insult if they want to disagree with someone.
Funnily enough, I saw a tweet of someone screenshotting a political take from JP, which said person agreed on and said something like:
>Wow, he first time he said something that makes sense...
>He still trash though.

It's almost like people don't want to agree, because it would shatter their identity politics. Their identity disallows them to agree with someone they labelled the enemy

>> No.20024969

Actually the people who like JP have daddy issues. People don’t like him because when you really listen to what he says, it’s just a word salad but people will applaud and rave about him because he is “le Ivy League man!”

>> No.20025008

Anon, if someone has the need to mention a third party (usually an older, sucessful man if you will) in any discussion that doesn't involve them directly just outta spite, I'm assuming they have daddy issues as much as an admirer.

>> No.20025022

>self-help guru
That’s a funny way of saying “retard grifter”. Maybe he’s harmless, but I think it’s unethical to take advantage of the mentally ill.

>> No.20025027

ironic, since many of their own "heroes" probably said something as (if not more) controversial in their past than clean-your-room guy ever said

>> No.20025032

Because much of our generation is filled with socialists who want to blame others for their failures instead of themselves.

>> No.20025033
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Pre-illness and withdrawal problems he was a unique (albeit not the first) voice that offered sound and well-tested advice to men and did a lot of good.

Post illness he is a talking head that has nothing unique or meaningful to offer and now is no different to any other right-wing commentator.

He refuses to acknowledge that some form of collectivism is needed in order for Europe, and it's traditions, is desperately needed to survive. He continues to preach that the extreme form of individualism is the only way. This poisons the West.

>> No.20025037

>retard grifter
> it’s unethical to take advantage of the mentally ill.
Enlighten me

>> No.20025038

>Implying he isn't also an attention whore thriving off of people having daddy issues about him

>> No.20025040

>Extreme individualism poisons the west
Fuck off crypto-socialist.

>> No.20025049

>I think it’s unethical to take advantage of the mentally ill.
You meran it's unethical to monetize helping those who need it? The youtube videos are free and enough to regain anyone's footing.

On a different note. But you're right, with your logic VTubers are unethical because they take advantage of lonely people. So I agree with you

>> No.20025050
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>> No.20025056

I mean he grifts retards. The people buying his 12 rules for life are so unbelievably incompetent that they actually need a father figure to tell them to clean their room. It’s embarrassing. If he’s genuinely helped people improve themselves, good for them. It’s just a damn shame they needed to give their time, money and attention to someone for stating the fucking obvious.

>> No.20025062

Yeah maybe it goes both ways. Who knows, JP exposes the fatherless, the genetically unsatisfactory in regards to both the people who worship him and the people who hate him.
I’ll personally be around people who don’t get their common sense fatherly advice from YouTube recommendations, and I hope everyone in this thread does the same.

>> No.20025063

>When the obvious becomes enlightening then you'll know how grim things really are

>> No.20025065
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I hate crypto. Blood & Soil.

>> No.20025066

I just think it’s bizarre that he’s made a career out of telling people things that the average person has no problem grasping. I don’t know about you, but my self-respect would take quite the hit if I had the audience that Peterson commands.

>> No.20025079

>I hate crypto
Proving my point you're a socialist jew because its overwhelmingly (((socialists))) who hate crypto because its bad for muh environment. Crypto is what allows people to get around government censorship and private censorship after being deplatforming and stops government from funding their Jew wars.

>> No.20025087

>cash comes from appealing to broad, sanitized masses.
what did you expect? being a "white nationalist" in current year means commiting political and social suicide.

>> No.20025096

>JP exposes the fatherless, the genetically unsatisfactory in regards to both the people who worship him and the people who hate him
That’s unironically a great take and I can’t believe I’ve never thought of it before. He’s like marmite to the dysgenic and dispossessed. Brilliant.

>> No.20025110
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What schizo shit are you talking about? I literally typed blood and soil you small-hat.

>> No.20025116

T-thanks anon :)

>> No.20025121

Most people don't disagree with his views on self-help though. Even outspoken leftists will compliment his work in this regard. It's when he touches on the political that a lot of people find his views objectionable. The "clean up your room" thing is one of the most prominent examples, because it establishes an artificial barrier to political participation and neglects to mention how surmounting that barrier may be dependent upon the state of political affairs. It's like telling a lower-class Frenchman in the late 1780s that he should really earn a bit more money and take care of himself before entertaining such big ideas about the monarchy. The problem here is obvious.

Implicit in the argument he gives is that an inability to manage one's personal affairs implies an inability to consider and handle issues of 'greater' importance. Alongside the previous point, this can basically be used to shut down any criticism of the status quo by people who are suffering because of it (the most likely to offer radical criticism). Further, it's just completely wrong. There's no factor in a poor personal life that necessarily implies a person cannot meaningfully understand or criticize the system they exist within.

>> No.20025129

>that the average person has no problem grasping
The average person has deteoriorated. It's either a teen that grew up with a smartphone and ruined his dopamine receptors, or a milennial that feels out of place because everyone is the former

>> No.20025165

This is a retarded overcomplication of his argument. That poor French person couldn't affect change in any way if he didn't put his boots on properly in the morning and organize his day. Even if that just meant learning about the tyranny he lived under. It's the most simple practical advice and Twitter idiots still found a way to seethe about it.

>> No.20025203

Not a fervent fan of his. I get that personal and society's health are a two way street, but what's more closer to your reach? Your own personal challenges, or those of the collective?

I think that's the reasoning behind the first steps to treating depression for instance. First you try to fix your sleep schedule, exercise routine, sun exposure, eating and drinking habits. Then you try to rationalize and externalize your ailments (by keeping a journal, meditation whatever). Then you try to use antidepressant medications.

Blaming your failures into society (while maybe holding some truth) is like cutting directly the treatment to use SSRIs.

>> No.20025218

This is a reduction of what he's actually saying. It's subtly more than "managing your personal affairs is good".
>If you can’t even clean up your own room, who the hell are you to give advice to the world?
>My sense is that if you want to change the world, you start with yourself and work outward because you build your competence that way. I don’t know how you can go out and protest the structure of the entire economic system if you can’t keep your room organized.
At no point does he consider how the state of one's room might be connected to the political environment a person finds themselves within. He's directly implying that a failure in this regard is necessarily correlated with some sort of illegitimacy to take political action.

>> No.20025253

>you're a socialist jew because its overwhelmingly (((socialists))) who hate crypto because its bad for muh environment
Not him but I think your brain might be broken by /pol/ dude. It’s like your brain has been conditioned to extrapolate strawmen out from the tiniest fragment of data. Do you even realise you’re talking to a real person right now and not mickey mouse?

>> No.20025262

No problem. I guess it means the sane take is just to ignore him completely. Guess I’m leaving this thread and never coming back. See ya!

>> No.20025273
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>Stop making objectively-backed criticisms of my hero! I almost never read so it took me a lot of work to read his book, and I don't want you making me feel bad about it!

>> No.20025276

>He's just a scapegoat. The first person they insult if they want to disagree with someone.
you guys say such random shit in your seething

>> No.20025281

Look, I absolutely agree from a pragmatic standpoint, that exerting control over your immediate surroundings is the ideal way to go. Even if you're interested in politics, you can generally do a lot more by organizing on a local level and then building up. I don't think many (or any?) of his detractors even disagree with these points. I think the cause of contention is that what he's saying feels like a repackaged personal responsibility meme, which can very easily get out of hand and into silencing people who, despite their poor personal lives, maybe have something important to say.

>> No.20025285

Point taken.

>> No.20025293
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>>Stop making objectively-backed criticisms of my hero! I almost never read so it took me a lot of work to read his book, and I don't want you making me feel bad about it!

>> No.20025304

I just don't understand the practical realities of your argument. Even prisoners can find ways to clean up their act, engage with rehab programs, work in the prison kitchens, get time off for good behaviour and work release programs. It's hard to think of someone more oppressed on a technical level than a guy locked up for years. Sure, he might have had a shit upbringing, he may have fell into the wrong crowd as a kid, hell, he may have even been innocent, but the chance is always there, and offsetting that personal sense of orientation to something good in a sardonic 280-character "oh, you meant to say he should just ignore all the shit in his life forevermore?" reply achieves nothing. It's hard to hear, which is why the troons hate it.

>> No.20025364

No, you're dumb Jew.
You've even a stupider Jew, and probably a product of Jewish inbreeding.

>> No.20025375


>> No.20025380

I think it's my fault for being unclear. The point I'm trying to make isn't that looking after yourself and managing your personal affairs is a bad thing. I absolutely agree that we should endeavour to have tidy rooms and orderly schedules. But using this as a kind of precondition to greater political participation, ignoring or downplaying the perspectives of people who maybe don't have a great personal situation, gets really messy really fast.
Regarding the situation you describe, I interpret JP's point as both the encouragement for the prisoner to better himself, but also as the prison guard rejecting his appeals for fair treatment because of some minor reason about the disorderliness of his cell. It's hard to disentangle, but where he recommends personal responsibility and improving oneself, of course I agree. But when this starts being connected to a kind of political worldview, where the loudest voices should be those that are most 'personally responsible', I start to disagree.

>> No.20025387

>>If you can’t even clean up your own room, who the hell are you to give advice to the world?
My issue is that his life is a messy pile of shit and he suffers from drug addiction and "lifelong depression" (actual quote). By his own logic, he shouldn't be opening his mouth at all.

>> No.20025404
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99% of western people are mentally ill retards. This thread is proof.

>> No.20025411

He has fallen into the exact same trap as every other moderately intelligent "public intellectual" of our age. People keep asking about his opinion on broad issues that are further and further from his field of expertise, and the pressure to seem educated and to give a clever and revolutionary answer makes him overreach and eventually voice a completely braindead opinion that everyone knows is bullshit.
Elon Musk is the best example of this.

>> No.20025418


He's a fascist.

>> No.20025419

give one example
I'll wait

>> No.20025428

>does God exist?
>*Jordan Peterson breaks down crying*

>> No.20025430
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This is from Pynchon you moron

as usual these threads are full of ideologically brainwashed shills and liars, really have to credit Peterson, he lives rent free as FUCK in your heads, every day you guys go out and shill against him as though someone is paying you (they're not) with the dumbest and most shameless lies.

>> No.20025434

Ah okay, I get what you mean. You're most likely right. I might be poisoned because until now it seemed the people who hated his argument were clearly the most embarrassing trannies coping with being literal shells of people embarrassed that the big meanie was arguing against their right to screech.

>> No.20025436


>> No.20025450

is pretending peterson wrote gr some epic new meme? i don't get it

>> No.20025458
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>You've even a stupider Jew, and probably a product of Jewish inbreeding.

I don't think you're a real person, but a character played by somebody. Probably Anti-Western, my guess is China based on the slightly odd sentence structure poor grasp of grammar.

Same with >>20025079

There is no benefit to preaching the extreme individualism which brings the complete break down of a community, culture, family and eventually the individual itself. He can nudge the argument that way without going full 88s. I keenly await the next figure and hope he urges unity within Nations and expulsion of the parasite.

>> No.20025459


>> No.20025463

That's fair. I think a few breadtubers made videos about him with somewhat nuanced arguments that their twitter fans distilled down into pure hate. It's sad to see because he does have good advice.

>> No.20025469

>I keenly await the next figure
Why do you wait for a leader instead of becoming one yourself?

>> No.20025475
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Because I'm not a leader.

>> No.20025479

still waiting

>> No.20025481
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He's on the wrong track theologically because God is everything and I am thereby part God. I was born this way.

>> No.20025486

So you think Jordan Peterson is qualified to tell us if God exists and crying is an acceptable answer. Tells us quite a lot about you.

>> No.20025507

I like JP a lot. But I wish he would stick to psychology lectures, and maybe some self-help: I don't think 12 Rules for Life was awful, but it was twice as long as it should be, filled religious and politics themes that had little relation with the given advice.

Also, he's a compelling speaker. Doing this is the most imporant thing in a self-help book or lecture I think, because most content can have some good advice but in the end people hardly do shit to follow the advice given in these books.

>> No.20025515
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He was good, great even. At his best, one of the best. But he is gateway tier, move on and find deeper, more complex thinkers.

>> No.20025519

The Holocaust is just made up kike bullshit. I remember this one kike who mouthed off to me. I kicked his ass, and he went running to the Koban. I just told the cops he attacked me and his ass went to jail. Should have seen the look on his face when his kike privilege didn’t work. Oy vey!

>> No.20025520

who do you think is qualified to tell us if God exists?

>> No.20025526

> my guess is China based on the slightly odd sentence structure
Also note, that anon is talking about the value of crypto in getting around government censorship. I wonder which country is infamous for that kind of thing, hm?

>> No.20025529

>jazz music is... LE BAD!
kek, but I get what you mean.

>> No.20025530

a retarded baboon would be more qualified

>> No.20025569

he's a great speaker. but I couldn't bring myself to read more than 5 pages of his book. there's so much ramble in it and he constantly over-explains his own thought process instead of just going straight to the point.

>> No.20025584

good to know that you take arguments of authority from baboons.

>> No.20025590
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>this is what JP-loving manchildren consider a good comeback

>> No.20025613
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imagine being able to think for yourself instead of caring about qualifications.

>> No.20025642

From the thread on tw*tter where JBP said no one should be allowed to be anon:
Fantasy. Buck-up bootstraps anti-narcissism is salutary but shadowed by grandiosity and magical thinking
Telling people to ‘man up’ is good advice, to a point, but can be naive about the limits of agency, especially in inflamed social contexts and against strong political forces. This doesn’t mean the professor is wrong - ordinary people withstand and emerge from hardship all the time, I’m certain he’s helped people do that. Psychologists, social workers, teachers, pastors, role models make a difference in people’s lives and motivated individuals can do plenty on their own. But political phenomena are of a different order (imo?). It’s a fantasy that Mr Smith can go to Washington and break open the crusted hearts of the corrupt. Tho I meant “fantasy” as both a criticism and paradoxically an answer to his question. The final intended implication was that the temperamentally “conservative” advice to steel oneself for the rigors of life and take them on is the opposite of narcissism: there’s no self-pity and the intent is to exercise maximal agency productively. But I think that mindset is shadowed by narcissism, or sort of, haunted by the ghost of the narcissism it expels. There’s a tempered grandiosity in the belief that “if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.” People are sometimes thwarted or even defeated by circumstance, it’s a fact of life. And even though there’s plenty of liberty to “strategize”, change jobs, or like, heroically stand against the spirit of the times, there’s no failure of character in choosing caution about how much to broadcast one’s opinions in an unusually sensitive and censorious social moment. The narcissism in advising otherwise is a kind of heroic thinking about human possibility commingled with magical thinking about other people’s lives. “Just write some letters to the editor about free speech and start your own business”. “No one can make you feel canceled without your consent.” Apprehensions about social consequence are reasonable and proportionate, many people have seen some kind of “zeal” up close and it can be overpowering. Being anon on Twitter isn’t cowardly like reporting your neighbor to the secret police. It’s unfortunate that it’s necessary! A healthier liberalism doesn’t require it. There are climates with no constant risk of reputational disaster or firing. But the current state of affairs is better resisted by anonymity, for a number of reasons, than by a Mr Smith Jimmy Stewart martyrdom.

>> No.20025659

I don't have to imagine it, I do it. Meanwhile, you just suck off your pseud father figure and cry when someone criticized him.

>> No.20025726

I think it's quite obvious that you care about arguments of authority more than listening to someone's opinion and then making up your own mind about it. I disagree with his views about god but I don't feel the need to question the qualifications for his claims.

>> No.20025739

You're pretending I'm saying "um excuse me sweetie, what is your degree in?" but I'm just saying he's a retard. Being a non-retard is the qualification I demand.

>> No.20025830

>every day you guys go out and shill against him as though someone is paying you (they're not)

>> No.20025842

still waiting, you gonna give a real example or what? do you not have one talking out your ass

>> No.20025895

what does it matter if he's a literal bot generating random strings of speech? even a broken clock is right twice a day, and if his advice happens to have practical utility in the present days, then I'll take it. but of course, you'd have to be able to pass a turing test in order to understand something like this.

>> No.20025911

The good advice he gives can be gotten better other places, and everything original that he has produced is dogshit.

>> No.20025915

This poster "trusts the experts". Who cuts the barber's hair though? Which experts can identify and ordain other experts? The expert identifier's field of expertise would exclude any fields of knowledge of the experts he claims to be able to select. because he has committed himself to mastering expert selecetion. It's very clear this cannot be possible, as it is common knowledge that human beings can only be masters and experts of one thing at time, and thus invalidate their opinions on all other matters.

How about people just answers questionable to the best of their ability, and it's the asker's responsibility to know if the answer they got is retarded?

>> No.20025951

fair point. but unfortunately for me, I never had a better place. I was raised by a single mom with low income. no books in the house whatsoever, etc... if it wasn't for the internet, I'd still be illiterate. not to mention that I'm not even english native which only delayed my internet literacy further.

>> No.20025975

normies HATE philosophical discussions, he's capitalizing on that. The things you think are obvious people absolutely roll their eyes if you want to talk about them irl

>> No.20026078

>There is no benefit to preaching the extreme individualism which brings the complete break down of a community, culture, family and eventually the individual itself.
This is just retarded. The break down of culture, family and the individual a moral failing that starts with the individual. You're basically making an argument that people are not responsible for their actions and shouldn't suffer the consequences of them. Its ridiculous. And of course a bum like you would make that argument. You're not exactly a good role model for your own race.

>> No.20026088

He's a spokesman for neoliberalism, so he's a fag. However he does get young people to read Jung and Nietzche and Dostoyevsky, so at the very least he's a gateway to somthing deeper. But his primary function is to manufacture consent to allow neoliberalism to continue undisturbed.

>> No.20026143

this. I hate dick lickers so much. Every time there's a semi-interesting internet personality they will form a fandom around it and it just degenerates into a circlejerking fuckfest with no freedom of thoughts

>> No.20026146
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>. The break down of culture, family and the individual a moral failing that starts with the individual.

When everybody does their own thing there is no cause to enjoin with others or the group, therefore culture gradually dies away as nobody feels obligated to engage in it.

>You're basically making an argument that people are not responsible for their actions and shouldn't suffer the consequences of them.
This is completely unrelated to what I am saying, but since you bring it up I will tie it in with my argument. Nobody suffers consequences for -not- doing anything, be it work, caring for family or any number of things because the government does not care, the Western nation-state does not care about preservation of culture, people, values. Only money.

>And of course a bum like you would make that argument. You're not exactly a good role model for your own race.
Don't lower yourself to needling and slurs, I would like a good faith discussion with you. I think the time is now to do so, as more and more extremist people and viewpoints come in to the public sphere, why should we not have one that espouses our worldview?

>> No.20026212

> fails at repelling bill 16
> believes that student indoctrination starts when they reach universities
> fails to understand how bureaucracy kills individual agency of younger generations
> gave up on teaching
> the insistence that western values are not dead

where is that glorious western civilisation that he continually speaks of? seems to me like neoliberalism will fall by the very hands that he's raising.

the sheer irony of defending that we need common cultural values after the left tore them to the ground and Jordan Peterson has been defending that we need to return to Christianity. What you are trying to do ammounts to no more than replacing one objective belief system with a worse objective belief system. You are not going to replace religion with state sponsored ideology. It's just not going to happen. God is dead and we need to get rid of his putrifying corpse that is infesting our belief systems.

>> No.20026221

I'm not a huge fan or anything but I've noticed Zizek never gets mentioned in these tirades.

>> No.20026253

Personally, I hate that this retarded fuck is taken seriously (yes, even by his retarded fans) and has made millions.
I wonder if there's some jealousy in there --because my mother was hungry for material success- paired with rejection of her values.

>> No.20026270
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>the sheer irony of defending that we need common cultural values after the left tore them to the ground and Jordan Peterson has been defending that we need to return to Christianity

You are quite clearly confused and have made gross assumptions. You can not encourage a group wide value system without some central force mandating it, kind words of encouragement do not provide motivation to return any standard value system. Hence why his work is now futile as he has nailed his flag quite firmly to God, when previously he was more Gnostic in his utterances.

Peterson hopes people will all individually come to the same conclusion and join him in his multicultural Christian future but without any centralized and mandated power. This does not happen. To get a large group to share values and beliefs there must be a unifying force with the goal of developing culture, this is true as far back as we know, from ancient Sparta and Rome to modern times.

>What you are trying to do amounts to no more than replacing one objective belief system with a worse objective belief system.
I disagree, Christianity, and all Abrahamic Creeds for that matter, are becoming little more than the religious arm of Globohomo. They should be rejected outright and a more nativist ethics replace it.

>> No.20026364

why would you be jealous of the millions he makes if you rejected your mother's materialistic values? maybe you're jealous of him because he appeals to spiritual values and is far more successfull at that than even the church itself. the enlightened intelectuals will never convince the ignorant masses that comunism is good.

sounds good in theory until you realize that I have no reason to accept your arbitrary truth over someone elses arbitrary truth (or even my own for that matter). If you want to have a central force to mandate values, you're gonna have to fight a bloody civil war over it. my arguments have been made from the perspective that we should rather avoid that. we can't go back to religion but at the same time I absolutly reject anyone else telling me what to believe in as well. so you're either gonna have to live with that, or you're gonna have to step over my corpse. we are already seeing the consequences of this in canada with the vaccine mandates. but of course the truckers are the ones who are nazies. how dare they have autonomy over their own lives.

>> No.20026382

>When everybody does their own thing there is no cause to enjoin with others or the group,
You keep repeating your same retarded. Argument. Individuals have agency. If people do their own thing, and fail, they suffer the consequences - which is the break down of their traditions, their culture and communities. You are retarded, and don't seemingly want to realize cause and effect exist. The decline of society is all personal. No stupid general statements from you change that fact. Learn to accept responsibility for what you do instead of blaming others and your entire mindset would go away.

>> No.20026394

Because I still want her love?

>> No.20026395

>think the time is now to do so, as more and more extremist people
I'm perfectly find with sending a SWAT team after you if you become a problem. I'm not going to be intimidated some low life thug threatening violence because they won't get their way. Just give me an excuse, and we'll get the body ready for you.

>> No.20026429

He doesn’t shift the overton window, but he opens it.

>> No.20026431

>Learn to accept responsibility for what you do instead of blaming others and your entire mindset would go away.
This. Internet nazis waste their time parroting "le jooz are to blame for my failings" while doing nothing to improve their own lives.

They blame "cuck"stianity ( based on some tiktok prottie memes and catholic scandal newslines) as well for their complacency while also suffering from a savior complex. Again; doing nothing for their own betterment like stated here:

At least christians are by far much more well-adjusted members of society, building families and healthier communities.

>> No.20026446
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Who actually cares about this 'fellow white' anyway?

Nobody tell him.

>> No.20026450

So I downloaded like 30GB of Jordan Peterson's lectures (Biblical Series, 2017 Personality, and 2017 Maps of Meaning) in 1080p. I even took the time to download the subtitles (I like subtitles, OK?). I plan on watching them eventually.

Will I come to regret this decision? Is my disk space better served for other files?

>> No.20026452
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>arbitrary truth over someone elses arbitrary truth
I have called nothing arbitrary truth, but I understand where you are coming from. Call them other things, nationalism, natalism, ethnic solidarity.

>If you want to have a central force to mandate values, you're gonna have to fight a bloody civil war over it.
I understand I stand with you, against violence up to a point. But that viewpoint assumes that if things keep heading down the same path that we will be as kindly treated as minorities are now. I do not think that will happen, history too says it will not happen.

>I absolutely reject anyone else telling me what to believe in as well. so you're either gonna have to live with that, or you're gonna have to step over my corpse. we are already seeing the consequences of this in Canada with the vaccine mandates. but of course the truckers are the ones who are nazies. how dare they have autonomy over their own lives.

Is the root of that because the government no longer serves the people? Healthcare is made to derive as much profit from us as it can, media is designed to program us, food industry poisons us. We're living in a wild, backwards world where left is right. Would you still feel the same way if there was demonstrable evidence of trying to build a strong, healthier, more educated citizenry? Something akin to Sparta.

Fuckin' kek. Cope, Goldstein.

If it was natural, I would be inclined to agree with you. But when every single aspect of our nation is weaponized against you, it's difficult to simply walk on by. It become invigorating to engage in the push back, to see others share your views and values. We know every board on this site is flooded with shills, bots and state actors encouraging some views while ridiculing and mocking others. We see this in this thread. It only serves to further galvanize resistance against it.

>> No.20026543

You already downloaded it, there's nothing to regret unless you've wasted valuable time and space.
I personally just watched through the years his youtube lectures and read his 3 books.

>> No.20026549

>Would you still feel the same way if there was demonstrable evidence

the problem is not the wrong "science". the problem is the mandates themselves. a very clear distinction has to be made between what is [evidence] and what is [decision in face of that evidence]. since 2020, people were silenced for disagreeing with the government. tyranical measures were enforced in the name of [evidence] which has now proven to be wrong. the government apologized and said the mandates were a mistake but the status quo has changed permanently. people have subconsciously accepted the fact that the government has the power to mandate. so as you can see, the [evidence] has been refuted, but the [decision in face of that evidence] has effectively been enforced.

arrogance blinds people to the fact that they make mistakes. if you want common values, then let them be values that allow people to understand eachother and resolve their conflicts, like honesty and free speech. not this pseudo-moralistic nonsense that people on the left want to enforce.

>> No.20026553

Yeah the guy that admittedly wrote bs over some fanfiction. At least read and study your own ideology.

>> No.20026557

>But when every single aspect of our nation is weaponized against you
What is life without adversaries? You're just complaining and looking for excuses for people to feel sorry for you. That's just part of being alive. You're always going to have adversity. You must fight it. You talk a lot, but you don't do a lot. That's why you're 4chan being a fucking psued and waste of time. Go do something and stop bitching already faggot

>> No.20026588
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>the problem is not the wrong "science". the problem is the mandates themselves.

The problem is that there is so many red flags with the vaccine itself, we all suspect them of all manner of evil things. I think this was most objectionable thing, were it a simple vaccine, one and done, without complications, people would not of needed the mandate as we would of all understood and believed the vaccine would be required. The inherent lack of phillia in the West, the compete disconnect between leaders and citizens has made it a literal battleground. One in which we are losing.

All you have is ad-hominen, but I will engage with you. It does make life simpler, has made several parts of life very easy to deal with. This included. You're right that adversity encourages competency. Hence why the Alt-Right was a thing, why it still is a thing, albeit it goes under a dozen new name. There are far more ghost-skins in society then there was a decade ago.

Far more people are quietly looking out their windows and seeing what every major city in the Union is becoming. With contempt and disgust they go to work, driving by things that they would gladly see removed from society, tributes and memorials to people who they are secretly glad they died. Their tvs, phones and computers constantly try to push an ideology they are incapable of relating to. All this breeds a man who will allow certain actions in return for certain guarantees made.

>> No.20026658

>word salad

>> No.20026763

to give you some credit, I don't oppose the use of force. the reason why governments exist in the first place is because collectives are stronger than individuals. therefore I believe that the function of the government is to be the collective that opressess other collectives so that citizens can remain individuals. the smallest minority will always be the individual. so any of the "collective minorities" can go screw themselves as far as I'm concerned. no minority deserves special privileges over individuals.

however, the problem remains that we still need to agree on shared values. people are stupid and we're not going to always understand each other. so instead of striving for an ideal society, perhaps we need a society that can keep us moving in the right direction and then perhaps we could argue that that in itself constitutes the ideal society.

rather than reaching a conclusion for what is ideal, perhaps the perpetual debate itself constitutes the ideal. a society which does not settle on any stupid decision, but instead keeps moving forward.

which brings us back to the begining, which is that if the government wants to enforce anything, it should be freedom. and anyone who wants to arrogantly enforce their own views is an enemy to free individuals.

>> No.20026779

I just don't consider him intelligent and he is very naive. He has miles and miles to go before he ever comes close to someone like james corbett or ryan dawson.

>> No.20026934
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>the smallest minority will always be the individual.

Have you considered having the smallest political/social/economic unit as the family? Instead of the individual.

>> No.20026954

Nigger listen to him on his recent Joe Rogan podcast (pardon the cringe source) and tell me it’s not a word salad