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/lit/ - Literature

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20024478 No.20024478 [Reply] [Original]

>Hokey pokey mediocre sci fi plots
>better, more thought provoking story lines on episodes of the Twilight Zone
Remind me lit, why is this considered among the greatest philosophical literature?

>> No.20024490


>> No.20024508
File: 16 KB, 321x400, jorge-luis-borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filtering by borges

>> No.20024509

Hurr durr library of babel so gud as if that hadn’t been played out 40 years before with the monkey/typewriter anecdote

>> No.20024690

The people shilling him are the people from his shithole or whatever.

I for one do not read authors who died when they were over 70. something about their cushy life does not go well with me

>> No.20024705

>The people shilling him are the people from his shithole or whatever.
Prove it

>> No.20024712

I'm a native speaker and I don't get the Borges hype either. It's just clever gimmicks. Whoaaah! So clever!

>> No.20024721

You know this board is going to shit when faggots are getting filtered by Borges.

>> No.20024732

there was a thread a few days ago whose OP was a literal high schooler trying to get anons to write his AP English essay kek

>> No.20024733

Borges is just a mathlet who couldn't grasp a convergent infinite series. He couldn't cope with that reality and wrote his gay labyrinth stories.

>> No.20024742

Link? I need a good laugh.

>> No.20024744

Perfect example of those faggots.

>> No.20024751

AP classes are always filled with the worst kind of shysters. You can tell they're all children of the managerial class by behavior alone.

>> No.20024791


this is the absolute state of /lit/ in 2022 kek

>> No.20024806

Yes. Lol at all the Borges defenders who just say “filtered” yet can’t provide any positive endorsement of his work.

It’s just okay. I think Dick had more interesting ideas and better structure to his fiction

>> No.20024811 [DELETED] 

your IPv4 address:

>> No.20024821

>can’t provide any positive endorsement of his work.
Eh, he's a canonical writer and considered one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. Authors from Nabokov to Bolaño have spoken wonders of him.
>I think Dick had more interesting ideas and better structure to his fiction
Not sure where this comparison comes from. Borges is not even a sci-fi writer.

>> No.20024828
File: 336 KB, 524x694, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek literal copy and paste too.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry

>> No.20024928
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>> No.20024980

I think it’s fair to argue that he is, though six different didn’t really exist as a defined genre when he wrote. But his ideas about infinity and reality definitely fit within the realm of science fiftion

>> No.20025000

I don't see how he's a sci-fi writer just because he dealt with the themes of infinity and reality.

>> No.20025011

>sci fi

>> No.20025100

It’s true. He’s literally the Rick and Morty of South American lit

>> No.20025105

Nah, you just hate him for no reason.

>> No.20025114

And you just love him because a bunch of pseuds circle jerk him.

I don’t even hate him btw, I actually really like his nonfiction essays. I just think Ficciones is extremely overrated

>> No.20025126

Is this bait or did you really get incredibly filtered? Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius alone places Borges above most writers.

>> No.20025144

I love him because I like his body of work.

>> No.20025194

>oooo schwifty the one where Rick finds a fabricated society created by a cult and a bunch of intellectuals end up taking the b8

It’s fucking mediocre, the only interesting thing about it are the bits where he toys with linguistics but if I wanted syntactic structures I’d go read fucking Chomsky. The plot itself is campy sci fi

>> No.20025255

It struck me as shallow as well. Incidentally I've been reading Death in Midsummer and Other Stories by Mishima and it's amazing, lots of depth. If you want something else

>> No.20025377

You see, you dense motherfucker? You got utterly filtered. Missed the point entirely. Fuck me, you even got filtered by the term science fiction. What a complete mess.

>> No.20025417

Waaah you missed the point! But I get it with my refined literature sense that is composed entirely of the opinions of others because my empty head can’t conceptualize an original idea!! Wubba lubba dub dub!

>> No.20025424


>> No.20025643

Go back

>> No.20025653

you're the faggot referencing rick and morty and getting filtered by based Georgie

>> No.20025675

And you’re the faggot who can’t even defend literatures pickle Rick other than “it’s good because people say he’s good” nothing more fucking Reddit than unoriginality

>> No.20025724

>he missed that borges was not the victim of a secret cult but actually living in tlon himself
there you go. stop being an annoying little shit and accept you may not be that underachieving prodigy you convinced yourself you were

>> No.20025736

Do angl*s really? You got filtered by Spanish.

>> No.20025746

>he doesn't know
kek what a retard

>> No.20025752

Are you fucking retarded? The pickle Rick narrator realized the cult of Tlon had grown to such prominence that its teachings had encompassed all of modern intellectualism/ academia despite his early realization that the world had been fabricated.

Go the fuck back

>> No.20025840

>filtered town, population: you
no, that’s not it at all. reread the story, focus on the concept of hronir, and try to grasp what the fuck is going on in that story before you ever comment on it again
>this story is bad because I only understood what was explicitly told to my face
you dumb motherfucker

>> No.20025896

Retard gg

>> No.20026332

>And you just love him because a bunch of pseuds circle jerk him.
This take is always retarded, but it really stands out when used on Borges lol
His work is incredibly easy to like

>> No.20026528

Borges is overrated trash, pretentious.
He doesn't even get Spinoza

>> No.20026540

>pretentious because his literary erudition far surpasses mine

>> No.20026551

What’s a high tier sci-fi plot according to your taste?

>> No.20026564

borges is boring as shit

>> No.20026568

Huh? He's one of the most entertaining literary short story writers. Just a pleasure to read.

>> No.20026574

Are you spelling things wrong on purpose to subconsciously communicate irony?

>> No.20026605

falsely humble maybe, but pretentious?

>> No.20026784

>He’s literally the Rick and Morty of South American lit
As a South American, LMAO. It's kind of true. Borges readers are like those retards who praise "high concept" shows like Community or Rick and Morty. Borges is obviously better though.

>> No.20026800

Why are South Americans so garbage? Literally all the posts ITT starting with "as a South American..." are nothing but negativity.

>> No.20026816

Borges is obviously not above criticism, but the criticism he does get is usually brainlet tier

>> No.20026829

I like Borges as a person and I think he was insanely erudite and clever, but he writes children stories for adults. He never wrote anything that wasn't a gimmick. He's like a guy who tells you truly great anecdote at a party and everyone is incredulous at how fun he is, but at the end of the day there's no deep to it. "Immortals never say goodbye to each other, just I see you later." "The perfect map would cover the whole terrain." So clever!!!
There are better South American writers.

>> No.20026854

>newfags collect a list of "/lit/ authors"
>think everything posted here is some penultimate of fiction
>get disappointed when its doesn't make them cum their pants
many such cases

>> No.20026855

This is why I’ve always preferred his nonfiction. His fiction is very clever ideas delivered in campy Boy Scout stories

>> No.20026868

>some penultimate of fiction
Penultimate: last but one in a series of things; second last.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.20026879

Everyone knows the ultimate is reserved for Moby Dick

>> No.20026880

As I’ve said above Dick had more interesting ideas with better structure, though in terms of prose Borges is better
Tbh even Reddit Asimov has had some better sci fi ideas than the average Borges story

>> No.20026886

>There are better South American writers.
In poetry and novels, maybe, but not in short stories. And I'm not sure what you mean by 'gimmick', there are no 'gimmicks' to his fiction, just ideas you dislike.

>> No.20026889

Borges never even intended to be a sci-fi writer, so this burger tier misconception is embarrassing at this point.

>> No.20026890

>but not in short stories
>who is Juan Rulfo?

>> No.20026892

>South American

>> No.20026900


>> No.20026904


>> No.20026907

Still a faggot

>> No.20026920


>> No.20027060


>> No.20027061


>> No.20027106

i doubt either fanbase would describe those shows as high concept