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20024076 No.20024076 [Reply] [Original]

I am currently reading the manifesto and it has such bright points that it makes me know that I would have gone crazy if I had read it by the time it was published how did the general public react when it was published and when it was revealed that it was literally written by genius?

>> No.20024292

He killed innocent people though.

>> No.20024420

Collateral damage

>> No.20024656

imagine being the very first reader of ISaiF, probably some fbi fag or NY times editor. Lol, must've been wild.

>> No.20024682

Can't wait for that fag to die of cancer finally. Hope he burns in hell.

>> No.20024845

>t. coolheaded logician tech elitist

>> No.20024851

Participants in industrial society are all guilty by Kaczynski's logic.

>> No.20024872
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can you quote any of these bright points? he seems like a spaz making obvious points and also hyper focusing on his ideology. i bet he either explains nigger behavior as being a result of tech or just conveniently ignores it entirely

>> No.20024905

>how did the general public react when it was published
Poorly. You have to remember he was THE mad bomber. A manifesto written by a terrorist* was not something the general public was interested in. Even today if you told the regular people at your job or or school or whatever that you were reading the Unabomber's work you would be met with suspicion.

>> No.20024935

"innocent" no

How has every manifesto released in your lifetime been received? Hell, Putin has been very clear on why he's doing what he's doing, do people even pay attention or engage with his arguments? No, they ignore it because bad man bad.

>> No.20024936

>how did the general public react
The general public doesn't read, doofus.

>> No.20024968

Not as many as the government but you still listen to what they say

>> No.20024974

Some parts are decent, but others read like a Fox News script

>> No.20024993
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the problem with these types of terrorist, jihadist, putin manifestos is that they bring up some inconvenient truths (like the west is a bunch of faggot niggers that import their faggot nigger "culture" places its not wanted) and people mistakenly believe that only some super enlightened person could have come to such a conclusion therefore everything this person says must be grains of wisdom. have any of you actually listened to terrorist statements? like 90% are great points, the only problem is the method they want to use to achieve those points most of the time and the fact that just because their PR says they believe in something, doesnt mean they actually do and arent just power hungry crazies like every other person on the planet

you would think 4chin off all places would be comfortable with admitting taboo truths to themselves without needing to believe a whole package with a lot of extra baggage tacked on

>niggers, trannies, faggots, and f*males are annoying!
>wow so true!!!!11!
>we need to attack this elementary school and force all the boys into being child solders and rape all the girls to death
>hmmm well youre the guy who correctly understands that no one likes niggers so you must be right about this too. lets go!

>> No.20025059

>>we need to attack this elementary school and force all the boys into being child solders and rape all the girls to death
Truly you must be one of God's Chosen People to conflate terrorists like the IRA and Uncle Ted with the Taliban and African Warlords. Very impressive, enjoy your next bris.

>> No.20025067
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taliban arent terrorists you nigger brained americlap

>> No.20025099

I'm perfectly aware, I was accusing that lovely money-changer over there of conflating the two to disparage smart people who use violence as a political tool.

>> No.20025128

I think this is a symptom of a society which actively tries to prevent non-participation. Most people who are dissatisfied enough to acknowledge the insanity of Western culture have already been pushed close to violence by its annoying insistence on stamping out non-participators.

>> No.20025131
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youre not actually making a point at all """uncle ted""" and IRA (i assume youre a 1/16th irish american larper) are terrorists the same as everything else. the mark of a terrorists is their belief that they know whats best for the group. if the majority of people actually believed with them they wouldnt be terrorists

>uuuuh tech bad!
>uuuuuh ill live in the woods! (but not really and ill walk to the grocery store every week to get me food)
>uuuuuh ill kill random people!

and you think thats all ok because he has a few good points. exactly the behavior i detailed here >>20024993

>> No.20025166

>the mark of a terrorists is their belief that they know whats best for the group. if the majority of people actually believed with them they wouldnt be terrorists
Oh, you're just stupid. Carry on then.

>> No.20025180

Ted Kaczynski, like Vaush, is great in his rhetorical skills, however that doesn't mean that his view points are actually good.

>> No.20025211

Word of advice, don't talk like that in public, you sound like a woman

>> No.20025215

Again I think the issue is that you cannot refuse participation in Anglo-Industrial society. If those who saw the deep unfixable contradictions in it were allowed to leave and not be forced to stare deep into its chasm at all times I'm sure the violence would never come. Instead Anglo-Industrial society has decided to become a predator, and hunts down those who disagree with it instead of simply letting them be. This is firstly the problem of a society that embraces radical social darwinism and a might makes right view of the world. Kaczynski and Al-Qaeda are creations of imperialism and ruthlessness, not self-made destroyers.

>> No.20025339

thx for the advice

>> No.20025415
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If you want more depth to Ted's concerns with technology, I suggest reading Ellul's work on technique (which inspired Ted's manifesto).

>> No.20026071
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>Comparing Ted to Vaush
Excellent bait.
Anywho, Ted was a turboautist. He managed to cope for a while by living alone in the woods until he snapped.
His argumentation is flawless, and I believe he was correct in everything he wrote, Unfortunately you can never stop technological progress, nor can you make it regress. Luddism, or Neo-Luddism is, at its core, an ideology that is most diametrically opposed to human nature. We as a species were driven to technological progress since the creation of the stone axe. If there were regressions they were accidental (the dark ages), and eventually we picked up right where we left off.
The only way to defeat industrial society, should you want to, is to leave it.

>> No.20026481

He is crazy. His viewpoint is not realistic. He killed people. His viewpoints on race are interesting?

>> No.20026498

The only relevant thing you said regarding his work is his outlook on race -- which he doesn't even really care about.

Why does nearly every "critique" of his writing talk about the killing and not the actual work? I feel like some people are afraid to admit, perhaps, they agree with him for fear it would malign them as potential terrorists.

>> No.20026524

one of the most common problems with the killings if not *the* biggest problem is people asking why he just didnt kill politicians and government officials

the same with the oklahoma city bomber. the issue is why he killed kids, not why he killed fbi agents

>> No.20026595


I remember most people in our office agreed with many of his argument, but they shrugged by saying what can you do about it?

>> No.20026606

>but they shrugged by saying what can you do about it?
funny since thats pretty much his own ultimate opinion on it as well

>> No.20027261

Imagine the guy who made that image, missing the "funny" tag. Pure autism.

>> No.20027472

People actually had a good reaction to it and took it seriously pretty crazy and different compared to today but to be fair to the men of the modern age no one thinks your crazy for admiring he has good points. Hell you see joe rogan say he’s genius and he’s 100% mainstream

>> No.20027518

my issue with Kaczynski is that he points to hobbies being "deplorable", same as Ellul. unfortunately, I cannot disagree more.

>> No.20027574

>But it is obvious that modern leftist philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality.

>> No.20027581

I heard he likes to eat cake.

>> No.20027582
File: 65 KB, 640x421, 17ED9365-3D2D-4368-9AC6-E97ADF3BA3B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The supreme luxury of the society of technical necessity will be to grant the bonus of useless revolt and of an acquiescent smile.

>> No.20027586
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He deserves it really, been through a lot I’m sure

>> No.20027872
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Hobbies are one of the best copes of living in post-industrial technological society. That is why Ted labeled them surrogate activities for the power process and wanted people forced out of them and into revolutionary action.

>> No.20027884

Vaush literally strawmans everyone and everything. He's the epitome of a brainlet. Ted at least can consider current trends and how they might play out in the future.

>> No.20027891

that's fine and all but I don't get how that's supposed to furnish new civilizations if people aren't readily acquaintable with hobbies that might be useful, like woodworking and cooking and stuff like guns and hunting

>> No.20028000

Yeah it's never going to happen. A nuclear war is the only way out.

>> No.20028037

except the only copy available in print is absolute trash.

>> No.20028061

His manifesto is one step above Manson levels of inane naivety... Nothing of value was lost, and many domestic terrorists were emboldened by his fruitless nonsense. His methods were that of the glownigger, and he deserved his fate at the hands of the glowniggers.

>> No.20028240

meme words

>> No.20028295

Ted's revolution would have necessitated killing hundreds of millions at a minimum.

>> No.20028374

Seething leftist

>> No.20028441

Uh if anyone's seething it's Ted

>> No.20028493

This retard would be (barely) readable if he didn't waste so many times talking shit about left-wing viewpoints due to his personal frustrations. So many projections I just kekked by the time I read one of his ramblings.

>> No.20028726

the fantasy itself of having a society is moronic.
A society is will always be shit, especially for the ppl at the bottom of its current hierarchy, that's 99% of the men, who just live to serve the ruling class and women.

>> No.20028733

Revolution is a bourgeois fantasy.

>> No.20029458

>Participants in industrial society are all guilty by Kaczynski's logic.
Only if they have children. That's where we disagree. I don't want children not because of any nihilistic or pessimistic reason but because industrialism was a failure. I am an optimistic misanthrope.
Something like Ulrich Horstmann is the next step compared to Ted Kaczynski. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is nonsense, so the Beast (that is mankind) will ultimately annihilate itself paving the way for the evolution of new life.
The problem is with mankind's psyche that led to industrialization. It wasn't just oversocialized tendencies, feelings of inferiority, and disruption of power process that led to this situation.

>> No.20029548


>> No.20029729

Hobbies are, in essence, a fun distraction. It's not really any more or less productive than staring at a wall all day, which while harmless is not a conductive issue to the problems of modern living.
The sad part is none of you probably see anything wrong with this image, yet you'd still profess to be against modernity anyways.

>> No.20029737

>conductive issue

>> No.20030114

The bombs and the manifesto were surrogate activities and this motherfucker lived in the woods

>> No.20030161

better than your surrogate activity of having gay sex

>> No.20030260

This exactly. But when I talked to people at length about it one interesting thing I would get from them is how disturbed they felt while reading it, not because he was this murderer guy, but because what they were reading was so relatable and the more they thought about it, the more it terrified them
Ultimately all of use more or less chose not to think about it

>> No.20030272

Everything is a waste of time. What the hell does he want us to do? Look at a wall? Read more books? Reading is a hobby. Some stuff you have to do to make sure your body doesn't fall apart and you don't starve to death but everything else is ultimately entertainment

>> No.20030283

His manifesto is a joy to read. Too bad he was a terrorist.

>> No.20030293

I was talking to someone on /sci/ a while ago who argued that we're never going to meet an alien civilization because intelligent life is doomed to kill itself off before it has the chance to develop the technology to visit other planets

>> No.20030323

this is retarded and based off of a sample of zero. people dont know how to understand science anymore

>> No.20030338
File: 21 KB, 500x328, 0B93C4FF-58A5-456B-977D-B2A1E12115A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I view this as a socio-psychological phenomenon akin to the bullied, ignored, and/or mistreated kid shooting up a school. Everyone goes, “This is so awful, how could this have happened?” Anyone who suggests that the casual cruelty of NPC-society helped lead to this, will make people uncomfortable, as it hints as a dark truth — it’s the casual evil of society, the evil in automatically excluding, despising, being embarrassed for, and/or making fun of those different from them, that creates this type of sociopathy. The sociopathic radicalization and fury of the minority of the members of society who turn violent like Kacyznski did, comes from the casual endless repeated sociopathy of the majority of “nice” and “well-adjusted” society. In the phenomenon of Islamic jihadi terrorism, we see the United States’s own horrific bombing and glassing to bits of Middle Eastern countries, ironically helping create more of the enemy they’re fighting against, and all this as a demonic pretext for invading the Middle East for oil, for instance. The evil of al-Qaeda and ISIS members who turn violent is apparent, but texts and speeches of theirs about America being the great Satan pushing their McDonalds/military-industrial-complex-cult onto the planet are surprisingly sympathetic and speak to some deep core in oneself, since most citizens who are “well-adjusted” members and worshipers of this same McDonalds/military-industrial-complex-cult of the West (banality and consumerism being combined with great evil and strength) are too much a PART of it to be able to criticize and condemn it as objectively as outsiders and victims to it can.

In this picture, we see a tragicomic representation of it, with Pepe the Frog (deemed a hate symbol by the ADL — an organization which devotes all its time and energies to making sure people won’t criticize demonic, uber-wealthy, privileged globalist bankers like George Soros and the Rothschilds in ways deemed “antisemitic”, as well as fighting against White nationalism, while casually supporting Jewish ethno-nationalism overlooking the constant war crimes against Palestinians that Israel commits), representing the Everyman/underdog (you) who browsed 4channel, holding a gun to the head of the “normie” Wojak (a nice well-adjusted citizen — oversocialized, in the phraseology of Kaczynski — (them) as opposed to (you)), who is crying at the apparent injustice that he, a nice well-adjusted normie, is being held hostage by Pepe the frog, who, again, represents a hate symbol according to the ADL.

>> No.20030479

I don't consider humanity truly intelligent. Mankind will ultimately destroy itself, and it will pave the way for evolution of new life. I'm placing my bets on corvids speciating and forming advanced civilizations. Many of them are already smarter than greater apes, and they are very resilient creatures.
There are other contenders too such as raccoons or dolphins.
I am definitely not a nihilist or "efilist". I am a pretty serious misanthrope though. Mankind leans towards evil, so the destruction of all humanity is ultimately good. I'm not even indifferent to the annihilation of mankind. I genuinely want every human being to die after I'm gone and for new intelligent life to evolve. I think the Earth is alive and its core is superionic, neither solid nor liquid. We're merely the stepping stones for future lifeforms that will do a better job of following the Dharma.
There can be no redemption after industrialization. That's where Ted Kaczynski is wrong. It was due to there being something fundamentally flawed in mankind's psyche that industrialization happened in the first place.

>> No.20030490


>> No.20030526

You're a naive realist.
Many people still live with 40-50s scientific materialist/physicalist biases, but even recent "scientific progress" is casting much of that into doubt. We're starting to see trees, for example, are truly intelligent. We now know there's something *special* about the Earth's core too.
There's something more going on with the Earth. It's not just cold mechanistic processes, you stupid amoral physicalist cunt.
There is some truth to vitalism or panpsychism.
I know what I'm talking about. Read some fucking Denis Diderot, you dumb cunt. Modern science is actually moving in his direction of panexperientialism. There's more going on than just what we perceive.
Other life on our planet can evolve to establish more noble civilizations.

>> No.20030532

I take it back, its even worse

>> No.20030556

Your humanism is way more womanly than my optimistic misanthropy.

>> No.20030610

it makes some sense to me. The idea being that since evolution takes more time than an intelligent being can advance technology, certain traits that intelligent life have are going to be '"behind the times" as it were, and unable to cope with emergent problems. What we were talking about is lack of global political will to address climate change, but there are other ways you can see it at work. Global overpopulation, social isolation, and obesity are all problems that have arisen because our DNA hasn't caught up with things like social media and refined sugar. Every year we get more depressed, fatter, and closer to a global ecological disaster because our brains think we're still roaming the Serengeti in packs

>> No.20031435

Strange, considering we do have the technology to visit other planets already. It's just simply unjustifiable economically.

>> No.20031439

the death star had janitors ya know.

>> No.20031657
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This includes the notion that the self-destructive man exits. Any grand space project is susceptible to dumbass shittery. It would get blown up for no reason before anything was remotely operational

>> No.20031661

Who the fuck is vaush

>> No.20031684

yet the world is full of things that arent destroyed, or more specifically, arent destroyed at a pace that outpaces creation

again, this is larp bullshit based on a sample of zero. literally all evidence in existence that we have on the subject points to intelligent beings not destroying themselves

>> No.20031887

Extinction rates are currently 100-1000x times the natural backround rate of species extinction. We are literally in the midst of the Earth's 6th extinction event, the Holocene extinction

Life started 3.5 billion years ago and we managed to fuck it up in 250 years. Strap in you dumb fuck because you're about to get bodied by it

>> No.20031929

i dont know if youre too stupid to get the point or youre just pretending. no intelligent life that we know of has ever gone extinct for any reason

in fact, the ability for intelligent life to foresee and plan for extension events might lead some to theorize that intelligent life has a less chance of going extinct than other forms of life