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20023913 No.20023913[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw ugly beta charismaless meek beta male
>tfw early 30s and life is over; youth is gone
>no friends since school
>no female attention ever; everythingless
>blackpilled enough to know I have a life on hard mode because I'm an ugly non-normie
>become the ugly loser nobody talks to within a week of all jobs; will never be successful in working world because it's all about being a normie
>autistness is noticed even when working from home
>have no passions in life
>hate my job
>life passing so quickly
>life aimless

Apart from reading and the gym, my trademark hobby in the past few years has been driving or walking around, feeling sad about life, hoping my life spontaneously starts, drinking coffee, and browsing 4chan on my phone. Of course, this was all aimless and pointless.

Binging on junk food and coffee have been my main pleasure in life in the past 8 years.

Welp, that's youth gone. I thought there'd be some epiphany or some event that would make me motivated to do anything but it never came.

Random memories from my loser 18-30 life:

>summers after end of school and first year of university where I had this feeling of lack of fulfillment, restlessness, sadness, without realising why (it was a mixture of not having discovered exercise and an everythingstential crisis)
>first few years at university where I was realising how much of a friendless loser I'd always be; there is a really sterile atmosphere to all of these memories that emphasises how there was never any hope
>discovering 4chan; discovering r9kpill; discovering incel blackpill in 2014 and seeing it become totally mainstream within past year
>seeing a party-like atmosphere during the first few weeks of a university term during the evening and realising I was too much of a loser to take part in it
>working in part time jobs during university summers, not knowing how care-free I was
>getting lots of job interviews during last few years of university and failing all of them; going to interview at Canary Wharf during midweek, coming back to my dull city
>getting my first post-university office job and it required a ridiculously low amount of work, to the extent it was Kafkaesque (but without me going insane); I remember having some sort of work assigned buddy and having to walk out of a meeting with her because the autist-normie gap was too awkward
>being a NEET for a few periods after university while waiting for jobs to start; driving around on sunny days or walking around London, not realising this was peak freedom; sitting in London library during a blazing hot sunny day, reading a book
>finding out in multiple jobs that people saw me as an autistic freak unfit for anything but the lowest level work; somehow my career is progressing

>> No.20023921

Thanks for the update, London frog. I know that feel.

>> No.20023924

I'm not as much of a loser as you and I've had a normal healthy life until my mid 20s although I always felt that weird attrition and I'm pretty much in the same spot today. Now I take long walks and I sit down somewhere with a large drink and I draw, then I leave feeling worse than before and with less money in my wallet.
This thread is off-topic though. Go to >>>/r9k/ or something.

>> No.20023930

Actually no you're better off than me since you have a job. I can't hold one down to save my life, it makes me literally want to scream. I'll probably kill myself in the next 5 years. Be happy that you are functional enough to work.

>> No.20023945
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My sleep cycle has been completely fucked for the past month. I can’t sleep for more than four hours at a time. I think it might be my antidepressants.

>> No.20023969

Have you tried mindaltering drugs? You have nothing to loose. So why not try them?

>> No.20023972

It's illegal and you can get arrested. Not OP but I have a massive drug dealing operation in the next block and they never get touched, but if I got my hands on a single shroom I'm sure the coppers would break in and lock me in for life (while rapists are released after 8 hours). My luck and this country's fucking joke of a legal system are better left untested.

>> No.20024001

just to clarify
>I have
I meant "there is a massive drug dealing operation". I do not run a drug deling operation other than free blackpills over the internet

>> No.20024050

How many volumes of The Last Binge Ever are? I have two of them.

>> No.20024057
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>> No.20024060

>ness, without realising why (it was a mixture of not having discovered exercise and an everythingstential crisis)

if you remember having periodic bouts of depression with no real reason, you may have one of the variations of bipolar and can be treated for it

>> No.20024061
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>> No.20024072

licks screen

>> No.20024085


>> No.20024086

pill me. lets see how much i can take

>> No.20024094

come back tomorrow, I took today's shipment all for myself

>> No.20024111

Sure anon ....

>> No.20024119

Thanks, got a link for the last one?

>> No.20024130

> my trademark hobby in the past few years has been driving or walking around, feeling sad about life, hoping my life spontaneously starts
If you don’t realise why this is just indulging your misery and making it worse instead of actively working to improve your outlook, there is unironically no hope for you. Life doesn’t spontaneously start, YOU have to take action in order to get the wheels turning. You are a passive spectator to the miserable spectacle that is your life. Without any agency, what makes you think things could ever change?

I used to enjoy reading your posts Londonfrog, but there’s a point at which your own worst enemy is no one but yourself. And no one should have any sympathy for people who won’t help themselves. You’ve wasted so much time waiting for an event to shake you out of your stupor, but that’s not how things work at all. Keep waiting on things that will never come, keep feeling entitlement from the world to hand you life on a silver platter, and the next event will be your “suicide”. Sort yourself out mate, no one else is going to do it for you.

>> No.20024133
File: 878 KB, 589x817, 1640856389183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're a pussy freak, just accept death and kill yourself. I hate weak and unlucky men moping about shit on this board. Either accept where you're at and get a semi high IQ gf who is weird and ugly like you or suffer in silence. Mediocrity sucks too, most people lie themselves into happiness. I would split their heads open if I could to put them out of their misery. Their shitty kids too. It's the ethical thing to do.

>> No.20024137

jesus christ that pic

>> No.20024141

>angry angry angry
You're a loser. Join them

>> No.20024155

Based coffee-enjoyer.

>> No.20024168

>that image
Holy kek. Proof that not everyone should get jacked

>> No.20024169

drop your entire foot folder please

>> No.20024183

>Religious cope
>Ready the rope
That's all you get. Anything else will get you nowhere. Good luck.

>> No.20024239

They probably curse God every night for their looks and physiques. Why live? Everyone knows Sisyphus isn't happy.

>> No.20024243


>eewwhewwhewwwheww don't shout at me, it makes my pussy wet >:)

>> No.20024269

Well you made me feel better about myself, and where I'm at in life. So your existence isn't completely pointless.

>> No.20024294

His life is unironically not that bad. He has a roof over his head and a job, that’s more than a lot of people can say. His problem is that he’s a self-pitying narcissist who fell for the incel blackpill psyop designed to weed his weak ass out of the gene pool, and now he’s dealing with the consequences of believing everything he reads on the internet. I’m glad he makes you feel better about your life; he just makes me feel enraged that someone could be so utterly complacent about their own.

>> No.20024306

Read The Bible, it contains the answers you seek

>> No.20024323

Being only able to imagine licking and tasting the feet will never be as great as actually licking and tasting them. Holy shit! Anselm was right all along. There really is a God.

>> No.20024336

Londonfrog comes from rich Pakistani parents that immigrated to the UK.
He literally has a do nothing job, he whines because he has to do presentations and his a socially awkward dork.
He could literally just take public speaking classes, there’s tons for FREE on the internet if it bothered him that much.
He’s unironically a lazy fuck that brings misfortune upon himself.

>> No.20024372


How do you guys know he is from a rich Pakistani family?

>> No.20024377

I think it looks ridiculousness because of the head to body ratio. If they were less fit, it would still look weird. Your post just sounds like projection desu. You sound unhealthily obsessed with appearance.

>> No.20024381

Why don't you just drop everything and go to Ukraine?
Shoot at 16 years old Russian conscripts, NLAW some old Soviet junk, sex local women, lose a limb and come back to live the rest of your life on gibs.

>> No.20024387

>LF is pakistani
I've suddenly lost all compassion for him...

>> No.20024398
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proofs sar?

>> No.20024407

>im gonna brag avbout my felonies on a public website...i mean MY FRIEND is gonna brag haha its SWIM doing it am i right guys???
on the off chance you aren't larping stop snitching on yourself like a fucking retard

>> No.20024416

He said so himself in one of his posts.
Not only were his parents rich enough to emigrate but they also got him a corporate job in London where most white Brits struggle to get such jobs.
He literally complains because he has to give presentations to his bosses.
The lazy fuck could take public speaking classes if his awkwardness bothered him so much but he doesn’t.

>> No.20024522

>i'm a 30 year old NEET who lives with his parents and fell for the incel blackpill cult, pity me!
Take your blogposts somewhere else

>> No.20024550


I do not have an unhealthy obsession with appearance. I am able to appreciate honesty or mental clarity on ugly people, whenever it appears. It's just the normies will turn on you if you buddy up with something being ostracized for their looks. And persecuting ugly people is probably good for the health of the species, but an inability to rein in appearance judgements and your base instincts is a sign of inferiority

>> No.20024553

I would probably hate myself too if I lived off the coattails of rich parents. Then again, I was raised poor as fuck and would swap my experience with a trust fund babby in a heartbeat.

>> No.20024642

that's her foot size 12.5, not a file name lol

>> No.20024920

so you're telling me you don't have atleast 125 images of women's feet? fuck...

>> No.20024934

ever since this image was posted i have been nonstop fapping i have never been so obsseseed with a woman feet this much before this image by itself got me into footfetish i have now fapped to so many woman big feet

>> No.20024962

I have scar tissue all over my balls for some reason. Realized it only a year ago or so. I also have chronic bad breath because of acid reflux and other bullshit doctors can't fix. I had problems with intimacy beforehand but this stuff has brought me over the tipping point, I'm just going to give up entirely. If there is a god he's clearly telling me I'm not meant for the whole relationship thing.

>> No.20025009

LF, as always, I will meet you in any south London pub for a hangout.

>> No.20025015

Pill pusher

>> No.20025639

If this is true i do not pity him at all.
I thought he was some desperate lost wagie from middle social layer.

>> No.20025796

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.20025843

this x2