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/lit/ - Literature

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20021158 No.20021158 [Reply] [Original]

How have your reading habits changed as you’ve gotten older?

>I prefer shorter books
>difficult books aren’t as appealing
>I’ll drop books if they are a chore to read
>I don’t take reading as seriously as I used to

>> No.20021161

I used to really be of a mind that I wasn't willing to drop anything, but the older I get the less I feel that way. I've only got a limited amount of time and I intend to use it well in terms of reading.

>> No.20021162

need woman

>> No.20021165

I binge-read for a week at a time, once every few months. I don't read at all most of the time, I just spend my free time on the internet like a fucking zombie with no impulse control or attention span

>> No.20021278

Foot size?

>> No.20021311
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can you imagine licking her feet and then fucking her right in the pussy?

>> No.20021519

lia marie johnson I think

>> No.20021530

Oh fuck, I need that...Sorry anon, what where you talking about? I wasn't listening.

>> No.20021553
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me getting older has basically corresponded with the rise of the internet as the primary source of all information so probably the biggest change is that i hardly ever buy guidebooks, gazetteers, reference works, all that kind of thing
i have less time than ever thanks to wife/kid/work but i still love to read and never regret the time i spend reading

>> No.20021585

Crave themes and morals/lessons more.
Less nihilism or x for x's sake.

>> No.20021696

I'm sad that her life would be mostly better, at least smoother than me

>> No.20022065

Short stories and novellas are top tier reading to me now while I used to almost exclusively read novels when I was younger.

I guess I enjoy the wider variety you can get in a book of short stories. And it’s easier to see well put together craftsmanship of themes and ideas in shorter writing. Plus there’s not many stories IMO that really require 300+ pages.

The Great Gatsby for example is a novella, not a novel. And has a smidge over 200 pages in my edition.

Of course there are excellent long books and some stories do need a lot more pages but by and large I think many are needlessly extended for the sake of it, or to make people think they’re getting there money’s worth when buying books.

Also sometimes when an authors big, their editor refuses to cut anything down, so you get the newer Stephen King books like under the dome that have over a thousand pages where it’s beyond self indulgent.

>> No.20022078

hahaha need to stockpile on money for those HRT bills? imagine having kids in the current year, fucking criminal lol

>> No.20022098
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>I prefer shorter books
I prefer very long, digressive, meandering books that I can spend months with.
>difficult books aren’t as appealing
i don't treat books like video games. this Pyncho is fuggin insane difficulty mode bruh. if it's not pleasurable to read, it sucks.
>I don't take reading as seriously as I used to
I read for pleasure. Pleasure is the most important thing in the world.

>> No.20022100
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>> No.20022143

>lia marie johnson
Eew ...

>> No.20022152
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>P I N K
>S O L E S

>> No.20022261

I stopped reading almost entirely, happened around the same time I stopped watching TV shows and movies. I used to read a lot in my early 20's. Probably superficial reading but at least I was reading.
I've started reading more philosophy. Don't even know why, I don't even like philosophy. Whereas when I was younger I was more reading the 'famous' novels and playwrights. You know, the meme ones that normie /lit/ girls like.
isn't she that former child youtube star who got livestreamed getting into a fight with her housemates after fucking some guy in the shower?

>> No.20022477

Mainly I have gotten better with using my time so I do not stay up all night reading, but I have long since stopped watching tv/movies and do not spend as much time socializing so my reading time has not really changed, probably increased some. Still read long difficult books and still finish what I start.

>> No.20022484

I started back late in the game, so difficult works are still interesting to me

>> No.20022488

I’d literally eat her shit

>> No.20022588

So you've developed Internet-brain, with resulting lowered ability to concentrate on longer more demanding texts, and a crave for instant gratification. When a text isn't giving you a high enough dopamine rush you drop it. Your choice of picture is symptomatic.

>> No.20022638

perfect feet

>> No.20022645

Yes yes OP whatever you say, anyway...SEX

>> No.20022660


>> No.20022696


>> No.20022784

I can't believe someone is living... that life.

>> No.20022793

God I’m so fucking lonely

>> No.20022800

I used to read books I though made me look smart. Now I read books to satisfy my autism like a book about the nazi train plans

>> No.20024164

Not her

>> No.20024180
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>gently sniffing her ass with great appreciation for the smell

>> No.20024202

I can draw hotter chicks. Take THAT, reality!

>> No.20024272

In reality models get raped and shit on by the actually rich and powerful.
It’s really not a life worth envying.

>> No.20024301

>oh no not the modelino getting gangbanged on the yachterino and regretting it the next dayerino
Am I supposed to feel sympathy? They could have settled down instead of whoring themselves out to dig gold. These are not literal who girls who get exploited while looking for a job. There are people who get fucked over for much less.

>> No.20024321

True, they had the agency to decline.
My point is behind the scenes it’s really not a glamorous lifestyle.

>> No.20024378

I used to read when I woke up and before bed and in study halls. Exclusively long fantasy, and exclusively two long series. I was and am a slow reader.
In college I started reading as an activity during the day, as a sort of "study" and I read plenty of classics and some pseud stuff. Lasted a few years but I slowly stopped altogether because I found I was forcing myself and only doing it for mental fulfillment rather than heartfelt fulfillment. Stopped reading a few years, felt bad about it. Last year I started reading fantasy again and now I'm reading every morning and evening. I tried a few newer series and they were horrible, but then I tried one from the 90s and slipped right into it.

>> No.20024390

God I wish I could make my imagination reality like a schizo too. It's not fair bros.

>> No.20024401

i feel the same
now i just read less and am more picky

>> No.20024560

Any Books that might help me cope with this fact?

>> No.20024577

What about the one doing the shitting?

>> No.20024585

Lala Pipo, Hideo Okuda

>> No.20024622

Are it interested in shitting on women?