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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 181 KB, 900x1044, essay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2001619 No.2001619 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference between a pseudo-intellectual and a genuine intellectual, /lit/?

>> No.2001622

One is really an intellectual, one is not.

>> No.2001623

There isn't one.

>> No.2001625

one cares about generalising labels, the other doesn't

>> No.2001626

Whether or not the person doing the name calling agrees with you.

>> No.2001638

One studies with Rigour, other studies like a

>> No.2001641

That's what I've always thought, but is there ever a split in the content that pseudo-intellectuals and genuine intellectuals explore?

>> No.2001643

One studies humanities, the other science.

>> No.2001651

that is a very cute essay if written by a elementary/middle schooler.

>> No.2001659

pseudo-intellectuals either own e-readers or, if they don't own an e-reader, it is because they object to them on vague ideological grounds

intellectuals don't own e-readers because they simply can't afford them.

>> No.2001671
File: 3 KB, 126x100, 1291759310760s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The movie tell us that no matter what someone believes we have to respect them and not arrest them.
The abysmal simplicity of this sentence was hilarious.

>> No.2001673

Am I the only one that's going to point out that V for Vendetta wasn't directed by the wachowski brothers...

>> No.2001679



Lol no

>> No.2001687

I disagree with the previous guy's comment, but now you have to back it up. If your entire argument consists of intelligence =/= intellectuality then you're foolish.

>> No.2001717

A pseudo-intellectual hasn't read any of the books and their opinions are shallow and usually stolen. The key is that they can't actually defend anything they say.

>> No.2001725

Aren't there people who are smart and gifted, but don't actually think or believe in an intellectual mindset?

I'd like to think "intellectual" isn't some sort of achievement given for being above a certain IQ.

>> No.2001726

What is an intellectual mindset?

>> No.2001732

the way you see yourself and the way others see you.

>> No.2001735

intelligence, you nig­ger.

>> No.2001736

Openness to learning and astuteness in thought.

>> No.2001739

I think Faulkner said that lesser writers read reviews of their work because they want to be writers, whereas first rate writers are too busy writing to pay attention to critics.

A pseudointellectual is someone who wants to be an intellectual. An intellectual is someone who is thinking.

>> No.2001740

Hard for me to explain in a complete and satisfying way, but it has to do with some degree of humility, a little bit of honor, but mostly great respect and dedication to knowledge.

>> No.2001831

Pseudo-intellectuals are liberal, vote Democrat or Green, usually are physically weak, and believe in enabling drug addicts and bums. Pseudo-intellectuals think there should be no death sentence for murderers and rapists, want to repeal the second amendment, and often live off their parents' money. These pseudo-intellectuals usually have a shallow understanding of economics and glean false information from politically biased left-wing writers like Naom chomsky, Michael Moore and Howard Zinn. This is even though pseudo-intellectuals are usually little nineteen year old manchildren that work at places like Starbucks or Pizza Hutt.

A real intellectual understands his country's origin, has read and upholds the constitution and values his constitutional rights. A real intellectual is familiar with Thomas Paine and Adam Smith. A real intellectual is pursuing a college degree in something other than Humanities/Fine Arts, for a reason OTHER than to fuck around on their parents' money. A real intellectual values practical education and doing something meaningful with their lives to serve their community instead of whining like a bitch.

That is the difference. Are we clear?

>> No.2001839

3/10. your opening is too strong, you've got to hold the trolling in abeyance until you've sparked a bit of sympathy/agreement in the reader and only then blast them with piss. but otherwise quite decent. aside from the opening i'd copypasta it.

>> No.2001851

americans, ps3 and mac owners are psudo intellectuals, europeans, xbox and pc owners are legit intellectuals

>> No.2001852


>Hard for me to explain in a complete and satisfying way, but it has to do with some degree of humility, a little bit of honor, but mostly great respect and dedication to knowledge.

I'd prefer to say "dedication to thinking". But I mostly agree with this.

>> No.2001858

lady gaga once said that to become an intellectual one must cease being an intellectual

>> No.2001879

Je suis une 'geistigen.

>> No.2001880


Real intellectuals are the plumbers and electricians then? I like it.

>> No.2001886
File: 9 KB, 300x300, GrapeVines13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am quite* obviously a pseudo-intellectual.
*Using quite; quite not quietly fortifies my position.

>> No.2001891

An intellectual is somebody who has a great respect for, and a great dedication to, rigorous thought and the expression of that thought while he or she is in the possession of a talent for it.

>> No.2001892

Intellectuals cook with stainless steel; pseudo-intellectuals use non-stick.

Either might use cast iron, but the pseudo intellectuals don't actually know how to properly season & maintain it.

>> No.2001894

I'd say a pseudo-intellectual just swallows down loads of information, but without really understanding it, and will crumble under intense questioning. A real intellectual understands the subject completely, and can make reasoned opinions on it.

>> No.2001901

/lit/ is deranged. just a bunch of insecure nerds scrambling over each other trying to prove they're *really* smart

can't we just like books?

do we have to shit all over each other, poisoning one another with our hate, just getting more and more vile every day?

>> No.2001917
File: 23 KB, 218x320, hugh laurie _blackadder 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my personal definition.

Pseudo-intellectuals talk a lot during class.

They ask the most inane questions, apparently under the impression that one's house is awarded 10 points every time they manage to trip up the professor by asking about a particularly nuanced of the subject at hand, which is always completely irrelevant to what the professor is actually trying to explain, if it is even arguably related at all.

They are inconsiderate toward their classmates' need to actually fucking learn what the lesson is about without hearing self-absorbed assholes who think they're in a one-on-one discussion with the professor. They think they're much smarter than everyone else and don't realize that the nature of the questions they're asking makes it obvious to everyone that they really are quite stupid.

Expect them also to be tardy & absent more often than their classmates.

>> No.2001921

one time i was browsing okcupid drunk and came across the a guy who'd had a meltdown over his insecurity about the game of talking about books you like all over his profile. like, just paragraphs about what such-and-such book represented as a facet of the shallow intellectual pose he took to impress friends and potential lovers. he seemed like a nice if incredibly neurotic boy so i guess i hope he just decided to make an online dating profile in the midst of a meth binge and didn't really have that miserable of a view of his friendships/interpersonal relationships/the value of reading and liking shit??

>> No.2001929
File: 26 KB, 640x480, WUERR_PILOT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is stroking me [even the ones I interpret as (-)meta] unbeknownst, as well as the fact that I'm most certainly not projecting.
Your last statement is stroking this guy's Ego:

>> No.2001930
File: 28 KB, 265x400, 9780156091800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nobody in this thread has read this book

>> No.2001938


>can't we just like books? do we have to shit all over each other, poisoning one another with our hate, just getting more and more vile every day?

this is a board of 4chan and connected with the infamous /b/.

if you expect anything different here, you're going to be very disappointed.

>> No.2001946

That's an illogical appeal to the masses. It's like saying, "The car's broken. I guess we'll just have to walk for the rest of our lives."

>> No.2001947

One strives to find knowledge because it is a passion from which they derive pleasure, and they care not for what others think of them. The other find knowledge solely to impress, and does so to create a false image of who they are, for they can't find or accept who that really is.

>> No.2001948

Do you expect this particular car to ever see repairs?

>> No.2001949

A pseudo-intellectual is a huge fan of the word "tendency" and structures the majority of his thinking accordingly, arranging things into categories and forever gripping the abstract notion of "literature" as though it is a definitive dogma that includes and excludes with certain, visible boundaries.

>> No.2001951

You don't get to call yourself an intellectual. Chances are, if you consider yourself to be an intellectual you're probably just affected. On /lit/, calling someone a pseudo - intellectual is equivalent to "newfag" on /b/.

>> No.2001960
File: 320 KB, 600x1650, 1304231135009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intellectual: Genuinely enjoys the their interests. I love Japanese history, biology, the Fallout video game series, comic books, and armchair generalin', and can stand up to intense scrutiny on any of these subjects (except biology, there's just so much). I guess this means that I can be considered an intellectual about these subjects under my definition, but I try not to think about it.

Pseudo-intellectual: pic related

>> No.2001964

A pseudointellectual is that douchebag who will talk endlessly in discussion classes (if given the opportunity), refer to famous thinkers only to name-drop, rather than add to the conversation, and will use big words (sometimes incorrectly) to sound impressive.

A real intellectual is obsessive about his/her favorite subject(s) and will generally think to him/herself rather than aloud.

>> No.2001966

The only times I talk a lot during in class is during English class discussions because it is incredibly boring if nobody else has read the assignment. Either I engage in one-on-one discussion with the teacher or other classmates find a cue to and take turns chiming in with a point. My teachers have always responded well and most of my peers don't seem to mind.

But when the class has a discussion going on, then I don't talk much at all, like in most other subjects.

>> No.2001973

Pseudo-intellectuals think and gain knowledge only as a means.

Intellectuals think and gain knowledge as an end.

You can apply this to almost any craft. Artists and pseudo-artists. Musicians and pseudo-musicians. Politicians and pseudo-politicians. The difference has nothing to do with capability, only sincerity.

>> No.2001975

Politics is always a means to an end. A man who politics for the sake of it is a man who should NOT be in power.

>> No.2001987

Political goals are still part of the practice of politics. An intellectual seeking knowledge in order to contribute to it still practices as an ends. A writer that wants to express themselves in new ways of writing is still practicing writing as an ends. An athlete that trains to beat the record is still practicing with an end.

It sounds circular but it really isn't if you think about it.

>> No.2001990
File: 39 KB, 447x326, he doesnt realize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pseudo-intellectuals think and gain knowledge only as a means.

>Intellectuals think and gain knowledge as an end.

pseudo-intellectuals actually believe this!

>> No.2001995 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 640x480, WUERR7MANDYMORBAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup! in public school I didn't say a damn thing except on rare occasions, when I could no longer contain myself screaming and singing out this even: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW_JEHoyQBY twice in the same classroom. [Sub anyone?]
I was surprised they enjoy'd it and even my construction and deconstruction of my analysis of the song and sharing it.
----At the Uni, I have to have a dialogue with the professor, 'cuzz no one else will, let alone dissect my hyperbole.

>> No.2002021

On-topic discussion during designated discussion sections is a little different from what I meant. I mean, if it's a situation where the teacher throws out a question & you're hearing crickets & bird chirping b/c no one read the material / has confidence in their words / wants to talk, then you would obviously have license to talk relatively more than your 'mates. Pseudo-intellectuals seem to consider all times as appropriate discussion times, can't remain on topic, and even when they do ask about something topical, they disrupt the structure & flow of the lecture by asking about things that the teacher is obviously going to explain later on.

>> No.2002044

a pseudo-intellectual said that he's anintellectual

a intellectual said that he's an idiot

>> No.2002057
File: 26 KB, 640x480, WUERR_PILOT4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think some of us got that nice jizz b4 your post
-But, nice keeping this here class in-line.
That's what I said! Hee(22.)

>> No.2002076

I would say a intellectual is someone who has a good understanding of most areas (science, maths, literature, philosophy, film, art, history etc) also they would probably also has some specialist areas that they are experts on.

A pseudo intellectual is basically the average /lit/ user as they seem think reading lots of book makes you intelligent / an intellectual.

>> No.2002080

A pseudo-intellectual is somebody who browses this thread, taking to heart all of the points made in an effort to become a 'genuine intellectual'.

Wait... What?

>> No.2002088

One is learning to play the guitar

the other is learning to play guitar hero

>> No.2002095
File: 72 KB, 500x684, Pseudo_speculation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except mines! Which undermines all 'dat solipsism >o art some narcissists?< as seen on my* other posts!
*And yours: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp1NjF9MX_Q&feature=related and I got mine.

>> No.2002110

You wouldn't happen to be mentally ill, would you? You have a strange way of making your 'point'.

>> No.2002118

A genuine intellectual do some intellectual shit because he likes it.

A pseudo-intellectual do some intellectual shit for the looks.

Geez, not that complicated.

>> No.2002126
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>> No.2002127
File: 17 KB, 162x200, 1308574686081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moar of that girl please? Or maybe a name?

>> No.2002128
File: 2 KB, 126x108, 1290562462045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2002152

mandy morbid

there is a video of her being tentacle raped, not even jokinh

>> No.2002160

Psuedo-intellectuals read The Economist.

Real intellectuals read The Wall Street journal.

>> No.2002244

>>2002127 Prolly won't need my services now 'cuss of 'dis>>2002152
Look 'fer my posts spread throughout the first few pages of c/lit/s!

Those half quotes were unnecessary, for You are conceiving not perceiving. I'll take your 'criticisms' as (-)meta ironic; Danke Herr anon, hath you seen this:
The greatest!!!!!! Je suis le Grande-st
>Those that liken themselves to be Prometheus are not Prometheus, since anyone Proclaiming to be the man who started the men on fire say. . .
-They are tortured artistz or /sci/entistz.
Heed this word many-a fellows: The way of being Promy is painful, but there is a way to be 'masochistic*' about it ---- There'll be a-lot less peeps to steal your ideas; They cannot comprehend you nor can they accept you as sane.
-One if many virtuoso-ic LANG. that I employ onto the scatter'd about screen awaiting to be 404'd, whilst mine remains in the minds of verisimilitude.

>> No.2002247

about 5 years

>> No.2002288
File: 4 KB, 152x160, ZIGGY_LE_BLANC_DUKE_BOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'I saw you at an ice cream Parlor/drinking milkshakes cold and long. . .'

>> No.2002296
File: 41 KB, 347x450, AG829-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tarnishing Wain's good artwork by asking for information of a girl

>> No.2002308

Intellectuals ask others and question themselves.

>> No.2002316

>In this essay I will
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.2002317

I should have stopped there. I read the whole thing and that essay is pathetic.

>> No.2002318

It seems to be an affectation.
At least from looking over single post this person has ever made. Since they just started posting in the last day or two.

>> No.2002321

Okay I read the whole thing, what the fuck

>> No.2002322

Look in other threads.
He's posted several pics of her already.

>> No.2002325

The one who believes he knows nothing is the intellectual

The one who believes he know something is not

>> No.2002329

doodly doo look at me. i read about socrates

>> No.2002337

Hey, mother fuckers.
There are varying degrees of intelligence. You guys all talk about "the subject" without saying what it is.

>> No.2002373 [DELETED] 

Intellectuals are people with thoughts we like.

Pseudo-Intellectuals are people whose has ideas we don't like.

>> No.2002378

Reposting, because in editing my sentence I raped grammar in her delicate mouth.

Intellectuals are people that we like and agree with their ideas.

Pseudo-Intellectuals are people we don't like or don't agree with their thoughts.

>> No.2002381 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 466x700, GotD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, oui, si young-ins
Yes we see
Yes we've seen everything:
On truncating, ergo, Condensing Atheistic (-)Phils that doth not pertain to any militia:
(-)Pan's, (-)Dei's and (-)AGNOGZ/Eggnogs are more than welcomed to a[ny] debate, even if the winner is elusive, I'm glad that your breed hasn't died out yet! What of the folly of Nihilism? The naivety of Existentialism? The schizophrenic Solipsism? [Sciences] Positivism? The greatest for all w/o that silly transcendence thing: Secular-Humanism >which is more useful to society than the ironic wording of Utilitarianism<? Seek and ye shall find purposely the most purposeless conversation that will forever be interesting and the beginning to craft a use for better subjects.

>> No.2002385

easy. an intellectual has a genuine interest for intellectual stuff. A pseudo-intellectual does it for gaining some other merit, like social status or acceptance, money, etc. Often these pseudo-intellectual maneuvers take the shape of predictable mindless political correctness rather than not.

>> No.2002393

This is the only accurate answer.

>> No.2002436

Thats just stupid

>> No.2002446

Intellectuals believe in god?

>> No.2002451


This, a thousand time this.

>> No.2002459

what the hell is happening with this post?

>> No.2002466

A pseudo-intellectual learns a few riffs and chords on the guitar to get laid.

An intellectual plays and masters it for it's own sake and because it makes him feel good.

>> No.2002477

Id rather get laid

>> No.2002502
File: 75 KB, 657x600, Charles_Taylor_%28philosopher%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Intellectuals don't always believe in God, but when they do, they achieve baller status.

>> No.2002557

err, pardon. pseudo intellectual here. who's that

>> No.2002608


>Still can't read filenames.

>> No.2002612
File: 171 KB, 706x677, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he needs to impress the woman before he'll get laid

>> No.2002618
File: 22 KB, 252x355, chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't even mad though.

>> No.2002655

An intellectual does not use words like "pseudo-intellectual."

>> No.2002760

What happened to trolling as an art? Trolling used to be something requiring some skill. This post just took a giant shit on that idea.

>> No.2002765

I like this guy/grrrrirl

>> No.2002785

I like.

>> No.2002795
File: 50 KB, 248x331, socratesisabro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2002807

a person possessing a highly developed intellect.

1 not genuine; sham
2 pretentious or insincere

>> No.2002812

Kind of like the difference between a Sophist and Aristotle.

>> No.2002817

Hm, switch Aristotle for Plato or Socrates, I think Aristotle defended the Sophists...

>> No.2002824

I was waiting for this.

>> No.2002833

An actual intellectual would never say "psuedo-intellectual".

>> No.2003117



>> No.2003125

psuedo-intellectuals only bother themselves with intellectual things to appear smart to others. Genuine intellectuals are into being smart without caring for the appearance of being smart.

>> No.2003126

Oh god that essay hurt to read.

>> No.2003138

A pseudo-intellectual will post pics in "most recent purchase" threads and "bookshelf" threads. An intellectual is confused by this and assumes it is just one of many, many, many things he or she does not understand.

>> No.2003161

i think pseudo-intellectual is an offensive term for the insecure and avid connoisseurs of catalysts for human connection. they are the masters of surfaces and dilettantes of depth, prone to ostracising what doesn't appeal at face-value. i think, in a way, we are all victims of irrationality due to generalisations. we pick and choose according to what the people we respect pick and choose, and very few people look at the world from an objective point of view. very few people are comfortable with weighing opposing convictions out, and tend to stick to what resonates with them (for whatever reason). i think this is a damn shame and i think any discipline of thought should be learned/taught analogously with/alongside the other end of its pole. i don't think you can seperate the pseudo-intellectuals from the "intellectuals" (at least, not so definitively). i just think some people take themselves and their influences more seriously than others

>> No.2003165 [SPOILER] 
File: 137 KB, 600x800, Assesdufire3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Dieu du Dio es happening, Monsieur Anon.

>> No.2003178

One is someone who does something they enjoy regularly and don't talk about it very often with people who aren't significantly interested outside of offhanded mentions when talking about 'what they have been up to lately'.

Pseudo-intellectuals do something occasionally and don't shut the fuck up about it. If listening to music was intellectual, they would be the guys who lurked /mu/ for an hour and show all their friends this crazy obscure hipster band they found called neutral milk motel.

>> No.2003182
File: 41 KB, 500x375, Assesdufire2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like you know the dieu du dioz FABULOUS FB. amigos!

>> No.2003193

Sometimes I can't hold in the things that fascinate me, and it comes out in unwarranted discussion (although I hesitate calling it that) with people around me, only to be hot down with painful disinterest. I should really learn to stop that, or maybe try to communicate wondrous things better.

>> No.2003197


>Dionysus_Spinoza_Faux !!nd/jmcT/oLN

ha ha ha

>> No.2003198

shot down*

>> No.2003392
File: 113 KB, 600x800, Tribute_2Goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2003197 Somebodies got it!
You got some of it. but I'll go into the details on either a new thread
>He's more narcissistic than the Greek name himself!
Or my 2 1/2 day old thread later.

>> No.2003395

I already told you lit doesn't deserve you. nobody deserves you ;_;

>> No.2003402 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 575x568, goethe_ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think I should pull out this early, my good man?
-It has just begun!
Noting my nuts, I think. . . I'll go ahead in smaller doses. . . they'll OD to quick! 'Cuzz I filled up loads of note-nooks and cran-es, scribbled by crayolas, whilst wearing my Bking Happy meal Crown. The comps notepad too, was filled, in no part of my necessarily kiddish accessories. >Nearly everything I typed 'whit a trip came from the tops of me 'kopf.

>> No.2003407

Of course I don't want you to pull out, I'm just saying that you go unappreciated on here, I can't even appreciate you :(

>> No.2003417

No to the first question and yes to the second, your honor.

>> No.2003424 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 333x273, HERBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Appreciate completely. . .
Have you gazed upon this yet:
The greatest!!!!!! Je suis le Grande-st
>Those that liken themselves to be Prometheus are not Prometheus, since anyone Proclaiming to be the man who started the men on fire say. . .
-They are tortured artistz or /sci/entistz.
Heed this word many-a fellows: The way of being Promy is painful, but there is a way to be 'masochistic*' about it ---- There'll be a-lot less peeps to steal your ideas; They cannot comprehend you nor can they accept you as sane.
>It was on some other thread and I advertised it somewhere else yesterdayz, I'm slightly less than dazed, so no link por vous!

>> No.2003425

I don't think I could give a completely adequate definition of either but can think of some necessary prerequisites in order to call a person one or the other. The term pseudo intellectual requires a certain amount of insincerity. A good example might be a person who reads up on classical lit just so he/she can put it out there that they read books that are associated with being smart. in other words they learn things or put on a pretense of learning for alterior motives, i.e. status, deception, etc...

An intellectual to me is just somebody who loves learning and developing themselves. Whether its carpentry or Nuclear engineering, a shitton of different intellectual pursuits or just one or two. I think all intellectuals have a sincere love of ideas and learning and a strong desire to understand and be well informed about whatever realm of knowledge they're into.

>> No.2003464

A lesbian is a woman who likes other women.

:| thanks mrs. Edwards

Evey was a lesbian?

>> No.2003480

everything is subjective therefore everyone who thinks they're smarter than i am is just delusional

>> No.2003534

Well one is an abstract term that applies to some human beings and the other is also an abstract term that can be applied to other human beings thus making both labels highly subjective in nature.

>> No.2003538

what do you mean by subjective

>> No.2003548
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>> No.2003549
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>> No.2003552


the girl animals are pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.2003567

a class of word which is used to describe words pertaining to a realm of ideas which exist within the mind but not in themselves. If something is as abstract such as 'intelligence' then its lack of physical qualities make it slighty more difficult to define as it cannot be measured as easily as say a ruler which has clear physical properties.

>> No.2003572

Intelligence is not abstract. Its just difficult to quantitate. Something that lacks physical qualities does not necessarily make it subjective automatically. e.g. Windows 7 OS. NOT physical. But perfectly objective.

>> No.2003575

Pseudo-intellectuals: Deep&Edgy, Behemoth, Dionysus_Spinoza_Faux

Intellectuals: Everyone else ITT

>> No.2003578

You cannot into sarcasm. That wasn't funny at all.

>> No.2003590 [SPOILER] 
File: 80 KB, 742x811, Neat187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, oui, si!
'Cuzz if one is completely subjective. . . They ask inane QZ like that. The attempt to seek out what is true. One must pull up necessary contradiction 101: One must be both subjective and objective to seek out the truth*. For what we know stands to be corrected; objectivity seeks nothing new, so the subjectivity is necessary to tread new territory. We all know subjectivity is relativism, which is essentially defeatism.

*We have no choice, plus it's loads of fun.