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File: 3.16 MB, 2000x2000, Nietzsche1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20015856 No.20015856 [Reply] [Original]

The most influential man I've ever read.

>> No.20015865
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, isthat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...is that Nietzsche?

>> No.20015879

>reduce everything to poorly defined materialism and shit on absolutely everything with triumphant flowery wording

>> No.20015887

nietzsche philosophized with a hammer, not flowers. calling his prose flowery is the most retarded thing you could say. each word falls down like a brick, one by one, severe, ponderous and well-concocted - the grand architecture unfolds itself as the twilight of the gods. i will drag my balls across your face

>> No.20015970

actually he says "because of Nietzsche?"
brainlet who did not understand Nietzsche, Schweinemensch

>> No.20015981

what the hell is wrong with that boy

>> No.20015985

kleiner rotzbengel, der kein deutsch kann

>> No.20015991

>shit on dead people so they can't answer back
Truly unbeatable

>> No.20015998

De mortuis nihil nisi male

>> No.20016015

Nietzsche is right about everything, except that he took life too seriously.
The state of being a child is how life is always supposed to be. It is bad parents, and school that sucks the life out of us, and makes us into very serious and stern people without a sense of lightness.
Nietzsche would absolutely agree with me, expect he was not alive to hear this, so it is up to people like me to expand his work.

>> No.20016020

Oh no, it's another thread about nietzsche. My god how much innovation we have on this board, someone stop the OP.

>> No.20016021

He was basically the tripfag philosopher. Reading his passages, I consider Nietzsche to have possessed multiple different identities warring against one another. He went beyond his own work, not as himself but as an idol of future ideas - like a child coloring outside the lines of their drawing. Nietzsche missed the reader in his message (but perhaps held them in his heart) - in 'trying' to be, one becomes less: his words 'trying' to display those that were just perfectly fated to be - they see that he was conducting a justification of impressive scale, not a declaration. Nietzsche was from his inception a vector of all sorts of ideas, a philologist, and after a death of insanity, his face is used as a mask like gigachad or wojak. His 'demon' has infested modernity. All those who he criticized were in fact his betters in this respect, because they were not like him. Kant, Schopenhauer, Jesus, Socrates - men of 'moments.' Their faces not desecrated. Perhaps Nietzsche knew of this war of his, as he groomed his trademark moustache and haughty style - he knew that the future would make him another che, another marx, hitler - that he was a vector. His message was a possession, he was the victim of 'his own' philosophy. Perhaps a Nietzsche admirer should consider; aspire to be not at all like Nietzsche to be most like him in the best ways, a child should surpass his father, just as he fought his demon until death.

>> No.20016025

But Nietzsche literally said "Maturity in man is rediscovering the seriousness he had as a child at play"

>> No.20016034

>He's right about every-
he was refuted by Rene Guenon

>> No.20016046

Being a child is not a state of seriousness. Its a state of play. You might have been a shitty child, which just means your a shitty person because who you are as a child is the closest reflection of who you are.
Nietzche had that one backwards, but I dont blame him. Getting things backwards is still very close to the truth because at least your down to 1 of 2 possible answers, even if you pick the wrong one originally.
NIetzsche was seeing life through this incredibly serious lens, when he should have been seeing it through a more humourous and light lens.
Compared to any other philosopher, this is a relatively minor flaw tho. Nietzsche was an absolute genius.

>> No.20016051

>bro if humans are good, they're superfood
>bro there's no god
Both obvious points.

>> No.20016055

Has reddit taken orders from captain Faggot Zelensky to invade lit? What is up with this reddit tier posts this evening? Fuck a duck

>> No.20016080

gladly my faith in humanity is warm thanks to the first answer

>> No.20016089

>humourous and light lens.
Literally what he fucking said about child's play.
But your basedddit way of seeing things is dishonest.
If you're not going to fucking believe your thoughts you're a damn lie and living life doesn't feel as full that way.
Weak scum.
>Nietzsche would absolutely agree with me, expect he was not alive to hear this, so it is up to people like me to expand his work.
Jesus Christ the arrogance of this retard.
You're saying what Nietzsche said, in the wrong way. I hate midwits like you.

>> No.20016158


>> No.20016187

Im pro Russia, and I have never been on reddit my guy

>> No.20016196


>> No.20016210 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 626x417, imagen_2022-03-04_215910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is... is that Nietzsche?
arghh... mmmm... oh *GOD*, oh fvck...
arghh.. ARGHH...
Oh fvk im doomed everywhere...
oh fvck, oh jesus (?)
here you are...
my slippery gift to the world...
"My syster and me"

>> No.20016218

Nietzsche is a prime example of rajas though, whereas Guenon epitomizes sattvas. Neither of them are refuted, they just exist in their own domains. Guenon's is the more universal though.

>> No.20016620
File: 24 KB, 409x409, 1605250687076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yknow I went into Nietzsche's works looking for a way to live life in order to be happy, to be told principles to stand by. I was retarded, but his works have opened my eyes. I don't think he was right about everything e.g. eternal recurrence and his views on nation states/nationalism but I learned a lot from him. I recommend anyone to read his works.

>> No.20016635

He was entirely wrong tho.

>> No.20016637


>> No.20016649
File: 46 KB, 700x641, la ranita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is no truth ,nietzschebros, that means...

>> No.20016748

No it was flowery. Dainty, full of feels, nice for a few days to sit in a vase, but withers over time with life experience. Your balls are shriveled and you can’t even reach me

>> No.20016821

>You might have been a shitty child, which just means your a shitty person because who you are as a child is the closest reflection of who you are
Yes children who grow up abused or raped are shitty people

>> No.20016846
File: 50 KB, 900x601, 1646461498652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is that, Nietzsche? Shut the FUCK up

>> No.20017055

He succumbed to his 'demon' when he lost his marbles about a decade before his death. Otherwise, nice post.

>> No.20017087
File: 58 KB, 650x151, scale_of_intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to read him but realized I don't care what he has to say because nothing he said matters. He's an antlike intelligence compared to what's possible.

>> No.20017119

Sorry that happened to you bro

>> No.20018147

Im talking about the person you were before the shitty world got to you. That child is innocent, and playful and full of life and happiness.
that is the natural state of humans, but our cultures are all built on denying that fun, because they want material wealth at the sacrafice of their mental health.