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/lit/ - Literature

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20015322 No.20015322 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on the contemporary russian authority?

>> No.20015892

Unironically anything by Dugin

>> No.20015955

I love him so much bros

>> No.20016063

Not all heros wear capes

>> No.20016083

>In 2012 and 2013, Putin and the United Russia party backed stricter legislation against the LGBT community, in Saint Petersburg, Archangelsk, and Novosibirsk; a law called the Russian gay propaganda law, that is against "homosexual propaganda" (which prohibits such symbols as the rainbow flag,[137][138] as well as published works containing homosexual content) was adopted by the State Duma in June 2013.[139][140] Responding to international concerns about Russia's legislation, Putin asked critics to note that the law was a "ban on the propaganda of pedophilia and homosexuality" and he stated that homosexual visitors to the 2014 Winter Olympics should "leave the children in peace"

>> No.20016087

hijacking this thread like a saudi... what are some books about post ww2 institutions like NATO, bretton woods, imf, etc?

>> No.20016091

Based putin. I can't find reasons to hate him. The more I read about him the more I like him.

>> No.20016101

Putin is the most /lit/ world leader. What other world leader issues a fucking 10 page historical essay justifying their invasions

>> No.20016132
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>> No.20016154

Putin is a globalist (american) creation that has run amok. He isn't resisting anything and his only real sin is practicing the old and unacceptable style of imperialism especially against a white nation.

>> No.20016245
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Putinbros, get the fuck in here.

>> No.20016306

Fuck yes. I unironically went from ambivalent about the whole thing to rabid supporter after reading that. I've never seen a world leader in our time like him. He's incredibly based and history-pilled.

>> No.20016317

And makes mention of Western perversions of nature and labels them as degeneracy expressis verbis. I love Putin

>> No.20016334

did you even read the thing?
aside from being written like a high school paper, it’s riddled with dozens of factual mistakes, both sociological and historical

>> No.20016338

Any nation in the permanent UN Security Council—there are five including Russia—does not seek to change the essential world order merely to recycle its accidents into a more advantageous permutation for that government. The fact that Russia isn’t big on homosexuality doesn’t mean their vision has spiritual value, only Islam can bring that which is why governments of Muslim countries, apart from the Taliban, are increasingly seeking to suppress Islam. Almost all world governments are but tentacles of one nation or another on the Permanent Security Council. Christian reactionaries and trads have a soulless ideology which can do nothing but try to be the opposite of what they see, trapping themselves into a self-reflecting mirror that uses them as consumers of state interests that they tag along with in hopes of a salvation that is pure delusion

>> No.20016378

It will all come crashing down next week and anyone who supported this fraud will be embarrassed.

>> No.20016393

>spiritual value
Literally who cares. Does not matter, pretty much completely irrelevant.

>> No.20016991


Have sex

>> No.20017096

The funny part is how putin completely exemplifies an apex man. He gets shit done, he has a vision, a purpose, he excels, he would probably beat ass if he needed to, etc. I hate you and your kind. I would rip your throat out if given the chance for your help in poisoning an entire generation of men. Fuck you.

>> No.20017131


>> No.20017152

The Limonov biography by Carrere is pretty good

>> No.20017587

Killing thousands of white people for no reason at all is based af.
Pushing 100 million white people into abject poverty is also very based.
Calling oneself a mutt and mystery meat is extremely based.

>> No.20017775

OP here.

Western putinfags are cringe as fuck. You need to reconsider life.

>> No.20017895

>literally hitler!

>> No.20017902
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I shit on your grave

>> No.20018692


>> No.20018774 [DELETED] 

Kek you're the one who doesn't know anything, shamelessly begging for recs from us

>> No.20019514

try to live under him idiot with 200$ wages and no other income possibilities

>> No.20019532

So like the West but he's based and imperialism-pilled?

>> No.20019552

Nigerians make more per month. LMAO Russia is a white African dictatorship

>> No.20019799

Can we have this but without the rest of the Russian politics? It's not like Russia's main cultural export in the West right now isn't fucked up porn.
I raelly hate trannies and fags and everyone else but I get the feeling that no matter what happens we're just going to get fucked harder and harder. These are really the end times.

>> No.20019951

>did you even read the thing?
Like he said it's 10 pages. No person in /lit/ has the attention span for that

>> No.20020049

based, he's the closest thing we have to a modern day ceaser

>> No.20020109

I did and no, you're wrong. Completely wrong.

>> No.20020717

Man, fuck this place. This board is full of fucking desperate losers.

>> No.20020721

>he says after navigating to 4channel.com
Anon, I...

>> No.20020743

I wasn't loser enough to know that this place is full of fucking losers

>> No.20020766

Putin saw 7% GDP growth every year for his first term, and rise in wages sometimes of 10%. Russia has the best debt to GDP ratio among western countries, excepting places like Norway. My source is Kotkin, who is anti-Putin.

>> No.20020949

You fucking mongoloid dipshit. Who the fuck cares if he had a short period of economic growth, which was an alle-oop of from the rise of oil prices. You have to be a fucking helpless retard to not capitalise on that with the resources that russia, it's literally a press "x" to win situation. Other than that short period of economic growth russia under putin's presidency didn't come close to that levels of success (mind you, 20 fucking years and only 4 of which saw economic growth) and has been balancing between stagnation and decline (not too big of a decline but now russia is about to be hit with a huge one). Putin took an oligarchic swamp that was russia of the 90s and made it an oligarchic swamp with an authoritarian regime.

>Russia has the best debt to GDP ratio among western countries

Literally fucking irrelevant when you have shitty institutions.

>> No.20020971

Russia’s 2008 GDP: 1.7 trillion
Russia’s 2020 GDP: 1.5 trillion

USA’s 2008 GDP: 15 trillion
USA’s 2020 GDP: 21 trillion

“But his first term was good” lol

>> No.20020972

>he excels
he excels so hard that he turned a former world superpower into a joke that can't even dominate a literal africa-tier shithole like ukraine

>> No.20020989

>companies have trillions of imaginary numbers on a digital ledger somewhere
Who fucking cares

>> No.20021104
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Well welcome to the club then kek

>> No.20021112
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Any books about combating fascism?

>> No.20021125

>putin is so freaking based for increasing gdp
>it went down after his first term
>uhhhhh gdp is literally imaginary who cares

>> No.20021168

>which was an alle-oop of from the rise of oil prices.
Oof. You tried so hard, writing a big wall of text that I won't read, because you were too lazy to even look up the price of oil for Putin's first years. It was a quarter to a third of what it is now.

>> No.20021250

You are fucking retarded and don't know jackshit economics. Eliminate yourself.

>> No.20021267

Loses argument, immediate ad hominem.

>> No.20021319

Ah, the insane person thread. Very nice.

>> No.20021334

I didn't lose any arguments you ceramic brain incel. There were no arguments to lose.

You fucking small dick attention whore pampers wearing monkey. Your mom hates you and your dad regrets not jerking you off into the urinal of some trash ass wendy's men's restroom where you was conceived. You alcohol withdrawal syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome having motherfucker.

Cyкa блять

>> No.20021350
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More unsupported VDV drops, da.

>> No.20021356
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>hahahaha le Putin monkey face glownigger post LOL!

>> No.20021380
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>> No.20021381
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Based strong Putin sending thousands of teen conscripts to their deaths after going into battle with no food and no idea of what they are fighting for.

>> No.20021389
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Based fellow pede. Hail the God Emperor. Hail based Putin. He will save Europe from the Globalhomo migrant raids by sending based Chechen rape gangs into a White Christian country. Based.

>> No.20021402

didnt read, but you're mad as fuck that you missed such a glaring fact

>> No.20021413
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>We the based free thinkers aren't the ones under a psyop
>Oh shit, Tucker is on, time to get to the Tucker general. He's a heir elite and all, but he's JUST like me!

>> No.20021414

You dumb as fuck thinking your fact has fouled my talking point. You don't know shit about economics and it's showing.

>> No.20021416
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>> No.20021419
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>> No.20021453

Meds. Now!

>> No.20021463

Sure Putin and Russia subverted me. Good. At least they pay attention to my demographic at all. Hell at least they aren't actively trying to ethnically cleanse me. Fuck off, glownigger kike.

>> No.20021552

"idiot" ,"young adult" "crime and punishment" by dosto

>> No.20021561

>point oil was extremely cheap during putin's boom years
why do people think this board is the smartest lol its got /b/ tier retards

>> No.20021603

Learn to read.

>> No.20021925

No one who spends any time here actually thinks that. You might get one thread per month with an edifying conversation. I hear /sci/, /diy/, and the cooking board are the most intelligent.

>> No.20021930

>cooking board on an American site
lol no

>> No.20021933

You're also retarded.

>> No.20021937

every day I pray for nuclear war

>> No.20021939

Shut up faggot

>> No.20021947
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make screenshots of pro-monkey schizos to post after Russia falls in two weeks
both their military and economy is in shambles, they literally have nothing but the desperate olgino shills and even they start being neurotic and giving up

>> No.20021950
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On 2ch the russians sometimes refer to themselves as "Orcs"

I didn't really believe them until i spent enough time around them. They really are corrupt elves warped by fear and pain. That's fucking great. My fav russian book btw.
The sacred book of the werewolf.

3000 Loli hypno fox disrupts werewolf kgb oil shamans with hot tail sex karma sutra and achieves enlightenment in a government park bike jump ramp.

>> No.20021958

Good grief, you're pathetic. Is this really how you spend your time?

>> No.20022001

FUCK putler

>> No.20022015

>putin is responsible for yelstin's mess
lmao you liberals are so fucking stupid

>> No.20022021

is this reddit copy pasta

>> No.20022033
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>> No.20022201
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>nooooooooooo what are you doing you cant kill them theyre whiteeeee!!!!!!!! why dont you let ukrainians enjoy their jewish leaders you sick fuck!1!

>> No.20022271

nigger you’re spending hours on the internet defending a terrorist state and you’re not even russian
how do you look your parents in the eyes?

>> No.20022279

>how do you look your parents in the eyes?
I don’t need to leave my basement.

>> No.20022826

>it's better to kill people than let them choose what they want

>> No.20023033


>> No.20023070

Who are you quoting? They're right in any case.

>> No.20023233

I hate Russia so much. Authoritarian corrupt homophobic cunts.

>> No.20023419

the sad thing is its hi accuracy

>> No.20023500

Butters is back

>> No.20023731

weak strongman

>> No.20023738

Losing to Deep Blue really fried his brain.

>> No.20023743

Delete these posts. Putin is fucking based, he works hard and saves the white race just so that some cuck like you mocks him with this soulless morph of his face with that of a monkey? This is fucking wrong, man. Like why would you do this? Chadimir Putin doesn't deserve to be memed like this.

>> No.20023767

what you do if I don't punk?

>> No.20023769

gtfo kremlinbots

>> No.20023774

My parents? Kek how old are you?

>> No.20023784

twaddle that means nothing when put in quotes.
'Subversion to change reality and give alternative' nonsense: you can apply this to *every* scenario. Perhaps, you are the one being subverted by the 'alternative' into thinking people who support Russia is the enemy. Or maybe, I'm being subverted into thinking *you're* the enemy. And so on and so on...
If all subversion is, is convincing someone the enemy is a different enemy, then *everything* can be put into this framework

>> No.20023816

I find it really hypocritical that the West is banning everything Russian right now but when China was caught ethnic cleansing or spreading a virus that tanked the rest of the world's economy and allegedly killed millions of people nobody even boycotted anything.
Anyway I hope my shipment of Russian books doesn't get destroyed on the way by some faggot who works at the mail.

>> No.20023885

that image is stupid
>What is HEAT?

>> No.20023892

Also I've had to watch some really pathetic things today. People aren't sentient. They unironically have no brain. If you point this out, that China was ethnic cleansing and doing all sorts of horrible crimes and nobody batted an eyelash, or all the countless unjust wars that America did over oil, they go "so you're pro Russia?!?!" people are sheep. It's just insane how much of a drone the average person is. Oh but I've seen the news and wars is terrible. Guess fucking what, war is terrible anywhere it happens. So if something isn't on TV it doesn't exist? Do you think American troops were throwing flowers at people? It's such a fucking pathetic thing. I don't support Russia or whatever it's just fucking sad that people just follow the program to such a point. You can't have a real conversation, nothing.

>> No.20023911

Get some new material amerikansij faggot.

>> No.20023962

Why do you love a leader who invaded another country unprovoked, anon? Not being sarcastic, actually wondering?

>> No.20024014

First off, I don't see it as unprovoked at all. Ukraine, NATO, and the EU had all been making serious gestures towards integrating Ukraine into that system. The history of US interventionism, NGO/USAID color revolution regime-change operations, and the financial cucking that come with all of that means that Russia has an interest in not letting it happen. Not to mention the 8-year war in Donbass which has in fact taken many Russia-speaking people's lives and seen war crimes take place.

But ultimately, it was reading Putin's paper, "On the Historical Unity of Ukrainians and Russians" and hearing his speeches on the matter that wooed me completely. I see Putin and his project clearly now. It's sad to say because I have no connection to Russia and live so far away but to me he is one of the few real leaders left and this operation has proved it. He has a teleological project connected to history that resonates with me on a human level. Our 'leaders' are nothing more than social-climbing, avarice-fueled pawns for the billionaire WEF class with zero connection to their land or people. They are soulless with no religion, no country, and no moral framework other than vague appeals to human rights and democracy. Mindless platitudes that end up being used as casus belli for interventionism and economic rape. And for what? More globohomo lgbtqasdfa cultural programming and destruction of traditional values? More alien immigration to the west? No, no thank you. I will gladly cheer on Putin and his neo-Tsarist ambitions from afar, if for nothing else than to make you mindless NPC's and your vampire overlords seethe about it.

>> No.20024037

I would be inclined to agree with you were Russia some kind of based trad utopia and not a rotten shithole. Unless the reality of Russia as we know it from outside is completely fabricated propaganda, but I doubt it.

>> No.20024065

You're not even trying

>> No.20024084

>More globohomo lgbtqasdfa cultural programming and destruction of traditional values?
Yeah give me more of that. Also rope all tradtards and homophobes.

>> No.20025386

>but when China was caught ethnic cleansing or spreading a virus that tanked the rest of the world's economy and allegedly killed millions of people nobody even boycotted anything.
probably has something to do with the fact that neither of those things are real