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20014485 No.20014485 [Reply] [Original]

>Eve initially resists the serpent's prodding
>only takes the apple after being convinced it's okay
>Adam shows up
>Eve: "want a bite?"
>Adam immediately accepts without argument
Are there any books that explore this line of thought further?

>> No.20014492

imagine taking genesis literally

>> No.20014495

Taken literally or not, the fact that Eve was the only one who offered any resistance to eating the apple seems significant.

>> No.20014501

>impressionable woman is convinced by a stranger to do evil
>henpecked man does whatever his wife tells him

>> No.20014502
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prolly you should ask around & consider yr sources
when I asked Liz Phair about it her & Veruca Salt were fighting
& then this woman who called herself a Martial Arts Practice Space Feline would only repeat she was a bovine & moo

>> No.20014505

Infancy is taking Genesis literally.
Childhood is thinking Genesis is allegory.
Adulthood is knowing it's both.

>> No.20014508
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>> No.20014512

>When Adam bit the apple he did it because he trusted Eve. Because he loved her. Adam bit into the apple because the woman he loved told him to, no matter what God said. No matter the rules of heaven. What’s heaven to a woman’s love anyway? What’s God to your wife? The first sins of humanity, were trusting others. Eve trusted a snake, Adam trusted Eve, and I trust you. Maybe that’s a sin, just like the first couple. Maybe everyone’s right about us and we’re sinners and we offend God. But like I said, what’s God to a woman’s love anyway? What has heaven got that I can’t find sitting next to you on a cool autumn morning?

>> No.20014518

She resisted a scary snake creature. Adam trusted his normal human wife.

>> No.20014524

This, stop looking for stuff that isn't there

>> No.20014550

I'll sit next to you a cool autumn morning, but leave all of the tricks you've played in the past, behind.

>> No.20014552

Well, >>20014518 is right, but Adam was a man and he should've been wiser. None of that would've happen if he had resisted the temptation. Whatever women do is irrelevant if it's not ultimately enabled by men.
Of course, Adam was the first man, so his naïveté is excusable. The story remains as a good warning.

>> No.20014554

Very high IQ post, just rare to see an actual intellectual on /lit/

>> No.20014577

The point is that Adam doing whatever Eve did was simply natural before the fall of man

>> No.20014613

Faith is simply knowing that it is the Truth without concern for any of those things.

>> No.20014637

Eve is basically an arm of mother nature tricking Adam.

>> No.20015437


>> No.20015484

Faith is foolish.

>> No.20015488

adam listened to his wife, who he loved and trusted. eve listened to a snake. what kind of retard listens to a snake?

>> No.20015690

>has faith in her belief that faith is foolish

>> No.20015693


>> No.20015696

Eve took Adam and made him a man
>Adam was coddled and a giant faggot living in Eden
>Eve made him grow up
This story is telling Adam "Have sex"

>> No.20015832

>should have been wiser
Mate, he didn't even possess the knowledge of good and evil until his wife fed him the apple. He LITERALLY couldn't have considered the possibility that he was being deceived. It's the same reason Eve ate of it so willingly.

>> No.20015867

She will never be a man.

>> No.20016662

Eve was offered the apple by a weird snake thing, Adam was offered the apple by a hot babe who was formerly his rib. "More thoughtful" here also seems to not be a substantial merit as both the more and less thoughtful people (or at least so labelled by you) eat the apple.

>> No.20016809

no, it didn't

>> No.20017404

I take a deontological approach to the ethics of Genesis

>> No.20017408

Shut up rib

>> No.20017415

He did have God's command not to eat the fruit, didn't he? Even if you can't comprehend good and evil that should be enough.