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/lit/ - Literature

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20013551 No.20013551 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20013556

Is Vitruvius really good?

>> No.20013806
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>> No.20013809

Can I just assemble any books together and post it? What’s the point of these threads other than to get praise from strangers who don’t read?

>> No.20013810

>actually starting with the Greeks

>getting the Penguin editions
Not so based. Should have gotten Oxford.

>> No.20013813

Hackett or bust

>> No.20013905

(autistic screeching)

>> No.20013912

I really like showing off books that I recently bought or am reading. If you're not a fan then filter it.

Better introductions and footnotes? I mainly chose them because I like the way penguin blacks look and the people inside reddit told me they're decent.

>> No.20013969
File: 1.89 MB, 5664x2604, foxfire1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy is great, but at some point you need to pick one and apply. That's when you start doing real stuff, and that's where Foxfire books come in.

>> No.20014176


I saw the pics in a specific folder for book titles/spines that look interesting

It has conversation potential, so lighten up you try tryhard faggot

>> No.20014194

Redditor is also an exhibitionist. Go figure.
So you have all the time in the world for random chit chat about spines?

>> No.20014342


No but I have a few minutes to discuss the book itself, not the spine. Your unwarranter anger is affecting your reading comprehension. What are you on about?

>> No.20014529

That's a strange way to spell Loeb

>> No.20014573

Im under the impression its books that one just bought. Thats all ive ever posted here

>> No.20014598
File: 322 KB, 1920x990, 274645120_1469263756809399_4600388415985641354_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I am reading currently. The Yeats is a reread because I try to read most, if not all of, of W.B Yeats' work four times a year. A personal favourite of mine next to Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney. Enjoying Everyman, but it isn't wowing me that much. Durer's Angel is amazing though. Marie-Clair Blais is a Quebecois writer and she's great, especially with her Catholic themes and dense writing. Highly recommend. The Duino Elegies have been pretty good so far. Was expecting a bit more (decided to read them after watching Wings of Desire and hearing that this collection of poetry inspired the movie), but I've heard it gets better.

>> No.20014689


Rilke is incredible, though I like his prose better than his poetry. I'm sure it has more to do wiry my ability to comprehend poetry tho

>> No.20015006
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Eurofag here, haven't read too many mcnovels but I'm excited to go through these
What's up with sapiens being shilled everywhere? Is it good?

>> No.20015016

u wack dat stack homie :)

>> No.20015229

>What's up with sapiens being shilled everywhere? Is it good?

I read it but it seemed like the author was kind of pulling some things out of his ass and selling them as facts without backing them up

>> No.20015248

any history book that uses 'homo sapiens' as a stand-in for 'human' is not worth reading.

>> No.20015258
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Please be nice

>> No.20015265

I spy the funny japanese man

>> No.20015339
File: 1.10 MB, 3024x4032, 1619939762659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm about to read this. i hope it's good

>> No.20015416

Any book that uses human instead of Man is not worth reading either.

>> No.20015556

I got the book because I love anthropology. It's not bad at all but nothing otherwordly either.

>> No.20015585

How to u get a job being a cover artist at Penguin? Laziest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.20015619

I think Penguin covers are good

>> No.20015649
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>> No.20015918


>> No.20016244
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I made a great haul today. Particularly happy with my ne Braudel trilogy. I already had a copy of the first book, but these editions have lots of illustrations.
The book on the bottom is called "The Coasts of Illusion". by Clark B. Firestone. It was published in 1924 and is a history of myths and legends from around the world. You can check it out for free here: https://archive.org/details/coastsofillusion0000fire

>> No.20016309
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my year of reading :) bit of a beginner stack

>> No.20016332

Waverley is better than the other two Walter Scott novels that you got on your stack

>> No.20016364

This is like when I would buy Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh cards cuz they were cheaper and make up what they said

>> No.20016365


>> No.20016425
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Not a stack but I used my wagie tax returns recently to buy a shit ton of books form this press

>> No.20017489


>> No.20017494

Oh crap are they due soon?

>> No.20017501

Interesting to find a snap with books you like and take the other books as reccs.

>> No.20017508

I cant. You read Fisher, fuck you.

>> No.20017520

I'm probably going to get shit for this but a few years (probably 4 or 5 years ago) ago my mother insisted I get an e-reader so ill be dropping recent hauls here if you dont mind

>> No.20017523
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First set

>> No.20017526
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Second set

>> No.20017542
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Third set

>> No.20017554

This especially with the idea of grain n wheat domesticating us. But go figure some fag jew hates hierarchies as they actually manifest

>> No.20017596

u should read thomas s. kuhn structure of scientific revolutions. also i hate the way you stacked these; it should go

smaller books
larger books

>> No.20017610
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>O macaco nu

>> No.20017697
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What do you guys think?

>> No.20018008

How’s middle school going for you?

>> No.20018015

If only. If only modern middle-schoolers actually read books like that.

>> No.20018019

I read Moby Penis, Paradise Lost, the Iliad, and Ulysses when I was just about 12 years old, and I’m a Zoomer. I can’t remember anything about them except for the Iliad, which I’ve re-read several times, however.

>> No.20018029


>> No.20018037

Do you remember every single movie or book you’ve watched?

>> No.20018043

>movie or book you’ve watched
*movie you’ve watched or book you’ve read

>> No.20018075
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>> No.20018135

i just stacked them as fiction-nonfiction so i can switch between them and keep my brain happy. ill check it out thanks!

>> No.20018853

This seems like an interesting press, you know any others like them?

>> No.20018868
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Harari is into some crazy shit. Sapiens wasn't bad if you want a broad overview of the history of Humans for the last 100,000 years, but reading it won't change your life. His second book, Homo Deus can be read like a companion the Klaus Schwab's Covid 19: The Great Reset. Listening to Harari's talks at the WEF disappoint me. It's not like I disagree with what he says as most of it is just facts rather than opinion, or at least opinion disguised as fact, but the future as envisioned robs humans of their humanity.
>tfw no matter how much you try you'll never be as hard as Mishima
How is On War? Any similar recommends?

>> No.20018939





>> No.20018951
File: 114 KB, 1512x1512, 6eb45095-1c30-4dff-81d4-ddd281d6e456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got these for school, they any good? haven't started them yet

(Sophie's world, the expulsion of the other, the plague)

>> No.20018979

The Plague is fine, but you need to read the Stranger and the Myth of Sisyphus before you end the semester.

>> No.20018987

before or after the pest?

>> No.20018998

how the fuck is that Confederacy of Dunces so big?

>> No.20019028

After is fine, they are all stand alone books. But the get a better grasp on Camus they should be read while they are fresh.
The myth of sisyphus and the stranger are mandatory readings for Camus, while the fall/the plague/the rebel are suggested.
Lucky that you get to read the Stranger in French, it is much better in French

>> No.20019060
File: 780 KB, 5520x2364, Kenneth Roberts Historical Fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I see it around, I'll grab it.These were not books I sought out, just random finds at the local used book store.

>How is On War? Any similar recommends?
I've never seen anyone here say anything nice about it, so it's probably good. Similar would be "The Art of War" by Machiavelli in that same stack. Randomly flipping through "On War" I came across a bit where Clausewitz says one should not call their book on war the "Art" of war, so shots fired at two dead guys I guess (if the translations of their titles are correct).

I also completed my Kenneth Roberts collection. All 8 of his historical fiction novels.

>> No.20019069
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>> No.20019071
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Thick and hard, but not long.

>> No.20019250
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Checking in.

>> No.20019412
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>on /lit/

>> No.20019449

Where do you find the Penguin Modern Classics, anon?

>> No.20019467

I thought the Bhagavad Gita was like 500-1000 pages

>> No.20019513
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Only versions with like 9 commentaries. The copy I have has 2, plus introductions. Outlined in red is the actual verse being discussed.

>> No.20019543
File: 1.01 MB, 1816x2611, 20220305_125039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$130, I can't believe how huge it is

>> No.20019551

Is it printed for the legally blind?

>> No.20019580

no e reader :(

>> No.20019587
File: 1.31 MB, 2746x1816, 20220305_125615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of, a large portion is pictures and writings of Jung which are fairly difficult to see on smaller text. It's beautiful though a bit overkill in size.

Here's my select schizo stack from the past month.

>> No.20019780
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x1836, 20220305_154754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey stack bros!

>> No.20019796

So what's your goal with these? That's some dense reading. I have a very clear goal in mind when I add to my collection and I don't want to read anything there. (I have Meditations, though, and I might crack the Bilbe and Tanakh as some point)

>> No.20019834


I don't know why, but the fact that The Red Book is the only one wrapped in plastic tickled me.

>> No.20019843

Mostly to learn about other realms and beings. I became a bit obsessed after i had a vision one night that changed my pov on a lot of things.

>> No.20019944
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>Hey stack bros!
>*spills sardine juice*

>> No.20020228

You're being led into the occult by evil principalities brother. Don't do it. Those books in your stack are fine but do not read any further or read anything on spells or other dimensions or demonology or anything like that. Focus on the Holy Bible. You know if a spirit is of the Lord if it speaks the truth about the good news of Christ and this is not it.

>> No.20020268

Is the HarperCollins edition of Moby Dick the one with the small, hardly-readable letters?

>> No.20020362

Bookdepository or amazon

>> No.20020396

Want some sardines anon?

>> No.20020807


>> No.20021116
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>> No.20021190
File: 360 KB, 628x903, Boy Scout Manual - Burroughs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I must look up this one now...
[Burroughs was the purveyor of a bizarre, provocative, and uniquely personal writing style that was informed by science, science fiction, and society. In these respects, The Revised Boy Scout Manual does not disappoint, providing more of what Burroughs fans love. In this 1970 composition, Burroughs turns his eye to the electronic age, advocating in his "joking, or is he?" style for mass assassinations and the manipulation of societal behavior to effect change. Among the concepts explored by Burroughs are "fake news" (in the first printed appearance of that term) -- the use of fabricated or altered news events to further one's own agenda.]

>> No.20021251


>> No.20021344

underrated post

>> No.20021358

Check out Antelope Hill Publishing. They have a lot of his stuff.

>> No.20021370

absolute scum of the Earth. Physical books or die, faggot

>> No.20021410

How's the Rouse translation of the Iliad? I've never tried it.

>> No.20021557
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Based and appalachia-pilled.

>> No.20022107
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>> No.20022135

I want to read Berlioz's memoirs one day.

>> No.20022300
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Still got to get to my books.

>> No.20022786
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How old are you?

>> No.20022825

>sapiens being shilled everywhere? Is it good?
I read it on a plane ride from the US to Europe and I'd say it is basically an airport book. It doesn't say much special and really is just pop science but for anthropology. The only reason I can think of why you should read it is because so many other people have so you can at least say you know it. Plus people who don't read see the word sapien and will think you are smart so it is a great book for being a pseud.

>> No.20023607

Is Introduction to Metaphysics an actually good introduction to metaphysics?

>> No.20023615

some of his stuff is interesting but stay away from his instructions on building ballistae and other machines.

>> No.20023619

No, they don't.

>> No.20023640

Oh fuck, they did. Maybe it was someone else. Sorry, m8

>> No.20023672

It's cool, I wasn't even gonna check, but it sounded wrong to me. Their purpose is dissident, and Clausewitz, though he would probably be called a "nazi" today, is very mainstream.

>> No.20023751

27 years old.

>> No.20023768

Oh, that makes sense, then. Good picture, anon.

>> No.20024412
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>> No.20024443

Vai curíntia!

>> No.20024904

Yoko sucks

>> No.20024949
File: 1.33 MB, 1026x622, barnes_stack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to barnes and noble
>walk to science fiction section
>just picked up 4 random books that were facing me

what am i in for?

>> No.20025018

Why? Such machines are legal where I live.

>> No.20025132

Incorrect, but I still love you

>> No.20025341

Is that the Baronius Press Latin/English Douay-Rheims bible? How do you like it?

>> No.20025468
File: 1.53 MB, 2160x3840, PXL_20220306_224902738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stacks of old times readin's

>> No.20025563

A professor at my university once used it as assigned reading material for a course on the Philosophy of Science. I've never read it, but a friend of mine who took that course told me he couldn't understand much of it because it made too many references to Greek philosophers whom he'd never read.
I imagine reading Aristotle's Metaphysics would probably be easier than anything by Heidegger.

>> No.20025731

It's extremely beautiful, easy to carry in a backpack or something, and the text is readable. It feels like it will last a long time, and the leather confirms it.

>> No.20026754

Thank you. I drew it in my spare time.

>> No.20027817
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>> No.20027828
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>stealing books from the library

>> No.20027832

this. same way i use goodreads. just stalk real people who like books i like. organic way of discovering unique recommendations you are likely to enjoy that wouldn't otherwise be served to you via an algorithm. i just lurk though i can't comment on others' motivations for posting which could very well be narcissistic.

>> No.20028836


>> No.20029122

Aristotel's metaphysics is more difficult than kant and hegel combined. You will not understand it.

>> No.20029350

It's "withdrawn" meaning they've replaced it, happens to old classics more often than you think. I paid a dollar for it at goodwill distro

>> No.20029566
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>> No.20030159


>> No.20030178

Any time I see an author put "PhD" or "M.D." after their name I immediately disregard anything they say.

>> No.20030208
File: 402 KB, 1280x958, CCF8DFE1-0F3E-4EBA-A5E1-4D964AB39AF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently in a homeless shelter, lent my copy of stoner to someone in here. Roast me.

>> No.20030220 [DELETED] 

Based on how literate you are, I'm sure at some point you'll go from rags to riches eventually.

>> No.20030222

Sophie's World is very readable, but the underage sex scene near the end made me a bit uncomfortable

>> No.20030242

Dante is upside down, m8.

>> No.20030259


>> No.20030264

You'll go from rags to riches eventually.

>> No.20030268

much better

>> No.20030279

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is pretty based. Read it anon.

>> No.20030285

Calvin and Hobbes is pretty based.

>> No.20030290

Pretty cool books.

>> No.20030417

That says more about you than about those authors.

>> No.20030801

I have a PhD and agree. All my accomplishmed friends don't lead with it, only when in Europe, and the people who do do this come from third rate institutions or have a chipon the old clavicle

>> No.20030818
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I feel bad for how much cave man nonsense you're about to wade through just to have the reference base.

>> No.20030829

yeah, that he doesn't like reading psueds lol

no actual big boy academic does this shit, it's always plebs with something to prove and half the time they have a meme degree such as in that pic. credentialism is retarded and even moreso when the credentials you have are garbage.

>> No.20030831



Story checks out.

>> No.20031254

why 2 copies of something when ur homeless?

>> No.20031330

>gulag archipelago
at least read an honest work about the soviet union

>> No.20031464

Why are you homeless, and what do you do? Is that sheet music?

>> No.20031475

Why homeless? You hearing voices?

>> No.20031581
File: 1.27 MB, 3840x2160, PXL_20220308_013559964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know

Classic stack I paid 12 bucks for 4 Loeb's today

>> No.20031637

Currently giving music lessons. It’s a stack of instructional material.
Both were gifts. The Everyman version is the one I prefer. It’s been read a lot, hence the dings and nicks.
I do have an illness, but not the voices.
I’ll re read Stalin’s high score again, thank you.

>> No.20032601

And this impacts the content of the book how? You assume he's a pseud because of some retarded notion. If Train McTrainface, PhD Er MS, had written an interesting book, I couldn't care less about what his name was or what he put behind it. Shallow disilliusioned academics like you need to go back.

>> No.20032941

>posting kindle screenshots in a stack thread
you nigger

>> No.20033843


>> No.20034358

imagine unironically buying these books lmao

>> No.20034432

the boethius is a nice touch

>> No.20034438
File: 3.66 MB, 4032x3024, 3127C613-C1ED-4EDF-9874-0DC0968FA731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don’t be mean

>> No.20034833

They're very entertaining, and Berlioz is known for his embellishments, but he also gives a good idea of the state of the business of being a composer in his time, especially as it relates to dealing with orchestras and the like.

>> No.20034838
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>> No.20034852
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Handicapped homosexual

>> No.20034944
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x3024, FB8FC305-769A-4DF9-A682-26B44FAED325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything here I got for free from a book exchange in my college

>> No.20035037

How do you like Fanged Noumena

>> No.20035052

Absalom, Absalom! is one of the greatest books ever written. enjoy.

>> No.20035188
File: 2.17 MB, 3840x2160, PXL_20220308_204726383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodwill today

>> No.20035206

>>20034852 Wrong. I have a boyfriend

>> No.20035236

I don’t like a lot of it but I thoroughly enjoyed the essay on trakl

>> No.20035251

Are you a social scinces major or something? Because other than that theme your books come out as kind of generic

>> No.20035729

Based, one of the greatest works on the Holocaust

>> No.20035842

I'm sure I will. I read the sound and the fury and loved it, especially quentin's part.

>> No.20036193

Actually good stack. You and I could carry on if we met.

>> No.20036209

I spy,
with my little pecker,
your mom's little fecker

>> No.20036576

I enjoyed the double more than crime and punishment. Notes was best of the three.

>> No.20036989
File: 1.70 MB, 3840x2160, PXL_20211211_233052271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, I frequently create feelings of oppressive Sehnsucht in others. This longing gives way to alienation, feelings of rejection, and ultimately, ideas of some banal betrayal. The truth of the matter, that is, in the most direct manner, to put it straightforward in a sense, me might carry on well.

>> No.20037175

On second thought perhaps not

>> No.20037294

I can already feel your latent resentment and feeling of inadequacy percolating above the friscallating dusk light. Now, may I please get you some "Salmon with Mayonnaise"?

>> No.20038239


>> No.20038242

That copy of the Introduction to Metaphysics is overprices as fuck

>> No.20038322

Really take time with the first pages, every word has significance. The rest of the text is easier than the first pages of SUD but if i only had either the first pages or the rest of the text I would choose the first pages since they explain the whole system he builds in this text.

>> No.20038439
File: 424 KB, 963x951, IMG_20220308_202246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current stack. I'm way too deep into Arno Schmidt at this point.

>> No.20038683

Black spines are easier for colour coding on your shelf though

>> No.20039548
