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/lit/ - Literature

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20012276 No.20012276 [Reply] [Original]

>he says he likes writing
>he doesn't write

>> No.20012281

ah bloo bloo

>> No.20012287
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I have writers block!

>> No.20012289

Lmao I know right? what kind of worthless faggot brainlet retard would even do that. Makes me fucking sick

>> No.20012292


I like to READ, I SURE love to WEED, and damn boy now I gotta SNEED? But WRITE??? I'm WHITE and that's not RIGHT

>> No.20012293

>He says he likes having written
>He also says he doesn't like writing

Checks out to me.

>> No.20012307
File: 187 KB, 400x400, x-leJX4Z_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I write dozens of 4chan posts every week.

>> No.20012323

those are rookie numbers

>> No.20012622


>> No.20012853

(you will never be a writer)

>> No.20012861
File: 13 KB, 236x227, 2725d8fe6e0669c6166eec0c64ef7e2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls himself a perfectionist
>sucks at everything he does

>> No.20012867
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>> No.20013201

The new captcha has me down to rookie number posts. Maybe 50 or so on an average day.
Nearly tempted to get a pass.

>> No.20013530
File: 421 KB, 489x633, 1645420155512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. is this the fakest shit ever or what? when's the last time you heard a sculptor say he has "sculptor's block"? hahaha nigga when does a painter ever have PAINTER'S BLOCK? hahahaha this has gotta be the oldest cope in the world, who came up with this shit? why are there so many fake writers in the world but so few fake graphic artists or dancers or movie directors? why is it only writing that attracts such wet noodles that have to make excuses for NOT DOING the thing they say they LOOOVE doing?

absolutely pathetic. "writer's block." oh no your plumber got plumber's block bro, your pipes won't be finished for another five years! hahahaha get the fuck outta here nigga

>> No.20014101
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It's not my fault everything I produce is low quality