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/lit/ - Literature

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20012008 No.20012008 [Reply] [Original]

>See Kierkegaard quotes
>Read him
>Realise the quotes everyone posts are in the part of the book he is preparing to btfo in the second half

>> No.20012048

>learning about philosophy through /lit/ shitposters
Be careful

>> No.20012076

I’m gonna be honest. I tried to read Kierkegaard and I felt retarded. He’s too smart for me. I can understand most of the famous dialogues of Plato pretty well, I even enjoy reading some philosophers like Descartes and Hobbes. I’ve read highly baroque classic novels like Moby-Dick and Don Quixote, and truly enjoyed them. I’m not saying I think Kierkegaard is bad, I literally read it and could feel the genius flying over my head. It was a very deflating feeling as many things I heard about him, his life, and his ideas, really intrigued and appealed to me.

>> No.20012081

It's good to be honest with yourself about your limitations, just be sure to keep them in mind next time you try to call me a retard on here.

>> No.20012088

There are secondary texts you can use to help you understand. Reading Kierkegaard for the first time opened my eyes to how far I had to go.

>> No.20012108

Try familiarising yourself with the Bible and German Idealists beforehand.

>> No.20012144

>Read philosophy book
>It's actually an extremely high level analysis of an opera
What was he thinking?

>> No.20012189
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opera is the artform of the 19th century.