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20011955 No.20011955 [Reply] [Original]

anyone have experience in this?

>> No.20011972

afaik it's a highly competitive field. there are only so many library jobs

>> No.20011992

You don't want to be a librarian, at least not if you live in the US. There are barely any job openings and every single one of them requires a specialized postgraduate degree that's useless for anything else. It's a bad gamble, and the only reward is getting to work a shitty job alongside people you'll probably hate. Very few librarians are actually interested in literature.

>> No.20012124

In Canada at least, it requires a Master's Degree. To get the really well paying jobs you need more education. I think if you want to work in a university library you'd need a PhD as well.

>> No.20012131

requires a masters degree but you can get a higher paying job with a different masters degree
you will primarily be working with dumb white women

>> No.20012233

In America, if you're good at cleaning cum stains off books from degens making a mess in the library, you got a job.

>> No.20012418

that's fucking gay I'd rather just open up my own comfy small used book store where I call people niggers on the internet all day

>> No.20012431

What kind of librarian?

>> No.20013120

How the fuck does a job like librarian need a masters requirement

>> No.20013215

Senior assistant in a public library here. It’s probably not worth becoming a librarian unless you’re aiming for an academic library. In my area we don’t actually have fully qualified librarian posts anymore, all the positions have been dissolved and the duties distributed amongst the other members of staff. As for the roles that remain, there is very little room for career development, I’ve basically reached as high as I can go without becoming a manager or children’s librarian, and I can’t say I’m interested in either. Thankfully I’m also self-employed in a different, more specialised career so I only do a couple days a week at the library now.

My advice- get into academic libraries or archive work. It’s a lot more competitive but that’s where the rewarding shit is.

>> No.20013447

Yeah I’m only interested in it as a half time job and I don’t really care about having a career.

>> No.20013449

Public librarian

>> No.20013465

I'm a librarian. It's a shitty, pointless job. All your co-workers will be bitchy old hags. Public libraries are a total bore and the only people who bother to visit them are pediatrics and parents with young children. School libraries at least have the advantage of being close to kids if you're into that sort of shit.

>> No.20013484
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> School libraries at least have the advantage of being close to kids if you're into that sort of shit
N-no mr FBI agent I’m not into that sort of shit at all haha

>> No.20013710

If your city is big enough a capital L librarian at a public library won't be public facing most of the time, that's more library assistants/techs and pages. Librarians are more like management positions, but you can do some neat things like planning programming and doing collection development. Even LAs do some cool stuff, but you do have to deal with helping old people print. Both positions can go on judging counsels for stuff like YRCA. As much truth as there is that it's old people, the homeless and kids, there can be some satisfying parts to the job, just make sure you know exactly what it entails, and if you'd rather find a different area of librarianship. I work in a legislative library which is OK. One of the only library's where reference work is still really central. I do a lot of legislation tracing. Also you do have to get the Masters but it's piss easy.

>> No.20013734
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>to be a librarian
Is this a joke?

>> No.20013793

What, like Ron Paul? Shouldn't be too hard, just stop paying taxes.

>> No.20013968

The people shelving books and working with the public are usually pages and library assistants or library techs. Library tech is a short technical degree. Librarians in a public library setting are more like managers, and will do a lot more large scale behind the scenes planning. In an academic library full librarians are often tenured research positions.The masters wasn't that hard, but it isn't an unreasonable prerequisit for the higher level work.

>> No.20013998

welcome to the college bubble nigga

>> No.20014054

Ah, that makes sense then