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20009581 No.20009581 [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading pic related because I really enjoyed Crying of Lot 49 but so far it's not all that interesting. I'm about a 100 pages in and I'm not really all that invested in the plot or characters, my favourite part so far was when we got flashback to early 20th century Cairo. Should I keep reading or did Pynchon filter me?

>> No.20009584

I didn't care for it either aside from a few parts. I should reread it soon

>> No.20009597

Ponchos is a meme. Nobody seriously likes him. Read Delilo instead

>> No.20009605

you clearly haven't read enough of him then and probably only read a few pages of Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20009611

I've read Lot 49, Bleeding edge and Inherent vice

>> No.20009617

Those are his weakest books (except maybe Vineland, although people are really divided on that)

>> No.20009619
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but not the book that got him famous

>> No.20009624

I only read a bit of V.

GR takes all those ideas and matures them. I really enjoyed the Character of Roger Mexico, Slothrop and Pirate.

That said, people have told me Pynch only begins to write proper characters later. Mason and Dixon, as well as Against the Day, I have been told, have better characters.

>> No.20009645

people are stupid, pynchon just has relatively subtle characterization in the name of realism and he focuses more on action and thoughts than description and arcs to illustrate characters

>> No.20009958

Inherent Vice is one of the most enjoyable novels in general (not just by Pynchon)

>> No.20009969

The good news is there’s a lot of variety in vignettes so there’ll probably be something you like. The downside is the settings and plots keep changing so you’ll probably lose interest again. I thought it was a fun read because of Pynchy’s style, but yeah I can’t say I was super into the overall plot either. I might have been pleb filtered but what can you do.

>> No.20009972

I'm about halfway into Vineland, started out really strong but the ninja shenanigans lost me.

>> No.20010014

Vineland is honestly one of my most favorite books ever.

>> No.20010360

The only good parts are the stories of V herself and the part with the priest in the sewer who debates the similarities between marxism and christianity with a rat and then kills and fucks a lady rat.
Oh and when Benny talks to himself through the crash dummy.

>> No.20010854

this is such a dumb book

>> No.20010889

>you just haven't read him

>> No.20010945

What are you talking about? Why would you judge an author by their weaker output and not their best novels?
Mason and Dixon, Against the Day, Gravity's Rainbow are considered Pynch's best.

>> No.20011385

>what are you talking about?
>he demonstrates knowledge of what I am talking about
Because the author wrote those books also and the books were published under his name for people to read and, presumably, enjoy.

>> No.20011420

I love V. Pynchon has never matched its narrative style despite improving almost every other aspect of his writing.

>> No.20011473

If you aren't having a good time 100 pages in, just drop it

>> No.20011487

It's shit and Pynchon is for mouthbreathing dysgenic retards with mediocre cognitive ability who like to larp as being of higher intelligence than they actually are.

>> No.20012727

songs are funny

>> No.20013381
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Pynchon is just comic books for adults

>> No.20013405

>I really enjoyed Crying of Lot 49
What did you like about it?

>> No.20013406

It's a mixed bag, but the good stuff is really good. Wait until you get to the bit with Mondaugen

>> No.20013712

AtD > V > GR > M&D >>>> Bleeding Edge >>>>>>>>> the other stuff

>> No.20014031

Bit weird but I pretty much had the exact opposite reaction to reading Pynchon. I also read Crying of Lot 49 first, but I couldn't fuckin stand it, it put me off Pynchon completely for a long time, but for some reason I eventually picked up V. and fookin loved it.

>> No.20014152

In my opinion, V. is easily Pynchon’s worst novel—it should almost classified as juvenilia. Just read GR.

>> No.20014453

I liked the humour, the mystery and the ambiguity around it and I also loved how the novel started out very silly but got more sinister as it went along. So far I don't really find V. all that funny (aside from the part about the Catholic priest in the sewers) nor am I particularly engaged in the mystery itself. I picked up Lot 49 and V. because I enjoyed the film adaptation of Inherent Vice and so far Lot 49 has more of what I liked in that movie than V. has.

Interesting. Why didn't you like Lot 49?

>> No.20014690

it's his best book. easiest to enjoy without effort.