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/lit/ - Literature

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20009427 No.20009427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can incels truly understand literature?

>> No.20009495

It might sound unbelievable to you, but fucking pussy didn't give me any particular insight on anything except on how low some women's standards are.

>> No.20009554

Pussy alone may not give you much insight, but fully fledged romantic love does.

>> No.20009560

>fully fledged romantic love does
that's a trap

>> No.20009567

Why do you always make these shitty baits? Seriously go pollute another fucking board

>> No.20009582

Very true, and the component of love having to do with thought is what makes Alain Badiou hold it in such high esteem

>> No.20009586

>Incels can't understand romance
>Or war
>Or feelings cause they lack empathy
>Or community cause anti socials
Yeah they cannot understand lit. The filter is too big.

>> No.20009650

A lot of incels (most) do not care about that because they are autistic, materialistic, and lacking capability for empathy. Most incels are not incels because they are very ugly but because they are autistic or mentally ill and enter into these navel-gazing communities of other shut-ins which causes them to hyperfixate narcissistically on their appearance (a physical “thing”) as a cause for their social problems, when in the vast majority of cases that will not be the root cause of their loneliness. A lot of women do not care much about looks outside of dating apps anyway, and even then dating apps are a poor method of starting any romantic relationship. Most incels are interested only in sex because they perceive it as an existential human need in a materialistic sense (how else are they going to pass on their genes?!) but they are especially unequipped to attain this because its fulfilment requires social skills and empathy, something directly opposed to viewing others as merely useful for material gain, and especially because women are less likely than men to have autistic qualities.
To answer OP’s question, incels are less likely to appreciate literature simply because of the high likelihood of autism or autistic qualities, which often prevents them from experiencing empathy and makes them less interested in an art which is primarily focused around other people’s feelings. Being celibate or lonely on the other hand or even (especially) in a state of unrequited desire will make you more likely to appreciate literature, as it is primarily a solitary activity which appeals to people with high levels of neuroticism and emotional turmoil. Being lonely or celibate are emotionally attuned forms of solitude unlike autism, which is why Heidegger (whose philosophy is constructed from an empathetic form of thinking) said that being alone is still a form of being-with-others. Literature is the same: in your solitude you are still relating to the world and others around you.

>> No.20009675

My god what the hell is written here? Can anyone give TL;DR?

>> No.20009683

Having life experience helps you better appreciate literature. If you have never been in a romantic relationship, I don't think you will get as much out of works that emphasize them as someone who has.

>> No.20009688

TLDR - incels are mostly autistic therefore cannot appreciate romance or literature

>> No.20009690

>Being lonely or celibate are emotionally attuned forms of solitude unlike autism, which is why Heidegger (whose philosophy is constructed from an empathetic form of thinking) said that being alone is still a form of being-with-others. Literature is the same: in your solitude you are still relating to the world and others around you.
Wow i'm a loncel now!!
Kys nigger faggot

>> No.20009695

>incels are autistic, so they won't be able to engage in romance
>they are thus unable to enjoy literature because it requires empathy
beat me to it

>> No.20009698
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No, incels simply can't achieve full comprehension of human condition. A man needs to experience animalistic fucking, falling in love, intimacy and romance, and the inevitable hearbreak. An incel is just a child - angry, seething child.

>> No.20009708


>> No.20009802
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>No, incels simply can't achieve full comprehension of human condition. A man needs to experience animalistic fucking, falling in love, intimacy and romance..

Well, i have no chance then to understand literature because i am incel. However i became incel due to my physically disabled legs.

The girl doesn’t want any single man that physically impairment because women need strong man to get protection.

I know. This is evolutionary true. Can’t argue with this.

Its so sad to realize that i will never be ideal men like you, lads.