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20007090 No.20007090 [Reply] [Original]

> Abstinence—voluntary or forced—sets the individual both above and below the Species, makes him into an alloy of Saint and Imbecile that intrigues and abashes us. Whence our equivocal hatred for the Monk, as for any man who has renounced woman, who has renounced being like us. We shall never forgive him his solitude: it degrades as much as it disgusts us; it is a provocation.

>> No.20007105


At least he was honest enough to include himself among the normies.

>> No.20007152

>forced abstinence
literally not a thing

>> No.20007249
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>it is a provocation

>> No.20007250

some of us are good people

>> No.20007306

Someone post a (1)(would be thrilled with more than one) quote in here this guy wrote that is of value or intrigue?

What language is this translated from? There is no need to convolute the simplicity of the sentiments here, this is an example of why one would call a writer pretentious, to take a simple idea and fearful of it's I'll worth, try to twist it up into some artifice of bewildering fancy.

We hate monks because they don't like women and we do. We hate people who are too stupid/ugly to have sex because they are different. They maybe get to experience things we don't because of this, and we hate them for this.

>> No.20007317

have sex incel

>> No.20007453

Meaningless series of words. Too vague to be philosophy, too dry to be poetry.

>> No.20007481

There was nothing pretentious about that quote, you're just retarded

>> No.20007512
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>> No.20007521

Post another meaningful valueable quote or idea of his?

I get some of the themera envoked in this quote may be interesting to discuss, like how the fundamental greatest importance and task of a man is to have sex and make baby. And what of a man who has no access to this, how epically horrible and sad, and what of the man who refuses to take part in this, how epically strange.... And both of them provoke us because..,........the monk refusing sex degrades and disgusts us because...... He has solitude and we don't?

That's his point? The trade off? Ok maybe there is something very profound and deep there and understandable every man in an unhappy marriage will attest to, I take it all back, I agree and understand;

One man has solitude and no sex

Another man has sex and no solitude

I geuss my ire came from him convoluting the simplicity of those breakdowns

>> No.20007530

Give me some good abstinence reads

>> No.20007547

>every man in an unhappy marriage will attest to, I
Because the average woman has so many options for suitor; when she finally picks one, to justify her pick, the great sacrifice of her love life for this man, she will take him for everything he's worth, she will demand more and more jewelery and dresses, to prove to thr public she made the best choice in mate and thereby herself, she will nag and nag and yell, give her husband no peace and quiet, no relief from her brazen beingness because he swore to dedicate his life to her, she sacrificed her love life for everything he could give her, whatever he gives today and tommorow, and a hundred next week's, can never be enough, she needs more and more, she could be getting fucked by him and him and him, she could be getting jewlery and dresses and vacations and wine from him and him and him, but you are the one that won her, you are the one responsible for making all that she has lost by marrying you. Every second of every day.

>> No.20007581

this is just a rewording of that aristotle quote isnt it
>Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god

>> No.20007634

>Meaningless series of words
low IQ

>> No.20007641

probably, but it's more epic

>> No.20007949

hands cut off, penis doesnt work

you can think harder than that come on

>> No.20009120

Projection plus slave morality

>> No.20009160

>gives myself a nubjob
Now what?

>> No.20010074

>like how the fundamental greatest importance and task of a man is to have sex and make baby
Says who? Pure ideology.

>One man has solitude and no sex
>Another man has sex and no solitude

Many normies have sex and are lonely.
Many people don't have sex and don't feel lonely.
Loneliness is an ideology.

>> No.20010111
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>> No.20010166

>Many normies have sex and are lonely
I have sex with a gorgeous woman who I don't like several times a week and want to kill myself

>> No.20010191

not sure if this is sarcasm -- if so, not funny, and either way: embarassing!

>> No.20010696

I as quote in op was using the word solitude as a positive and negative.

If a man attaches himself to regular sex he sacrifices to degrees the positive desires of solitude

If a man has no access to sex willfully or otherwise: the monk having a brotherhood is not entirely in solitude, but had the freedom of solitude by it being demanded by the whims of a woman

An incel has the plesent solitude of video games and tendies all day every day, though the negetive solitude of possible lonlieness.

The quote in the op suggests the normal, marriage pursuing man sacrifices his freedom and positive solitude, in exchange for sex and possibly negetive solitude.

Such a man is degraded and disgusted by this....