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20006447 No.20006447 [Reply] [Original]

>that time Hitler BTFO the entirety of 4chan

>> No.20006463

wtf Hitler was a blue checkmark?

>> No.20006466
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He's wrong in the sense that people in that group won't play the political game where they can be led by propaganda. He specifically wants manipulable people, but only manipulable by him. He wants fox news viewers, not green pilled esoterics.

>> No.20006684

90% of "Greenpilled" people are just red/blue pilled but think they're above that.

>> No.20006697

If hitler was alive today he'd be a center left twitch streamer

>> No.20006730
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Hard disagree. Most people don't even know greenpill exists, and they certainly don't read greenpill books.

>> No.20006743

>Wilhelm Reich
>Carroll Quigley
>Antony C Sutton
>muh illuminati
>Actual Redpill

>> No.20006745


I wouldn't say that really describes all 4chan, though. We have all 3 groups here, but probably in different ratios. Group 1 is the 2nd largest, group 2 being the largest, and group 3 holding fast against against the mindless hordes.

What's not explained is that any person could belong to any one of these groups on any given day based on their mood.

>> No.20006915

>Propagandist defends the media

Color me surprised. Not dying for your schizo wars Adolf.

>> No.20006934

>terrible reading comprehension
Yep, this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.20006936
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dying for schizo wars > dying for geopolitical wars

>> No.20006956

He is making an apology for print media which is a propaganda tool. Are you going to tell me now that you belive in neutral journalism?

>> No.20006963

>aluminum headgear protects from Illuminati mind-rays
>he doesn't know

>> No.20007032

You realize Hitler literally explains in that book that he is interested in propaganda above all else, even the truth, and then proceeds to propagandize to the reader, right? He directly and openly tells you that he, the author, is an unreliable narrator.

>> No.20007047

>propaganda is bad because... IT JUST IS OKAY
Truth is irrelevant, the masses will never aspire to anything greater than their material satisfaction. You need to manipulate them into any higher purpose.

>> No.20007111

Why would I trust that statement you just made if you admit you are willing to sacrifice the truth to achieve your own ends?

>> No.20007133

He's not wrong, contrarian schizos never actually accomplish anything other than making other people uncomfortable

>> No.20007151

Newspaper smell made me heave. Someone turned on the news, I’d scream. Intolerable. International news, it took everything I had to not just start punching people left and right.
They’re studying the syndrome. All the agents, spies, double, triple agents, all the memetic dissemination vectors, everybody is buckling. Once, I met a level 4 agent. After a while, he started recording his own conversations, “just for kicks,” but we could see that schizoid rictus fighting to break out in his face; we’d laugh along so he wouldn’t feel awkward, but we knew. No one knows what to believe anymore. Truth spewed from the warm bellies of Xerox machines 24/7 (the nastiest stuff is now off the grid after [REDACTED]’s “password” password, el-oh-el). Warm paper denying, changing, confirming, creating facts hahaha sorry, can’t say “facts” without hahaha.A more deadly type of pyrrhonism, contagious like bovine spongiform encephalopathy, we’re working in five levels now trying to contain it, it takes weeks to filter the noise…not to mention all the wrong hits. Last week, they whacked the family of a Prime Minister (with maid, dog, friend from school etc., luckily it was in a brown country), but the real target was a Japanese violinist, it’s all going titwards and getting worse.

>> No.20007160

My ends are to achieve Truth but that goal doesn't appeal to NPCs.

>> No.20007370

You are so part of that group he’s describing it’s not even funny. Nothing you’re saying matters and it’s totally against his point. It doesn’t matter, you should be able to critically examine the truth value of claims without considering the source of an argument, but you are so unable to do this that you respond to his argument with something not only irrelevant but completely wrong in itself (that it’s possible to be above propaganda by not engaging with it… no you’re even worse than the average person, you’re hopeless)

>> No.20007377

ITT brain dead retards that think it’s possible to be “above” propaganda by tuning it out, not realising they’re falling even deeper into the trap than those that critically engage with it

>> No.20007385

>refuse to critically engage with what he says here

>> No.20007390

Embarrassingly obvious glowie posts

>> No.20007509

Even Richard fucking Spencer gave up the idea of a white ethnostate when he saw how many low-IQ Qboomers and redneck goobers he'd have to tolerate.

>> No.20007529

Just when you thought Hitler couldn't be any more based.

>> No.20007579

>He wants fox news viewers

It's pretty obvious where your thought capacity lies. The people who hate Fox news the most are the least likely to actually watch it. This shouldn't be surprising, but the typical Fox hater only hates Fox because they've been told to and not because they actually look at what is being said critically and with the same level of scrutiny leveled at other news sources.

Now, no doubt, you will accuse me of 'trusting' Fox, of which I do nothing of the sort, I simply recognize that they are willing and able to report on things that can be verified by other sources that other news channels will not report on and actively refuse to, making them at least a valuable tool to understand to what extent certain parts of the population are alerted to certain truths, while also recognizing when they lie.

If you don't understand this you have no business speaking down to others.

>> No.20007607

>no Ellul


>> No.20007636

Too bad he was retarded and didn't realize that they were all lying.

>> No.20007659

Being thoughtlessly against what you perceive to be the 'contrarian' majority of posters here is just actual, extreme contrarianism at work. Your use of the word 'uncomfortable' in lieu of an actual argument makes it all too obvious.

>> No.20007961

>My ends are to achieve Truth
>Also, the truth is irrelevant

>> No.20008052

>You are so part of that group he’s describing it’s not even funny.
I don't care what you said after this because people who talk like this are retards. not that guy btw

>> No.20008161
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Being too easily roused to action is the greatest problem to influence modern society

>> No.20008217
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Yes, it's true, /pol/ are a bunch of useless retards whose brains regularly go into Blue Screen of Death mode when reality intrudes.

>> No.20008264

National social democracy is based

>> No.20008278

good, i do not want to accomplish anything positive

>> No.20008380

>if you ignore retarded shit you actually fall for it

>> No.20008550

It is possible to have a good view on whats happening, but i do agree wih your post, i think nobody will ever be able to get the whole picture on everything, thats impossible, but some things are clear as day.

>> No.20008593
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>you should just believe what I tell you like a good goy.

>> No.20008624

Hilarious thread, I'm in awe at the terrible reading comprehension of some of these replies.

>> No.20008685

Imagine being filtered by Hitler.

>> No.20010220

Me on the fourth paragraph.

>> No.20010747

Hitler was a newfag, he should have lurked more before he chose the path of an hero

>> No.20010768

No he’s just scared of those people because they would take one look at hitler and know he’s an insular twit and a puppet propped up with someone else’s money

>> No.20010801
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I chose fox news viewers for a very specific reason: FNVs trust fox news, and don't trust any other network (except maybe OAN). FNVs are also typically too dumb/old to use the internet to get their propaganda, so they're literally locked into one propaganda feed. And that is what Hitler wanted, and it's what any tyrant would want. A populace or support base that listens to you unquestioningly, but ONLY you, and rejects everyone else.

Why not CNN or MSNBC or any other network? Because the NPCs that watch those channels typically also consume other propaganda feeds: NYT, WaPo, other news networks, internet news websites, r****t, whatever. They DO question what they view, but only insofar as "does this agree with the mainstream narrative?". If it agrees, they accept it. If it does not, they reject it. It's a bit of a subtle difference but it produces a herd moving in lockstep to a symphony of bullshit, rather than following one piper (fox news).

For the record I reject all propaganda. I actively avoid "news" and try not to read any books written after 1950, and I treat everything written 1900-1950 as suspect. There is NO safe level of propaganda consumption. Even tiny amounts are poisonous to the psyche and to your mental health. Stop trying to "get both sides". "Both sides" are fucking bullshit mind poison. It's not just a waste of your time, it's actively damaging.

>> No.20010824

I think the cut off year for me is around 1930 that’s around the time all publishing houses were fully consolidated. We lost a chunk of humanity from WW1

>> No.20010845
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That's still 17 years after the creation of the federal reserve. Sure, in 1930 there's still lots of people who were adults before that happened, but the overall trend is clear by 1930. There's also the spread of marxism and bolshevism that was going on at that time.

Anyway, it's less the actual cut off date and more being able to identify when a text has an agenda and whether it is somehow lying or using rhetorical devices to change the mind of the reader, ie propaganda. After a certain point, somewhere between 1900 and 1950, it stops being worth it to even examine a text to see if it is propaganda or not, because the texts that aren't propaganda are drowned out by all the texts that are. And it's not like there's not enough material to read from before that time period to last a lifetime, and it's not like there's not plenty of other things to do with life than read besides, like raising a family, growing food, etc.

>> No.20010960

Where is this from?

>> No.20010979

So in your mind, we should feel bad because we aren’t easy to propagandize according to Adolph Hitler…

>> No.20011004

found it

>> No.20011034

>man who misread Nietzsche so badly 100 million people had to die for his mistake.
>"Readers can be divided into three groups..."

It actually kind of amazes me how one retard can gain power over an entire country.

>> No.20011048

This reads like Mike Ma.

>> No.20011073

Over-generalization is important to maximize our understanding of the world. This said, it has its pros and flaws, and it's getting more complicated to choose as an individual what you'll take attention to in this mass of noises.

>> No.20011331

Yeah. You cobble some worldview together that is actionable and hopefully close enough to the truth to not be contradicted constantly. If you can’t dumb down reality to your level you will go insane. It brings the “pill” analogy to mind.

>> No.20011367

>True Redpill is still coded as a tall, blonde Aryan ubermensch
So tiresome. I hate it when meme pictures do this, just draw three stick figures and color code them.

>> No.20011475

No "red pilled" people are like this, retard. People just shitpost over 4chan. I know there are liberal kids here so I make nasty racist posts to piss them off all the time and other disruptive behavior because I get a kick out of it.

>> No.20011499

The only pill you need:
All else is cope.
The greenpill is just for mentally weak failed normalfag retards who don't like the racist implications of the redpill or the biological determinism of the blackpill.

>> No.20011542

>dude bro man like if you listen to the retarded bullshit then like man you're actually "critically engaging with it" bro
>dude man dude if you ignore the retarded bullshit and go about your business you're just like actually falling for it maaaaaaaaan
fuck off schlomo, your nose can be seen from here

>> No.20011557

I don't know what you two lads are on about, the last good era of human history was the mid to late 1800s. Everything went to shit after Marx.

>> No.20011563

>all the mental illnesses in these replies
just a bunch of screeching insecure neurotic sissies. philosophy is bullshit and humanity is nothing more than a bunch of animals making up bullshit to fill the void that was left from their disconnection from feral nature.

>> No.20011564
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>> No.20011571

>t. subhuman retard who'd prefer to cope than face reality

>> No.20011585

Yeah I clicked it, it’s some weird shit

>> No.20011686

>propoganda = unreliable narrator
You know propoganda can be true, right?
Hitler's full of a lot of bullshit, obviously, but this passage in itself is pretty accurate.

>> No.20011709

yep. It’s too bad.

>> No.20011832

Incels wiki is better than 99.9% of modern sociological research.

>> No.20011869

That page is a fucking trip. I appreciate the objectivity. Incels generally ignore the statistics on personality which is my main issue with them, but they were thorough on that. It’s fucking sad man. I place a lot of the blame on plastic in the diet and modern medicine. I can see how massive reduction in testosterone(sperm count down 50% in 50 years) could be analogous from a female’s perspective to female obesity from a male’s perspective. It is a fucked up situation all around and the only remedy technology will provide is more porn.

>> No.20012245

Artists use lies to tell the truth. Politicians use them to conceal the truth.

>> No.20013482

Reminded me of that time my mother's boyfriend attacked and beat me, and my mother and everyone in my family defended him and chastised me for "instigating" because he was tall and attractive.

>> No.20013761


>> No.20013830

Spencer was a glowie propagandist the entire time