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20006068 No.20006068 [Reply] [Original]

I was actually joking when I told my friends that this whole sanction trend will evolve into cancelling Russian literature, but unironically they are unironically banning the discussion of Russian literature in many universities and literature meetings. What the actual fuck? Has the entire Western culture lost it's mind?

>> No.20006077


>> No.20006079

If this means less Dosto then it's a major win

>> No.20006083


They eventually backtracked but that's still anti-intellectualism in a nutshell.

>> No.20006087

us(and nato)' entire policy with ukraine has been to provoke russia
now that they've provoked russia they're going to put the culture machine in motion to justify more murder
eventually its going to lead to real conflict as us struggles to hold onto its hegemony in a world that will become multipolar
i wish i could be patriotic but all my country does is commit mass murder overseas

>> No.20006123

Many authors predicted and commented on this, including Dostoevsky

>> No.20006188

Ah, I see you know nothing about history. German authors and music suffered the same fate during the World Wars. This is what happens, and it will get worse before it gets better.

>> No.20006216

>What the actual fuck? Has the entire Western culture lost it's mind?
How are you just now noticing lol
Yes, it's completely over

>> No.20006257


>> No.20006261

>Ah, I see you know nothing about history
You fucking retard, that was nearly 100 years ago. You're talking about an entirely different time spectrum. Justifying this whole cancel Russia thing as it happened against Germans during the world wars is peak misreading of history.

>> No.20006270

Good, now we'll have more blaque writers taking up all the space

>> No.20006276


>> No.20006278

Western culture has become complete scatophilic. We are so obsessed with the waste products of our culture that we gladly ingest shit as though it was food because we have become incapable of recognizing the negative aspects of shit.

>> No.20006284

Uh... Did you forget Pushkin was a 100% bantu black fat lipped NIGER?

>> No.20006299

>German authors and music suffered the same fate during the World Wars
No they did not. Most of the anti Nazi German intellectuals were well received in allied countries like Thomas Mann or Hans Kelsen.

>> No.20006308

I think his point is that this insane reaction is inherent to liberal cultures. Liberalism is such a fragile ideology that it schizophrenically imagines threats to its existence and denies their existence to protect itself, a type of culture sized cognitive dissonance. Thus the children of liberal ideology (trannies, gays, lazy intellectuals, etc) are equally schizophrenic in their imaginings of persecution and narcissistic in their lack of reflection -even to the point of being suicidally blind. This week we have even seen LGBT children of liberalism go as far as to demand nuclear war with Russia if it means protecting their tolerant society, by being paranoid to the point of extinction even. Truly Popper was the worst idiot since Plato. Liberalism will inevitably move on to another imagined threat to its unstable philosophy until like an ouroboros it consumes itself in a thousand years.

>> No.20006309

Still, Saint-Saëns made that there would be no representation of Wagner's Opera in France during WWI

>> No.20006336

Wagner was considered the official artist of German "Kultur" at that period. But so far BBC played Mozart and Bach during air raids to keep morale high.

>> No.20006347

>until like an ouroboros it consumes itself in a thousand years
More like three hundred years

>> No.20006350

the difference being that we we arent at war with russia (yet)

>> No.20006371

>Thomas Mann or Hans Kelsen
good goys

>> No.20006374

(((The West))) continues to out itself.

>> No.20006413

It was always a fraud. The entirety of Western ideology since the 18th century has been an attempt to navigate around the holes in its existence.

>> No.20007720

What authors? Where did Dostoevsky comment on it?

>> No.20007747

Normies don't read enough to cancel any sort of literature. The lowest common denominator is vodka

>> No.20007824

I don't think it's a bad thing. I've long thought that Russian culture and its influence have by and large been detrimental on the arts, and that we need to enlist intellectuals to both at attack Russian artistic works and compare them unfavorably to American, English, German, etc. art.

>> No.20008619

Taking Russian literature out of the curriculum to show support for Ukraine=/= banning Russian literature you fool
I mean it’s not like it helps or anything, other than to make normies feel like they’re helping, but you’re either
a. Not leaving your house enough
b. Baiting a thinly veiled /pol/ >muh degenerate western society thread

>> No.20009037


>> No.20009186

Modern academics will take the smallest excuse to cancel any classical author. Don't confuse this as some virtue signaling bullshit.

>> No.20009392

>unironically they are unironically banning
I unironically said to my bffs that people were literally going to use unironically, like, way too often. And they like that's totally random.
Fuck these three words and the various other words being used improperly and far too often.

>> No.20009400

they're banning russian films now too

>> No.20009442

>Taking Russian literature out of the curriculum to show support for Ukraine=/= banning Russian literature you fool
semantics, retard, everyone with a brain sees you're being disingenuous, better luck next time

>> No.20009838

Literature is worse because of Doestoevsky’s influence has made literature worse, and music is worse because of Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, and especially Rachmaninof.

>> No.20009891

>be 911 cancel shitskins
>be covid cancel antivaxxers
>be russia vs unkraine cancel russians

>> No.20009901

>but unironically they are unironically banning the discussion of Russian literature in many universities and literature meetings.
I hate Russian lit, I hope we can go back to proper continental literature.

>> No.20009909

It's a fad, everyone wants to get in on it in their own insignificant way. Same as the pandemic everyone needs to feel they are doing something... anything.

>> No.20009914

State your grievances. Speak plainly.

>> No.20009951

Apparently people are already starting to bend themselves backwards over social media lol
>uhm but if the banned movies were funded with state money then it's safe to assume that by showing them you're funding the war
>uhm this looks like censorship but you should look if the people who are making the banned things are supportive of Putin
>uhm I think things that are specifically critical of the government may be allowed at least

>> No.20010007

Guess we better start buying Russian books before they disappear like mein kampf