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/lit/ - Literature

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20005873 No.20005873 [Reply] [Original]

Real Dark Academia are Academics who were forced into exile for their radical views, its not an aesthetic to be adopted by edgy zoomers.

>> No.20005877

No, it's RC Waldun.

>> No.20005884

>Academics who were forced into exile for their radical views

Name one.

>> No.20005896

Unironically, Goebbels.

>> No.20006025

Fags on this board who follow booktubers are already doomed. There is no help for them, just as there is no help for the teen mom or the man jerking off punks under the Queensborough bridge $15/head.

>> No.20006031

It's not something you would know about, but it's quiet, intentional, and deliberate. Through my career people have tried to get me to join absurd conventions, agreements, and petitions. It's probably one reason I've not done well, bc I always avoid them. The people at these meetings my age, to and who went to lower tier places, got jobs.

They want to boycott this or that, hotel chains, money, countries, etc. Lately it's been really tranny oriented.

>> No.20006036

The meetings take place at professional organization yearly conferences. There are academic factions, and the commies do quite well

>> No.20006074

Are there people that actually keep up with that shit? I thought those threads were just a jest.

>> No.20006078

wasn't dark academia supposed to be a fashion setting more than a literary concept?

>> No.20006097


James Watson

>> No.20006098

I'm pretty sure there are real fans here. If there's smoke, there's fire. Plus, some people seem to discuss booktubers with great specificity and knowledge.

>> No.20006110

yeah but then these dummies realized that you the shallowness of liking it as an "aesthetic" contradicted the very idea of what said "aesthetic" supposedly stood for, so the publishing industry eventually tried to capture that demographic with refurbished ya novels that aped the tropes associated to dark academia in the most superficial way possible

>> No.20006137

dark academia is half people that like art and school and turn it into their sense of fashion and half pretentions assholes that want to sound more intelligent saying they read books.

>> No.20006144

So Karl Marx was a dark academic?

>> No.20006149

>the shallowness of liking it as an "aesthetic" contradicted the very idea of what said "aesthetic" supposedly stood for
Dark academia shit was always superficial from the beginning. There wasn't anything it stood for actually.
>so the publishing industry eventually tried to capture that demographic with refurbished ya novels that aped the tropes associated to dark academia in the most superficial way possible
Those are just mystery novels taking place in a college setting. That stuff existed since Nancy Drew.

>> No.20006161
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This. I love Goebbels.

>> No.20006165
File: 335 KB, 452x631, Screenshot_20220210-145637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more chud. It happened with video games. It happened with movies. It happened with comics. It happened with politics. And there is literally nothing you can do to stop it from happening to literature. Maybe you should just stop being a gatekeeper and have sex, sweaty.

>> No.20006166

Lick Nand

>> No.20006171

Great thread, OP. I used to really enjoy the Dark Academia scene on tumblr until they all started pushing POC inclusivity garbage and trying to do mental gymnastics to get around the fact that dark academia is inherently related to the elitism of gothic universities in Europe.

>> No.20006186

What is a book toober ?

>> No.20006193

.......... thinking very hard........... Sade

>> No.20006242
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>> No.20006273


>> No.20006321

>fashion thread in a board about literature

>> No.20006747

I've been around a few of those people when I did my art a level, was kinda pumped to finally have someone to talk to about the greeks and classic European writers and artists.
Turned out none of them even read and I just looked like an autistic wierdo when I tried to bring it up.

>> No.20006786

Y’know I never even noticed how qt the girl in the background is.
Th…this is a college classroom, right guys?

>> No.20006808
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What is Dark Academia?

>> No.20006811

>It happened with video games. It happened with movies. It happened with comics. It happened with politics
None of this is a good thing. People wearing their stupid beliefs and surface level interests as personalities literally always makes them seem obnoxious and incredibly boring.
Whenever you see a raving Twitter leftie or a /pol/tard who can’t go a single post without talking about Jews or niggers you know that that person doesn’t have anything fulfilling going on in their life.

>> No.20007403

Nick Land, amphetamine enjoyer

>> No.20007533

Israel Shakak, newfag

>> No.20007580

Ricardo Duchesne

>> No.20007968

Literally me.

>Kicked out of faculty for reported 'racism' towards a Chinese student. Didn't help that I had no friends in Academia, particularly in American History.

>> No.20007991

Mike McCulloch.

>> No.20008005


You didn't have tenure? When I went to uni there were incredibly rude and dumb Chinese students. One grad student lady embarrassed herself by being an engi major and having no clue about basic calc and being unable to teach the students anything. It wasn't a language thing.

>> No.20008019

ITT: /lit/ seething over blissfully ignorant normies instead of reading

>> No.20008022

Explain to the folks at home what a Booktuber is.

>> No.20008043

Unironically Aydin Paladin.

>> No.20008081

I can't stand that bitch, good riddance.

>> No.20008119

Why? She's pretty unoffensive.

>> No.20008168

Sorry to hear that bro

>> No.20008172

Do you want a yellow trousers thread instead?

>> No.20008502

Agamben soon

>> No.20008604

She looks poor. Maybe I could save her. That image is old though so I would need some sort of time machine.

>> No.20008663

many western esotericism figures up until the rise of secular governments. Gnostics, neoplatonists, many other 'heretical' schools. You may not call mystics academics but that's only because western esoterism is what the academic elite (philosophers, the catholic church) has been defining itself against for 2000 years

>> No.20008905
File: 201 KB, 1187x607, B8997129-417F-4BCE-B43F-9590665B09CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dork macademia is actually fat old jewish guys and was never meant for anorexic spoiled brats with instagram-induced brain rot
it's the type of extremely 'unsexy' people that can only talk about their weird and obscure interpretations of Cervantes or Hobbes, the type of people that zoomies generally avoid because their lack of understanding of what these nerds are talking about puts fear in them thinking "whoa is this guy a nazi?"

>> No.20008908

It's just darker autumn/winter prep. It's not a fucking ideology, it's just a fashion trend or subculture; they've never had much substance.

>> No.20009052

Probably not the same anon but she comes off as very logic oriented which is not good for my continental mind

>> No.20009440
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I have an uncontrollable foot fetish.

>> No.20010268

Mein Kampf’s Hitler.

>> No.20010283

it's from call of duty (noobtuber), it's like newfag but for reading books

>> No.20010295

>nonono, you won't find meaning in ideology!!! be a milquetoast normie like me

>> No.20010300

homosexual tumblr larp

>> No.20010310

Robert Brasillach

>> No.20010380

Honestly I was the same way, had a big phase of German idealism before reconciling it with more pragmatic logic based viewpoints.

>> No.20010543

No, and frankly, you can go fuck yourself, shiteater. Get the fuck out fuckface. We don't owe you a damn thing.