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/lit/ - Literature

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20004678 No.20004678 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't Frankenstein praised like it used to be on here?

>> No.20004816

why does it matter

>> No.20004851

I'm curious about how the /lit/ canon has changed over time because it sheds light on shifting userbase demographics and aesthetic tastes. Frankenstein once made every top of the year list and was held up alongside words like War and Peace and Moby Dick, but now it rarely discussed. I wonder why that is.

>> No.20004865

I don't remember that. How far back was this?
My personal opinion of frankenstein is that it's a fucking fantastic work for someone Shelley's age but, on the other hand, it's still written by someone who's in their late teens and early twenties and it shows, hard. She still does that amateur mistake where she finds a word she really likes and uses it three times in four pages and then never uses it again, which is something you unironically see on wattpad and shit.

>> No.20004866

i see. i’d chalk it up to female writer and its classification/general reputation as a horror novel (i.e. not ’proper’ literature)

>> No.20004886

I read a dumbed down abridged version as a kid. Have never read the real book but I enjoy the kid version. Dracula one was good too

>> No.20004900

Maybe it’s taught in high school less than it used to be.
They focus more on Negroes and Negresses nowadays

>> No.20004913


>> No.20004939

Convulsed too lmao

>> No.20005135

Convulsed is a great word though.

>> No.20005302

Board is full of non readers

>> No.20005305

>modern /lit/
>talking about fiction
pick one