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20004300 No.20004300 [Reply] [Original]

My government just spent 100 billion € on the military out of nowhere and so it's not totally impossible that I might get drafted if this conflict in Ukraine escalates further. Just in case it does happen, what war related books should I read? Both fiction and non-fiction are welcome.

>> No.20004305

Where are you from?

>> No.20004316
File: 80 KB, 640x907, 3kp898ur3ke61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody will do anything don't worry. the west is full of hollow threats but the truth is they haven't fought a real country in nearly 100 years and would have no idea how to if they tried.

>> No.20004323

unless youre literally ukranian youre being afraid of blanks dumb fuck german

>> No.20004332

storm of steel, jünger

>> No.20004346

This. OP should read into his pre-Nazi history to get a look at what war is really about.

>> No.20004348

The €100 billion allocated to military spending won't produce an immediate effect. It will take years of planning, purchasing, and training to build an effective military. If I recall correctly, Scholz himself claimed it would take two years for rearmament, and even that seems highly optimistic. Personally, I don't see the Ukrainian conflict lasting two years. You'll be fine.

>> No.20004355

Read The Saga of Tanya the Evil, a Japanese novel about a ruthless and calculating buisness man who is turned into a magical little girl and sent to fight in an alternate-history version of the first world war as a child super-soldier because he refused to acknowlge god in the face of death. The author is a massive war autist and thinks that postulations about the practical application of economic and organizational practices and strategems to military logistics and armed conflict make for good reading, which they surprisingly do.

I am not being facetious. This is an honest reccomendation.

>> No.20004400
File: 362 KB, 1152x2048, Eu2czyJWYAAOy-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard of him, will read it soon
Yes but it's no secret that the Bundeswehr is absolutely desperate for new guys. They've been lowering their standards for years and produce burger-tier tv shows and ad campaigns to manipulate us into joining. That stupid warhawk cunt from the CDU (akk) kept crying for Wehrpflicht all the time and now it's being considered by much more politicians. Also they're adding more regular NATO spending on top so it's not just the 100 billion afaik. I'm not saying it could happen tomorrow but who knows how long this conflict lasts or what it leads to. Neither side is trying to make compromises here. Don't forget that it can very much influence other geopolitical events such as Syria. Things can get really ugly from here.
I've heard of the anime before. Does not really appeal to me at first glance but if it's that popular it might be worth checking out. Thx

>> No.20004407

>that I might get drafted
What is this absolute autism? Warum would they introduce the one year draft again so quickly?

Am I really gonna get my early 20s first fucked by Covid restirctions and now I will have to dedicate another 9 months to sitting aorund in barracks for these retards?

>> No.20004458

you wont get drafted. anyways, read Ernst Jünger - In Stahlgewittern, Erich Kästner - Zeltbuch von Tumilat and some memoirs from soldiers like. Also David Kilcullen's The Dragons and the Snakes might be of interest.

>> No.20004461

>Things can get really ugly from here.
That does seem to be a universal truth. But keep in mind that our media and our governments deliberately stoke fear 24/7. Every minor crisis is magnified a million-fold. As for the Bundeswehr's recruitment drive - I suspect they're following in the footsteps of the USA. They want to replace the right-wing nationalists who are more inclined toward military service with a more "diverse" soldiery. Conscription wouldn't likely achieve that aim, in my opinion. No one will cooperate with conscription except native German boys.

>> No.20004485

>My government just spent 100 billion € on the military out of nowhere
Your country is just paying nato dues, 2% of the gdp/year

>> No.20004489

>They want to replace the right-wing nationalists who are more inclined toward military service with a more "diverse" soldiery.
No offense but this is retarded.
They simply dont have enough people who want to join the military thats why they are branching out into every possible direction to get more recruits. It is also the reason the german military is trying to become cushy family friendly like the US military (greatest social benefit system in the world) and generally more "accepting" and "tolerating". It is not jsut liberal doctrine it is a serious recruitment concern. The Bundeswehr has regular meetings where they discuss "what they fight for". kek
The only concern with "right wing nationalists" is that they might get some very stupid ideas in their heads and kill some people. But that goes for any radical and radical group members that might join the military.

>> No.20004507

You guys are rich. Better spending your money on weapons than subsidized trannies, junkies and immigrants.

>> No.20004599

Paulhan, Der beflissene Soldat

>> No.20004626

They've outright said that right-wing nationalism is a problem in the Bundeswehr, and they want to stamp it out.

For example, in this article from 2021 ("Who wants to be a soldier? Germany grapples with far-right extremism in its ranks" - https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-armed-forces-far-right-extremism/)), it mentions a proposed collective suspension over right-wing tendencies in the Bundeswehr.

Rightly or wrongly, the German government harbors fears of a right-wing military uprising.

>> No.20004658

Hyperion, oder der Eremit in Griechenland

>> No.20004679

Blah blah nothing is happening stop spamming this alarmism here every day

>> No.20004690

Preferrably the service manual and guidelines your branch requires you to.

>> No.20004694

your fault for losing ww1

>> No.20005349

Read Fingal and Temora

>> No.20005368 [DELETED] 

Does Germany even have enough capable young men to have a draft? Probably like 1/2 of them are Turks and the other 1/2 are Redditors and trannies.

>> No.20005436

Unless Russia is literally driving into Berlin the shitstorm that would follow a draft in Germany would be legendary

>> No.20005437

Unless Russia is literally driving into Berlin the shitstorm that would follow a draft in Germany would be legendary

>> No.20005492

yes, but it is not the reason they want "diverse" soldiers.
Plus the Bundeswehr has an equal lefty radical problem as right wingers. These retards are even dumb enough to talk about it with randoms.

I have never met a normal Bundeswehr dude. And what sane person would join the fucking Army for modern Germany anyways? They are only get the absolute weirdos if it isnt people out for consistent paychecks.
The draft would jsut be a 9-12 months mandatory military service the way Korea, Norway, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, etc. have it.
Germany had it till after reunification for a while even.

>> No.20005511
File: 38 KB, 270x379, 289058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading this right now.

It starts with bloody war stories on the front lines in Korea, as the author rises from private to sergeant to battlefield commissioning into an officer. He obsesses over training and providing for his men.

After Korea, he becomes disillusioned with changes in Army leadership as it transitions from war to permanent standing army. Experienced combat veterans are pushed out for younger men with college degrees, training becomes disconnected from reality, and officers focus more on padding their resumes than the effectiveness of their units. The rot sets in Vietnam where poorly trained junior officers lead their men to pointless deaths while their generals recline in luxury bases, seeing only maps and numbers and not what's happening in the jungles.

I'm currently on the part where he follows around a famous former general turned author who is touring the theater to train personnel on after action reporting but is far more invested collecting dramatic material for his next book.

I wish I read this during my time in the Air Force. Obviously the details are different but much of it still rings true and it provides the other perspective of the officer/enlisted divide. I'd recommend it to anyone going into the military.

>> No.20005704

>Plus the Bundeswehr has an equal lefty radical problem as right wingers
Why do radicals join the military? Their whole job consists of doing whatever the establishment orders them to do in order to maintain the status quo. Or do they think they're going to commit a coup d'etat or something?

>> No.20005808

>Plus the Bundeswehr has an equal lefty radical problem as right wingers
No not really. Bundeswehr is hated by all spectrums of the left (tankies, demsoc's, anarchists, etc.). And even if there are individual cases far-right groups far exceed that. They literally stole a ton of weapons from the bundeswehr the other day.

>> No.20005818

>Or do they think they're going to commit a coup d'etat or something?
The lefties I have met say they join so that punks, anarchists, etc. see that they can better the Bundeswehr just by becoming it. (Had a retarded friend who would go to raves and anarchist houses in his Uniform to convince them that there are good guys like him in there. He left the service after a year.)
And rigth wing idiots actually think they will one day (2 weeks or so) take over via some means and then relieve the glory of the Wehrmacht.
The rest are <80IQ downies.
>They literally stole a ton of weapons from the bundeswehr the other day.
thgat was years ago now, or was this something new?

>> No.20005925

It's free military training/networking to meet other radicals why would you not join the military?

>> No.20005952

Survival books, car engine repair manuals, and don't waste the rest of your time reading, just train, get fit, get a rifle, practice your aim.

>> No.20005962

severely underrated!

>> No.20006145

Is Jünger in German actually worth reading?
I remember him described as literary "pulp on stilts", something I can't really disagree with reading this excerpt:
>Plus the Bundeswehr has an equal lefty radical problem as right wingers
>No not really. Bundeswehr is hated by all spectrums of the left (tankies, demsoc's, anarchists, etc.). And even if there are individual cases far-right groups far exceed that. They literally stole a ton of weapons from the bundeswehr the other day.
Hate is the wrong word, rather severe disinterest and a very naive pacifist "make peace, not war".
>Plus the Bundeswehr has an equal lefty radical problem as right wingers. These retards are even dumb enough to talk about it with randoms.
Since when is there radical left problem within the Bundeswehr? Last I read lefties have pretty much disappeared from it since the end of conscription.

>> No.20006264

You don't read Jünger for the prose. You somewhat read it for the man, but not because it was the figure who wrote it, but a type of character which seems rare.
The plot in his fiction is never enticing enough in itself, but its profundity comes from greater reflection on it as a whole, I find.
>Since when is there radical left problem within the Bundeswehr?
I meet a lot more lefty Bundeswehr Leute, due to the circles I hang out in, and unless they are all talk they are pretty darn uppity in their goals, so I wouldn't doubt there being some problematic elfty groups in there as well.

>> No.20006326

A war with Russia would be over in a month at most. Nuclear war cannot be avoided in that conflict.

>> No.20006359


>> No.20006364
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>My government just spent 100 billion € on the military out of nowhere and so it's not totally impossible that I might get drafted if this conflict in Ukraine escalates further.

>> No.20006410

Just don't go? What the fuck are they gonna do, fire you?

>> No.20006502
File: 387 KB, 1740x2811, Trakl_grodek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remarque wirst Du höchstwahrscheinlich schon in der Schule gelesen haben. Die Klassiker 'unserer' Kriegsliteratur wären natürlich Jüngers Werke und in dem Kontext Theweleits Männerfantasien.

Abseits davon und definitiv Boomercore, aber sehr interessant im Bezug auf das Innenleben deutschen Militärs (Etappengeist & Hierarchie), sind Fabrik der Offiziere und die 08/15-Trilogie von H.H. Kirst.

>> No.20006520

what's up with mutts projecting their own life onto everyone else? No need to pretend anon, we all know already.
Danke. Remarque habe ich tatsächlich nicht in der Schule gelesen.

>> No.20006530

Are these mutts in the room with you right now?

>> No.20006679

Except these are from Wiglaf Droste, the guy who successfully got himself fired from it three times.

>> No.20006693

>Fighting and dying in order to protect the bank's interests and the general new world order
lol, are there really people still this dumb?

>> No.20006738

they sure are in the same thread and that's a problem on its own

>> No.20006806
File: 53 KB, 480x788, devils-guard[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A common book among soldiers today. Also from a fellow countryman.