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/lit/ - Literature

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20002182 No.20002182 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20002196

I like manga but I’ve never been interested in comic books.

>> No.20002200

Literally the same thing but backwards.

>> No.20002210

Havent read one in a long long time. But i guess they are cool

>> No.20002233
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Tell me this nigga ain't /lit/

>> No.20002236

I like the Sandman Constantine books. I also liked the 2011 Hawkeye comics. Moon Knight was okay. Deadpool was okay when he's done right, but he walks a very thin line.

>> No.20002244

Vastly inferior to manga
Sandman is the only interesting comic book I've read although Watchmen bordered on interesting as well

>> No.20002259


>> No.20002303

>The famous intellectual and journalist Anatoly Wasserman is tired of his virginity. In a recent interview, the 59-year-old man admitted that his vow of chastity is a huge stupidity that weighs on him more and more with age.

>The most famous virgin in Russia says that living with a vow is hard, physically even stressful, and in many psychological aspects it is extremely unpleasant at all. However, Wasserman does not change his vow, given at the age of 17, although he admits his "torn" and spontaneous rhythm of life. Wasserman himself does not fully know what he wants tomorrow, and at any moment he can restructure his plans.

>“In the church environment, the vow of chastity is required for certain positions. However, the duties assumed there are usually fulfilled because they are fed for it. On my part, there is no selfish interest, and no one doubts the veracity of what I have said. Precisely because the truth does not bring me any benefit,”says Wasserman.

>However, according to the man, he has been communicating with some ladies for a long time, a lot and close.

>> No.20002312

I think there's a separate board devoted to them

>> No.20002318

Don't play stupid.

>> No.20002325

I don't read comic books, but what I DO do, is that I read fanfics of comic books I haven't read. I keep a wiki open so I can look up the characters.

>> No.20002339

Leave my grandpa alone :(

>> No.20002345
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I'm reading Demon right now.

>> No.20003106

I've never read a single comic book, ever. At least not the Marvel type. I've read books with newspaper comics.

>> No.20003121
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>> No.20003197

how are comics inferior to manga? japs are soulless bugmen that can only recycle the same tired archetypes over and over. modern manga is mostly traced from 3d objects and templates. it's dreck.

>> No.20003992

Japanese are jews, or maybe “Israelites”, or some connected ethnic group, or at least the ruling clans in Japan were, so Japanese books and writing are read right to left, rather than left to right.

The bigger question, is why Manga usually is glue bound, despite Japanese culture being so concerned about quality and nit picky about detail.

>> No.20004021
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>> No.20004730

Let me think of the comics I liked.
Watchmen is good.
The Dark Knight Returns and The Killing Joke I would say are worth reading as far as superheroes go.
I read The Walking Dead at one point, up to the storyline with the survivors who disguised themselves as zombies.
The medium has worthwhile products as long as you don't expect them to be anywhere on the level of a book.

>> No.20004762


>> No.20004993

I’m just curious.

>> No.20005332

All-Star Superman is pretty much on the level of /lit/erature.

>> No.20005684

This, and "flex mentallo", also written by Grant Morrison

>> No.20005690
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>> No.20005693
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>> No.20005717
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I don't like western comics, so many words getting crammed into a small panel. Even the good ones feel like the inferior version of genre novels.
I prefer manga where you can get something that you can't experience from reading books

>> No.20006686

At best, useless

A medium of messaging in an industrial/post-industrial society made possible by children being turned into a distinct consumer class. In turn, it later catered to (man)children.

It's becoming increasingly irrelevant, relying on keeping past generations of consumers infantilised in order to stay afloat.

>> No.20008180

The comic industry in America is a propaganda print and deader than disco. I hear it's doing better in europe. I've always collected comics i thought looked cool so i have a decent handful. I've only recently started hoarding .cbr files to read. Its depressing because there are some really great stories and visuals to be seen. I think people really get hung up on the cape shit comics instead of following their own interests in comics.

>> No.20009752

I know that this is a dumb question but why does the left hand appear larger despite being farther away from the viewer?

>> No.20009767

Good but this not a comics board. Different medium.

>> No.20009906
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I usually prefer manga, but if you're talking about specifically American comics, I prefer French stuff. A lot of them tend to have a more down-to-earth approach than American ones. Corto Maltese and Aya de Yopougon are favorites. I like Sandman though.

>> No.20009954

Ever try Saga of the Swamp thing? It’s the best of the best in try hard comics imo, if a book would be /lit/ approved it would be the one
Or Lucifer if you liked Sandman

>> No.20010309


What's a good manga nowadays? The only ones I've read and really liked were Pluto and 20th Century Boys

>> No.20010382
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Not all comics are created equal.

Yes, some are created with a message in mind (sometimes, albeit, a PC one), but if you're going out of your way to read comics out of finding a message instead of the story itself, then you'd have better luck finding and reading a book that does a better job of explaining things than what the comic is talking and arguing about.

Most people don't understand or realize that comics are catered towards a market in principle and it's imperative to establish oneself based on the standards of that market. Superhero comics, for instance, would obviously be held at that standard since they're a collaborative work and are only geared towards the public image of the character, so the odds of finding a good read or source are very nil to slim pickings.

Non-Superhero/Manga are where things get interesting since they're the ones that run a more independent chain, although granted, Non-Superhero (regardless of American or European origin) can paint itself into a corner if it's not careful enough to consider the character/story arcs in mind of it first. The same could be said for manga, although that in itself runs more independently on one person, so the onus is on them to apply themselves to the standard of the aggregate market.

So if you were to say you wanted something like Watchmen, then your best luck would be to read something like Whiteout (Rucka), Mort Cinder, 100 Bullets, Wildcats 3.0, Star Wars: Republic, Heavy Liquid (Pope), or Enki Bilal.

If you wanted something like Berserk, then you're better off reading Kokou No Hito, Gash Bell, Blame, Ravages of Time, 2001 Nights, or Usogui.

>> No.20010410

Alan Moore is pretty based.

>> No.20010414

Biden's microphone

>> No.20010415

Berserk (will never be finished though)
Full metal alchemist

>> No.20010708

>never be finished
Good. Fuck him for working so slowly.

>> No.20010819

I've read it. It's pretty good.

>> No.20010822

Ashita no Joe

>> No.20011249

Read Billy Bat, also by Urasawa.
Boys on the Run isn't exactly well written but it is a fucking wild ride.

>> No.20011322

Kaiji, Devilman, and Lupin III are my favorites

>> No.20011346

>Jew propaganda vs Japanese sigma manuels
>"Same thing"

>> No.20012552

Grossly underrated. It's a medium that should recieve as much attention as film or literature but it doesn't. It's essence is unique and creative enough to separate itself from other mediums -images with words over them to convey a story.

There have been many great stories told through this medium but since it's only associated with manga or superheroes it doesn't get any attention or deep consideration.

People can look at films and view them through the same lens of literary analysis and recognize something as a "Classic staple" but no one ever gives comic books that time of day except for Watchmen.

>> No.20012565
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when theyre good and understand the potential of such a medium for both literary and visual storytelling theyre amazing, stuff like hellboy is kino, but most comic books are just boring drivel for toddlers. the best comic books dont have superheroes and the best superhero comic (watchmen) is a reddit deconstruction of superheroes, which is good because fuck capeshit, it should be deconstructed and disintegrated

>> No.20012572
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good taste

>> No.20013179

Cringey if you have a lot of them

>> No.20013202

I kinda hate them but I also read a lot of them. More or less constantly

>> No.20014064
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>> No.20014080
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French, manga, US, all a waste of time and paper. Terrible medium. Buy this and disregard everything else.

>> No.20014779

probably best to just appreciate it as a visual medium

>> No.20016073


>> No.20016136

manga and comic books are kino

>> No.20016159

fleep and meanwhile by shiga are also great.

>> No.20016168

I'm not a fan. Actually let me go back, I only like the old French stuff, but that's really just because of the artwork. As a whole it's pretty shit. I especially dislike Superman and all of that stuff.