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20000139 No.20000139 [Reply] [Original]

WWOYM - Write What's On Your Mind

>> No.20000151
File: 2.49 MB, 3000x2261, Neckelmann & Schmidt - City theatre competion design, Berlin, 1885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like architecture

>> No.20000239

How do people make money on youtube, is it enough that people click the video, or do they need to make it to a certain point?

>> No.20000266

I want to wake up with a purpose

>> No.20000268

had sex, didn't help, now what?

>> No.20000280

Certain amount of watch hours and then you can apply for their partnership program. That's why a lot of channels that go viral on one video don't make any money off that video, because all their watch hours from it are before they apply.

>> No.20000342
File: 90 KB, 700x1070, 1570012869536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men accepting non-maidens as partners ruined this world.

>> No.20000350
File: 23 KB, 500x539, images - 2022-03-01T074043.235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole "follow your dreams" bs boomers preach so much is incredibly frustrating, I don't wanna follow my dreams and grind away my existence. I am happy with whatever life i end up with. I need no admiration nor fame, just the daily bread and some to do and fuck

>> No.20000378


>why was Bjork specifically targeted and
Many celebrities pop stars have obsessive fans, bjork perhaps being a more uhinged weird artist produced an unhinged weird obbsessive fan.
But everyone has things in their lives they obssess over, thy need to take the energy and attention off themselves and their thoughts, so they direct them externally, most people spread this across many different things, cars, baseball, cooking, many different musicians, hanging out with friends, calming down or crazing out with alcohol or drugs.

If a certain person doesn't have many little idols in their life to dedicate energy and attention here and there, to dissipate themselves unto as some kind of actions of worship, then all that potential energy and attention may be possibly hogged up by just one thing, maybe for instance just baseball, or just drinking, or just drug, or just trains, or just video games, or just this celebrity.

When one may have a sad boring lonely life, the brightness and liveliness and happiness and constantly novel and morphing and exciting talent of a celebrity, may be a perfect idol to dedicate most of your attention to, it distracts you continously from everything else and yourself. It's infinite beauty and splendour is self evident and ever replenishing. You have give yourself over to it, it's seductive draw has voluntarily given yourself over to it's pleasurable grasp. Having noone or nothing much to truly truly truly love, here is someone great and special and exciting and beautiful that is certainly truly deserving of your true love.

>> No.20000386

I have three constant states of simultaneous being. The animal, the mind and the spirit. The animal is trying to masturbate, the spirit is seeking human connection and my mind is observing both languishing as I lay in bed, wasting hours, reading /lit/ on a gloomy day off.
Happy first of the month. Don't forget to pay your dues to your societal structures!

>> No.20000390

Why are all the French translation of Homer so fucking shit? I postponed reading Homer so far because it looked gruesome. I just downloaded the English version by Robert Fagles and I am pleasingly surprised to find that it reads quite naturally - I finally realise that translating Ancient Greek is not an impossible task, it’s just that French scholars are fucking tasteless idiots who translate everything word for word because they don’t want to ”interpret” things (never mind that there is no perfect mapping between words and that doing so is in itself an interpretation…)

>> No.20000435

It's also men who made them that way. How a person is treated is what they become.

>> No.20000605
File: 19 KB, 540x440, 1wb7ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy this hentai from dlsite, but I feel like buying it would mean I'm going past a point of no return.

>> No.20000627

I'm tired

>> No.20000638

Rest a little bit, do something to relax.

>> No.20000757
File: 56 KB, 851x479, IMG_20220301_080252_604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20000765

What do women get out of blowjobs?

>> No.20000771

have a strong urge to masturbate to new pictures of my ex right now

>> No.20000806
File: 212 KB, 1280x994, B553E534-BEE9-4E46-9D38-9E5C1A8ADD2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you stop screwing this up all the time
Previous thread

>> No.20000809

You’re an ass.
You don’t deserve to even look at this picture

>> No.20000835

When does the noporn benefit kick off? Its already been 3 weeks.

>> No.20000866

To trust that torrent or not, that's the question.

>> No.20000869

You’re supposed to leave porn sites and go get a life.

>> No.20000872

>It's also men who made them that way. How a person is treated is what they become.
I am sure there are 1,000s and 1,000s of good sweet nice guys that would treat her right. The ball is in the womans court to choose which of the 10,000 suitors she will accept. The punished woman chooses her punishment, because....? She doesn't know what she truly wants? Life is complicated? People can change? Excitement of any kind is better than boredom of any kind? A dangerous sexy bad guy is more worth surrounding yourself with then a simple quaint guy? To decrease ones state of mania is to nessecarily be placed in a state of depression? Good nice guys lack the ability to successfully continously stimulate, in the most desired ways? It is difficult to speak in general about women and men, without speaking about percentages and how many cases, for certainly some great amount couples are good and nice and sweet and loving and healthy and harmonious.

>> No.20000894

Nice sweet people turn into schizoid shut ins

>> No.20000899

Just took a nap and am feeling much better now, thanks anon

>> No.20000906

>Nice sweet people turn into schizoid shut ins
Absolutely? There are no nice sweet oeookr not shut ins? Are you such a person, a shut in? So you may not go out into public to see examples of sweet and happy couples?

What about the standard suburbia, or rural farm lands, farmer markets, grocery stores, malls, home goods furniture stores, restaurants. I see 100,000s of happy healthy married family having couples. At least on the surface, but not all those surfaces can be lies, and surely everyone has bad days now and again

>> No.20000911

Yeah nah man you're just idealizing other peoples lives. Decent people live in alienation

>> No.20000912

How to get a life?

>> No.20000925
File: 71 KB, 450x800, 171BAD24-2486-48E9-8057-4B93A1B278B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention and male validation, girl’s primary desires while she’s 12-18.
By the time she gets to college she’s experienced enough to seek out her own pleasure.
Once she’s had her brain fucked out, she starts caring about wealth and status.
This is when the beta gets his chance.
Not long ago, nice guys could still smash if they served as emotional tampons, but women hate “catching feels” now.

>> No.20000945

>Excitement of any kind is better than boredom of any kind? A dangerous sexy bad guy is more worth surrounding yourself with then a simple quaint guy?
An exciting, energetic, actionable, passionate guy represents suaveness, and swiftness, and creative energies, motivating energies, active energies, which my notify the female instinct of the potential if this man to access valuable materials from the world.

Why beautiful women tend to end up settling down with portly, boring, simple, straightforward, dependable men, is because the world is no longer based around only macho frenetic piracy, but patient and methodological stabilities. As their hormonic adolescence weens off and they realize they are 28 and did not have 8 children after being sold to a war lord at age 12, they begin to take a deep breathe, and readjust their sights in the appropriate mate if the modern era

>> No.20000953

So every set of parents are miserable together, you know this? You know the world is largely made of parents, that how people get here. What percentage of them would you suggest have net bad relation, or are bad people? And provide reasons why you think this

>> No.20000978

For lots of human history women didnt really have their own lives at all, they married and had children young and took care if household chores, that was life.

Now women have their own lives,they may do that other stuff down the line, but before then is a buffer zone of freedom, to fully experience pure unadulterated personhood. They are truly truly free. They can maried and get divorced, have kids, get married, get divorced, have kids, have sex, it doesn't matter, it's all good, there will be more opourtunities down the line.

>> No.20000988

Horrid word. Reeks of Reddit and vaginal discharge.

>> No.20001008

it's therapeutic like a pacifier for their childish brain
takes away all their feminine anxiety and panicking for the moment
as an agp i know

>> No.20001010

More like 12-26. Women are effectively teenagers until they're 23-25, and then depending on their intelligence and external influences, they will begin dimly considering the possibility that their joyride is not infinite. For the average woman, i.e. mediocre intelligence and no aggressively positive influences, this realization dawns around 26~.

26-30 are the Years of Cope, and the Years of the Great Choice. Years of cope, because even the best woman will continue trying to live as if she's 21 while she's in her late 20s, at least occasionally (a fling and hookup here and there). Still not saving or planning for her future or caring she has no upward mobility. But years of the Great Choice, because even the stupidest one will start to panic by 28-30 that she has to either find a man or be in hell for her 30s. Usually the Great Choice is forced upon women by seeing their sisters, cousins, family friends, and close friends get married and have kids, and mog them for still being a whore nearing her whore expiry date.

The teen years of total irresponsibility and chasing attention, validation, and "fun" are comparable (in form, not in content) to a totally degenerate man who lives with his parents while cooming and playing vidya nonstop, until he's well past the point of no return. The key difference is that there is no real point of no return for women, only a bumpy slope of "I really should get a LITTLE more serious here" realizations. But in terms of form, a man who is just constantly masturbating and playing video games until he's 25, with no concern for his future, has a consciousness comparable to a woman's consciousness between 12-25. It's a nonstop rollercoaster of "fun," "what fun will I have next," "I'm not having fun :/ I want some fun!"

The difference is, someone is always waiting to swoop in and save a woman, even if it's not someone they would have chosen in ideal circumstances. But they always have a meal ticket waiting at least.

>> No.20001012

Hey, just put out some music for the first time.


>> No.20001017

Wrong, robot.

They’re people pleasers, most especially those they love. They expect and should receive reciprocation for this, bit for some, the simple erotic act is enough.

You reek of anus discharge

>> No.20001029
File: 58 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black male on white male /gif/ threads ruined my mental health

>> No.20001030

The catagory of psychopath at once offers the potential of most material comfort and security, but possibly the most horror and terror

>> No.20001032

You have to fill the hole with something else dude. The benefit of not doing porn is having the dignity of knowing that you’re not allowing crude, addictive base pleasures to sap your energy.

>> No.20001033

I'm thinking about women

>> No.20001036

It's noticeable how ennobling it is to be in the presence of fine architecture. I feel it every time I walk down this one street near where I live that's prettier than the rest. When I pass by those dignified structures my spirit is elevated and I am filled with an enlarged sense of respect for humanity and for humanity's respect for itself.

The opposite mood hits me when I see a trashy, blighted neighborhood. It gives me a sense for how low of an opinion humanity can have of itself. Humanity thinks so little of itself that it will tolerate living in such abysmal surroundings, how it would construct a prison and pretend it's a city and then proceed to inhabit and call it home. I become dismally aware of how such crude and ugly and utilitarian surrounds shrink experience and blunt it of all lofty aspirations or ideals. Architecture is the art of structuring experience.

>> No.20001042

Yeah, I agree with everything. What I meant is that a 15 year old gives blowjobs solely for Chad’s validation, 19 year old already cares about her own cummies and demands to be fucked properly. Obviously, the careless slut phase continues well into mid to late twenties, only then she starts to consider a reliable, mild-mannered provider.

>> No.20001047

nice bait

The women who end up as whores are made whores long before they've gotten fucked by the 20th guy man. It's a result of how they're raised, natural inclinations and their earliest sexual experiences. A 16 year old girl without proper parental guidance has no idea what she is getting herself into or the potential lifelong consequences of her actions when she's fucking the tall, 21 year old guy with nice hair that hangs out at the skate park down the street from her highschool.

Men and Women raised in a 2 parent household have less sexual partners over the course of their lives and higher marital success than their peers. Those with large families and successful marriages self report the highest levels of personal satisfaction and happiness of all groups of people. The way towards a good life is so clear but people are so short-sighted and so ill-equipped for life and dealing with the mess of urges and desires inside of them that they damage and ruin themselves before they ever had a chance.

I agree with you that the pleasures of a comfortable, good life are less intense(at a very surface level) than immediate material pleasures and excitement.

On phone, at work, apologize for not sourcing what I've said. Will do so later.

>> No.20001048

I don't know anything about music so I have nothing useful to say but I listened to both and congratulations on creating something and putting it out there sorry I can't be more useful.

>> No.20001056

I’ve felt this since I was a kid, I would always find myself in an infinitely better mood in the presence of aesthetically pleasing buildings. I honestly think the ugliness of my city is one of the contributing factors to my depressive episodes.

>> No.20001090

Mixing on the vocals is a bit weird, I enjoyed both.

>> No.20001120

Why do you think divorce rates are so high

>> No.20001135

Well thats interesting. As a male I'm experiencing my Years of Cope and Choice at 23.

>> No.20001141

Marriage is unnatural. Closer knit families alleviate the problem though.

>> No.20001159

I agree to degrees, but is it not true that a lot of well off girls from prominent stable households are sluts too, in highschool and sororities, at spring break, in mini skirt night club life?

It is natural human instinct to begin being obsessed with love and romance at an early age, before highschool the girls are icky boys have cooties begins to wear off and continous gossip of crushes and passing notes or sending a friend to tell her you like her begins.

Because we don't live in Romeo and Juliet times there is no pressure to marry out highschool crushes, so everyone just parties and fucks.

Then there are the prudish career focused noble nerd girls studying for the ivy leagues to be lifted from this wretched hell of spiritual poverty to spend her life in some 2001 a space Odyssey set esque genetic engineer lah, where if she hadn't met her husband already at school she will meet there and they will live out their ideal lives in their forrest tucked glass concrete steel home as if they were living in a magazine ad for Audi or the most modern luxory items.

The sluts intuiting their inability to compete with meek earth inheriting ideal life disciplined dream girl, say fuck it, and do just that, have fun, please themselves, any chance they can get. They are not made of the ideal, or they fear the challenge of maintaining it, the ideal is not for them, but next best is still alright, and next best and next best isn't so bad either.

>> No.20001180

Thanks for listening :)

Yeah, I feel the same, but work was dragging out for too long so I set a deadline and decided to stick to it. My future stuff will be mixed better. Thanks for the kind words mate.

>> No.20001213

You're wrong. Humans pair bond. A human incapable of pair bonding is broken. Close knit families are disappearing on the basis that marriage is now meaningless. I was reading an interesting article years ago how remarriages are making family dynamics extremely complicated for young people.

>> No.20001218

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20001229

marriage has been around for as long as we have recorded history and we have evidence of people bonding for life from before then

>> No.20001234

It's become apparent to me the normalnigger is illusory and I really detest the nature of people in general. Most are crude, indecent, and illogical. The redeemable minority is still fallible. It remains for me to accept this instead of sulk and be worse because others are. The cynicism has caused a lot of unnecessary headaches. Unnecessary because I remain possessed of a desire to be part of the socius while maintaining it's degenerate. I'm worse off because I don't accept what I know to be better because I ignore what I think is true.

>> No.20001236


Just bought a vape, but when I screwed it together, I screwed it so tight I can't unscrew it to actually fill it up. I've been using rubber for a grip, but I can't open it, I've given myself a blister. This blows. Goddammit.

>> No.20001240

>This blows
No it doesn't jej

>> No.20001251

i walked into that one.

>> No.20001289

It's never to late to mess around mixing it better, if educated feedback is suggesting it. I haven't listened, but if a possible soulution to make things magnitudenly better is relatively simple is may be worth giving it a try. It could he stylistically appropriate the way you made it, and good, I haven't listened yet, I might never, there being that bad review at once turns me off from trying to listen anticipating hearing badness, and compels me to give it a try to see if critic anon was right or dumb

>> No.20001299

My pain has been caulkanized

>> No.20001326

Fair point. I'm trying to stick to a schedule so I don't fall into mistakes I've made in the past, but I'm also using this as a learning opportunity, so maybe I'll go back and mix it again when my ears are fresher.

>> No.20001381

A worthy work of art can not be restricted absolutely to a schedule.

That schedule structure is good, it helped you do a lot of work and heavy lifting made a piece.

Yu can move onto making others.

But if it is possible they piece is not near it's possible best, or easily made better, and the song, track, work of art, is more beautiful and valuable than a penny, then sacrificing some minutes or hour someday now or in 29 days to improve it, could possibly help more than hurt.

If you want your art to possess value and significance, for people to love it and cherish it, you need to treat itwell and give it the care and attention it deserves

I've heard anecdotes of painters like J.M.W Turner on the day of the opening reception if the big university salon gallery art show putting last touches on his paintings

>> No.20001396

I have never seen a man use the word "ass" as an insult. Did the post hit a nerve or?

>> No.20001400

>If you want your art to possess value and significance, for people to love it and cherish it, you need to treat itwell and give it the care and attention it deserves
At the same time I realize there can be stylistic textural value to lo fi ness

>> No.20001477

I described to my girlfriend a fantasy of mine where I live in a cave or some isolated yet cozy room with thousands of books and enough food to last me two or three years. I would spend 12-14 hours a day reading with almost no external stimuli and minimal contact to the outside world. No technology either, of course.
I yearn for a hermit's life, for a few years at least, not an entire lifetime, but I have no means or skills that would enable me to survive away from society or enough money to buy some shanty shack and provide warmth and food. Any other bros feel trapped where they want to drop out of life, but don't have the necessary abilities? I know Ted K spent a few years learning survival skills as he assimilated into the wilderness, but I don't really crave a primal lifestyle, just an isolated and contemplative one. However, if a wild life is the optimal choice here, I would be willing to learn.

>> No.20001490

>my girlfriend
Stopped reading there.

>> No.20001499

I'm sure there's a lady out there that would love to be with you

>> No.20001506

I don’t want any lady, and I don’t want any ladies to come here and ruin our board. >my gf is how it starts, next thing you know we have usernames, good boy points and onlyfans links on 4chan.

>> No.20001516

I was banned from 4chan for three days. I actually went outside. it was nice.

>> No.20001520

Instead of doing all your reading 12 hours a day for 2 years, why not just live life normally and read 1 hour or so a day for rest of life? Youre not missing out on much, some core ideas, themes with varieties ,played on them infinitum. Sounds more like you are scared to commit to your girlfriend and the stresses of living on society and just want to escape

>> No.20001534

Dude, just turn the airplane mode on/off on your phone and delete browser data. Or reset your router and delete cookies. You never have to go outside again.

>> No.20001552

I spend about 2 hours reading each day, which combined with exercise are the two things that make me feel whole. It's not about cramming my brain with ideas and themes from the books, but rather setting aside ample time to develop independently from my environment. I am already committed to my gf, and my job prospects are good, but I have felt this inclination to "drop out" for a few years. It is fair to consider me a coward, because I am at that stage where the day-to-day of the rest of my life seems pointless, and the stresses of society seem overwhelming with nothing to gain from bearing that mental toll.

>> No.20001554

My friend (female) keeps nagging me to read a book series, ive gave it a try, but, jesus christ it is written for lonely women in their 30's /40's

>> No.20001570

Thoughts on noneism? The theory that some things don't exist.


>> No.20001616

I get that feeling anon. I think a number of philosophers have advocated or at least considered the possibility of complete separation from society as a means of spiritual growth. I think it’s better to be an island unto yourself as the Buddha put it, keep pursuing the activities you mentioned and only engage in society inasmuch as you need to in order to survive. There’s no use tricking yourself into thinking you need something more out of society when you’re already content as you are.

>> No.20001643

Thanks, anon. I'll keep that approach to life in mind. It is easy to get caught up in the pursuit of "success", especially when it comes to climbing some social order or corporate hierarchy, which is a path I fear of falling into. If the responsibilities of living within the system become too much to bear, I will finally embrace the inclination to drop out.

>> No.20001671

I want to flee into Weimar Classicism.

>> No.20001678

Whats her @?

>> No.20001694

0-player games. Only AI participates in the game.

>> No.20001695

The singularity of existence is but the coincidence of contradiction.

>> No.20001704

Like rats in a maze? Or those iterational ai tests? Why?

>> No.20001725

A new era begins...


>> No.20001734
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interpret what's happening in the video:

It's a story about the destruction of alcoholism on families. I imagined that the big triangle is the parent of the small triangle. The small triangle and circle are children and nonchalantly go to play in the yard of the triangle's home (a rectangle with a door). The big triangle is crazy from alcohol and tries to attack the children. The small triangle and circle escape the big triangle and celebrate at the end.

>> No.20001741


>> No.20001765

Thinking again about how the circle hides in the house, I have to imagine that it might be more likely that the circle lives in the home. The circle is either adopted or it genetically takes after the other parent (circle and triangle baby).

>> No.20001806

Hello /lit/ please remember to:

Have sex, go to gym, be yourself, seek a therapist , take your meds, meditate, go for walks, learn a trade, learn to code, get off social media, call a friend/family, read, listen to audiobooks, invest, write a journal, write 3 things you are grateful for everyday, make your bed in the morning, leave motivational quotes around the house, walk with your head and chest up and shoulders back, stop playing vidya, sneed, stop eating fast food, stop drinking/smoking/doing drugs, maintain a proper diet, keep a routine, compliment at least 1 stranger per day, travel, volunteer, have hobbies involving members of the opposite sex, limit time on phone/internet (especially pornography), dopamine fast, sleep at least 8 hours a night, drink water, pray the rosary 3x a day, think like a winner :)

>> No.20001847

you're so wholesome, thanks anon

>> No.20002044

Why? Like it too much?

>> No.20002048

Eat shit

>> No.20002127

I've never had energy in the first place.

>> No.20002148

So what was the 20000000 post?

>> No.20002190

Can't tell if I'm acting like a self-abasing cuck or an altruistic saint about this one person.

>> No.20002227
File: 240 KB, 2048x2048, 1646115054916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the fagblogpost but I've been doing really good, no waifu this semester but gradess are respectable, I started benching 2pl8 and final essay I wrote for my poli philosophy class about how much Canadian philosophy sucks got an A-. Though at a house party with mutual friends a female friend of mine recently told me she thinks I am trans and I need to talk to a therapist. I have absolutely 0 idea why she thought that and I don't feel like confronting her. How is this uni year been for you?

>> No.20002247

I feel like I'm always caught between two states: depressed, anxious, and looking for familiar things to put my faith in like family, God; or selfish, grandiose, and needing to be admired by the world.

>> No.20002249

Anyone else think the collective punishment imposed on the ordinary Russian people because of the actions of their government is a little fucked up? Lives are being ruined for no fault of their own.

>> No.20002294

>Though at a house party with mutual friends a female friend of mine recently told me she thinks I am trans and I need to talk to a therapist
Lmao wtf. Its like a cult

>> No.20002302

Medium sized depressive breakdown because I hate everything about my major and would rather kill myself than spend my life working in that field and made a huge mistake when picking it. Therefore I failed all of my classes except one and stopped talking to my uni friends. But I think I might have it figured out now and I am applying to the least unbearable internships I can find and hope to just ride it out. It's better to pass the last handful of exams, write the stinking thesis and get this rotten degree and then do something completely different than to give up this close to the finish line and have nothing to show for it.

Oh and women are insane, especially in college, so good chance that she's a nut and you're actually alright. She probably sees closet queers everywhere and thinks everyone needs a therapist

>> No.20002309
File: 105 KB, 700x868, semen1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this possible?

>> No.20002317


>> No.20002353

Chicks will say anything, I wouldn't take it to heart.

>> No.20002363

It's certainly harsh, but one of the best ways to halt a rogue state is to destabilise its government. In this case, by making the invasion directly impact the Russian populace through international action, we can make a Russian popular anti-war movement far more accessible and prominent.

Thomas C Schelling's Arms and Influence goes into popular suffering as a political tool in war, strongly recommend a read of it.

>> No.20002386

thank you for the reply
>Many celebrities pop stars have obsessive fans, bjork perhaps being a more uhinged weird artist produced an unhinged weird obbsessive fan.
That doesn't answer it for me I'm afraid,
Why do people become obsessed with celebrity A rather than celebrity B,C,D...Z? Even someone as anodyne as David Letterman had a persistent stalker. The 'weird' factor doesn't explain the behaviour of the stalker nor why they focus on Bjork or Letterman.
Taylor Swift seems to attract a lot of stalkers, but she's a run of the mill cookie cutter popstar, aside from her fame, what is the cause of it?
>then all that potential energy and attention may be possibly hogged up by just one thing,
But how does that one thing come to be? The celebrity A versus celebrity B thing?
Drugs have a physiological effect. So does baseball. Video Games give you incremental sense of achievement. Celebrities are all around you yet never answer back.
>may be a perfect idol to dedicate most of your attention to,
Again, why idol A not idol B? By the very nature of Public Relations all celebrities are meant to be presented as these bright lively things as you say, so what makes one celebrity particularly engaging to people to the point that they will actually assume this celebrity is sending them secret messages? (I think one woman was convinced Steven Spielberg had a radio implanted in her tooth - where does this delusion of personal communication come from? And why doesn't it come from more likely sources - people in the community etc.)
Underpinning my inquiry is basically: how do people come to obsess over things they can't control?

>> No.20002423

That was the post. Idk what that even means. What a fuckin waste

>> No.20002431

I’ve spent the last few years trying to reconcile with my father only to realize I’m not sure what kind of a relationship I want with him, if I even want one at all.

>> No.20002454

epic fail

>> No.20002461

Did it get deleted or something?

>> No.20002511

This is hit lol

>> No.20002531

RimWorld banned in Australia.

>> No.20002538


>> No.20002547

>The computer game is classified RC in accordance with the National Classification Code as computer games that 'depict, express or otherwise deal with matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults to the extent that they should not be classified.'
They also banned Disco Elysium last year.

>> No.20002548

Almost everything is banned in Australia.

>> No.20002584

Jesus anon that sounds like an awful position to be stuck in, realizing you abhor doing something but continue on doing it for the eventual good it will bring you in future is an incredibly arduous feat. I also first decided on a completely different major but thankfully my dad talked me through it and made me change and if it wasn’t for him I would definitely be in your position. Out of curiosity, what is it that you are doing now and what do you want to do in the future?
Yeah it will probably be nothing but it was just such a shock to me as I am a pretty masculine dude, I am getting a psych evaluation so I can finish some projects for my minor ill ask the shrink what they think so I can get a definite answer.
Isn't that the same thing just looked through a different lens, Mother Teresa is both a cuck for letting others have what she can have and at the same time a saint
Yeah some of it has been really unfortunate to see as your average Russian immigrant (or maybe at this point just your average Russian) opposes the war and doesn't want it to continue.

>> No.20002599


>> No.20002618

You’re wrong. They “pairbond” for the period it takes to mate and raise an infant. The extended family contributes to the raising of a fuller human communal participant.

That’s a rather recent cultural thing. I’m not really against marriage, but nor am I against divorce. It shouldn’t be a matter for the state or a given church though

>> No.20002623

What was the grass like!?

>> No.20002684

What the Europeans saw when they wandered into the cold, what they found, was WAR. Not the animalistic killings for food of the Africans and Chimps, what they saw was not merely an afterthought required to attain food or territory, they saw WAR itself. They put their souls into the war, while their ancestors waged war with their bodies and their stomachs, the European learned to put his mind into war, to dedicating himself to fighting. What else can happen when you are brought face to face with the cold? The cold will awaken a warrior or it will kill you.

>> No.20002692

The African merely survives, he lives in nature. The European declares war against nature. This is the root of science.

>> No.20002719

I got influenced by /lit/ and psychedelic drugs few years ago, i got into "start with a greeks" meme. I read Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, Kierkeegard etc. My favourite was Wittgenstein, i can recommend TLP to anyone, its short and his logic is flawless. Philosophy is made to be discussed and reasoned with, so i guess if you read a book, make notes on it then confront your understanding with another person, then it can make your mind clearer, your learn to think to reason about things which is important for any job.
I got filtered hard by Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche etc. There was time when i bought tons of books, and reading nothing, now i have enough paper books to read for rest of my live. Recently i bought Marx Capital (1000 pages), i wanted to see if bunkerfags are onto something, but after first 100 pages i am not very interested. I guess there are some philosophy books you cant study casually just read a chapter once a day, you need to study it seariously to get anything out of it. Worst shit is if i read some book and then autistically stop to read something else, then after month or two i come back and i forgot what page i was on

>> No.20002725

doing heroin for the first time tonight

>> No.20002748

Your life just flashed before my eyes, the next 30 years of it anyway

I strongly recommend you do not do that. You'll do more of it to recover from withdrawals, then again, and you will be confused in hindsight when you can't find the moment in time when you stopped thinking rationally and started thinking like an addict (special pleading for having another hit) and got yourself into a lifelong addiction and destroyed all your potential. And all of that will come down to the interstice between your second and third use, in an imperceptible moment when your brain learned how to think like an addict and you didn't notice because you've never been in that hell before.

That shit will seriously ruin someone's life within the first few uses. I know people who just had some to spare and ended up going down the rabbit hole and never coming back on their first use, simply because it was available and there was no natural gap in time to force them to come to their senses.

>> No.20002761

Ever see/read Trainspotting?
Don’t get into that lifestyle

>> No.20002797

I bought heroin few times. I smoked it from foil and snorted it. It was not very good and very shortlived but maybe i did not enough. I love opioids tho, feeling of nodding out and being extremely relaxed while anything you watch/read/eat feels so much better. I have lot of positive memories of abusing tramadol, PST and some RC opioid. I seriously contemplate buying oxycontin, its fucking expensive tho

>> No.20002806

Why do I, consistently and regularly, do exactly the things I don't want to do?

>> No.20002825

Why don't you want to do those things? Can you give examples?

>> No.20002833

Ahhhh, let 'em. They'll figure out *something* about it one way or another.
Yeah, it probably won't be good, but it's hard to say how things will turn out. Better to let kids make mistakes that don't hurt anybody but themselves.
Now, if they nod out and wreck a car, that's another thing.

>> No.20002838

Have you ever thought about how a person's handwriting is probably one of the most accurate ways to predict what generation they're from in Anglophone countries?

>> No.20002861

Your mother licked my balls when I was younger, now I am indifferent.

>> No.20002953

You’re not that different. Many boys have had their balls licked by his mother

>> No.20002966

Thanks for the reminder friend. When I make works that are truly worth it, I guarantee they will gestate over a longer period.

>> No.20002971

Frankly, I was traumatized when my balls were licked by his mother.
To this day I cannot escape the fear and shame instilled in me by his mother licking my balls.

>> No.20002991

Why the fuck do judges deserve the title of "Your Honor?"
>"Sir? That's 'Your Honor,' young man!"
Shut yo bitch ass up lmao

>> No.20003072

>the rest of my life seems pointless, and the stresses of society seem overwhelming with nothing to gain from bearing that mental toll.
A long happy fun rewarding life with your wife is what you have to gain, full of hard work, art, entertainment and love, it's all a man could really ask for at the end of it

>> No.20003140

Thanks for providing more examples:
David letterman
Taylor Swift
Stevan Spielberg

I dont know the answer to your question so that reply and this one I can only guess.

First I can say why does a man fall in love with his wife instead of the 1000 other women he sees.

Some things are just a complex mix, biology, chemistry, generic, nature nurture, interactions growing up, interactions with family and friends, the graph of second by second degrees of quantity and quality of happy and sadness, of lonlieness, the time and places and states of impressionability when introduced and then becoming dependant on these people, if whatever possibly mental illness can be.

You named pretty big big stars.

David letterman was on tv every night for like 20 years. A staple in many peoples lives. There can be a crazy lady in neighborhood that stalks squirrels or cats or me, it's not hard to imagine one had a severe attachment to these public figures. One may have their own desires of celebrity, fantasize about meeting and bring friends: then my family, friends, coworkers will treat me with respect if they knew I was friends with ______, if I was a rockstar.

These are charismatic powerful people, who provide people with a lot of comfort. Have you seen baptist Christians going crazy with the holy spirit, that energy is in average people. Why aren't they Muslim, why is a fanatic of Taylor swift and not _______ right place right time right physiology psychology states of mind nervous systems relation.

You watch David letterman evey night for 15 years he becomes a friend, he becomes the highlight of your day, the highlight of your life. He is there for you time and time again, to lift you out of your misery, and make you smile, he has a unique personality and brand of humor you can't find anywhere else, and he's so cool and comfortable and asks the best questions interviewing all the most famous guests...you know what anon,vyou convinced me, I'm gonna go stalk David letterman

>> No.20003151
File: 109 KB, 600x600, 1626271286201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no dog in the Russia vs. Ukraine conflict, but the mainstream media, Biden, the Democrats, and the Republicans are turning me into a pro Russia shill. Anytime all of globohomo unites it can only be for evil. Russia shouldn't have invaded Ukraine, but I still root for their triumph over the West.

>> No.20003154

I wish I was an artist, but I have no talent.

>> No.20003233

Check out RT documentaries on the subject. You’ll be even more sympathetic to the cause.
Cute babe.

>> No.20003245

>My favourite was Wittgenstein, i can recommend TLP to anyone
What are some of your favorite things you figured out from that book, or things it made you think?

>> No.20003287

How do I get a gf who looks like this

>> No.20003288

overcame something and now i see women as objects.

>> No.20003289

Chill with some pot smoking friends

>> No.20003290

My handwriting is only shit because my first grade teacher was a cunt and I deliberately wrote like shit to spite her.

>> No.20003295

Xi jingping, is that you

>> No.20003299

That extended families exist is not mutually exclusive to pair bonding.

>> No.20003375

Please cancel my order for toilet paper. Time won't permit me to wait for it.

>> No.20003378

Whenever I stay away from this place (and other distractions) for too long my mind begins concocting strange and extreme ideas. I begin acquiring a fuller appreciation for life and existence and sometimes it's too overwhelming. It's scary.
It's scary what I feel capable of doing when my mind is not clouded by pornography or entertainment.
I love literature, it truly is the only way out.

>> No.20003387
File: 88 KB, 900x369, i-must-get-married-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20003403
File: 1.04 MB, 2560x2546, Other-Diversions-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20003404
File: 90 KB, 1200x392, now-be-pachent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20003406
File: 48 KB, 902x513, 1629641939362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel it.
Can you?
It's coming. Sooner than you think.

>> No.20003409
File: 33 KB, 900x159, Fellow-with-a-lot-of-cream-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20003415

Was that considered good english back then

>> No.20003416

die in a fire

>> No.20003438

It looks like it's a misconception that people in the past were better writers. People don't change. These are letters from the 1930s to the complain department of a retail corporation Montgomery Ward. I don't have a pic, but this was a particularly bad one:

>Last Wick I ordert Some Goods From You and I Resived it on the 27 the Shoes and Foset are Good but The Ratio don’t Give Setesfaction. I Tret it on deferant Ariels But I Can’t Make it Work to Sute Me.

>> No.20003440

The spelling seems far worse then than now. But that could just be down to auto correct and spell check.

>> No.20003455
File: 2.47 MB, 3024x3024, DUDE LIMINAL SPACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my body is aching in pain from blue collar slavery. i guess this is what i deserve for being a jobless degenerate for almost 2 years.

i wish

>> No.20003459

The coverage of AFPAC is making me laugh

>And then came this golden moment from Arpaio: “They call me the biggest racist,” he said. When the crowd erupted in applause, he asked, “Why are you clapping at that?”

>> No.20003467

Just read something on countercurrents that made sense to me. The only two goods here for normal people are that Russia is de facto anti-globalism by resisting NATO, and Ukrainians are an ethnostate in potentia if not in actuality. So you should root for a stabilized Ukraine with a Ukrainian ethnostate no longer diverted by having to be a NATO salient, and a happy Russia that scored a victory against the globalists.

>> No.20003507

I wish I was dead sometimes; I feel like all my colleagues find me annoying or a waste of space and I feel like I suck at my job no matter how much I try to get better. I hate going home because everyone has a bad attitude or acts obnoxious and it's just miserable to deal with so I stay at work late so I don't have to talk to my family and I'm here crying in a bed because I hate how my life is right now

>> No.20003521
File: 104 KB, 960x640, 4960165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to thrive on the weak minds that populate this website and beyond, to exploit them and subdue them to my will. I want to take away everything you can give and then crush you under my heel.

>> No.20003564

What you work at walmart?

>> No.20003591

>It looks like it's a misconception that people in the past were better writers
Reads 4 letters from nearly illiterate poor folks and conclude that no people in the past were better writers? Most people were illiterate throughout history

>> No.20003621


>> No.20003629

Life's not going well. Watched Holes for the first time in years. Felt a little better. Pacing is weird, but I think it holds up.

>> No.20003633
File: 139 KB, 980x980, 1623270486860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like being alive. Imagine how many potential beings never got the change to exist. The number is infinite. They'll never get to experience life on this strange planet. I've had hardships and tough times but I've also experienced love and beauty. If God is real then I thank him for giving me this opportunity.

>> No.20003636

did all of these before then had sex
and now on the downward spiral

>> No.20003640

I'm saying that people in these letters have the same writing ability as people who post on Twitter.

>> No.20003642
File: 41 KB, 680x793, 1633705534773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met a cute girl at the rockclimbing gym but she wasn't from my hometown , only visiting.


>> No.20003679

I still find it funny how some people think I'm nice to them because I like them or they deserve it. The idea of just being kind and polite to people because I want to be nice instead of it being some special reward just for them doesn't seem to compute. The really strange thing is that it tends to happen most with people who give very little and expect the world to compensate them a lot more. If they were simply transactional, and nice to people who were nice to them while being rude to people who were rude to them, I think I would understand better. I don't know how you square being selfish and even cruel to many people with the idea you deserve better treatment.

>> No.20003689

Should have asked her to go climbing someplace with real rocks. Like, get a car.

>> No.20003699

Fuck your ethnostate. Fascism is why this is all happening.

>> No.20003725


>> No.20003729

You reneged on the deal where I wouldn't have to have conversations with you and could just enjoy my books in peace, so it's over

>> No.20003731

This isn’t a good site for hookups, anon.
It’s kind of a deal breaker poisonous site for that for a lot of girls.

>> No.20003733

no. where tf did you get that from?

>> No.20003741

I dont want to hook up tho

>> No.20003784
File: 400 KB, 1296x1944, 1620617801884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love tomboys.

>> No.20003808

What lies behind your desire to be an artist? Is it to fill a void left by a lack of social connection, or a desire for admiration? If this is the case, I think that at the end of the day most people are happiest when spending time with people they care for, even the ones who repress this truth from their minds and delude themselves into a solipsistic crusade for being an artist. In my opinion true artists will be consumed by the desire to express themselves and create. I don't know if you have it in you to be an artist, only you can decided that, but we only live once.

>> No.20003849
File: 1.56 MB, 3642x2608, mongki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been on my mind.

>> No.20003852

Make fun of a Slav looking like an ape and it's all fun and games, but make fun of a nigger...

>> No.20003856

I am slavic

>> No.20003871

I had the sudden realization that, if video games existed since the fall of Rome, most philosophy and literature would not exist.

Think about it. Writing long books is something weirdos who live in their heads do, to escape reality. If Kant could just grind his Skyrim character to level 100, would he ever obsess over philosophy day and night?

>> No.20003930

Watching Nine Perfect Strangers. Pretty good miniseries

>> No.20004132

repeated false awakening loops got me wondering if anything i experience is real

>> No.20004133

A while ago in a "what's your excuse for not writing anything today" thread I said that the love of my life was dying. She died on Sunday.
A little over half my life was spent with her. There is no language that can express my grief

>> No.20004145

>all these mental gymnastics to fit messy, real-world dynamics into neat little ideological boxes
Do you guys ever get bored of this tireless subservience to dogma? Does it ever fatigue you, or make you second-guess the way every single event that happens needs to be subsumed under the context of your sociopolitical identity?

>> No.20004165

i'm starting to suspect my night terrors are real demonic visitations

>> No.20004180

on the judgement day none of these people will come to your defense

>> No.20004199

had a dream like that movie with jeremy renner and the anxiety ridden retard except i was the retard
we were supposed to hold off enemy from a tower or a large building like high place
jeremy renner said he'd take the window along with a couple other chads and i took the door watching their backs
immediately some enemy runs up the stairs and i realize my gun is in single fire mode and then it jams
barely got one shot towards this guy and it missed him he ends up being inside the room and jeremy renner has to turn back and take care of him
after that there was a bunch of people coming up the stairs one after the other but i couldn't get any shot out
i think we all died

>> No.20004212

----- Floriana Requiem ----

No two silver maples look exactly the same in any innate aesthete's eye,
Nor could I miss the chance to gather spectacularly
Grotesque cecropia caterpillars
Wherever they appear.

I still can't conjure visions from the astonishing statistics about Alnilam
Without thinking about her, the time we learned
The constellations from father's
Window, my garden,

This beautiful imperium of personality or incommensurable music.

Happy to see him every time he came to me
To experience vicarious joy, the way I laugh like jets floating
Through tropical sky, banter with anyone in soaring cities, remember everyone easily

As dreamers do, relaxing in parks paved for a flying couch
So considerately made that one can tour
Snowy landscapes and

Fields green beyond belief, exurban sprawl astonishing as the sun or genius.

>> No.20004220

you'll be saying the same thing in 20 years if you don't act now

>> No.20004230

>In my opinion true artists will be consumed by the desire to express themselves and create.
Isnt it the case for all geniuses? Create for the sake of creating? The difference is that they have talent.

>> No.20004234

Very wordy and obtuse without much of a sense of the rhythm and cadence of language — worst possible combination in writing. On top of it, there's some deeply objectionable self-gratification in the way you marvel artlessly at your own social grace. Because you drop the word "genius" in such close proximity to your masturbations, it gives the sense (when combined with the bloviant, purposeless use of vocabulary for the sake of vocabulary) that the author considers himself a genius... while displaying precisely zero evidence of it in the process.

This is embarrassing, and you should delete it.

>> No.20004252
File: 786 KB, 1053x1523, __original_drawn_by_unagi189__c4ceb10e516bb97829c2fc04877848ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they let kids read such transgressive fiction books on schools?
I'm glad I don't live on those countries I could be traumatised for life danmit.
Also good morning.

>> No.20004272


>> No.20004281

What do you mean by "transgressive fiction"?

>> No.20004284

Aggressively Trans.

>> No.20004294

What's hideous? Use your big boy words.

>> No.20004299

Are those the steps from the final shot of Somai's Love Hotel

>> No.20004309


>> No.20004314

No, I'm not Iago, and you're sure as shit nothing close to Othello. We don't live in a Shakespeare play. I'm someone who's criticizing your writing on the internet. You are the person whose writing I'm criticizing. Be as vague and allusive as you want to.

>> No.20004315

Think differently, instead of shame, think that you were such a chad that his mother couldn't help herself and had to lick your balls.

>> No.20004319
File: 662 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_lxfhwgGQ4d1r0dwboo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure myself. But as far as I understood, it's like stories where the protagonist or secondary characters goes from a significantly normal life to full ape and end up doing messed up sh*t. i.e. Lord of the Flies, which is read on schools.

But my point is that there's some content in those books kids shouldn't be seeing.

Dunno, never watched it.

>> No.20004340

It isn't anything complex, I look at art that I like and I think "woah, I wish I could do that".

>> No.20004349

The worst combo is having an artistic soul and no art related talent, which is the case with most anons here.

>> No.20004361

USA, Russia and China are all globalist forces, but they all want their own taste of globalism where they are the ones ruling. The victory of neither NATO nor Russia will benefit any of us.
My opinion in this conflict is to be against all of them and in favor of a neutral and free Ukraine, but I know that is unfeasible in the long term.

>> No.20004385

i haven't seen my wife in a week. i want her pussy so bad. i want to impregnate her and i want to fuck her when she is pregnant and has a big pregnant belly

>> No.20004448
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, face of another.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so few male therapists compared to female ones? I went to a shrink recently, and it was a woman, and it honestly made me feel so angry. I felt worse than before. For all the talk about patriarchy and male supremacy, therapists seem to take a female worldview as default and universal. Their definition of "mental health" seems to be: acting, feeling and thinking more like a liberal woman. All advice and conversational points I got there pointed in that direction.

I now understand why Jordan Peterson had the success he did. For all his flaws, at least he approaches male issues from a distinctly male lens that tells men and boys to embrace who they are instead of trying a psychic sex change.

>> No.20004499

At least you have a wife, I'm 31 y.o. and still haven't been in any long term relationship

>> No.20004535


>> No.20004691

I need to find God. I need to otherwise i will kill myself.

>> No.20004699

Absolutely nothing most of us dislike the idea and practice

>> No.20004713

Majority of people become therapists to sort out their own issues. It's a profession which selects for crazy women. It's not even about having a more female mindset, but having the mindset of someone who can deflect their own dysfunctions onto others and their environment.

>> No.20004843 [DELETED] 

I really want to die but I keep imagining that scene from Hereditary where the mom looks like she’s in labour she’s screaming so hard. Bros why’s life so retarded. Just a constant striving to meet people and then when you do they aren’t the people you wanted to meet. All faces human depress me on sight. I want to meet a hypothetical person. Where are all the hypothetical people? Life’s all flailing and rinse and repeat and I haven’t even done the same thing twice yet, it’s all just so retarded. Philosophy is retarded, my brain is retarded, reality so retarded it won’t even let you see it, throats and colons are retarded, thumbs and screens are retarded, hot breaths and computer monitors are retarded, the burden of gravity is retarded, jobs are all retarded without exception, being career oriented is retarded, being anything oriented is retarded after imagining what it would be like, yes it’s all retarded. I wish after I died everyone would get together and celebrate it, feeling something like relief, but not feeling bad about feeling relief, unambiguous public relief like avoiding nuclear disaster

>> No.20004849

----- Floriana Requiem ----

One has to live in a place long enough to change appreciably for the worse
To appreciate how good it is, haunt it with memory
Beyond catalogue, painting;

Light intensity, fireflies ornamenting lawn proufoundly shaded by huge trees.

>> No.20004966

I am so tired of how cultural discourse is predicated on pretending, pretending as a kind of life-support for narratives and the identities people derive from them. Pretending something is what you need it to be to launch in to your scripted response.
What is partially so tiring about it is how ubiquitous but minor this is, a kind of background hum.
But I will try for an example.

Remember when that song 'Wet Ass Pussy' came out a few years back, and how no one could shut up about it for a day and a half? The reaction to it was that it was either a unequally egregious song, that its obscenity was somehow unprecedented and signaled some new threshold of moral decline, as though dirty songs haven't existed forever.
And then on the other hand you had people going to the other extreme, claiming it was somehow empowering, liberating, for women as though the sexual revolution was instigated by the song.
Both claims are retarded, and both claimants are just looking for a battleground, the actuality of what they contend over is secondary.

I am reminded of something I read about myth and ritual, how the original, mythic act, and the ritual reenactment of the mythic event, become one and the same. That the mythic event exists beyond space-time, and that the ritual rather than being a simple reenactment actually brings the participants in to direct contact with that supernatural domain and they perform the original action. That the ritual and its origins are indistinguishable.

I think something like that is happening, except in a retarded and unhelpful way. In the west the civil rights movement, the sexual revolution, some mish-mash of 20th century cultural tension has become this ever present inescapable frame for people.
The moment happened, but the moment might stop having have happened with we don't continually renew the moment through ritual reenactment. I am tired of people who want this to be the 20th century +22.

Am just so sick of it. Of being told to be scared, alarmed, frightened, all so the eternal reaffirmation of past victories and past losses can take place at the expense of the present and the future. The pantomime of panic over the same old shit.

>> No.20004998

On a slightly related note it has been pretty funny to see all these old codgers, politicians, media men, who made their bones during the cold war suddenly come back to life in the last few days. Like vampires rising from the grave.

"Russia vs USA, just like the good old days. Finally something that makes sense to me"

I am being reductive of course, but I can't help see this conflict in Europe as anything but a Boomer fight. A bucket list for War Hawks with one foot in the grave. One last shot to end the millennium right.

>> No.20005044

Why's that? Are you a complete virgin?

>> No.20005052

My dick smells like old cheese

>> No.20005057

Your post reminds me of a video I saw yesterday of an interview with Lukashenko and he is stuck in the soviet days, almost like a paralel reality.

>> No.20005108

---- Floriana Requiem ----

St. Maarten, the tangerine irises of blue-front amazons,
The Caribbean from 37,000 feet,

>> No.20005141

my milk is going sour. you can tell that there is a beginning of an aftertaste of vomit. But I don't want to waste it. I shut down my fridge to save money, so I just keep it around in my room and aim to drink it before it goes sour. I should buy smaller quantities.

>> No.20005142

My biggest problem with most conspiracy theories is that the theorists seem to confuse "influence" with "control". There's obviously an elite - a secret one, maybe, even - that has disproportionate influence on the world, in that what they do affects events more than what others do. But this does not mean that they literally control everything or that things go according to what they plan simply because there are way too many moving pieces that determine results.

I think conspiracies are much more viable for specific events (assassinations, for example) or programs (like MK Ultra) than they are for, say, the total control of the flow of historical events.

>> No.20005164
File: 305 KB, 960x720, Civilisation (1969) Part 12 of 13 - The Fallacies of Hope [HD] [pq56Kzc3jI4].mp4_snapshot_02.40_[2022.03.01_08.32.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20005205

Let it curdle and use it to make breads

>> No.20005211

Oh i thought the pic was a Walmart break room. What type of work are you doing?

>> No.20005230

So I've dabbled in reactionary politics and I've come across this guy Max Weber a couple of times. The most commentary on Weber I've seen was in After Virtue. I skimmed a couple of wikipedia articles related to Weber, like the fact-value distinction. I'd like to take a deeper dive into Weber and his influence. Any reccomendations?

>> No.20005237

----Floriana Requiem----

The bordello sans pellegrino
The wafting aroma of the Caspian sea
An eldritch femme fatale glances your way through her chroma Gucci shades
You bite into an apple
You feel your Ralph Lauren wallet splurge

Your phone buzzes, it's Ricardo Alemaneada, your tailor
You touch the circle on the magic screen
One of many templated responses
Not now, I'm busy

>> No.20005265

Your second paragraph notifies the short comings of your first

>> No.20005444

I am sorry. Love to you and I hope you find peace.

>> No.20005468

Ive been working on my body and it actually looks nice. I want to go to the park and walk around shirtless but theres recent cutting scars on my shoulders. I fucked up bros.

>> No.20005654

Is putting on make up a process of turning yourself into a simulacra?

>> No.20005659
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Are any western powers commenting on the clearly non-egalitarian move to let women leave but force all the young men to die in the war? What happened to equiality?

>> No.20005702

equality is a d&c tactic

>> No.20005708
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Women are wonderful. Have sex with them.

>> No.20005709

Why do you think anyone sincerely believes in any of that shit?

>> No.20005721

Reject whores.
Only have sex with that woman you intend to and will marry.

>> No.20005751

I don't have tidy ideological boxes, I have prosaic realpolitik based on one plain fact: I don't want to live with violent, retarded, selfish people anymore, and most of those people are people who don't look like me.

We can think about fancy ideologies and political "theories" again after a few decades of basically functional commonwealths. The cornerstone of a basically functional commonwealth is a bunch of people who basically identify with one another basically behaving normally around one another.

>the way every single event that happens needs to be subsumed under the context of your sociopolitical identity?
Politics is zero-sum by definition. I don't care that my neighbor has a rose bush instead of some other bush. That's not political. Political is when the people who run my country are bought and paid for by internationalist financiers whose stated goal for my country is to flood it with a population known for inbreeding, rape, and violence. As a corollary, I want as many countries like mine and friendly to mine as possible not to be flooded with such populations either, so we can unite in a common front against the international financiers.

Everything I've said in this post can be expressed even more plainly in brute, prosaic, concrete terms, even libertarian terms of negative liberty and non-aggression principles if you prefer. Stay off my property where I and my family live and don't do shit on your property that destroys my way of life on my property, or I'll find other people like me who value similar things to stop you from fucking everything up.

>> No.20005764

>implying she won't turn out to be a manipulative whore like every female born after 1990

>> No.20005775

Seeing women being egoist attention whores really pisses me off

>> No.20005799
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>> No.20005800


>> No.20005807

I was so happy in 2019. It started awful but the year shaped up to be one of the best of my life. I got cast in a movie (a featured extra but a crucial scene, the movie was nominated for an oscar). I started riding bicycles and I met tons of new people and we went for group rides. The whole year seems like it was all summer except for a few parts of winter that were also perfect. But the last time I was truly happy was in August 2020. After that my world has gone dark because of this evil woman who ruined me mentally and I still haven't recovered.

I don't want to talk about the details, I am just typing this for making some sense of it.

>> No.20005816

I cant believe that incel shit has been around, in exactly the same form, for over 7 years

>> No.20005822


>> No.20005828

Let's have dialog free from insults. Share joy and be kind to one another. We're all brothers and sisters who need to support each other in healthy ways.

>> No.20005835

>Have sex
you lost me

>> No.20005848

That would irrationally bug me too but just take it like she was a gust of wind.

>> No.20005849

>US spelling
Opinion disregarded as fat and stupid.

>> No.20005850


>> No.20005856

Yes. Sanctions are evil: https://youtu.be/RM0uvgHKZe8

>> No.20005862

I don't know how anyone can look at this thing and think "Yeah, that's my partner". You can jerk off to her or even fuck her, but how do you ever muster up the respect needed to make someone like her your partner? When you consider she still has to go to someone at some point, who takes up these broads?

>> No.20005874

What causes you to react this way? I'm genuinely curious as to what you're thinking.

>> No.20005878

Nowadays women don't need, and usually don't even want "partners" while they're in their most fuckable primes. They want attention, drugs and big dicks. Worst case scenario, she'll have to marry some STEM incel who moneymaxxed and never even touched an attractive woman before. He'll gladly take the whore at 35.

>> No.20005901

Yes <3

>> No.20005927

My gf has probably stopped loving me. She keeps meeting more and more "guy friends" and has less interest in me. At least she's telling me about them, so I don't think she's cheating on me (she's always been very very loyal). But it's only a matter of time until she'll either break up with me or cheat on me. All I can do is to be prepared for the blow, but I can't imagine any way to cope with it so far.

>> No.20005948

Went through the same scenario, instead of ending the relationship like a man would I just waited for the inevitable. Got dumped, found out she was fucking several "friends" for months. Don't make the same mistake, Anon. The trauma lingers on like an ugly scar.

>> No.20005954

What a life. Take risks guys, it pays off

>> No.20005969

she never loved you in the first place
get out of there man

>> No.20005975

I doubt she'll cheat on me. She was a virgin before I met her and I doubt she could easily just fuck another dude, but she's already "emotionally cheating" on me in my eyes, which might be even worse. If I weren't thoroughly convinced that she's my soulmate I would've broken up already, any other girl and I'd be single already, but with her I just can't do it.

>> No.20005978

She did, more than I loved her, but now the roles are reversed.

>> No.20005998

>It looks like it's a misconception that people in the past were better writers. People don't change
Not at all, there were just way more illiterate/uneducated people in the past. Take samples from the intelligentsia of the past and compare it to today's best and brightest if you want to disprove this notion.

>> No.20005999
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I'm not making this up, it's pretty much identical situation to the one I dealt with years ago. She was a virgin before I deflowered her, completely obsessed with me while my interest was mostly sexual. As you say, the roles reversed over the course of three years and I gradually turned into meek simp while she started noticing more masculine (not pussy-whipped) guys around her. "Male friends", I already knew what was going to happen but just couldn't do anything and took the humiliation like a bitch. I wish I hadn't.
In my defense, she tried to get back repeatedly in the following years and I turned her down in cold blood, so there was a little redemption in my cucked story with her.

>> No.20006000

That woman is going to live a lonely and unsatisfying life because she has completely constructed her entire being around being seen as a sexual object. She will never be anyone's partner regardless of what is said because of the spiritual damage that has already been done.

Love doesn't disappear, it doesn't go away. What's gone are the enjoyment and excitement you provided for her, love would not permit such a betrayal or such a disregard for your feelings.

>> No.20006008

Different anon. My ex did the same thing. She was also a virgin. Women are the niggers of gender. Guarentee if you break up today she'll have a new bf by the end of the week

>> No.20006034

You guys are blackpilling me quite hard. We used to be so happy, constantly talking about marrying and having children, but now that's all gone. How did you guys cope? Because I have no idea how I'll cope with the inevitable and I'm usually quite good at coping with negative experiences.

>> No.20006037

>Women are the niggers of gender
Hear, hear

>> No.20006038

I just started hating women and chose to belive God did me a favor by granting me celibacy.

>> No.20006050

>How did you guys cope
I don't think there's any way to avoid the immediate pain and long-term damage to your psyche. You can fuck easy bitches to cope, you can enter another commited relationship with more experience (but likely end up with similar results) or you can go volcel. That's it.
And yeah, we talked about marriage and kids all the time as well. Didn't prevent her from fucking gymbros who were only interested in her tits and ass once she got tired of me.

>> No.20006075

look under your bed

>> No.20006081

How did I cope? I never coped because I never ended up in your situation because I took a lot of careful action when it came to figuring out what woman to be with and when I did meet my wife I spent a long time educating her as to what I believed love is and what it demands and why I felt and lived that way. I would no sooner stop loving my wife than I would my younger brother and that's the crux of my belief. We have exciting moments, sexually and otherwise, but we are a part of each other and everything I do in my life is informed by that, by her. That bond is so much deeper than the temporary high of good feelings that you and others misrepresent as love in the formation of your vulgar unions and by the time you figure that out you've already damaged yourself.

>> No.20006131
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Should we feel bad for ruskibros?

>> No.20006154

>Didn't prevent her from fucking gymbros who were only interested in her tits and ass once she got tired of me.
>I gradually turned into meek simp while she started noticing more masculine (not pussy-whipped) guys around her.
Honestly sounds like you guys are just fags. You were supposed to be the men in the relationship and you failed. You got what you deserved. Get fucked. Simps deserve the worst.

>> No.20006175

That’s a good perspective to have and it’s quite rare to see. A lot of people want to fall in love, but not a lot of people want to love. Have you read Erich Fromm’s Art of Loving by any chance? I recognise a lot of the sentiment from that book in your approach to love.

>> No.20006179

>2 (You)s
No shit nigger, I've learnt my lesson and try to share the experience with Anon who is displaying the same symptoms. He can still skip the ultimate humiliation but he'll never forget the first failed relationship where he fell in love, that loss stays with a man forever to some degree.
>You got what you deserved
Fuck you

>> No.20006204

I'm actually quite masculine (tall and muscular), but you're right with your story, I feel like I'm turning into a meek simp, because I'm so desperate to keep her. If I act "like a men" and just keep doing my thing, she'll just go with other guys. Is there nothing I can do to keep her bros?

>> No.20006214

I just noticed something : there is a bidirectional relationship between the statements you use orally about yourself and others, and the statements or situations you think or visualise in your head.

For example, years ago I noticed I was often saying “I’m stupid” when acknowledging a mistake. This was an habit which in turn made more prone to vocalise it internally about myself and others, which in turn made me say it, etc. Now I don’t say it anymore, I just say I’ve made a mistake. And I’ve stopped thinking "I’m stupid", though I still have a lot of others negative qualifiers for myself and others.

Now this might sounds obvious, but consider this : like a lot of people of /lit/ I think often about killing myself. Guess what is one of my favourite retort on 4chan? That’s right : “kill yourself”, “commit sudoku”, “rope yourself”, etc. And the thing is that I find the act of replying this, or reading other such replies to others, particularly when it’s an exaggerated answer, is hilarious and almost cathartic to me. Why? I suspect because I feel like this reply is directed to myself as well as others, by telling myself to kill myself I engage in the same masochistic, somehow "pleasurable" habit which drive me to think more and more about suicide, and in turn to reply "kys" more often.

>> No.20006226


>> No.20006231


>> No.20006241

Sit her down and talk to her, seriously. Tell her what you feel, what you want and ask her for the same.

>> No.20006244

I'm 6'1''' and lifted for a while towards the end, but it's exactly as you say, it's not necessarily the physique, but the hunter's instinct which you tend to lose in long-term relationship, especially if it's your first try.
>If I act "like a men" and just keep doing my thing, she'll just go with other guys
Based on experience I'd definitely suggest to get out of the relationship either way, but if you insist on giving it a chance, acting more masculine is the only way to go. She needs to know you have other options and that you can live without her, no matter what you've said to her previously. Women are repulsed by simps, I had to find out the hard way as I had no male role models in my life. If you don't man up, she's 100% going to fuck those "friends" (assuming she isn't already).

>> No.20006245

May you find the peace of mind that you seek, Anon. I love you.

>> No.20006248

Great commentary, virgin

>> No.20006256

bittersisters…. How do we recover from this?

>> No.20006258

It's over retard holy shit that's why she hates your guts.

>> No.20006267

I'm a 30 year old virgin and at this point I don't even bother. Like, the whole idea of sex is just such an abstract, unreal thing to me now that it doesn't feel like it's worth the effort to be a dancing monkey for some woman who will most likely be a bother to spend time with.

>> No.20006296

Are you me but without the fear of intimacy?

>> No.20006302

How old are you, how long have you know her and been with her?

>> No.20006317

There's probably a fear of intimacy involved to some degree here too, I suppose. There always is when it comes to those things. But it's generally second place to the sheer feeling of "do I really want to spend time with this person? Wouldn't I rather be reading or working or working out instead? What could she even do that's enjoyable to be around? Chances are pretty good that nothing" that I can't just overcome.

>> No.20006328

>Sit her down and talk to her, seriously. Tell her what you feel, what you want and ask her for the same.
That is the best advice, the only advice, the truly meaning if what being a man in the situation would entail. Instead of patiently sitting around worrying your head off...getting rid of the bad thoughts and feelings by being direct and honest and telling her how you feel:

Also if you talked about marriage and kids maybe your fault for not asking her to marry you.. which is why I asked how old you are, are you guys in college?

We used to talk about marriage and kids and we were so in love, now you keep telling me you are hanging out with guy friends all the time, you know I trust you and love you but how is the thought not supposed to creep in that you are beggining to enjoy their company more than me? Do you still truly fully love me? Do you still consider me your soul mate? Do you still imagine your self spending your life with me?

(Also op, you ever meet any or these guys or all go out together?)

>> No.20006332

I'm 24, she's 18, we've been together for over 2 years.

>> No.20006337

Ohhhhh boyyyyyy

Your joking right?

>> No.20006344

Talking to a woman seriously is the most retarded advice one can give. They don't know what they want, they will tell you some crap. You are all retarded and brainwashed, which is why you all get cucked or are incels.

>> No.20006346
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I don't know what I should give up for Lent. In the past it has always been superficial things like a certain food or passtime. But I want to do something more meaningful, yet I am short of ideas.

>> No.20006349

I don't think there's any way this is going to work out to be honest. Even if she's still in love with you, at 18, she's feeling irresistable urge for new cocks. Get out, man.

>> No.20006352

Thanks for the advice guys.
I've told her before that it bothered me that she hangs out with these guys and that I'm worried, but she just got mad at me for being controlling and not letting her have her freedom.

>Also op, you ever meet any or these guys or all go out together?
No, I've told her that I'd like to meet them and she said no, her excuse was that she doesn't know them well enough yet so she doesn't want me to meet them yet. She told me that they know she has a boyfriend and I believe that, but honestly what guy takes that serious if the boyfriend is never around..

>> No.20006356

Do the penance you can keep. Don't try going all heroic if you can't keep up. Put some small rocks into your shoes to have small discomforts whenever you walk.

>> No.20006358

I am not

>> No.20006360

>returning his engagement ring to seller
>name is a homonym for 'cuck'
Can't make this shit up.

>> No.20006365

Hmmm I wonder why humanity chooses to build like that... perhaps it rhymes with shmapitalism

>> No.20006369

This, they're dishonest and dissimulative by nature. If you can't dominate your woman, you're going to get cucked. It's disgustingly primitive, but that's how women operate.

>> No.20006380

Okay break up with her if this isn't a troll.
Idk how you can be so cucked. This girl is a whore not worthy of your investment.

>> No.20006394

Doomed to failure anon. At 18 girls discover how wide and open the world is. They want to leave behind all the constraints of their early adolescence. You're just a relic from her high school years. Hell, that she at 16 even dated a 22 year old is red flag enough

>> No.20006396

Anon, it's just getting worse with every new info you're sharing. I'm >>20005999 and at least I got to know those assholes who cucked me, so my hesitation to act was somewhat understandable. If your girl"friend" refuses to introduce you to her male friends, you're pretty much getting cheated on as it is.
I know it hurts, I know you don't want to give up the honeymoon memories which are spent now, but fucking end it.

>> No.20006418

>It's disgustingly primitive
No, it's normal and natural. You're a fag.

>> No.20006450

I realize that you're right now, but it's not intuitive approach in contemporary society where women demand the same freedoms and privileges as men. Turns out they still need to be treated like subservient medieval wives, despite everything.

>> No.20006474

Seems like you (and me) are afraid of showing vulnerability. Maybe the desire for human connection is hidden away as it might too dangerous.

>> No.20006486


new thread, switch if you deem it neccesarry

>> No.20006654
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Not even a dead thread yet.

Eh, who’m I kidding. Whole board is dead.
*goes back to book*

>> No.20006674

I hate women

>> No.20006692

Wrong and /r9k/pilled

>> No.20006720

Nice...very nice... now lets see her without the mask

>> No.20006752

Muzzling them is part of the appeal

>> No.20006833
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Hiding power levels is the appeal

>> No.20006840

No anon, shes wearing a muzzle and it makes my dick hard

>> No.20007901

It's a good plan.

>> No.20007908


>> No.20008176
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>> No.20008179
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