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/lit/ - Literature

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19998677 No.19998677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19998681

The appropriate library for his profession. Let's see yours.

>> No.19998700


>> No.19998704

Where are the classics

>> No.19998713

King has never really struck me as being particularly well-read.

>> No.19998722

out of shot? most successful professional writers have pretty extensive libraries

>> No.19998738

Funny that in the future these people will need to explain why they fervently defended a genocidal regime.

>> No.19998741

>No non fiction
>No literature
>No classics
>Exclusively genre fiction (and not even good genre fiction)
Checks out as a Ukrainefag

>> No.19998746

>most successful professional writers have pretty extensive libraries
I'm sure that was true in 1822 but in 2022 I doubt it, at least in regards to pop-culture writers like King and Patterson.

>> No.19998811
File: 134 KB, 992x558, koontz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice littel library you've got there Stevie

>> No.19998937

Money cannot buy taste.

>> No.19998943

It can buy a taste of your mother's pusy

>> No.19998950
File: 30 KB, 670x503, 1577294854323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think he's actually read any of those?
I don't

>> No.19998953

I wonder what kind of library the author of 50 Shades of Grey has

>> No.19998989

>retarded lib/dem
and water is wet

>> No.19999043


>it's all his own stuff in a narrow, horrifying corridor


>> No.19999057

It makes him look like a manlet. I would never buy such shelves because they’d make me look tiny.

>> No.19999069

>Metzger's Book of Lies
Stephen King counter-initiation confirmed. Then again, if he really read it then he read some Evola in there, too.

>> No.19999073

not much of a thinker, is he?


>> No.19999193

Is that the 48 Laws of Power?

>> No.19999199 [DELETED] 

I don't get it. Nothing happened and you can't make out what they're trying to say either.

>> No.19999211

not a single spine is bent or creased

>> No.19999224

only animals damage books

>> No.19999241

reminder that people who 100% of the time take the opposite stance of the mainstream opinion are just as much of a midwit as the people who 100% of the time share the mainstream opinion, they just very likely had no friends in high school

>> No.19999246


>> No.19999254
File: 233 KB, 1600x1204, 0A964463-6E1D-42E7-9922-836836CF7C65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Lil Yachty’s mom’s book “Raising A Rapper” in sight
and people take this guy seriously

>> No.19999256

Sir this is a wendy's

>> No.19999304

yes it's completely unlikely that a massively famous writer of mysteries and horror stories would have read any books by clive barker, dean koontz, grr martin etc etc

>> No.19999311

>implying taking the status quo stance isnt pure midwittterry


>> No.19999320 [DELETED] 

You lost the culture war last thursday

>> No.19999324
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>top right

>> No.19999364

Pas zeventig? Jubileumboek?
Is Stephen King Dutch now?

>> No.19999389

You'd think he isn't. He seems to downplay the fact that he is smart in the media today if you look at his more recent interviews on Youtube. He is a popular fiction writer, and I assume that he wants his audience to be able to connect with him.
I'm reading Danse Macabre, a book about modern horror from the 1950's to the 1980's and it shows that he is perfectly capable of analyzing texts. Furthermore, he always likes to belittle professors of English/American literature, because he says he doesn't want to be too cold and analytical when analyzing stories, which really educated folk can be.

>> No.19999477
File: 37 KB, 480x467, smokecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>garbage in, garbage out
I'm sure the entire collection is stunningly mediocre but receives lots of praise for name recognition

>> No.19999547
File: 176 KB, 585x1015, 1646106593955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like his shirt.

>> No.19999575

Fence sitters love to pretend they're enlightened above it all geniuses when really they're the weakings who are too scared to make a decision lest they find out they took the wrong side.

>> No.19999634

>Reading King or Koontz

>> No.19999637

not him, but refusing to play a game is a valid choice, when it is. There are no absolutes in human nature or politics. Refusing to play a game is silly, when it is. Authors with notoriety must necessarily advertise to their audience in order to maintain their income.
Refusing to play a game is the privilege of obscurity. I'll cherish it as long as I can, until I can't.

>> No.19999733

Step aside https://youtu.be/UoEuvgT1wBs

>> No.19999820

That is not what he is getting at and any, ukraine DOES have consequences for everyone

>> No.19999827
File: 2.10 MB, 373x384, 1643752327340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you WILL choose a side, even if you don't have any good reason to
>if you don't you make me feel insecure

>> No.19999834
File: 33 KB, 540x720, 1645482580092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no hardbacks
>no classics
>mostly genre fiction you can buy at Walmart

>> No.19999835

You are really insecure anon.

>> No.19999843

White Oleander is the only thing that jumps out, it is alright, nothing great but worth reading. He has something from Everyman's but can not read the title, probably worthwhile. Everything else is fairly ehh.

>> No.19999844

I don't believe for a second he read all of those. There are seveal desks and chairs, that's a place where more than 1 person goes.

>> No.19999845

Not american, but I'm sure you could find classics at walmart everytime they are reprinted in a new edition.

>> No.19999987

it's almost charming how much of a stereotypical boomer he is

>> No.20000119

didn’t this guy write about 12 year olds having sex

>> No.20000120

I personally like Gaiman's because it looks like a clearer version of the basement of one of those bookstores that sells used paperbacks of fantasy, supernatural and science fiction novels.

>> No.20000131

>R.L. Stine
at least he knows what good horror is

>> No.20000135

>muh globalists!
>muh elites!
yikes, midwittery would be a step up for you, champ

>> No.20000140

>everyman's library
At least he has some taste.

>> No.20000186

>ukraine DOES have consequences for everyone
Anon the results came back, you tested positive for brainwashing. We'll have to do further tests to see the extent of the damage but I'm recommending you immediately cease all advertising and mainstream media consumption, and I'm also recommending you read Zeihan's Absent Superpower and Disunited Nations to put this minor conflict in perspective. It'll take time to heal the damage but the first step is to stop consuming propaganda.

>> No.20000389

>that pic
Wtf? I thought he died in 2018.