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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 65 KB, 323x471, himmler arjuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19995908 No.19995908 [Reply] [Original]

>try to read the KJV Bible
>comes across as a load of jewish autism, very alien and foreign
>read the Bhagavad Gita
>captivated by its wisdom, clarity, and useful advice

Which Hindoo work should I read next?

Pic related. Himmler believed he was the reincarnation of Arjuna and believed Hindooism was superior to Christianity. He kept a copy of the Bhagavad Gita on his bedside table and recommended it to all his SS men as a balm for their souls when comitting heinous acts. His solution later in the war was to create foreign SS units to spare German soldiers from being tarnished by atrocities, fearing that such acts would make men too beastly to properly serve a victorious, peacetime Reich.

>> No.19995914

poopity scoop

>> No.19995982
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“War is a sacred sacrifice. Enmity fans its flames. Elephant trunks are the ritual posts, and arrows the ceremonial grass. Men perish there as sacrificial beasts. Their cries are the sacred chants.”

by Bhāsa

>> No.19995986
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I respect your chosen spelling of Hindoo.
Next you might read 'Ganesha's Sweet Tooth' by Sanjay Patel.

>> No.19996042

Just jump straight to savitri devi bro, save you the lead up

>> No.19996090

This and Serrano

>> No.19996128

The Upanishads.

>> No.19996147

Read the Upanishads, with commentary by Adi Shankaracharya. Then read Ramanuja's refutation on Advaita Vedanta.
Also read the yoga sutras by Patanjali.

>> No.19996166

Read the Daraputakamparan with commentary by Jujubee Adisababa

>> No.19996224

>Which Hindoo work should I read next?

Ramanuja's commentary on the Gita.

>> No.19996387

>Which Hindoo work should I read next?
The Upanishads
Srimad Bhagavata
Markandeya Purana
Yoga Vasistha
Tripura Rahasya
Ashtavakra Gita
Avadhuta Gita
Ribhu Gita
Shiva Sutras

> Then read Ramanuja's refutation on Advaita Vedanta.
“The conceptions of Ramanuja are contained in those of Shankara and are transcended by them. When Shankara sees in the localization and duration of sensory objects a direct and tangible manifestation of their unreality, he does not say, as Ramanuja seems to have believed, that they do not exist as objects, but he says that as existing objects they are unreal. Ramanuja affirms against Shankaracharya truths which the latter never denied on their own level.”
- Frithjof Schuon

>> No.19996394

Lol. Idk if this is is real. Love the Bhagavad Gita though

>> No.19996452

>frithjof schuon quote
Ok? There's still value in studying other systems aside from Advaita Vedanta.

>> No.19996457 [DELETED] 

Himmler lost. Not the best inspiration.

>> No.19996475

>Which Hindoo work should I read next?
Devi Gita

>> No.19996479
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That’s all you got as proof of superiority? A loser? Pic related preferred the bible and he wasn’t a loser, so better example to follow.

>> No.19996512

>“The conceptions of Ramanuja are contained in those of Shankara and are transcended by them. When Shankara sees in the localization and duration of sensory objects a direct and tangible manifestation of their unreality, he does not say, as Ramanuja seems to have believed, that they do not exist as objects, but he says that as existing objects they are unreal. Ramanuja affirms against Shankaracharya truths which the latter never denied on their own level.”

I don't think Advaitins understand how weak this is as an argument. Saying "Yeah but our position subsumes it because it says so" isn't a genius refutation, it's deliberately avoiding to answer the criticisms in question.

>> No.19996519

> There's still value in studying other systems aside from Advaita Vedanta.
I agree, in sharing Schuon’s quote about Ramanuja’s argument I was just letting it speak for itself, I wasn’t trying to denigrate or make value judgements about the system of Vishishtadvaita as a whole

>> No.19996524

upanishads. better than gita, more fun, less mahabarata drama.

>> No.19996525
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Start with the bagans. No need to larp as a 20th century ideologue

>> No.19996534

Shut up zorolarper persian living in America. No one cares and you will never be an Aryan.

>> No.19996535

i got absolutely nothing from yoga sutras. ymmv

you might be best off reading another gita translation. or dhammapada. or tao. or upanishads.

>> No.19996538

>Ian Assmann
Not the book I would have expected to author, but a pleasant surprise nonetheless

>> No.19996543
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>> No.19996559

> I don't think Advaitins understand how weak this is as an argument.
It’s not Advaitins making that as an argument, it’s an observation by the syncretic perennialist/traditionalist Schuon
>Saying "Yeah but our position subsumes it because it says so" isn't a genius refutation, it's deliberately avoiding to answer the criticisms in question.
Advaitins specifically answered Ramanuja’s arguments in detail already. Schuon, without delving into the details of that exchange, is just making an observation about how Ramanuja’s arguments involve certain assumptions about Advaita and Shankara’s positions which aren’t true. This topic isn’t the subject of this thread, but if you want me to I can explain more in detail why Ramanuja’s arguments against Advaita are wrong or why they fail.

>> No.19996569
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>> No.19996574

>ALL these texts, and read orders
Just read the Mandukya Upanishad over and over. You don't need anything else.

>> No.19996583
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>> No.19996587
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Will reading it lead me to be as successful as Himmler with its words of wisdom, clarity and useful advice?

>> No.19996623

> read a book that led to Jews and euros to control and rule the world or
> read a book that has led poos to shit in the street and Nazis to lose

Now I’m not a Christian but I base my opinion on practical results

>> No.19996745


t. seething kiketian

Nice cope using indians at their lowest civilizational point and comparing it to your highest. Entirety of the christian west today is an atheistic, degenerate, globohomo, tranny worshipping dystopia because of jews and european christians. Your practical result is utter garbage.

>> No.19996762
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>meanwhile in the west

>> No.19996764

This is like blaming the fall of the Roman Empire on pagans. The west hasn’t been Christian since the Nazis took power. It’s been mostly pagan and atheist.

>> No.19996780

I would agree, but India never had a high civilisational point except when they once invented the numerals and it ends there.

>> No.19996785

The latest date I would give for the de-christening of the west is the Balfour Declaration but obviously you can date it earlier to the French Revolution or to Westphalia, or even Luther, any of which are superior starting points to WW2.

>> No.19996789
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Cope. India pretty much influenced all of Asia either through direct colonist settling (SEA, Central Asia) or elite transfer (Buddhist Brahmins, Kshatriyas like Kumarajiva or Bodhigupta).

>> No.19996800

>India never had a high civilisational point
/lit/ is illiterate on every subject as usual. India was able to field thousands of war elephants when Alexander invaded. If defeating the Macedonians isn't a high point nothing is. India also converted the rest of Asia to Buddhism, something it could not do if it were uncivilized.

>> No.19996801

progressive liberalism is the natural conclusion of kiketianity, read a book. you can literally trace the evolution of puritan families in north america to modern SJWs today. Every single abolitionist, feminist movement was sponsored and pioneered by christians.

>> No.19996808
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India was actually ahead of the west when it comes to that

>> No.19996841

Actually progressive liberalism begins with John Locke, who was a Christian but preached religious toleration. I’m not sure what progressive shit puritans did. I’ve read a lot about them and they were far from liberal.

>> No.19996858

He's probably thinking how their grandchildren abolished the monarchy to save on taxes.

>> No.19996873
File: 679 KB, 1280x853, D4A48708-A598-411A-A37C-4B9F37EE2974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you’re judging western civilisation on 20th and 21st century when it became atheist? Not gonna judge it for the Middle Ages (the low point that you talk about it), but even the Middle Ages were glorious: castles, knights, chivalry, cathedrals and pure SOVL.

>> No.19996894

holy shit they made spelling a larp

>> No.19996900

> how dare you judge India at their lowest civilisational point and when they still devoutly practise it
> now let me judge Christianity based on when everyone stopped practicing it

>> No.19996908

This is true. Cope, christcucks.

>> No.19996943 [DELETED] 

Funny cause there was literally an article written by Joseph Goebbels complaining about the Puritan mistreatment of women by religious Christians and how women should be treated equally and allowed to do what they like

>> No.19996946

I fantasize a lot about dying in ww2 recently it seems almost a gift compared to suffering in clown world maybe i just think too much about the small details of it all

>> No.19996948

>women being free to operate in a merit based system is bad
No, retard, women being taught to hate men because your country is run by jews is what's bad.

>> No.19996973

The west has been run by Jews for 1700 years so what’s new?

You’re hoping Hinduism will put an end to Jewish control?

>> No.19996987
File: 143 KB, 1200x630, 4C7F6757-2980-4702-88B9-37E5CBCA8DDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Understable that you’re a nazi and you want to kill yourself. Nazism is a death cult.

>> No.19996996

Why die for your ideals when you can live to see them bear fruit and make the world seethe?

>> No.19997001

>He kept a copy of the Bhagavad Gita on his bedside table and recommended it to all his SS men

That might be one of the explanations for why

> 90% of the SS were less effective than the regular wehrmacht

>> No.19997012

Cause Nazis don’t want to win. They want to end the world and for everyone to die. Never read the Turner diaries?

>> No.19997019
File: 315 KB, 2100x1400, https___artsandculture.google.com_asset_hitler-jaeger-file_PgHk1gMpW6J56Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing the truth solves everything. Understanding that (((feminism))) is not the same as what Goebbels described is important. Women follow authority, hence women in Natsoc Germany were good.

>> No.19997024

Nope, I've only bothered to read original fascist/national socialist literature and don't have time to include neonazi fanfic on the list

>> No.19997037

every time you post about your dead political system on /lit/ it's fanfiction

>> No.19997041

When did the indians defeat Alexander? I'm pretty sure it was a decisive victory for Alexander at hydaspes before he had to return because of the threat of mutiny and the stretching of his supply lines.

>> No.19997042

But I don't post about communism on /lit/ anon

>> No.19997043
File: 54 KB, 850x400, 0842CA53-A528-4F5C-9DD0-A20D6F3F1C8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s nice but the Nazis were the major reason that led to this mess in the west by being blatant suicidal losers with no thought for the future and the consequences of their actions. Of course losers like you will admire losers. It’s only natural. You will try to imitate them and then end up losing and then end up wondering why you lost.

>> No.19997083

Im not >>19996745 but from my observation, christians and jews are pretty much identical, it took me a long time to understand the reasons why the christians hated jews, but once I knew, I realised that these are the same reasons for which I hate the christians.

>> No.19997088

I said they were able to field them. After Alexander defeats Porus, his army refuses to cross, on intelligence that the next Indian ruler across the Ganges has thousands of elephants and many more men. And this information was likely accurate because when the Mauryan dynasty rules India a generation later they are able to defeat the Macedonian Seleucids in India and as part of the treaty take those provinces Alexander had subdued, and also provide a gift of 500 war elephants, which are later brought with Seleucus to the Battle of Ipsus to fight the other diadochi in Asia Minor. There is an excellent book on Classical era sources of Indian history and society, India and the Hellenistic World, by Klaus Karttunen.

>> No.19997107
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>I root for whichever team wins. I have no allegiance to virtue, my life belongs to the victors

>> No.19997114

>people committing suicide to escape soviet brutality means that fascism is the death cult
you're that /his/tranny that won't shut the fuck up about his death cult "thesis"

>> No.19997124

>christians and jews are pretty much identical

Says the nazi sympathiser, believer of the master race

> "If there is one outstanding quality in Hitlerism it is its Hebraism" and "the new Nordic Man has all the worst faults of the worst Jews: jealousy, greed, the mania of conspiracy, and above all, the belief in a Chosen Race."

>> No.19997136

Nazis don’t have any virtue unless being good at killing women and children is virtuous

>> No.19997139

amazing how many elaborate ways people have of coping with defeat - "I can't possibly root for them, they lost! In fact, its THEIR FAULT!"
Utterly spineless

>> No.19997144
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>Nazis don’t have any virtue unless being good at killing women and children is virtuous

>> No.19997146

>i view the world as a comic-book narrative: the post

>> No.19997151

Christians have hated Jews for purely religious reasons just as they hated heretics, pagans and Muslims for religious reasons. So you hate Christians for purely religious reasons then?

>> No.19997159

Not him but yes, I would like my holy trees back please

>> No.19997182
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>it's a "seething christrannies shit up a thread that has nothing to do with them" episode
so when do the zoomers move on to their next larp? this one's getting really boring

>> No.19997191


Reminds me of what Orwell said

> Every nationalist is haunted by the belief that the past can be altered. He spends part of his time in a fantasy world in which things happen as they should

>> No.19997203

I’m actually atheist but I still like to piss off LARPers.

>> No.19997204

fag, your quote screams /his/fag
>i am completely unwilling to challenge any of the fundamental mythos that our disaster of a society is built on

>> No.19997221

>our disaster of a society
It's never been good. Grow up

>> No.19997227

kys tranny

>> No.19997235

Name one loser in history that many people still genuinely and eagerly root for today. Carthage? Napoleon? Achaemenid Persia? Gauls?

>> No.19997245

I dont know enough of their religious practices to comment on, but I do know that I must distance myself from them purely from past experiences.

>> No.19997249

most people don't know who any of those are

>> No.19997254

> unwilling to challenge any of the fundamental mythos that our disaster of a society is built on

What mythos is that? If you allow racists demagogues to take power then they will immediately start killing minorities?

>> No.19997259

just stay on /his/ i think it is more up to your speed

>> No.19997261

You will never be a brahmin

>> No.19997263

>Bhagavad Gita
I can't take the religion of street shitters seriously

>> No.19997337

So why weren’t nazi content with what they had? They got back the Saarland, Austria and Czechoslovakia. No one declared war on them despite breaking treaties and promises. They had their 99.9% pure Aryan homeland with the Jews expelled.

Why not settle down? What’s there to fear? Especially now that we know that Soviets being communists were economically destined to perish or become nationalist capitalists like modern China. If the allies misjudged the future of our disaster society by fighting the Nazis then the Nazis equally miscalculated by not being content with what they had.

>> No.19997352

i'd say mein kampf would answer your question but i don't think you have the critical thinking skills to actually gleam anything from it

>> No.19997355

Schmitt's Nomos of the Earth is about this. You are thinking too much within the framework of nation states and not within the meta-framework of geopolitics which uses whole political conceptions themselves as pawns to create geopolitical outcomes. The British Empire for example knew how to play around with giving people "national status" while keeping them de facto dependent on much realer, more "actual" geopolitical factors (mainly economic dependence).

The Anglo-American establishment that grew out of the British Empire, and parasitized and coopted both the British and American "nations" by regarding them as convenient (and always provisional) metropoles for a world empire predicated on liquid capital and an invisible cabal of financial elites, understood this principle even better.

Germany came to understand it so Germany had to be destroyed. Russia for example in the current system is allowed, even encouraged to accept life as a "nation," which de facto means a nation within the global economic system dominated by London and New York bankers who still treat England and America as convenient bases for educating their elite children, but otherwise as latifundia for disposable and merely tolerated hordes of serfs.

This elite actively promotes the reduction and destruction of the citizenry of the countries they INHABIT (outside of curated zones where they still reside, usually around elite universities). Imagine what they do to countries they don't inhabit, and which they have every interest in reducing to the lowest level of obedient deracinated serfdom.

Then imagine what they'd do to a country who even dimly senses this process is being applied to them too, that it's worming its way into their body politic and eroding the health of their citizenry, under the auspices of "what? it's just normal liberal economics, like you do too!" Once the Germans began noticing that these "normal" economics were only one way of doing economics, a way that always led, de facto, to British-American financial elite tyranny and the parasitization of the target nation, they tried to find a different system. In their case it was an agrarian system, a Fortress Europa that could survive the constant threat of economic and maritime encirclement by a much richer world empire (wearing several "national" empires as boxing mitts).

>> No.19997362

>could survive the constant threat of economic and maritime encirclement by a much richer world empire
kek, all that effortpost and they still lost... "could" indeed

>> No.19997370

are you polish?

>> No.19997372


>> No.19997384


>> No.19997392

Blah blah motherfucker. All this bullshit and excuses. Isn’t Japan 99% Japanese? What economic system is it apart of?

>> No.19997401

t. subversive antinomian luciferian trannies

>> No.19997424

start practicing hatha yoga

>> No.19997425

I see so their whole policy was a “preventive war” but like Bismarck said preventive war is like committing suicide out of fear of death.

Also they knew the Anglo-American establishment and the Soviets were firmly against them yet they still risked it all? They truly were idiots.

>> No.19997426

Every single time someone posts this reaction image, and without fail, whines and moans like a 15 year old girl.

>> No.19997441
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>Alien autism comes across as alien autism instead of the best thing since sliced bread and better than any wife or love
Why are Christcucks like this? Seriously believe to be a divergent species I've only been putting up with bullshit my whole life pretending to fit in with them.
Fucking Celsus quote man of the big fag dumb retard effeminate club hits the note but still I'm left astonished how can they say shit tastes like chocolate?

>> No.19997446

>>it's a "seething christrannies shit up a thread that has nothing to do with them" episode
>he says in a thread that opens up with a provocative and inflammatory diatribe against Christians for no real reason
Get fucked.

>> No.19997452

Stop being a faggot and I'll stop complaining.

>> No.19997457

>Women and children
>Flea mothers and flea eggs

>> No.19997467

That's hot

>> No.19997472

Those are Roman Temples in emo Drag circumcised with gothic ugliness. ProtoBrutalism.

>> No.19997475

Notice how neither of these two people
attempted to refute or even deny the claim that Nazis led to the decay of the West, only taking offense to the notion of being failures.

>> No.19997485

Actually they were even more unimaginably stupid than that.

This is what happens when you try to suddenly and completely uproot Christian morality like the Nazis did in a civilisation that had held to Christian morality for over a thousand years and had only in the previous century abolished slavery. They could have been gradual and not so extreme at once, but they messed up. Christians were ideologically smarter. They didn’t suddenly say to pagans ‘now you must become a pacifist like Jesus.’ They didn’t try to uproot pagan morality at once so as to not create a reaction against them, but the Nazis instantly resorted to the most extreme options.

Didn’t Nazis know the basic laws of our world? For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The action of Nazis were extreme so the opposite reaction was extreme.

>> No.19997499

Roman temples didn’t even have glass windows or pointed arches, so no, they are nothing like Roman temples at all.

>> No.19997500

you are not arguing in good faith, you admitted yourself don't even believe the west is decaying. You are not willing to actually partake in a mature discussion.
/his/fag christcucks like yourself are so repulsive - "might makes right" throws you into a smug tirade of "yeah but you lost so i guess that makes you wrong", and yet you don't see how this is a contradiction at all.

>> No.19997522

>Pointy arch
>Inconceivable from an arch
Yeah you're a faggot with no buttress
Stained glass is a cool alchemy find though.

>> No.19997523

I don’t subscribe to nazi morality, but since you do, I will judge you by your own standards.

>> No.19997533

He just did the same right back at you and he could win another day but you could not reclaim eternal truth after yourself proving it false in the expedient might is right tangent. If anything it just makes you a mighty sophisticated liar with eternally backstabbing insurrection being cooled down with more lies.

>> No.19997547

>They didn’t try to uproot pagan morality at once so as to not create a reaction against them
Ah but they did—What do you think "martyrdom" was? It was suicide by Roman cop.

>> No.19997555


Devil’s advocate?

>> No.19997570

There is no one encouraging a "might makes right" ethos, we're pointing out your blatant neuroses and exposing it for what it truly is. Notice how you continue to peruse the criticism of failure, in spite of having every opportunity to turn it on its head or debunk it.

>> No.19997580

Why shouldn't we point out the failures of Nazis, exactly? They promised a revitalized Europe, a new Europe with a goal, a new Europe that can tackle all the issues of modernity, and yet instead they brought only chaos and disarray to the World.

>> No.19997610

except you have done nothing but yell "you lost you lost you lost!" over and over in this thread. Germany lost because it was in an untenable geopolitical situation, no amount of ideology can change that. There's a reason hitler wrote so much about living space - unfortunately a concept that 99% of people only gleam as "evidence he wanted to start ww2 and kill people", remaining ignorant of its actual significance. Because people like yourself are only looking for witty retorts you will think endlessly on the topic and learn almost nothing.

because nazi germany existed in a vaccuum and Britain, America and the Soviet Union bear no responsibility in retarding their efforts at achieving any of that?

>> No.19997636

>because nazi germany existed in a vaccuum and Britain, America and the Soviet Union bear no responsibility in retarding their efforts at achieving any of that?
Is it not Hitler himself who attempted to make direct appeals to the British? Not that Churchill would ever consider deferring hegemony to the savage German people mind you, but Hitler's myopia couldn't see that. I'll say it again - who promised a revitalized Europe?

>> No.19997645

am i meant to answer that? what? i think you need to take your meds

>> No.19997661

Passive-aggressive effeminate loser.

>> No.19997705

you are blabbling nonsensically

>> No.19997718

>it's nonsense because it destroys my fantasy of nazi germany being a utopia until those anglo and russian bastards ruined it
You're coping so hard.

>> No.19997757

ok sweetie, you won the internet argument, here's your (you)!

>> No.19997875

hello sirs yes I love israel more than most christians yes sirs bob pls

>> No.19997884

Um excuse me sweaty but India was ruled by white Aryans when the Bhagavad Gita was written.

>> No.19997894

The Aryans looked like the average Kavkaz resident does nowaday, not a blue haired blonde eyed Swede.

>> No.19997916
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They look reasonably hwhite to me.