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19995742 No.19995742 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my 2021 books read (reverse chronological)
Usually I try to do something popular or new, and then something generally considered to have artistic merit, but it's not a hard rule I follow and if am stalling in an older book I'm not interested in, I'll just choose whatever interests me at the moment.

>> No.19995745 [DELETED] 

check these dubs

>> No.19995773
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>> No.19995777

Not good

>> No.19995786

Yeah, I indulged in cringe a little too much.
My biggest regret is Paper Towns, I only got it because I saw a copy at goodwill in good condition and I just decided to try it after Johnny Got His Gun (also found at goodwill but that had been on my radar for awhile)
Very cringe book, average "teen becoming young adult soon learns a lesson about life" surrounded by very "hip" prose, very little redeeming factors.
also The Notebook was abject trash, felt like half a skeleton of a story with a lame epilogue that is meant to be a twist or something? Dude stretched a 1000 word short story idea into a novel and it just did not work, at all.

>> No.19995854

++for Neuromancer and BEE

>> No.19995863


>> No.19995868

Neuromancer was great fun, vivid imagery and incredibly unique aesthetic.
BEE I feel might be overrated. American Psycho was great IMO, although the the chapters about Genesis and Whitney Houston stopped being funny after like the first 5 pages, I think it was still an interesting way to glimpse into the mind of the narrator. Less Than Zero I remember being bored by, but it was also rather hypnotizing. The stream of consciousness style worked well to the style of the story. The Rules of Attraction was almost a nearly a dud for me, I liked some parts a lot, but the constant switching of unreliable narrators with the same sorta stream of conscious storytelling just did not appeal to me, truly BEE's sophomore release. The Rules of Attraction actually stopped me from reading Glamorama, which I bought at the same time as The Rules of Attraction, and ended my BEE kick.

>> No.19995881

You wasted a year. Feel bad for you desu. How could you even complete Fahrenheit? That takes patience and stubbornness. I couldn't even make it to page 150 that is how shit it is.

>> No.19995922

good, shit, shit, shit, shit, good, good, good, shit, good, shit, shit, good, shit, shit, shit

6/16 - shit

>> No.19995948

show review of Midnight Sun, bucko

>> No.19995981

I actually thought F151 was pretty funny, I was constantly thinking about how I always hear that Bradbury is some out-of-touch author because he flipped out when everyone said it was about censorship and he was adamant that it was not.
So reading it and seeing how it's clearly like, against anti-intellectual consumerism, I thought it was funny how Bradbury apparently got a reputation for not knowing his own work.
You don't like McCarthy?
Midnight Sun was very engrossing actually, I'm ashamed to admit it. That's the only book I read all year where I would log 300pg days.
It wasn't great, but as someone who read Twilight as a young teen, it gave me something familiar and new at the same time which made it extremely consumable.
I guess I kinda liked how Stephanie Meyer tried to do some light retcons while keeping all the events the same? It benefits from being revisited.

>> No.19996056
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>> No.19996195

What is Mexican Gothic about?

>> No.19996272
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Here's my 2022 challenge so far

>> No.19996599

1950s mexican girl has a cousin that marries into an old white family that used to run a silver mine
silver mine went no bueno so now the white family is holed up in their house up on a mountain, an out of place piece of european aristocracy among the poor countryside
1950s mexican girl gets a letter from her cousin that she is sick and needs to be removed from this awful house
I heard those "from a certain point of view" books can be p good

>> No.19996650

this is an 18+ board

>> No.19996654
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doesnt look like it

>> No.19996912
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The book was a parody and the movie aimed for psychopath kino... You little boys always jerk off the Bateman because he has the power you seek to fill your petty desires of sex and money and dressing smart you sit here on 4chan being racist but you're just as shortsited as a normie or a nog listening to rap music easily swayed and won over by Bateman's power because YOU don't possess it. You know real psychopaths often go to prison or find it very hard to maintain relationships or jobs for long humans are a social animal and need one another and if you treat others coldly you are going to be rewarded... Faggot

>> No.19996932

is this a pasta or something? I didnt say anything about glorifying it, I posted a meme u dip

>> No.19997308
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Shortest reply on leftbook

>> No.19998698

Pretentious as fuck yo

>> No.19999013

I disagree, this isn't half as pretentious as average shelf posts

>> No.19999383

I don't care what anybody says, American God is fucking good.

>> No.19999388

I wasn't really interested in the big overarching plot and the war of the gods or w/e, but I was still engaged with the characters, I think I just really like Neil Gaiman's writing style.
I was first exposed to him reading some comics of his (not Sandman) and a short story of his I got in an anthology, so I decided to buy a novel and American Gods seemed like a pretty good choice

>> No.19999392

10/10 the best list of books i have seen yet. dont forget infinite just by david froster wallace

>> No.19999395

anon dont be rude, share your books from last year with the class

>> No.19999416

Is Lindsay Ellis a good writer?

>> No.19999423

Okay fine I will share lol

New Maps of Hell - Amis, Kingsley
The Foundation Pit - Platonov, Andrei
The Death and Life of Great American Cities - Jacobs, Jane
War & War -Krasznahorkai, László
Michael Kohlhaas - Kleist, Heinrich von
The Wretched of the Earth - Fanon, Frantz
Near to the Wild Heart - Lispector, Clarice
Auto-da-Fé - Elias Canetti

I didn't get to read as much as I would have liked this year I was slammed at work :(

If you are interested in more Cormac McCarthy Suttree is awesome. Very weird and funny, definitely my favorite of his. I also really enjoyed his border trilogy, especially the first two books. Blood Meridian is great as well obviously but that gets shilled here relentlessly so I'm sure you're aware.

>> No.19999458

>I was slammed at work :(
Congrats on losing your virginity anon!

>> No.19999479

About as good as Christopher Reeve was a horseback rider.

>> No.19999769

Axiom's End was pretty good, had some nice ideas, a little wordy and some of the more emotion-centric sections kinda dragged for me, but overall I think it wasnt bad, especially as a debut for sci fi
What didn't you like about her books?
wow anon, seems like you might have been projecting a little...

>> No.19999823
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>> No.20000686

unironically this

>> No.20001205
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>> No.20002384

If you read 1984 you'll basically have read all of political philosophy

>> No.20002503

Post feet, you attention who're

>> No.20002504

all cringe

>> No.20002546

I’ve read more in a month than you’ve read in a year

>> No.20003064

didn't read

>> No.20003789

The way I look at it the book was essentially an analogy on cultural warfare and how different cultural and social memeplex 'fight' eachother over society's believe.

>> No.20003813

>john green
>fahrenheit 451
>one flew over
you must be 18 or older to use this site.

>> No.20003858

>american gods
I bet you enjoyed the many gay sex scenes

>> No.20003860

Please tell me you already read the thrawn trilogy

>> No.20003882

Tell me about Whatever
on my todo list, sitting on my shelf lol
I read half of it in eighth grade, so every time I think about starting it for real now, I remember how I'll have to read so much I already read, and it already exhausts me
I do need to get to it though, I read Homage to Catalonia this year
no :^)
post books
thats great, anon! I hope I can get to your quantity one day!
Yeah, it was an interesting literal interpretation of how old myths survive into modern day, like easter being well known but nobody offering to her, and the American element really touched with me
As someone that is ethnically "German, Polish, and I think Yugoslavian?" I often feel a shallow attachment to many aspects of a handful of cultures, but no real connection (insert mutt here)
It was interesting to see how Neil Gaiman played with that idea, my favorite vignette was the gay genie
>>john green
terrible, I dont know what I was thinking
a staple of modern fantasy; above criticism of genre fiction
>>fahrenheit 451
honestly kinda preachy, got real boomer vibes from it. it spoke to a truth about consumerism and society, but the presentation of "you despise television and you will love it" just felt like hand wringing
>>one flew over
fun look at authority vs good and evil
the cringe indulgence I dont regret, you cant shame me
did actually lol