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/lit/ - Literature

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19991535 No.19991535 [Reply] [Original]

Book > sex

>> No.19991537

Have you tried not being the bottom for once?

>> No.19991546

books are for passive nerds who sit in the passenger seat of their own lives
sex is something you actually have to go out and attain, break out of comfort, actually be interesting and live life

>> No.19991557


>> No.19991567

Reading exapnds your mind and lets you interact with the most intellectual and imaginative men who ever lived. Nearly endless selection of worldviews and genres.

Sex makes your feel good for a while and you need to entertain mental adolescents to get it. Nearly no diversity at all because women are conformist midwits.

>> No.19991570

>Reading exapnds your mind and lets you interact with the most intellectual and imaginative men who ever lived
only if you read valuable literature, which most people don't and actively choose not to.

>> No.19991573

Notice how the lack of sex creates incels and the lack of reading creates ... well, nothing? Sex > book

>> No.19991591

sex expands your mind much more than books

>> No.19991598

Once you've had regular sex for a few months, there's nothing more to gain.

>> No.19991617

Having sex helps you better appreciate literature

>> No.19991627

would you still say that if your wife would ratherreaad her slock than fulfill her marital responsibilities?

>> No.19991635

>marrying some shlock-reading basic bitch
>marrying at all in 2022

>> No.19991745

based and tantrapilled

>> No.19991895

Making love > books >>>>>> sex

>> No.19991905

But have you ever had sex WITH a book?

>> No.19991914

That's cool but my wife had a baby and her tits are MASSIVE

>> No.19991941

Why even compare things that are qualitatively so different?
Also not to be a /fa/scist, but those are some terrible shoes.

>> No.19992146

>lack of reading creates ... well, nothing?
Lack of reading creates retards like you, which is far worse.

>> No.19992163

In most cases yes actually.

>> No.19992204

>Right shoe > pizza

>> No.19992211

Don't go back on the pill or they shrink

>> No.19992373

> have sex
> lie satisfied after ejaculating
> continue reading

wow that was hard

>> No.19993360

That's a very strange way to take off your underwear. Did she slide it all the way down her right leg while keeping it at the knee of her left one, that would seem uncomfortable. Or did she slide it all the way down both legs and then up the left again to tease the guy?