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File: 12 KB, 400x274, Wieland's Parsifal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19991250 No.19991250 [Reply] [Original]

>Wagner consciously sought to associate the ceremony in his drama with the Catholic Eucharistic celebration, at least in its outward form. Significantly enough, the transubstantiation in Wagner’s drama happens very differently — bread and wine are not transformed into Christ’s body and blood. Rather, the opposite occurs, and Christ’s body is changed into bread and his blood into wine. Wagner emphasized the importance of his revision of the traditional doctrine.
>Cosima: "he talks to me about this trait of the Grail mystery: that the blood becomes wine, so we, strengthened, can turn toward the earth, whereas the transformation of wine to blood draws us away from the earth."
>In Wagner’s religiosity, attention should be turned toward this world, whereas the traditional ceremony turns our attention away from this world to the next.


>> No.19991255

>Christianity constantly trying to co-opt and claim concepts and art from polytheism, science, ideologies, and other areas that complete contradict it

Why can't you just admit that Christianity and monotheism in general is cringe and a failure?

>> No.19991264

>water out of stone
>water into wine
>wine into blood

it's neat, messing with it is retarded

>> No.19991265

>dude my musicals are as important as the most important Christian ritual
arrogant as fuck and arguably blasphemous

>> No.19991271

wagner thought himself to be a god, his music is shallow crap for vain people

>> No.19991273

>*tips fedora*

>> No.19991274


>> No.19991302

I'm a music conservatory graduate. I spent years analyzing music for grades, so when I come across something that's garbage, I know. Wagner's music has the melodic complexity of a train horn (actually less; train horns often are tuned to a tritone, which seem to be absent in his music) and the lyrical complexity of his non-traditional vocal works barely surpasses 3rd grade vocabulary. Not only is this music intended for ignorant audiences, it's intended to turn impressionable young people into bad composers. He was an overhyped megalomaniac who died too late rather than too soon.

>> No.19991305


>> No.19991525

The normal eucharist is still performed in Parsifal, it's just immediately after it the inverted version is performed.

The Op also seems to hint at it being found in the original grail stories and not an invention of Wagner's.

>> No.19992969

The greatest

>> No.19993590

>(((music conservatory)))
Tell me how much more enriched your music is now that professor Bernstein told you what atonality is.

Music's worth isn't measured by the key or time it's in or how comvulted the chords and rhythms are, it's measured by its effect. If it can bring a yokel and a genius to tears it's good. If its only effect is giving a music theory student a hard-on because of some retarded polyrhythm and ooohhhh a C#911/Bb chord it's the same dogshit my cat makes every time he jumps on the piano. Stop shitting up the thread with the schlomo school of music's subversive ideas and come back when your music will still be a peak of operatic writing a century after your death.

>> No.19994421
File: 239 KB, 1079x1162, PLEASENUKEALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schopenahuer was a prophet, and Wagner made the sacramental music. Valhalla will burn with the body of Siegfried soon

>> No.19995523


>> No.19995696

Clearly you have no idea what kind of stale repertoire and thinking is enforced in conservatories.

>> No.19995714

>In Wagner’s religiosity, attention should be turned toward this world, whereas the traditional ceremony turns our attention away from this world to the next.
And that's how you get "mainline" Protestantism and liberal Catholicism. Gee, thanks, Wagner.