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19988485 No.19988485 [Reply] [Original]

This is absolute kino. How the fuck haven't I read it before?

Post your favorite parts

>> No.19988514

Thucydides introduction where he dunks on Herodotus.

>> No.19988516

Is it? I fear I will be too lost among countless references and history I'm not familiar with. Have you read Plutarch's Lives? Are they comparable? I'm asking because I really liked it and didn't feel lost. So maybe Herodotus guides the reader in similar fashion.

>> No.19988540

I like the part where he mentions Scythian free loving. Any man could sleep with any woman, and children were raise communally until the child reached an age where parentage could be guessed at through facial characteristics. Or something along those lines.

Get the Landmark History version. It's packed with maps and footnotes which explain everything.

>> No.19988593

Thussy is a soulless hack compared to Herodotus
Defense contractor-funded think tank level

>> No.19988597

Yes. The Landmark edition is good. But even this Oxford one has enough supplementary material. You won't feel lost at all.

>> No.19988654

Nice, thanks!

>> No.19988873

The one where he distrust bald people because I have this same bias irl. I despise bald people and the basedboy trend increased my hatred tenfold. In fact I hate bald people more than rich people and poor people combined.
If you want to have a good laugh then search "balding at 13 reddit".

>> No.19988883

herodotus has been largely debunked

>> No.19988890

but really i liked the part about all women in babylon being forced to go spread their legs in the sex temple when they come of age

>> No.19988898

By whom? Plutarch? Fuck off.

>> No.19989151

no, and also who cares

>> No.19989225

Herodotus was effectively never taken all too serious. As can be seen by the contemporary critiques and critiques throughout antiquity. So there was never anything to really debunk.
In some ways it's been quite the opposite. Some of the thing Herodotus said has later been reconsidered and some possible theories regarding some of claims exists.

>> No.19989243

the opposite is true

>> No.19990142

Is there anything else even like this? Is the first ever history book also the best? Did fiction and non-fiction peak with Homer and Herodotus?

>> No.19990292

Best novel ever was the first

>> No.19990352

Reign of Cyrus and the war with Lydia

Thucydides's speeches radiate with soul, you are delusional and need to read less faggot poetry

>> No.19990620

Silence fag. Thucy is a butt hurt turd who failed to write anything remotely of worth prior to the Sicilian expedition. And he didn't even finish his history. Xenophon had to do it for him
H Daddy is the daddy of history for a reason and the fact that he made thucy seethe just like he makes modern historians seethe proves how inferior thucy was

>> No.19990621

>the part where he says the Greeks introduced pederasty to the Persians
Um, based?

>> No.19991014

Various tales are not historical, but he is invaluable for giving us names of innumerable cultures and leaders that were real

>> No.19991172

The fact that you carry so much hate ensures you'll suffer the same fate. You have autism, irrational anger.

>> No.19991188

The parts where he got a little gay for the Ethiopians

>> No.19991266

romans and greeks wrote novels long before donky hottie

>> No.19991286

and he says it’s only thing the greeks ever taught the persians

>> No.19991781
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>In the eyes of many scholars, the Secret History reveals an author who had become deeply disillusioned with Emperor Justinian, his wife Theodora, the general Belisarius, and his wife Antonina. The work claims to expose the secret springs of their public actions, as well as the private lives of the emperor and his entourage. Justinian is portrayed as cruel, venal, prodigal, and incompetent. In one passage, it is even claimed that he was possessed by demonic spirits or was himself a demon:

>> No.19992392

Nah I'm 29 and my hairline hasn't changed and I use it as a weapon to annoy hairlets and bald people.

>> No.19992749

Rysard Kapuscinski writes in a similarly enchanting style.
He's very influenced by Herodotus, you'd like him if you liked Herodotus.
I don't think he's as great as the original master,.but he certainly approaches that level.

>> No.19993221

I’ve read a couple of his books actually, really good. Pretty eerie when he said at the end of Imperium that Russia would invade Ukraine some day.

>> No.19993230

Book I is legendary

>> No.19993384

>Rysard Kapuscinski
sounds right up my alley, thanks

>> No.19993398
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>t. bald man
opinion disregarded

>> No.19993403
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In a surprise turn of events, my favorite book was book two with its heavy focus on all things mundane and domestic Egypt. I suppose because I was playing AssCreed Origins at the time and it was the middle of summer. It was a good time.

>> No.19993404

I liked the parts about Egypt, the barges carrying women exposing themselves and jeering at men on shore, the processions of puppeteers who had puppets with huge articulate dongs on strings, that kind of stuff.

>> No.19993639

>the processions of puppeteers who had puppets with huge articulate dongs on strings
kek that was my favorite too, ancient people never fail to amaze me

>> No.19993654
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>The Histories of Herodotus
What is the best English translation?

>> No.19993674

this was the meme that made read the book

>> No.19993791

>the Egyptians...instituted customs and laws contrary for the most part to those of the rest of mankind. Among them, the women buy and sell, the men stay at home and weave...They ease their bowels indoors
>They ease their bowels indoors
A strange custom indeed...

>> No.19993828

Dude, fucking insane. They did this in amazonian tribes too.

>> No.19993995

oxford's waterfield one

>> No.19994006
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>After the meal at a house of well-to-do Egyptians, a man carries around the room in a coffin a corpse made of wood, which has been painted and carved so as to be as lifelike as possible, and whose length is about a cubit or two. The man shows the corpse to all the guests, one by one, while saying: "Look on this while you drink, for this will be your lot when you're dead." This is what happens at their parties.

>> No.19994239
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>Why yes, I do consider Herodotus to be the most historically factual author who ever lived

>> No.19994279

This one is wild. Procopius was practically the most highly regarded historian of his day, it's an unbelievable amount of effort to write a book like that for it just to be a shitpost. Justinian's face does irrationally freak me out, I wouldn't be surprised if he really could just pull it off like that. You have to be a special kind of psychopathic cuck to want to marry a child prostitute that's received every cock in the Byzantine empire