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19988165 No.19988165 [Reply] [Original]

How much of epics are part of cultrual tropes and recycled stories and myths from that culture? The Epic of Gilgamesh for example has nearly the same story as a Sargon myth and was pretty clearly recycled to be apart of Gilgamesh rather than Sargon of Akkad, So how much of writings of other cultures took the same path? For the Greeks we can't compare older texts than the Illiad and Odyssey for the same story tropes like the Sumerians and Akkadians.

>> No.19988186

Alan Thrall statue whoa

>> No.19988192

Why is Gilgamesh having dreadlocks for his beard? Doesn't he know that it's cultural appropriating black folks?

>> No.19988205

Sumerians and Akkadiabs usually wore wigs and styled their beards. After the Akkadians introduced their ideas of what a 'manly' beard which was curly and well kept and it was adopted and became the Mesopotamian Classical style of beards,

>> No.19989206

Gilgamesh Predates Sargon by quite a bit. You got the whole chronology wrong. Sargon recycled Gilgamesh, not the other way around.

>> No.19989886

Our earliest Babylonian tablet of a Sargon myth is older than the Gilgamesh one.

>> No.19989900

But Gilgamesh was originally a sumerian epic, which predates Sargon and Akkadia.

>> No.19989910

We can't really prove that. Historical Gilgamesh ruled centuries before Sargon but the Epic of Gilgamesh that we have was written after the end of the Akkadian Empire.

>> No.19991039

Since I want to bump my thread and have more information, the Epic of Gilgamesh was written in the Ur period which came after the end of Akkad and it was during the Akkadian Empire were the first Sargon myths were created.

>> No.19991375

Gilgamesh was, as far as we know, never a Sumerian epic. The Sumerian Gilgamesh tales that we have are independent and do not form a coherent whole. The inklings towards a collected epic begin to form in the Old Babylonian versions.

>> No.19992330

Yes but we can say that the stories within the epic of Gilgamesh are of sumerian origin and inspired the tales in the Sargon myth after akkadia took over sumeria

>> No.19992338

What you have to keep in mind is that people have been telling each other stories for much longer than written language has been around.

>> No.19992450

Some of them. The flood story is probably Babylonian in origin.

>> No.19993606

That's what I'm wondering. How much of the great epics of some cultures is based on mashing together different tropes of that culture?