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19988134 No.19988134 [Reply] [Original]

>Just started reading "Your brain on porn"
>Browse porn while reading it

Why am I like this?

>> No.19988188

Certain keywords and pgrases trigger a porn stimuli in your brain. I'm guilty of it too, sometimes I catch a glimpse of porn ads on the homepage or maybe someone posts a provocative photo or whatever. Its a stimuli that immediatly triggers a default to porn. You need to iddntify these triggers and try to seperate yourself from them. Do whatever you need to do, turn on adblocker, force yourself not to go to certain boards that you know will trigger you to masturbate.
Really you just have to not want to watch porn anymore. I'm there now, I still look at nude pictures, but my response is almost nothing compared to what it was. I just dont care about it anymore, anytime I get a hardon it quickly fades.
What may help is fully realising the effect it has on real people, the destruction and degredation of society that it brings. Its a lot easier to not jack off when you have the thought in your mind that by jacking off your supporting something which ultimately will come around to deprive you of a good society. Everytime you jack off your pushing yourself back to square one and farther away from a good woman.
You can fix yourself anon, you just have to believe you can.

>> No.19988196

Better yet view it as a war wherein the enemy is raping your women on video and using them against you, because in actuality that isnt far from the truth.
Every woman that does porn is one less woman you could have been with.
Everytime you jackoff, your getting off to some jew raping your woman.
Think about it that way, its much easier to reject it when you see it for the true violence that it really is.

>> No.19988322

Read The Coiled Serpent

nice job fuelling your addiction by feeding it with emotional power bro

>> No.19988377

Probably because you're a young man and haven't cut your balls off yet.

>> No.19988406

You need something better than the porn to be doing, and also you need to realize where you're going with this porn because there aren't many success stories that involve watching porn. It took me two years to stop watching it altogether, finding the right girl helped but it's not like you get laid all the time you just have more reason act in a respectful manner towards yourself and others when you take your life seriously.

Captcha: HJBNR: huge boner, so whatever I said is true. Check em

>> No.19988541

I don't watch videos where there's multiple people, usually just JOI videos so this doesn't really work

>> No.19988574

Will this work if I’m not a /pol/ schizo? Or do you need mental illness before hand?

>> No.19988584


>> No.19989371

I've decided to delete all my account/social media that could tempt me to look at nsfw stuff

>> No.19990565
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Good luck brother. We will survive this.

>> No.19990757
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I stopped watching porn very easily
My secret is I just stopped being horny
Idk why I'm not horny anymore but I'm just not

>> No.19990787
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did you account for this?

>> No.19991540

>Why am I like this?
Read the book and you'll know exactly why, dumbass

>> No.19991550

You are older thus you have less testerone

>> No.19991562

I'm not a tranny to care about cartoons

>> No.19992328

this is not tempting at all

>> No.19992697

I'm 21

>> No.19992868

Not OP, but I'm getting there, in fits and spirts, pun intended. I can go longer without it, but then I binge and backslide. I would feel myself always nearing some threshold where I can see that "maintenance life" on the other side (I imagine it the way traveling/survivalist men in ancient time may have just roamed without being brainless coomers simply because they must; right up until they would see a woman again after a long time in the wilderness and libido would wake back up and rage in his mind), but would never quite make it through. When I go without porn, I would eventually start feeling tempted to then hook up with previous hookups or get another Tinder account, or get an escort to empty into…nothing necessarily wrong with those choices in and of themselves, but not correct for me in this season of my life.

So much of today's society has become 1. an overabundance of triggering stimuli that our ancestors were programmed for millennia to identify and immediately exploit until exhausted (sugar/calories, pussy, and other "cheated" dopamine hits like video games… all good things in moderation), and 2. the never-before-necessary-to-this-extent self discipline needed to withstand and dissipate that powerful instinctual energy like its a runaway train. Wild times.

>> No.19992872

*spurts - fucked up my own bad joke

>> No.19994210


>> No.19994277

google the easypeasy method. is a book on how to quit porn.that allows you to.watch porn.as you read the book'

>> No.19994399
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>just started reading Alcoholics Anonymous
>already halfway through a handle and can't stop crying

Why am I like this?

>> No.19994573

What are the best coomer recommendations? I wanna become more of a coomer than ever

>> No.19994669

Seek God.
Les Onze Mille Verges