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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 500x667, que_quoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1998802 No.1998802 [Reply] [Original]

Wie geht es ihnen /Lit/izens! Bonjour/Buenas dias to the rest [every other language does not matter.] Let's venture our way over to /mu/ on a 'lil query for are bonne bon homme Derrida:

>Pic always related.

>> No.1998818

Sage and reported.

>> No.1998819

A polite sage.

>> No.1998842

Saged, due the fact the I'm a very busy gentlemen doing Gentlemanly things such as: Reading a 1001 ovids from my Goldenl-y Petronius @$$ a yr, whilst dissecting all of the fiction and nonfiction, whilst(99) having a social life that the verisimilitude of hedonists tear over.

>> No.1998851


>> No.1998863


Nobody is saging right.

>> No.1998865

>InB4 OP is the greatest novelist in 21st century; is gay, ergo, I'm secretly jelly that I'm not an ubermensch like that.
>inb4 inb4 OP is a'rrey where IE samfaggin' up a storm w/in storms on Jupiter:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GERstvMeDQE

>> No.1998867

>'the. . . century.'
Une enfant anon.

>> No.1998870

Someone beat you too it, Herr Faux.

>> No.1998871


Shame, Herr Kut. (I think this joke only works if you speak dutch and english, but if you do then it's pretty funny, unless you have no sense of humour, in which case you are probably German)

>> No.1998883
File: 20 KB, 500x500, uni_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I suppose I should cut 'dis here bracket than >'[every other language does not matter.]'

I'm channeling that use known as entry LV polyglot shizznits bruh, using francais, Espanol, und German avec moi bon-bon English.
Good shooting the nonshoot-ist hermano, see if you may attempt to dissect and follow what is to come and what was previously stated.

>> No.1998888

Je amour le use of using other languages and the phonetic ways of English to make an almost universal pun.

>> No.1998891

That picture always makes me so unbelievably sad.

>> No.1998904
File: 202 KB, 1200x1600, fascists_fairies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jikan to turn the samefagging off
the exceptions are these fellows:

Alright sir, that next to extinction [or a scarce one: the rhino being jelly of the uni] or the imagination of us silly humans http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=south+park+imagination+song&aq=2&oq=south+park+i
magi crafting new horses to ride on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2YWAF6efxA la azul always fetters a-bit of melancholy:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNIDTEYmM3M
>according to artfags
I've always been here /mu/int/sci mostly, but you and /sci/ are perhaps the only ones that can keep up avec me, hence
>doth cliche' to use the term
why I brought you wonderful writers c'est: >>>/mu/19248413.

>> No.1998911

He essentially brings us a critical analysis of lyrics from Radio-head's the Bends LP and due the fact that it's on /mu/ they ignore it fullfulling the prophecy that was foretold: a samefag.

>> No.1998912

I signify my support of the original content in this thread by "bumping" "it" "up" to the "first page".

>> No.1998917

OP's pic is great until C. S. Lewis and Lil Jon, because none of them are really philosophers in the way the previous ones are. Changing Lewis with Heidegger and Lil Jon with Derrida, on the other hand, would absolutely do the trick though.

>> No.1998925

/mu/ don't know anything about music, why bother.

>> No.1998932

>It is true that samefags rule the world, but here I am using hyperbolez.
>>1998912 Merci Monsieur, who's one of 'three(?)' of the only ones. Here's some only ones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vUcg6Mo_aA
>>1998925; Most of /mu/ is an axiom to say, filled with plebeians, ergo, I send you gravy hombrez musiques to muse for [and over.]

>> No.1998941

I know those guys, but Lewis and Jon travail better avec le theme, for they raised those Qs and it's more of an awesome meme for the masses to appreciated, due to the uselessness of our current philosophers.
Before you attempt to refute my point or stating your troll, take a gander at this: What are Bloggers? But a dime a dozen Essayists. What are Essayists? But entry LV Philosophers. What are Philosophers? But a scarce influence on other fields by queuing in numerous new Qz [accompanied by nearly abstract answers.]
Which was written on the book of the face.

>> No.1998947

This guy>>1998904
Lied about this guy:>>1998911
And this post.

>> No.1998959

What is this so-called lying that subhumans that cling to us in are early Escuela say, but rhetoric us writers hath been burning for, for more than forty-yrz to our current adolescents of late teens to our all around the twenties.

>> No.1998967

I'm a liar too, but my candor comes through in saying: 'I've been up for 27 hrs doing various things that require both extraneous-ly mental and physical capacities.

>> No.1999430
File: 43 KB, 610x406, vieux_homme_does_battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the 'gist'* of what was 404'd on /mu/:
Zyzz & his Bending Mercedes-Bendz Dionysus_Spinoza_Faux !!nd/jmcT/oLN 08/09/11(Tue)07:58 No.19248413
No.19248147 Fuck that Guido Vie stijl and slutz that you were trollin' 'bout anyways. . . Critically analyze why you do or do not hath le Bends:http://www.youtube.com/watch?
>iNb4: I already listened to that w/out comprehending how this correlates to your question.
>> Anonymous: reported
>> Dionysus_Spinoza_Faux: Why too e/lit/ist to vous /mu/tants?
>> Anonymous:
This guy has the bends, and those with the bends don't even know it. Too bad I don't need to wish for this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CppqiKdA_Co 'Cuzz I already have it.
>> Anonymous: Good riddance, fit people make horrible music. Underweight is where it's at.
>> Anonymous:
I wouldn't say I would have the bends, I would prolly-more likely say I'm a fake plastic person: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoOwQd-1Hrg
and to keep OPs theme I would like to have trees [meaning roots, meaning raising children] like these: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=NUJP0BwWB5Q faux physically and mentally.
>> Anonymous JE_SUIS_LE_UBERMENSCH.jpg):
To have the bends is to be subhuman isn't it? 'Cuzz It's synonymous due to the way the word was used and how it represented by these fine gentleman:
Whose defenses are either 'TL;DR' or trollin' their ever constant plebeian tenancies; possessing no critical thinking whatsoever.
I would say I relate to this one more, though no way my fav musically: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO_ESqpGWUA&feature=related
>> Dionysus_Spinoza_Faux:
>'Tendencies,' says the like minded lexicographer, who's in no way a G-Naz.

>> No.1999445
File: 512 KB, 800x3591, JE_SUIS_LE_UBERMENSCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*It is half quoted, due to the fact that the Irony holds true in its intention, albeit, we* in fact infer the fact that unintentional irony is best irony.
*No solipsism in my order of business, just truncate the shorts that are short and here are short(-)ers to continue the shortness that was written shortly.
>inb4 He lies slowly lying

>> No.1999467
File: 5 KB, 110x145, JLB_JIZZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You forgot your trip
>inb4 he, said inb4
Anyways if ye e/lit/es are to occupuied making list to appreciate the richness I give you, do to your ADHD Symptons, I shall proceed to enlighten anons endeavor: How about 'dem labyrinths and Borges nonfiction: On Writing?

>> No.1999471

> Dis:','(,) must be eliminated. . .

>> No.1999477
File: 25 KB, 263x375, joyce2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Due' in do time.
>THOU 'DUE' INSTEAD OF DO! 'You do the Dew?'

>> No.1999480

What the fuck drugs are you on?

>> No.1999484

what a shit thread. I know you're supposed to let tripfriends rot, but I just can't resist.

>> No.1999497

someone has either never heard of onomatopoeia or finds the literary device distateful
BTW the drugs i'm on follows the Kiekergaard philosophy of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL3Dp6Oh3Fw
mix'd with a Carlin-esque appetite for didactic-ism.

>> No.1999522

This thread is mauvais and you should feel schlecht.

>> No.1999535
File: 88 KB, 800x979, sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh. . . The meta-irony always lifts me up a bit further.

>> No.1999554

The theme of this thread: On those who think they think critically: Do you have your head so far up your ass that you can't differentiate between that sweet[ly placed on all mouths to digest the] delicious excrement and the next meal your about to eat?

>> No.1999558

>iNb4 OP IZ projecting. Asking the meme-in' Q; have you ever herp'd so hard you derp'd? Apparently many are too held up with plentiful '[serious] business' that they don't even know they ever have.

>> No.1999562

The theme of this thread ~ Do you have the punctuation that is so hearkening that you cannot differentiate from between the colons of what is and the ampersan&s of ink-spritz that the fortieth parallel of human experience?

>> No.1999576
File: 39 KB, 200x261, Haz_lit_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Old friendships are like meats served up repeatedly, cold, comfortless, and distasteful. The stomach turns against them. Either constant intercourse and familiarity breed weariness and contempt; or if we meet again after an interval of absence, we appear no longer the same," Hazlitt. This only applies to plebs who would 'justly' deny it.
Let's mingle OP 'till our professors[not amigos] start blowin' us again.

>> No.1999583

that's probably the shittiest quote I've read in awhile. Just saying.

>> No.1999584

Punctuation is one key(,) to many keys por le lexicographer --- Find amour for it, fellow writerzzz.
>Too bad vous doth not possess it.

>> No.1999608
File: 8 KB, 240x240, Le_fille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doth not know that by bringing_it*_here/to_this_here_thread, that it is instantly refuted. How so?
'Lazy rhetoriczzz'* all (-)Epi in (-)MetazZ.

>> No.1999623

good thread

>> No.1999640
File: 41 KB, 400x300, amour_vous_homme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if you're (-)meta/Tao_Lin-esque or not!
You are more than worthy of mine and this boards graditude.

I'm narcissitic as fuck a muthafuckin (MDavis): ‎>I doth not protest: I'm in love avec myself, where lay'th the Q; O art ye gay? I would say yes, if viewing the appropriate measured erectus pointing back at me upon the bathroom mirror, whilst stroking along harmoniously to my own counterpoint symphony.

>> No.1999647
File: 368 KB, 1014x2616, Pollandball1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'As fuck, a muthafuckin'. . .
No more edits posing as anon('s'*), cuzz ye awesome guys [and nearly no 'fillez] already know!

>> No.1999653

you're actually pretty slick, i don't think /lit/ really deserves you.

>> No.1999668
File: 7 KB, 148x160, reeeeeeeaaaally_niceties_are_a_necessity_to_hold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very gracious fellow! You wouldn't want to raise my ego too much though, seeming as the impossibility of that one math problem about zero (/)
-O /lit/ is mi escuela, which I'll proceed to teach at the smallest of scales.

>> No.2000319

Wait, a minute. . . Were we supposed to dissect inane lyrics?
>Scoffz< Lyrics aren't /lit/ 'da fuck were you thinking?

>> No.2000336
File: 50 KB, 305x472, Spinster2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may very well collide w/ this thread:
for these c/lit/z to listen to beautiful-beaux, instrumental or not to gandering at codes and acceptability.

>> No.2000450

This is some horrible shit. Yeah, it's not even worthy of shitz fancy synonyms such as defecation, excrement, feces, or other langzs, such as merde,

>> No.2000567
File: 59 KB, 1000x1527, Faustus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O snappin' the skills and no stijl detected(?)

>> No.2000808

bump, i can't believe you cunts don't appreciate language, that many fantasyfags on lit huh?

>> No.2001821
File: 60 KB, 577x1000, Kemp333718_Mike_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Radioheads accompanied by my first few links>>1999430 as I use the links perfectly expressing and condensing the lyrics in a single statement or short (-)para, parroting moi interpretation by samefaggin, ergo, satirizing an idea I do not agree avec. Monsieur Faust(Faux eh?) The other musiques are just venturing the previous flowery LANG.
Danke Herr, may You be c'est hombre as well: >>1999653

And may c'est homme be a spinster ---

>> No.2001844

how the fuck are you going to post religious music without some motherfucking tomas luis de victoria?


>> No.2001848

Yeah, that was me. I am not a spinster, sir. you are like a modern day shakespeare.

>> No.2001954
File: 46 KB, 130x130, AT_THE_MIRE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O-Gawd! listening to that b4, an never a name to connect.
>Always happens to those not yet knighted, sirs.
JLB_JIZZ.jpg; 'O my!' stateth the (-)eth. Whom no one could find a infinitesimal Bastila Shan allusion: after that one second before that something something. . .
Here's her theme:

>> No.2003292
File: 4 KB, 200x83, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TL;DR: Fag Speculates too much, in a sort of ironic, but possibly satiric if it had more obvious loopholes and more holes in 'dat logic and was actually mirthful.
Not to be rude, but he did say this:
Spinster was
>most likely
used very vaguely, where you may have interpreted as one of the three fates Klotho/the_spinner, to be exact.
the one that makes things happen which you duly proved by posting.
or perhaps a play on words: Spinoza; the spinster, the one who span up pantheism
correlating to this entire post that DSF is this entire thread, it is refuted because you are someone else and not a god for we cannot take as anything more then a metaphor, which we both know, but onlookers might consider that sort of praise as a same-fag.
or possibly I made a typo that I meant to add : >>2000450
At the end of my second to last, now third to last post

>> No.2003428

>Wannabe Lexicographers will cum all over on ----