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19987870 No.19987870 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone figured out a way to get past ADHD and actually sit down to start tasks such as reading and writing without having to use brain frying meds? Here is a list of things I have tried none of which have worked

To do lists (various kinds, short, long, one item)
Alarms, timers (of various kinds pomodoro etc)
Meditation (of various kinds mindfulness, guided, creative visualization, mantra, etc)
Exercise (variations from weightlifting, cardio, HIIT)
Locking away all electronics in a timed lock box for periods from 5 hours to 5 weeks
Giving someone my router
Wearing a watch that shocks you if you don't stand up and do jumping jacks
22 different Nootropics
Changing diet in various ways
Listening to white noise or music

>> No.19987972

When I get off 4chan I will.

>> No.19987974

I just use a pomodoro

>> No.19987982

I do the thing. Making a big list of how you're going to do the thing is just another form of procrastination

>> No.19987985

Damn if only I thought of that

>> No.19987987

People on this board will laugh at you, so you're stuck with me here. I am in the same situation as you
>Straterra, ritalin, and dex have done shit for me, and caffeine just knocks me out
Supposedly Modafinil can be used off-label to treat ADHD, but if you're like me then it's expensive as shit due to being off-label. Who knows what the long-term effects of Modafinil are either, but it's an alternative.
>Set repeating tasks on google calendar/tasks (or there's some "open tasks" alternative for freetards that's decent) that have set times; when you get the notification leave it so it can bugs you and gives you a "push" to get stuff like eating lunch out of the way
>White noise and most music doesn't work for me, instead I have a playlist of specific tracks that help (alot of stuff from the album "aguas da amazonia")
Supposedly binaural noise can help too, but I don't like wearing headphones
>I've seen some people mention the keto diet, but I haven't tried that as I don't want to have a fucking heart attack or something.

You're basically on your own here anon. I can only read 10 pages an hour at the library and I feel exhausted afterwards. Every resource on ADHD I've found either tells you to take stimulants, or gives you some schizo shit. My doctor seems to think I just have chronic anxiety, so I have no fucking clue what's real anymore. I feel like shit everyday and I am always tired yet restless, despite being healthier than anybody else I've met.

>> No.19988063

Are you still here, OP? Did you try the keto diet yourself? Or what diet changes did you try? Or only simple changes like cutting out junk food?

>> No.19988074 [SPOILER] 
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I don't know if you're still here OP, but I wouldn't mind talking to you some. Pic related is my discord and an email. I'm >>19987987 >>19988063

Or if you don't wanna talk, no worries. Most people I come across with ADHD just let themselves be controlled by the condition one way or another and do nothing. I'm gonna head off for now. Godspeed

>> No.19989414

I tried everything you listed OP. Wasted a small fortune on supplements/nootropic stacks that did absolutely nothing. Exercise helped a bit but only if I did a task immediately after exercising. Bought a typewriter and it just sat there unused. Meditation helped with anxiety a little but no effect on my ADHD.

Changing my diet was amazing, I lost weight and felt the best I've ever felt, skin improved, energy levels improved, and I was in a much better mood. It didn't do shit to improve my ADHD.

Finally gave in and tried Adderall. Boom, ADHD solved. I was extremely productive and FINALLY got shit done instead of procrastinating or getting lost in other meaningless tasks. I recently switched to Vyvanse and it's been just as effective.

I'm not saying meds will work for you and I don't know what the long term health implications are but I had to do something because I wasn't really living before, I was stuck and not moving forward with my life. Now I'm moving forward and with success. Once I reach where I want to be I'll probably stop taking stimulants and see if I can maintain what I've accomplished.

>> No.19989420

L-Tyrosine works real well

L-Theanine too maybe but I haven't tried

>> No.19989477
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If you were interested in these books, you wouldn't have to force yourself to read them. I'm betting you don't have to "set an alarm" to play video games or "meditate" to jack off.

Instead of forcing yourself to suffer through boring books you don't care about just to fit in with the other pseuds on /lit/, find something you actually enjoy doing and go do it. Observe how your """""ADHD""""" magically goes away.

>> No.19989493

1. Caffeine
2. Sleeping 8+ hrs a day
3. Letting myself defocus sometimes
4. Choosing books ecclectically so I can stay immersed
5. No notifications on phone
6. Delete all social media. All of it.
7. Be okay with my mind drifting when I'm reading and taking that as a sign I need to do something else
You can only read for ~2-4hrs a day of hard material.

>> No.19989499

Continuing on 6: Discord is social media. Delete it.

>> No.19989501

What if I enjoy reading the books, but I can't concentrate most of the time?

>> No.19989509

Then you should stop lying to yourself.

>> No.19989530

By that logic I should do nothing but watch tv and eat bonbons all day.

>> No.19989595


>> No.19989623

>Has anyone figured out a way to get past ADHD and actually sit down to start tasks such as reading and writing
>without having to use brain frying meds?
No. I don't even care if I turn into a drooling retard two decades down the line, finally being able to do things is the most liberating feeling. I hadn't been able to sit down and read since I was 11 and now I'm reading a book every two weeks.

>> No.19989631

That pepe cured my social anxiety

>> No.19989638

Misplaced aggression is a common symptom of stimulant abuse.

The logic is you don't have to force yourself to pursue the hobbies that you actually enjoy.

>> No.19989654

4chan is social media too retard

>> No.19989681

have you tried
>sleeping 8 uninterrupted hours at night +
>jerking off less +
>not drinking coffee

>> No.19989685

also, the correct pomodoro thing is
>25 min work
>5 min rest
>25 min work
>5 min rest
>25 min work
>30 min rest

about 4 cycles of this at max

>> No.19989704

My cousin uses game OSTs

>> No.19989714

I've heard that if you want concentration you can't listen to music sang in a language you understand
But it helps to focus keeping a side of your brain busy

>> No.19989716

sleep, exercise, diet. none of these independently do much without the others.

7-8 hours, go to sleep at the same time each night.

cardio is most important, but try to get 15-30 minutes a day .

stop eating stuff with preservatives or that's highly processed. eat meats, vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy.

i guarantee if you get all three of these working together you'll have alot more focus. skip on any of them and the other pieces will be muted in their effects.

>> No.19989743

Straight up my guy, I can't do it without stimulants. Not a silver bullet, but adderall/caffeine are the prerequisites; only after that can I put in the work to get off the phone and do things I care about. If you've got clinical ADHD, you probably gotta accept that you can really and truly want to do something and be prevented by your brain not processing dopamine correctly- it's not a barometer of things you don't want to do and it's not your fault you're like this, but it's never going to change without you changing things.

>> No.19989767

That’s only 5 hours of work.

>> No.19989770

Incredibly based.

>> No.19989827

This isn't true because I procrastinate starting the hobby but when I eventually do find the motivation I end up enjoying it. If I could just start there would be no problem

>> No.19989865

>what is ADHD
>what is losing interest in stuff you normally like

>> No.19989874

>Changing my diet was amazing, I lost weight and felt the best I've ever felt

What did you change to?

>> No.19989889

You don't know how vile ADHD is when it comes to interrupting tasks you're focused on.
The moment you unfocus from an activity is when your day ends, you procrastinate for the rest of it and leave the task untouched until the next morning.

>> No.19989996

Yes, analysis. There's a reason for your anxiety.

>> No.19990049

>what is ADHD
It's when people who have a truncated attention span from constant screen use, advertisements, and multitasking pretend that having no interest in things they're not interested in and feeling generally purposeless in a society that denies them purpose is some sort of super-special mental disorder so they can get prescribed meth. The meth gives them brain damage and cognitive problems related to working memory so they tell themselves it's actually the fault of their "disorder" as an excuse to keep getting high and avoiding withdrawal until they fry whatever little remains of their brain.

>> No.19990167
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>t. Arm chair 4chinz psychologist

>> No.19991076

Firsthand experience, actually. You're not sick and you don't need pills.

>> No.19991108

So what's the solution big brain

>> No.19991131

I'm not sure if this'll help because I don't believe I have adhd but I do have a problem with being productive or doing something without procrastinating.

Your goal here is to mentally signal to your brain that you are supposed to be productive i.e. doing something. There are many ways to do this but here are the some that I feel are the best.

1. Since your body has a internal timer, creating a schedule to follow as in like 1 hour of reading, 15 minute break of doing nothing, at this so or so time would be good, and waking up at a certain time consistently. The problem with this is that it is hard to get started. I don't know how you should get started as I honestly don't remember how it happened to me one day. You just start doing it and then keep doing it for like two weeks, and then it becomes completely natural.

2. Going to somewhere where you are already mentally adjusted to be productive. If you go to work or school this will be easy as you are already supposed to be productive there so it is not that hard to channel that productiveness to reading.

3. This like the schedule option above takes times to signify. You want to have something that is present at all times around you when you are supposed to be productive. For me, in my room, I have two different colored lights which one represents my productivity period and the other my relaxation period.

All of these options really start with you being productive for a day and going from there. If you can't mentally bring yourself to be productive for a short period, which I don't believe thats true as you obviously have the agency to attempt many options, then you should get yourself to a doctor. Because your problem might be more than just adhd maybe even depression.

Combining all of these for best results

>> No.19991492

How do you get to do the thing? I either do nothing or i can plan what i’ll do. Latter is the only way i can actually produce something that might yield something. It’s either that or standing in front of a blank screen, doing nothing. To just DO IT seems repulsive, like trying to push two same magnetic poles together. Deadline is the only way to force writing and even then i start writing at the 11th hour.

>> No.19991506

>its because you dont SELF IMPROOVE
>trust me its the screen time (says user on 4chang)
Fuck off retard I had the whole spectrum of symptoms as a child before I didn't have a smartphone or a Nintendo DS.
I used to stim, mumble, lose focus and do weird autistic shit since I was a child.
My genes are flawed - just like some people have bad eyesight that requires them to use glasses, some have unoptimal brain layouts and connections which can only be fixed by using synthetic shit such as amphetamines.

Therapy doesn't work, discipline doesn't work, redpill coaches don't work, your brain is physically engineered to turn you into a lazy retard because your genes said so: this is ADHD.

>> No.19991704

>My genes are flawed
Fuck your cope. Do you want to be cuddled and told that everything will be ok? Because it won't be.
It's not your genes it's your childhood and it's difficult to change. Difficult, as in decades of therapy.

There are no magic tricks.

>> No.19991740
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I try but I always fail and relapse back into browsing the web for 6+ hours whenever I try to do something
Only through sheer luck and thanks to open book exams due to online courses I managed to actually continue doing my absolute meme degree
I can't even finish a piss easy report without getting distracted and sperging out
Neurologist suggested that I should visit a therapist but I'm cringing at the just the thought of visiting one
Are meds my only chance? Anyone here actually managed to stop being a brain fried ADHD procrastinator (possibly without any stims) and became a somewhat functional person who learned a skill/got a nice job?

>> No.19991751

i’ve had adhd my entire life and have been medicated for the past 26 years with adderall. Let me tell you a little secret:

if you have adhd, like me, and you struggle to complete simple tasks without feeling overwhelmed/mentally drained, and you don’t enjoy the feeling of being wired out of your fucking mind on meds, then the solution is, surprisingly, really fucking simple. Regular exercise, a good diet, NO PORN OR DRUGS, and you also need to sort of “hype” up the task you’re about to do. Get yourself excited af for it to the point where you can’t wait to get stuck in to it. I’ve been able to smash out a book every week or two for the past 8 years doing this, and i always try to read after a session at the gym as that’s when i’m able to focus really well.

Alternatively, continue to a professional victim and wallow in your own self pity & crushing mediocrity, i’m sure things will change eventually.

>> No.19991768

You should have ended this post after the first sentence.

>> No.19991928

>tfw no harem of ADHD chads who are hopelessly dependent on my command to focus and stay functional
Always wondered if sufficiently rigorous/inventive BDSM would actually work to control someone else's brain problems but am too ethical to test it out on anyone. Since this thread is full of whiners - any of you overgrown children think being smacked around and told what to do would help? Otherwise-highly-intelligent men with ADHD often come across as legionnaires desperate for a Caesar to command them, what's your take on that?

>> No.19991944

doing chores helps me appreciate the quiet time im not working instead of going retard and browsing 4chan or playing games or youtube bullshit. rehab helped me kick the tech habit a little but its still a problem for me. but its not ADD i have, and most of you dipshits probably dont have it either.

>> No.19991951

No, if someone tried something like that and I wasn’t able to escape I’d probably snap and murder-suicide them pretty quickly. I’m well-managed on meds though.

>> No.19992014

I do fetishize Stalin a tad bit too much.

>> No.19992136

I didn't hv particularly high adhd but when stopped all dopy apps like tiktok,insta,ytshorts .......and get into this medeivel message boards i got good....plus i exercise ...use a huge cup of black tea instead of coffee....hope this is somehow helpful

>> No.19992176

Writing scares me, and I’m an ADHD kind of guy
I’ll sit down and start writing. By the time I think of something else to do or want to step away for a minute, 2-3 hours have passed, or worse, 5-6. All the time I have free from school and work disappear when I get behind the keyboard and start typing.
I love it but also deeply and incredibly hate it.

>> No.19993116

I find the best way to stay focused on a task or topic is if it something I love or am obsessed with. I think you need to avoid spreading yourself thin by trying to be 'the perfect' human and instead just find what you are obsessed about and dive right in for the rest of your life.

>> No.19993190
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>Wearing a watch that shocks you if you don't stand up and do jumping jacks
how's that supposed to help your ADHD?

>> No.19993224

>you don't have to force yourself to pursue the hobbies that you actually enjoy.
Hoping this is bait, there's always at least some part of everything that you need to force, enjoyment or expectation generally provide that, but it isn't ever guaranteed. If this is a belief you genuinely hold, you're either young, naive, or both.

>> No.19993242

fuck no

>> No.19993336

That's why I have a tulpa

>> No.19993715

Leaving out the meme BDSM element (?), being "smacked around and told what to do" in my case only ever produced incredibly stubborn inaction, or sometimes rage.
Anyways, you're a massive coomer if you thing people can be programmed sexually in any way

>> No.19993721

I have attention issues but it's easy for me to focus on things I want to do so
>read something you enjoy
Simple as

>> No.19994020

i want a tulpa can you make me one

>> No.19994545

In the 5 minute intervals you are not meant to check up on your twitter or watch a 1/4th of a sitcom episode. That would obviusly ruin your next couple hours. Use it to get some physical activity. Do some jumping jacks/pushups/jogging in place for 2-3 minutes then sit and do nothing for the rest of the time. This dopamine deprivation will actually get you excited to start doing work again. It's actually a good system, it just needs enough discipline to not use your phone for the small breaks. The longer breaks you can use to relieve the anxiety you built over the last 2 hrs.

>> No.19994676

Your brain is telling you that you're trying to do the wrong things. I struggled with this feeling my whole life and eventually realized that I simply don't like the things that I was "unable" to do. Now I only do things I like and I don't need to struggle to do them.

>> No.19994681

Stop blaming all your problems on ADHD and stop drawing up these schemes. Literally just get rid of your internet and cellphone and your "ADHD" will have no choice but to disappear.

>> No.19994686

What do you do now?

>> No.19994735

Not him but buddy, I can't stop myself from using my phone when I'm waiting for a YouTube video to buffer for 3 seconds. I will do it mechanically and then 3 minutes later notice I've been reading a 4chan thread with the video playing in the background that whole time.
You people give all this advice without realizing how brainfucked some of us really are, especially the literal zoomers

>> No.19994751

My brain will literally drop any given activity like a hot potato if a more dopamine-inducing one is available at that moment for a lower investment, it has nothing to do with enjoyment. I've had relationships die because I couldn't live up to any commitment properly because I'd be reading mildly amusing / interesting things on 4chan and wiki instead... Because they required zero effort

>> No.19994766

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media nah doesn't fit half the criteria.

>> No.19994788

It forces you to get out of whatever you're doing to procrastinate. It's like extreme mindfulness

>> No.19994823
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based and cheked

>> No.19994922

Literally just do it. Get up your ass and start doing it. Start and don't think about the mountain you think you have to climb, just look at your feet at the beginning and you will see that once you take a few steps, it will get less and less hard to take another. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to do things when you just force yourself to start.

>> No.19995129

Don't not do it. Which is to say, your ADHD mind is so easily impressed by cheap advertising tricks, so get cheaper. Feel like a retard? Become retarded.

>> No.19995138

What do you do when you attempt one of these things? Specifically giving away your router / cutting off technology access. I would say you should tackle whatever becomes a distraction then instead of giving up.

>> No.19995155

>Exercise (variations from weightlifting, cardio, HIIT)
This one works.

>> No.19995169

more than that it's bullshit, not real work
your body can't handle serious intellectually demanding tasks efficiently that you can also retain
fuck, you need to be used to that everyday to "get" it fully

>> No.19995201

>To do lists (various kinds, short, long, one item)
This is the only one that has worked for me. Why didn't it work?
I've found that the only reason I don't "get things done" is because I can't answer the question of "how". I don't know what 'doing' looks like, which creates an insidious cycle of do something, don't see any results because it was the wrong approach, give up... which is just as productive as doing the wrong thing anyway.
Starting tasks is easy. Doing them well and persevering through the flaws is the debilitating part.

>> No.19995209
File: 294 KB, 2048x1536, depression kit meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is wrong with you people?
wanna hear an advice that can definitely help you but since you're probably so retarded that you won't do it?

for the five minutes, just stay sit down, close your eyes and pray at loud

>Lord's Prayer
>Hail Mary
>The Apostles' Creed

you'll eventually know them by heart and pray the three in a minute, give or take
5 times and you're done

>> No.19995223

Go meet Jesus christfag

>> No.19995245

I don't do any of the stuff in the pic
Braindead retard, you give a bad name to ADHD

>> No.19995258

look at that what that retard wrote and tell me he doesn't desperately needs Jesus

>> No.19995297

kys phoneposter
>privately messaging your friends is social media, but posting on public bulletin boards isn't!

>> No.19995298

Thanks Mom
You don't seem to understand. I can't implement any advice or build any routines because I simply forget to do it, it slips my mind no matter what it is. Things get done last-minute and only if they're emergencies.
I have a career and a condo and I maintain basic hygiene entirely because of external negative reinforcement

Crab-bucket bitch who can't cope with what he is so he insults others like him

>> No.19995312

>Crab-bucket bitch who can't cope with what he is so he insults others like him
I stopped using youtube altogether. Downloaded all my music as FLACs so I don't have to ever open youtube again and be exposed to distractions. I'm still not strong enough to fully cut out this site, but I grow more powerful every day. Catch up

>> No.19995314

>Downloaded all my music as FLACs so I don't have to ever open youtube again and be exposed to distractions.
And I've also almost fully cut out music as well. Almost no music outside for the two tracks I use for working out.

>> No.19995323

I just got medicated and became functional lul
Imagine struggling against something for no reason constantly instead of just owning up to an objective weakness and getting treatment

>> No.19995333

It's not that easy bro. I haven't found a med that works for me yet. If off-label meds end up working it'll be a bit under $60 a month for me. I'm >>19987987

>> No.19995336

Oh, that's entirely fair then. Cheers bro hold the line for now

>> No.19995359

Stare at the wall. Pace around my room

>> No.19995432

Same for me. Even with cutting out all tech I just get distracted by my own thoughts, daydreams, ruminations, etc. We'll reach our wonderful everyday one day, bro

>> No.19995499

>I can't implement any advice or build any routines because I simply forget to do it,
Write a physical to-do list and keep it on a surface where you won't pile stuff over it or it get obscured.
Make sure not to just write nouns like 'routine' or 'party' on it, write down the first two steps at least and explain exactly how to do them. 'message Chris, Trish, James, and Johnny about if they'd been keen for dinner on Thursday afternoon'

>> No.19995512

>brain frying meds
Healthy and diverse diet, drink plenty of water, weight lifting, cardio and caffeine. Make a schedule on your phone's calendar.

>> No.19995556

This has to be a joke post

>> No.19995564
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I'm more or less in the same position as OP. Thinking of looking into trepanation unironically

>> No.19995892

I have ADHD too but I've never seen self help fixes work for anyone. Ive found that working sporadically isnt bad if I just write everything down so I can come back to it later

>> No.19996037

>You people give all this advice without realizing how brainfucked some of us really are, especially the literal zoomers
I'm an ADHD zoomer like you. Even with meds you will need self-discipline, you need to start building it even if you are starting from zero. It won't work every time, but you have to force yourself whenever you can and you will build it over time.

>> No.19996057

You don't understand ADHD, consider yourself lucky.

>> No.19996062

Cut down your ISP. Thank me later.

>> No.19996068

>22 different Nootropics
Lol you're gonna fuck yourself up with these mystery pills bro

>> No.19996084

I make sure they have little to no side effects before taking

>> No.19996558
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Has pic related actually helped anyone?

>> No.19996640

This is all great advice.

I'm personally on a break in between hospital rotations and I have zero motivation in my apartment. When I want/need to read I go to a nearby coffee shop with some noise cancelling headphones.

>> No.19996834


I've had very severe ADHD my entire life so I know where you guys are coming from. I cannot help you with getting things done but in terms of enjoying reading I know exactly what it is you need to hear:
Our culture has put so much emphasis in completing a task rather than enjoying a task for itself that most people who approach literature find themselves only focused on finishing a book. This is not the way to enjoy literature. If you want to enjoy literature you absolutely need to separate yourself from your guilt response. I managed to do this with therapy/mediation. What I realized is that my trouble focusing on word comprehension wasn't because I had trouble focusing, it was because I was caught in guilt at wanting to focus and "do it right." I'm working on ways to explain this to people bc I can promise you all (as im sure that you who have had the experiences can confirm) our culture has zero understanding of how to approach ADHD when it comes to things like enjoying literature. Understand only this: it isn't word comprehension or focus as much as it is excessive concern for perfectionism.
1. A lot of times people who ask this question on this board are told that they simply do not enjoy reading. This is false. Why would you not enjoy reading? The problem is that there is something BLOCKING you from enjoying reading. The theory that you are just somebody incapable of enjoying it is completely baseless.
2. Separate yourself from guilt. What this means is you need to rewire the conditions you have established that are related to reading. Here's the secret: positive affirmations! Regularly tell yourself the following: I enjoy reading, I want to read, I do not NEED to read. Do this especially as you are falling asleep and when you are waking up, when your body is in what is called STATS (state akin to sleep). This is basically self-hypnosis. I'd google STATS to grasp a fuller understanding
3. DIET. If you believe video games to be an inherent evil it will just turn on those guilt circuits. I myself enjoy video games but I don't overindulge bc I do notice a change in baseline consciousness when I do. However, playing an hour here and there is not bad!
4. Meditate at least 10 minutes a day. The science for this is vast.
5. Lastly, I have to ask. Do you move your head while you read?? I realized recently that I was doing this. Instead of moving my eyes across the page I was moving using my neck muscles. This could easily account for fatigue after short periods of time reading. Using my eyes is difficult bc the muscle memory isn't there but it is getting easier by the day.

>> No.19997009

I work in psychiatry and no, it hasn't

>> No.19998168

>Here's the secret: positive affirmations! Regularly tell yourself the following: I enjoy reading, I want to read, I do not NEED to read. Do this especially as you are falling asleep and when you are waking up, when your body is in what is called STATS (state akin to sleep). This is basically self-hypnosis.
Would listening to a recording of myself saying this be helpful for this?

>> No.19998194

you need to break the bad habit of multitasking. after two or three months of keeping the tv off while you browse the net and stuff like that your brain will level up.

>> No.19998278

>I can only read 10 pages an hour at the library
I dont believe this if this was the case you wouldnt be on 4chan reading text all day you probably dont like the book you are reading or the book is some philosophical giberish like hegel.

>> No.19998408

Books are a long stream of text, whilst 4chan is a bunch of short and simple posts that are mostly comprised of "based", "cope", "seethe", etc. I can also interact with people on here and get fast dopamine responses

>> No.19999691

find some easy to read book that has many short paragraphs.The fact that you managed to read for an hour is great do it every day and you will become better readining and concentration are skills buildt with time.There are poeple way worse than you that cant even read 4chan or a news article.

>> No.19999692

This, multitasking is doing two things each at 30% instead of one thing at 100%.

>> No.19999720

I've coined a technique for myself that I've named "Parallel procrastination". How it works is that you present yourself two historically procrastinated tasks available, and of course, you will naturally choose the easier of the tasks, at least getting one of them done.

As an example, think of two books you would like to read. Open both. You would read the easier of the two, even if both are harder to read material. Admittedly I have only found limited success in this technique as I would start reading, regret it, read the other book, and then bounce back. But i am still net up on pages overall for the day.

Use this knowledge however you will.

>> No.19999798

Is this similar to that joke about "when I have an assignment due, suddenly cleaning my room becomes a matter of national security?"

>> No.19999848

The trouble with this is both that I have so many things I want to work on that working on them all would ensure none get finished ever, and that my retard brain will happily spend hours deciding which to do.

>> No.19999882
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The problem with ADHD is that our brains are lacking in dopamine production and as such we turn to activities that produce more dopamine faster and become unable to focus on those that aren't as immediately rewarding, correct?

So imagine an ideal world where, after you finished one of your boring responsibilities, or read a longer book that didn't reward you immediately, you rolled a RNG that, if successful, your dream girl shows up and has sex with you. Or something as equally rewarding. That would probably improve your ADHD, I suppose, because now you have the expectation of a reward. But the reward is not certain and is not accessible without the task, so you're interested in doing the task again and again.

So what I'm trying to do now is to set up a system where the things I need to do are followed by the CHANCE of getting a reward. The odds need to be low enough that they don't happen every time but also high enough that it's not frustrating, and if I can diversify the "loot" with some rarer but better rewards, the better. These rewards also need not to be easily accessible without the doing of the task. Basically I'm trying to turn my life into office Diablo.

>> No.19999888


>> No.19999909

>So what I'm trying to do now is to set up a system where the things I need to do are followed by the CHANCE of getting a reward.
ahaha, a Ludic Loop? You're basically trying to build your a Skinner-Box for yourself. My suggestion is look at how online games, like Candy Crush and Angry Birds 'reward' players. Maybe some kind of points system with semi-randomized bonuses for 'streaks'?

>> No.19999930


>> No.19999932

Shut the fuck up

>> No.19999969

Which ones did you take

>> No.19999976 [DELETED] 

A psych student with severe mental illness and ADHD told me she thought I had ADHD. Never really saw her face to face.
I even did that impossibly vague preliminary test thing.
Should I actually seek therapy?
I did Ritalin the other day and while I certainly felt more drive, it didn't really help me since I already had a 'to-do' list written out before I took it. I reckon without the to-do list it'd be a regular dad except peeking.
When I read anecdotal stories you guys make it sound like you have absolutely no fucking control over what you do and are totally helpless. I don't identify with that, but perhaps I'm not self-aware enough or have good coping mechanisms?

>> No.19999980

I feel the same way op, I have also considered trying some adhd medicine. It feels like you are taking the easy way but it’s better than jerking off all day.

>> No.20000213

Well, the way I partially implement this myself is with my daily to-do list. I get a dopamine reward when I finally clear the task notification on my phone. Unfortunately, this dopamine reward still isn't high enough - but it helps

>> No.20000366

I had severe asthma as a little kid— like borderline debilitating. The doctor prescribed nightly breathing treatments with something that’s basically a steroid. Shortly after, my teachers at school started reporting to my parents that I was acting erratically and had difficulty focusing. By second grade I was prescribed some form of ADHD medication.
My asthma improved as I got older/became friends with a sports kid that pushed me to my limits. I honestly believe that, like Teddy R, regular strenuous physical activity cured me of my debilitating asthma. By this point I was off the steroid and relied solely on my inhalers in the rare cases that breathing became difficult. But I was still taking the ADHD meds daily. If I ever forgot one morning I would have withdrawals— I became frustrated and irate all day and have difficulty focusing.
Fast forward to 9th grade. One morning I forgot to take my meds and braced myself for a twitchy day of no productivity.
Luckily my first class was band— I played euphonium. Before we start playing the teacher always had us do breathing exercises to warm up our diaphragms, basically just circular breathing. I was instantly calmed and focused. Then was started playing, and for the first time I really *heard* the music. It was like waking up from a dream— the foggy malaise that was my childhood.
The thing about these ADHD meds is that they turn you into some unfeeling zombie. A part of your mind is suppressed, and you don’t fully experience life because of it. I never took the drug again after that. The withdrawals were real, man. But whenever I felt overwhelmed or anxious or frustrated I would excuse myself to some private space and do circular breathing. The shit really worked for me and helped me through the withdrawals. I still do it to this day to deal with life’s stresses and get me through difficult assignments.
I don’t know if my experience is in anyway comparable to yours, but I think you should try to learn to live without the meds. People listen to doctors so they can hear a name to their various ailments. I decided that I don’t need a doctor for piece of mind. ADHD diagnoses are mostly bogus, in my opinion, and exist solely so doctors have an answer to give concerned parents. Don’t define your life by that term, and don’t chain yourself to a pill. A part of me hates my parents for putting me through that.

>> No.20000503

Nigger my parents literally pushed homeopathy and other gay placebos instead of recognizing I have a legitimate problem.
I don't know who diagnosed you, or for what reason, but I was bright enough to avoid a diagnosis all the way to the point that I was put on probation in my postgraduate program and had to figure out my entire life from scratch. Getting a diagnosis as an adult is nearly impossible conversely to the random diagnoses they used to give to kids like you.
That said you need to stfu and let people with the actual disease take the meds, because I can only compare my experience without them to mentally stumbling in a confused stupor 24/7. The meds don't get rid of personality in any significant way. I picked up reading as a way to satisfy my dopamine response, but being a frazzled literate coomer with a bunch of weird fetishes and a lot of random Wiki knowledge (due to constant need for stimulation) is not a fucking personality, but rather an affliction.
Frankly I don't give a fuck what you went through because every asshole off the street thinks they're qualified to tell me what goes on in my head as if I don't know better... I'd rather have "a part of my mind be suppressed" because beyond a certain point, the well-rounded personality of someone with ADHD is entirely fucking crippled and unable to self-actualize, which is much much worse than just being para-lobotomized to begin with

>> No.20000664

anyone meditated on this pepe long term?

>> No.20000699

yes pls gib domme gf

>> No.20001256
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In April 1870, a twenty-eight-year-old William James made a cautionary note to himself in his diary. “Recollect,” he wrote, “that only when habits of order are formed can we advance to really interesting fields of action—and consequently accumulate grain on grain of wilful choice like a very miser—never forgetting how one link dropped undoes an indefinite number.” The importance of forming such “habits of order” later became one of James’s great subjects as a psychologist. In one of the lectures he delivered to teachers in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1892—and eventually incorporated into his book Psychology: A Briefer Course—James argued that the “great thing” in education is to “make our nervous system our ally instead of our enemy.”
>The more of the details of our daily life we can hand over to the effortless custody of automatism, the more our higher powers of mind will be set free for their own proper work. There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision, and for whom the lighting of every cigar, the drinking of every cup, the time of rising and going to bed every day, and the beginning of every bit of work, are subjects of express volitional deliberation.
James was writing from personal experience—the hypothetical sufferer is, in fact, a thinly disguised description of himself. For James kept no regular schedule, was chronically indecisive, and lived a disorderly, unsettled life. As Robert D. Richardson wrote in his 2006 biography, “James on habit, then, is not the smug advice of some martinet, but the too-late-learned too-little-self-knowing, pathetically earnest, hard-won crumbs of practical advice offered by a man who really had no habits—or who lacked the habits he most needed, having only the habit of having no habits—and whose life was itself a ‘buzzing blooming confusion’ that was never really under control.”

Nevertheless, we can summarize a few of James’s tendencies. He drank moderately and would have a cocktail before dinner. He stopped smoking and drinking coffee in his mid-thirties, although he would cheat with the occasional cigar. He suffered from insomnia, particularly when he was deep into a writing project, and beginning in the 1880s he used chloroform to put himself to sleep. Before bed, if his eyes weren’t too tired, he would sit up and read until 11:00 or midnight, which, he found, “very much enlarges the day.” In his later years, he took a nap every afternoon from 2:00 to 3:00. He procrastinated. As he told one of his classes, “I know a person who will poke the fire, set chairs straight, pick dust specks from the floor, arrange his table, snatch up a newspaper, take down any book which catches his eye, trim his nails, waste the morning anyhow, in short, and all without premeditation—simply because the only thing he ought to attend to is the preparation of a noonday lesson in formal logic which he detests.”

>> No.20001277

Maybe I read that wrong but doesn't this say his own advice didn't work for him?

>> No.20001350

Exactly. It's an archetypical presentation of ADHD.
I didn't post it to answer OP's question, or to serve as practical advice really. It's an interesting anecdote though, because this guy William James is considered the "father of American psychology".

>> No.20001391

I don't think so. What you're attempting to do is revamp your negative reinforcements. I mean give it a shot but i can't imagine it would replace doing it yourself

>> No.20001411

This. OP is like most zoomers just addicted to the dopamine hits manufactured by social media and other internet features, video games, and TV.
You just have to wean yourself off of these poisons, even quitting cold-turkey would work though it’ll be painful.
Unlike a real drug, cutting yourself off of internet for like a day is a bit fun becauae when you get the craving to check a website you just feel silly, rather than agonizing pain. Even simple stuff like removing twitter or 4chan from your bookmarks bar makes a world of difference.

>> No.20001435

>Unlike a real drug, cutting yourself off of internet for like a day is a bit fun becauae when you get the craving to check a website you just feel silly, rather than agonizing pain.
I will automatically open a tab, go to a website, and start reading comments without realizing what I'm doing. The bookmarks don't matter.
Again for all your talk of zoomers you don't really understand what it's like for us

>> No.20001451
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Ok, from a Petersonian perspective, one issue that can cause ADHD is the fragility of the ego. Let me put it this way: the psyche can be regarded as populated by a host of different personalities, which emerge either by external circumstances or when called forth by the ego. As people get older, healthy natural development leads to strengthening of the ego, thus keeping the emergence of other personalities under control.

Now, why are you distracted? The other complexes within you are able to take hold in presence of an external stimulus more suitable for their own needs. We, people, can plan ahead, but not if our needs have been severely compromised to a deep unfathomable level.

My advice is that to get balance, you must bring peace to the other elements in your psyche whose unfulfilled needs are the cause of distraction. How to do that is not straight forward, but a way can be found if you make a "distractions journal" taking note of what distracting thought you have, what's the external stimulus that caused it, and how it relates to other areas in your life.
Doing this can help you to take a more extended control of your psyche.

>> No.20001715

i dont feel silly though. Unlike drugs or masturbating the internet is actually a resource, easily and by far the greatest recourse to have ever existed, so clocking into it feels productive. At the very least, there's a chance I could come across
of course this is somewhat generally untrue, but you wouldn't be telling me this right now if i wasn't on the internet

>> No.20002556

You sound like a little baby, bro. Why even bother trying to live a normal life if you have such a loser brain? Just contrive some way to get disability and withdraw from society. Nobody wants to deal with your shit anyways

>> No.20002561

Quit internet entirely for at least a week.

>> No.20002818

I'm medicated and getting my PhD now. Still ahead of schedule. Cope

>> No.20003216

yeah its called stop watching porn, browsing social media, playing video games.

>> No.20003220

you aren't losing interest in things you like.
you're shifting your focus to things you like more.
that isn't an ADHD problem, dumbass, it's a dopamine problem. cut the shit.

>> No.20003252

I don't do any of those, but I do browse this site

>> No.20003264

What the fuck are you supposed to do when pacing around your room and daydreaming produce more dopamine than anything else?

>> No.20003307

you keep pacing until what you "want" to be doing becomes more interesting than entertainment

>> No.20003309

without* entertainment

>> No.20003317

And when that doesn't happen?

>> No.20003637

You keep pacing until you get bored of pacing.

>> No.20003667

The problem is that I do not have the time to wait for that to happen. There's only a certain amount of hours in the day, and on weekdays I have to work. I will die soon anyway, so I'm just gonna keep on trying to find a med that helps

>> No.20003700

if you want to go that route then take psilocybin+-caffeine, not pharma bullshit.
Your problem is clearing not "wanting" to do what you "want" to do. Thus it's a motivation or dopamine problem. You aren't being distracted, thus it's not ADHD.

>> No.20003776

Any side effects? Long term and addiction are also a thing.

>> No.20003782

Son, stop being a retard and do what I told you. It's just that simple.

>> No.20003872

This thread annoys me, so have an essay that you won't bother to read if you're pretending that ADHD is a disability and not just a goddamn mental illness.

Sometimes I regret having an alcoholic father, but at least that dick and my mother both modeled the capacity for iron-willed dedication to one's chosen labor. One of them didn't have a substance problem, thankfully.
Everything is related to self-discipline. Nothing in a human mind is separate from willpower. If you're feeling helpless, you *can* just do it, but are you feeling "forced" to avoid doing it?
What happens when you wake up in the morning? What happens when you're hungry? When you absolutely cannot avoid needing to piss? You can't really deny that you need to do something. You aren't shitting your pants, are you? You do what you need to because you need and want to do it.
If there's something "stopping" you from actively choosing and doing a thing, it's in your head, it's a barrier to your motivation, and you're allowed to think and write and figure out what that barrier is. If you aren't trying to do that, you're side-stepping to avoid the emotional content involved in the memory.
If you think you "just can't" do what some part of you thinks you want or need to do, it's because you don't actually want to do it.
If you actually want to change that, you need to figure out why.
That can be by honestly confronting your self, or paying some guy to ask you questions until you either lie to him and get called out on it or finally admit you have a problem that you can work on without fucking dying over it.
Either way, it's only after you've admitted to yourself that you're capable of making *some* difference in how you think and feel about a thing, only then can you put real work into changing.
You're going to change anyway. That's what it means to be alive. You can pretend you don't have any control over how you change, but you can't pretend you're not conscious.
Fuck your genes, Chip.

>> No.20003931

>Thus it's a motivation or dopamine problem.
Yes, this is exactly ADHD
>You aren't being distracted, thus it's not ADHD.
fucking retard

>> No.20003963

>Son, stop being a retard
Yes that's why I got medicated

To any passers-by in the thread, all I can say is that you should ignore this brand of dipshit advice from friends & relatives & especially anons on here. Your friends and relatives don't understand and at best they think they're doing you a favor and being supportive, or at worst, they feel like your condition is an insult to them. Meanwhile 4chan is full of total faggots living modern lifestyles but refusing modern copes, and LARPing as if they have some secret or traditionalist or forward-thinking fix to the problems of modernity. But as a rule, regular posters are not really capable of that, whether or not they admit it, and taking this advice in lieu of medication will just fuck up your chance to be a functioning person in your modern context and spiral you into non-functional NEETdom - which is antithetical to any kind of ideological or religious stand, because it's a pathetic den of misery in which you keep being confronted by modernity and your failure within it.
In the very best case, you will get the same result through much harder work, but because you suffer from untreated ADHD you will constantly be confronted by inadequacy and inconsistency in any pursuit or identity you use to cope. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental failure to thrive as a result of complicated genetic and environmental factors and YOU WILL NEVER LIVE A NORMAL LIFE UNLESS YOU ARE MEDICATED FOR IT because you are already broken and you will remain so on a deep physiological level, for the rest of your life, no matter your lifestyle.

Therapy is something entirely different and a waste of time, because therapists are generally idiot women with a bunch of mental illnesses themselves, with dime-a-dozen professional or graduate degrees who shill even shittier copes which are actually obviously superficial, and therefore useless. But anybody of moderate intelligence should be able to self-diagnose and get the medication they need, which will synergize with a very basic self-improvement mindset to fix your problems.

>> No.20004720

Project more, faggot. Sounds to me like your friends and family, random anons on 4chan and even your doctor are encouraging you not to medicate, but you can’t stop thinking about this fucking ‘condition’ or your precious drug. Go ahead and take it. Just realize that nobody respects you

>> No.20004724
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>> No.20004870


I havent worked a real job since covid hit and work 8 hours a week in an amazon warehouse.

I'm borrowing a space that isnt my room so I have a change of environment where I have a laptop, some instruments, my drawing tablet, and other creative tools.

I've been slowly increasing how much time I spend writing and how frequently I have a session each week.

Before most sessions, I'll review my notes from previous sessions, look through my outlines, and write out a list of keypoints I want to finish or keep track of.

After every session, I'll write notes about issues I find in my writing, things I dislike about my story that need to be changed or thought out, what I should be thinking about next, etc.

It's a really difficult process, I'm living with almost no money to try and work at my own pace for 40 hours a week. I dont expect to make money from a book so I've just been making it a game.There are things I'm leaving out like the fact that I have post it notes with separate goals written out, a daily planner. I have a couple poster boards where I use an assload of sticky notes. Two are story outlines, most now are blocks of my story that have post it notes detailing what is happening that I go back to and write out into my vomit draft later.

>> No.20004920

>it's a dopamine problem
That's what ADHD is, lmfao

>> No.20004926

>Just realize that nobody respects you
You just admitted that you're wrong and you're unable to help any ADHD people in this thread

Ahaha you are so fucking stupid

>> No.20004994

>cannot regulate his emotions, ruled by fear and feelings of inadequacy
how do you do that?

>> No.20005179

This shit actually makes me want to kill myself. It’s such a vicious cycle. I have such high hopes and dreams but I constantly second guess my own work and mentally flog myself for not being good enough.

>> No.20005283
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As a rule, all ADHD criticism is rooted in petty egotistical put-downs of people who readily admit that they are mentally ill, or sour grapes about stimulant medication
Congrats on being the most obvious faggot of them all

>> No.20005362

Unless you’re a hot woman then no thanks. It’s true that I often fantasize about having a “master” of sorts, but I’ll settle for nothing less than a immortal royal vampire lady who will take me in to be her large thuggish brute

>> No.20006042

a lack of motivation is not ADHD.
procrastination is not ADHD.
the coping retard is you.

>> No.20006096

Struggled with it for a long time. I take Adderall, and have been taking it for the past five years, however it only helps so much because ADHD usually means you've developed bad habits.

What you want to do is exercise every morning, and also keep a schedule. Set aside an area in your home that's a work space and don't let anything that might distract you in there like vidya or your phone or internet.

Also, thinking is an act. Normal people have the luxury of being able to think, and then act, but ADHD people can get caught in spirals of thinking and never act. In all things, whether it be exercise, writing, or reading, you must accept that for the first five or ten minutes of doing that thing you are a thoughtless empty headed retard, and that is okay, once you're over the wall you'll fall into the groove and can start working.

Reading is like working out, idk the mechanism, but you need to treat it the same. If you read ten pages one day, read eleven the next. Eventually you'll be able to read like 50 pages in a day no problem. If you're an OCD faggot, bring too highlighters and highlight shit you don't understand to go back and review later, don't bother dawdling or you'll use your steam. It's okay if you don't understand an entire chapter, just highlight the chapter or dog ear the start of the section and review it once you're done with the book.

In the ends meds really do help. For some reason reading helps me too, and on days I don't read I think more poorly, but on days I do read I have way more clarity. Honestly not sure why that is, but what works works I suppose.

>> No.20006452

Dopamine's main job in the brain is motivation. It's literally as easy as reading the Wiki bro idk what more to tell you

>> No.20007866
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Yes, bustello espresso, and alot of it. Six cups a day sometimes, about two hours of concentration. Also, am a news reporter so sometimes articles have painful deadlines that automate a fight or flight adrenaline response that activates me. We are hunter gatherers anon, everyone else are subsistence farming peasants. Remember this

>> No.20007878
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Also some good points. Setting is huge, go to a coffee shop or library in person, put headphones in your ears and play rain sounds, drink coffee, and read multiple books at once so you can change the channel when you want to watch something else. Different genras, keep it interesting. Forgive yourself for drifting through entire sections of a book, for putting a book down unfinished, let yourself snap in and out of focus. Big books like mobey dick take 20% of the way through before your brain will snap to that setting when you pick it back up. All books no matter what they are may take that long, just enjoy what you pick up on the way. Also stimulants help, I remember reading all of the shining, or a lot of it, in around 8 hours sitting at a coffee shop all day like a crazy person, it was fun and chilling

>> No.20007891

Retard benzo addict eat my dick my frontal lobe grew wrong, but at least I’m not a weird normie like you

>> No.20007899

Larp, this is a website for porn and retards no one cares

>> No.20008633

Thanks to our world, our dopamine levels are fucked beyond belief. Fortunately there's ways to fix that, and it starts with NOT chasing the next awesome thing.


>> No.20008637

meant for >>19989477

>> No.20009043

i don't know if you watch this thread OP but I am very easily distracted as well. In order to become more focused in my studies I started by cutting on music and entretainment. Whenever I feel the urge to procrastinate I cite in my inner voice "This is not who I am". Also try to make your diet as nutrient dense as possible so you don't bother skipping meals.

>> No.20009051

I have diagnosed ADHD and I just do things. Small goals help, like reading one page, then you start to get invested after that.

>> No.20009080

step 1:

>every morning you must freewrite for 30 minutes. Write anything, but write. Try not to write nonsense but other than that don't put any thought into it, don't edit it, just write.
>do not read anything before writing and try to get to writing asap from the moment of waking. you need your unconscious waking brain here.
>do not read them once done, just file them away

step 2:

>each day you will arrange for 15 minutes in the day where you freewrite
>you must keep the appointment at all costs
>each day you will change the time

>it helps to have one specific area for writing
>do not do anything else in the writing area if possible
>when you sit down to write, if you feel the need to pause, get up and walk around a bit. when you sit you type. this association can not be diluted with thinking, or with snacking or drinking or anything else. sitting is typing.

here you are training yourself to write at any time of day. you are training to keep appointments with yourself. you are training your brain to turn on when you use certain areas or materials (the laptop/notepad, the writing seat). you are becoming acquainted with the mind of an artist, which is unconscious, by writing asap upon waking.

the habit does not need to be maintained forever, but should be returned to if you ever get lazy or blocked in your writing. you can eventually evaluate your freewriting and this can be valuable to get to know yourself: the themes and topics you obsess over, the rhythm of your sentences and punctuation. and here you can find things for your rational mind to dwell on and change, if necessary, or to lean in on more.

>> No.20009097

I hardly see the utility in this, I can write on the train, in a dive bar, in a park. Paper and Pencil or Laptop or phone. I can write all the time. I've analyzed the patterns of 'free writing' and figured out what my main concerns are, the problem is I am powerless to find practical solutions to those concerns which usually are matters of money, persuading other people to do things, or deconstructing a large project into smaller more manageable tasks in a way I can regularly assess if/how-much progress I make.

>> No.20009111

The advice is really for struggling writers, it wasn't intended as a therapeutic device or divination tool for organising your life.

>> No.20009119

Hardly seems relevant to the thread then does it? It's about difficulty even doing simple tasks like reading and studying

>> No.20009134

>Timed lock box
Can you direct me to where I can get one of these? I am too have ADHD and I have tried a bunch of things.

>> No.20009140

The first sentence in the OP asks how to sit down and do simple tasks such as . . . writing. My post is directly relevant to that. This is also, remember, a literature board, not a self-help board.

>> No.20009150

"Such as"... yes.
>This is also, remember, a literature board, not a self-help board.
And there's no mention of reading in that post. Again, doesn't seem relevant. But also if it's not a self-help board then why the fuck did you bring up all that self-help bullshit about getting to know yourself through free writing?

>> No.20009157

I realise I am in a thread now for people who are complaining that they cannot read, but I did not really expect to be confronted with such a strong example as yourself. My post was all about writing, creating a routine for writing, and evaluating your strengths and naturally tendencies as a writer.

>> No.20009185

I think what you said is irrelevant and unhelpful in this context.
If I'm wrong, great, I'm happy for that person. But also consider if you've shoehorned in something that is irrelevant.

>> No.20009441

Adhd coexists with anxiety most of the time

>> No.20009458

Tried modafinil it’s meh for adhd. The only thing that has worked for me is adderall and vyvanse (a little less so) but it doesn’t change the way my brain chemistry functions only just seemed to reduce the effects of that by a little bit. Then you have to deal with the side effects and the rebound eating and other bs.

>> No.20010194

Just got prescribed Strattera, here's hoping I don't get a heart attack or kill myself

>> No.20010590

did you know that submissive people have a psychological mode in which they'll literally accept anything you tell them and take it to heart. It's called sub space and it's equivalent to the programming mode on a gadget.
Submissive people are fucking NPCs.
But then NPC stands for non-programmable character so idk

>> No.20010594

bump again for this
i didn't know mind circling back again and again to bad thoughts and lack to motivation was related to ADHD

>> No.20010942

Different people react to different meds differently. I'm gonna try modafinil regardless. Adderall is illegal where I live, but I'm guessing it won't do anything since dex doesn't. On the other hand, I didn't respond at all to Ritalin but did respond to Ritalin LA so who the fuck knows.

>> No.20010953

Yeah, I keep on reading that. Fuck me
Straterra doesn't end up working for most people. Good luck with it regardless

>> No.20011047

Look up timed lock box on amazon I use the $38 black one. To put my electronics in I bought a file cabinet for $50 with a key. I lock all my laptops, keyboards, headphones in the file cabinet and then put the key inside the time box.

>> No.20011276

Well, like a retard, I admitted to the doc that I like binge drinking every Friday, and he said that if I can stay clean for a month he'll start me on stims instead, if Strattera doesn't work out
But I heard that Strattera works better for spergs, and I'm on the spectrum, so here's hoping

>> No.20011507

No, it stands for Non-Player Character.

>> No.20011523

Nice aesthetics. Are you a monogatarifag/Have you watched the Kizu OVAs

>> No.20012829


>> No.20013008

I dedicate my evening from 7-11 pm to crossing things off from my to-do list 3 times a week. It became routine.

>> No.20013058
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Has anyone figured out how to focus? My problem isn't sitting down and reading, but rather I can't continue to focus on what I'm reading. Like I'll read a but and be like
"Tim went outside and told Sara the news"
>Goddamn what a stupid bitch. That's not what I would have done. Let me explain to myself in my head what I would have done differently.
>daydream until I forget I'm reading
>takes forever to read because I'm imagining everything.

>> No.20013733

Same. I don’t think I have adhd anymore, just that I couldn’t finish tasks unless there was a clock ticking. It’s some form of autism or something. Lol. I’ve known proper ass burgers with ADHD and they were grown children who chucked fits at everything when it didn’t go their way.

>> No.20014181

I’d quess that stuff written before internet is simply written for the reader of the era. It’s quite a feat to give enticing hook for a modern reader whose brain is pampered with easy dopamine. If in the yesteryear writer had one page to hook the reader, now the writer has one sentence chance. To read a classic, i would need one month without internet first. THEN i might be bored enough to start with one.

>> No.20015574


>> No.20016449

You should keep imagining things it’s good for you. At least better then what half of what men do these days. Go on a walk and daydream

>> No.20016491

Yeah, until it gets in the way of you actually doing the things you want to do with your life

>> No.20016551

My tactics
1. eat before you start doing the task/reading
2. have snacks and drink by your side so you don't get up
3. make sure you're reading or doing the thing because you actually want to, not because you think "I really should read more"

>> No.20017779
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