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File: 181 KB, 452x572, Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19986959 No.19986959 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become god? I don't want becoming; I want being. I don't want to have to read books. I don't want to be limited by time and space. I don't want to be limited by anything. I want pure freedom. I want every informational possibility contained within myself and I want it right now. What are some literature on how to remove all metaphysical constraints and become identical with the Absolute?

>> No.19986964

nigga how the fuck should I know?

>> No.19986974

Becoming identical with the Absolute is probably not Godhood. You'll just lose your identity and it will continue being God, your self vanishing. To become God proper you should either read Jain theology or Mormon theology.

>> No.19986986
File: 24 KB, 575x161, Parsifal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'You see, my son,
time here becomes space.'


>> No.19987031

puerile question

>> No.19987050

This is just the tutorial, you can skip it by killing yourself

>> No.19987053

It's only puerile to those who confute accepting defeat with "maturity."

>> No.19987070

puerile opinion

>> No.19987081

How so?

>> No.19987305

Unironically kys

>> No.19987317

To want to be God already implies separation from him. Therefore don’t want. Just be

>> No.19987371
File: 51 KB, 605x818, flowers-look-like-animals-people-monkeys-orchids-pareidolia-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

magic mushrooms or lsd

>> No.19987380

You mean lose your essence/existence in the process?
Just believe in the Absolute of Oblivion like the nihilistic atheists do.
All the monistic "Absolutes" are the same.

>> No.19987465
File: 126 KB, 1200x1841, the-book-on-the-taboo-against-knowing-who-you-are-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already are anon :)

>> No.19987707

You are not God. Dumbass. Neither was Hegel.
But his people were proud cause they were only haltingly evangelized late 13th century or so.

So they retain paganism's bullshit.

you. Are. Not. God.

You are probably fat, sick, retarded, dumb (different), etc.

You have flaws. You wither or grow. God, on the other hand, is immutable.

This is what Nietzsche meant when he said : by getting rid of God we will have to get rid of grammar.

God is the ground of being and the unmoved mover, pure essence, pure substance. Pure IS-ness.

"I am that I am."

Does such a being sound mutable, capable of change? Of becoming conscious of Himself? He is already always perfectly conscious of Himself and Christ is that consciousness.

Hegel is just CurryPoo hinduism wedded to history and the only reality he could effect such a synthesis is that the west HAS a history (one which is plainly founded on Christ: see AD/BC).

In the changeless east their decadence is such that time never so protrudes. Pigs rut sows breed and tyrants crush humankind like so many bugs. Ageless samsara grinds like the Juggarat.

Satanism ("you will be like Gods, knowing Good and Evil!). Just like (some) CurryPoos and their filthy satanic prideful idea that "You are God BROOO"

Despicable. God help them.