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/lit/ - Literature

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19983298 No.19983298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Russia is unironically the victim here. Fuck America, fuck globohomo, and fuck Jews.

>> No.19983302

He looks like Bob Hoskins these days

>> No.19983306

Radar reconnaissance isn't controlling a territory. And he didn't say the Pentagon is putting those weapons in those places, just that the Pentagon is developing them. Get off the internet.

>> No.19983307

it's two sides of the same coin, it's the same enemy, and you're delusional if you believe otherwise

>> No.19983308

not really, still a Chad

>> No.19983310

Get off the internet.

>> No.19983314

Putin was never going to westernize after seeing his country raped by American Jews in the 90s. In light of this fact, better that globohomo takes this L. I want Russia to be one with Europe but they still have deep wounds and they need some Ws to heal. It would be cucked not to take back some of the old Empire

>> No.19983318

you are literally a CIA agent and possibly an actual demon

>> No.19983319

>actual demon
PLEASE have sex

>> No.19983338

i had a lot of sex and it only ever made me feel worse

>> No.19983345

Ukraine is the real victim. Victim of its own stupidity.

>> No.19983347

quiet, joe biden is about to make an important speech


>> No.19983350
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Chads wear more make up on their filler-bloated faces than Bruce Jenner these days? Still two chads, gotta agree.

>> No.19983378


>> No.19983384

Imagine believing this manlet is the victim here. Incites a war for the most petty egotistical thing imaginable and bombs innocent civilians.
He is a dictator and a sociopath.
I know it's trendy to be all "fuck USA" and their foreign policies, which is fine, but this is completely unwarranted.

>> No.19983394

Not my problem.

>> No.19983404

According to Zelensky only 137 people have died so far. Now that’s not nothing but considering Kharkov which is on the front lines is a city of 1.4 million, and Kiev which is being attacked and bombed is a city of 3 million, he’s clearly not targeting civilians here. I mean I’m sure if Zelensky of all people had the numbers he’d love to tell you about all the people Putin has killed.

>> No.19983415

>he’s clearly not targeting civilians here
Yet. This has just begun. If this tactic doesn't work what's stopping him from beginning to target public places?

>> No.19983429

Well first of all because he wants to govern some of this land so he doesn’t want to completely wreck it, or it wouldn’t be worth the trouble, unlike the US in the Middle East mind you where it had no business in being.

Second, thats on Zelensky and the west then. All they have to do is agree Ukraine will never join nato. I assume also under the conditions a new government will be set up in Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk will be given sovereignty, and some terrorial concessions dominated by ethnic Russians will be given to Russia. If it’s really about the civilians that’s all it would take to end the fighting. I’m sure Putin has already sent over peace offers to Zelensky.

>> No.19983431

this is currently the worst thread on /lit/

>> No.19983434

>muh populism
Give me a world American empire any day.

>> No.19983439

>Second, thats on Zelensky and the west then. All they have to do is agree Ukraine will never join nato.
lol, so bow to our demands or we will bomb you and invade? give me a break. russia is a dictatorship, would you be happy with this if it was happening in your country? the ukrainian people dont want russia taking control over their democracy, they have every right to fight for it

>> No.19983444

> lol, so bow to our demands or we will bomb you and invade?
Yes when it the fucking backyard of the largest nuclear power in the world.

The us fucking chimped out and nearly started ww3 over the USSR putting troops and mistakes in Cuba, the Monroe doctrine has been around for hundreds of years. America of all nations should understand that diplomatically maybe it’s not the best move to move in on Russia’s turf like that.

>> No.19983447

Ukraine is not Russia's turf

>> No.19983448


>> No.19983451

>their democracy
it was a western coup in which you sick fucks funded literal neo-nazis because your own ideology is nothing compared to your lust for power

>> No.19983452

It’s is historically, it’s literally like if Texas broke away from the us and then China tried to enter into a military alliance with it. Do you think America would stand by and let that happen?

>> No.19983454

>anit-semite defending russia
should we tell him

>> No.19983455

fr fr bro yeah word up my guy dem globohomo be str8 sussinnnnnn

>> No.19983457

im not american
>literal neo-nazis
>it's literally like
stopped reading there, child

>> No.19983458

The seethe level.... It's off the charts.

>> No.19983460

They've decided that they want we he's offering. That's how democracy works chang.

>> No.19983462

The CIA was literally behind the Orange Revolution in Ukraine.

>> No.19983463

As if the Jews dont control Russia too

>> No.19983465

Then sit down and shut up.

>> No.19983468

Jews can also control and manipulate your bowel movements

>> No.19983471

Das rite bro no globohomo cucks in our trad based world huh? Kino Putin gonna dab on these cringe (((kike))) westerners

>> No.19983473

We’ll democracy with the interference of American glow niggers. It’s simply unacceptable for the national security and historic cultural concerns of Russia for Ukraine to fall into the sphere of the west. What is unacceptable for a nuclear power like Russia is unacceptable for the world.

Stop being a retarded idealistic child. It’s idiots like you that got us in world wars.

>> No.19983476

No you dont get in trouble for saying that so it's not true

>> No.19983480

You're going to have diarrhea any day now. Book a toilet for yourself and collect a lot of water, friend.

>> No.19983481

If Russia could literally invade it and btfo Ukraine on a whim like this then in mafia speak it’s literally their turf

>> No.19983483

You need to show proof. Or you're just crazy and need to human touch.

>> No.19983484
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My stomach is iron Moshe you have no power here

>> No.19983485

Where's your proof?

>> No.19983486

i have diarrhea that i initially attributed to alcoholism but has it actually been jews this whole time?

>> No.19983489

why is everyone posting ITT seemingly 15 years old? shouldn't you all be having this chat in a COD lobby?

>> No.19983493

Do you honestly not know how to google? Are you little retard baby that needs me to feed you dogs but for every little bit of information
>hurrrrrr doyyyyy spoon feed me daddy
This isn’t Reddit suck my dick faggot.

>> No.19983496

You say this but don’t even have the slightest clue about balance of power foreign policy lmao. Have you read a single book on foreign policy? How about a single Mearsheimer lecture?

>> No.19983498
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I have very strong and informed opinions on Geopolitics.

>> No.19983500

That's literally how Nazis justify their actions

>> No.19983502

i have no opinions on geopolitics i am just frightened and depressed

>> No.19983503

If this isn’t b8 you’re an absurd caricature lmao

>> No.19983512

I'm staunchly anti-war and anti-imperialist, that's why I support the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

>> No.19983515

go to bed chang

>> No.19983517

Well I don't care. This board is about books no sob stories

>> No.19983522


>> No.19983524

nice namedrops but you haven't displayed any semblance of knowledge

>> No.19983527

You haven’t listened nigger
> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4&t=17s

>> No.19983531

What invasion, it is a peaceful foreign aid mission

>> No.19983532

i'm going to touch your feet

>> No.19983552

>1hr+ youtube video

fuck off

>> No.19983576

>All they have to do is agree Ukraine will never join nato
There was no discussion of Ukraine joining NATO, the US wouldn't have let them, knowing it would've worsened relations with Russia. But that wasn't good enough for Russia. They wanted guarantees that NATO will never expand any further towards east. Which is bullshit. Sovereign nations have the right to decide what they do without asking ruskies permission

>> No.19983599

That is correct.
/lit/ only wishes it could achieve this level of wisdom

>> No.19983617

Every time I come back here there's a new level of retardation, topping the last. Soon enough bots will post better quality posts than the below room level temperature IQ mongrels still left.

>> No.19983619

>thats on Zelensky and the west then
No, it is the murderer who carries the guilt, lying shit.

>> No.19983634

fr fr he bussin no cap

>> No.19983643

There are so many Russian shill threads all over 4chan atm. Fuck off, Ivan.

>> No.19983644

I applaud these efforts by Russia to restore democratic values and liberty to all people of the Ukraine. In this important time it is Russia who is willing to stand up against tyrants like Zylisnki and bring much needed humanitarian aid and safety to the people. The horrors of the predominantly Nazi ukrainian military are to be condemned: the killing of children, raping of women, poisoning of food rations, burning of homes and the gas attack on a civilian food market with Sarin gas. Such reprehensible behavior Must be answered and Russia has all our support in bringing justice to these Evil perpetrators.
grave concern…., human rights…., peace…, aid…, jooee biden

>> No.19983645

No one cares, get over yourself

>> No.19983669

Why is this on /lit/?

>> No.19983685

Why is this here?

>> No.19983699

Why is /lit/ here?

>> No.19983701

>people's will
you don't understand shit about geopolitics and idealism is clouding your vision. not all nations are ready for democracy. What the russia did was a clear agression and what the west did was a clear provocation. people seem to forget what happened to and after Gadafi. You have to be thick or completely ignorant of recent history to not understand both nations have very little motivation to fight eachother because more would be gained by cooperation, which was constantly undermined by EU and others. Yes, Ukraine would have to bow to Putin at times but they'd be better off than now. You aren't a big man just because you risk it all to stand up to an enemy twice your size. You have to think Putin is some madman and Ukrainians did nothing wrong to have your opinion warped like this. Sure, his puppet was a complete retard, but do you seriously think Russia would face another batch of sanctions and whatnot just for some land? The argument is that oligarchs are not feeling the sanctions but the fact is that the little dictator has a lot of men behind, mutually covering their backs and he's walking on thin ice. They know exactly what they are doing, it's the Ukrainians that can't make up their mind.
Putin, as any other dictator who didn't cooperate with USA, has one more reason to be paranoid. This war, contrary to popular belief does little to solidify his reign. If he falls, another will take his place and in reality little will change, just the oligarchs will switch around. All I'm hoping for is an end to this war so that the regions develop, connect and we can compete with Asia.

>> No.19983703


>> No.19983705

Putin has sold his soul to Xi. Russians are being played, and it ends badly for them.

>> No.19983709

hairline status: AWOL

>> No.19983716

Can you imagine how THEY would respond if Putin invaded Ukraine under Trump and all Trump did was “Sanctions”.

People are so partisan it is hard to keep up with.

>> No.19983718

Oh shut up.

>> No.19983719

Friendly reminder

>> No.19983724
File: 89 KB, 1200x630, putin-xi-to-discuss-european-security-amid-ukraine-standoff-kremlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, gweilo? Putin even had the curtesy to wait until the Olympics were over kek.

This is like a Stalin & Hitler relationship, yet China's weapon is financial. The coming collapse of Russia is going to be glorious.

>> No.19983729
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>you have a different opinion than me, I will therefor proceed with social shaming and associate your opinion with someone who is of such low social status that he does not have access to female sex holes, like a bum or an anti-social ugly person, I do this because I am unable to express any actual counter-arguments and am most likely a brainwashed female and the only power I really have in life is gate-keeping the access to my fronthole. Its my currency and my only worth. Thats why implying that someone I disagree with is not capable of such access to fishy moist hole is the sickest fucking sting my tiny female brain produce
A plentitude of cases such as this, I may add

>> No.19983732

You will just get worked up about anything the news tells you, won't you?

>> No.19983735

You have zero knowledge of this whole situation, kid.

>> No.19983737

>the Sun can transmit its lethal light radition weapons to Moscow in 7minutes. the Sun and its allies have been develop this weapon behind our backs for years. So I have no choice but to fire this laser pen into my neighbours childrens eyes.

>> No.19983740

I trade markets for a living. Enjoy the collapse faggot

>> No.19983742

chinese replacing russian population in russia is ironic, but still sad.

>> No.19983743


>> No.19983747

>Why our former colonies refuse to worship us
>We don't have enough territories, we the biggest country in the world
>Why our country with Brazil tier economy is not recognized as superpower

>> No.19983752
File: 270 KB, 768x403, 00A24C55-800D-4B17-B701-1C98CFABA8B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoy the collapse

>> No.19983768

Just to suffer

>> No.19983770
File: 21 KB, 753x521, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy the dip comrades!!!
fucking lol. china just crippled you retards without doing anything. gg putin

>> No.19983794

>muh stockerinos!
Ukraine will be part of russia next week, this time permenantly, and there is nothing you mutts can do about it but bitch and whine

>> No.19983796

kys degenerate

>> No.19983797

Perhaps you did not read the OP picture yet.

>> No.19983798
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victim is the opposite of victor.

>> No.19983811

>china grows stronger with imperial ambition
>russia permanently crippled forever for a useless country like ukraine
this is your brain on putin and krokodil
Yes, financial collapse helps secure a countries future. Worked very well for the USSR. Bravo!

>> No.19983817

My news headlines are not reporting any deaths so I have to doubt that anyone's died. At least no one that my government cares about or can use to smear Russia. If they had it would be getting blasted at full volume.

>> No.19983820

You’re completely insane

>> No.19983826

china would always profit, kid. russia will be fine. ukraine is fucked.

>> No.19983830
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>> No.19983835

It's funny how similar russia and israel are. But makes sense as both are controlled by kikes.

>> No.19983839

Putin fell for this obvious financial trap. You will understand your grandparents misery of complete poverty.

>> No.19983842

>r*ssia is losing on every front so badly, they need to desperately play the contrarian card and defend the manlet cuckold who can’t win against a bunch of ukies

>> No.19983845

This is bunkerchapotranny website now, chud! Russia big! Russia strong! Communism for all! Bash the fash!

>> No.19983849

There are literally russian tanks on streets of kiev right now coping mutt. Maybe write some notes down so you dont lose the next war agains peasants

>> No.19983853

2016 reddit boomer invasion was a mistake

>> No.19983856

It's funny how russian bots argue like muslims. only ever deflect, misdirect and whataboutism and slurs. Never any real arguments. But I get that cognitive dissonance feels really fucking bad, so it just makes sense they're angry.

>> No.19983861

>thinks boomers even know what's is chapo, bunker or a tranny.

>> No.19983862

As opposed to schizophrenic off-topic ramblings about china?

>> No.19983868


>> No.19983869

china needs a weak russia so he's correct anyway. they seek global hegemony by 2040 and russia has written themselves off over ukraine

>> No.19983870

>nooooo you can't join NATO because you're afraid of getting invaded by us
>we'll invade you, then people will see how reasonable we are
That's retarded even by my standards.

>> No.19983872

Ukraine elected a comedian Jew as president. Think about that for a moment and consider whether Ukraine deserves autonomy.

>> No.19983880
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>Noooooo you cant just take action when your enemies start installing military equipment in their puppet state across your border
>only we can do that!

>> No.19983886

>half of the source links lead nowhere
>every source link regarding the ""coup"" and fascist Ukrainians 404s

>> No.19983887

more than the russian kikes deserve autonomy. not that russian citizens have any of that, seeing they live in a poor mans version of usa.

>> No.19983896

i'm a norwood 3 AT THE ABSOLUTE WORST. probably more like a 2, 2.5

>> No.19983956

Evidence? This goes for all the Jews fearmongering

>> No.19984047


>> No.19984132

have sex

>> No.19984148

Are you really surprised no one wants to be part of Russia when the minimum wage is 150€ (soon to be 75€ after all of this) and the aids rate is africa tier? You have way bigger problems than playing imperialists
Look at how ex communist states like Poland or the baltics are prospering after they aligned themselves with the west the first chance they got, of course Ukraine wants that too rather than the commieblock misery of the aids ridden tundra

>> No.19984160


>> No.19984167

What would that help?

>> No.19984170

you might stop making spergy posts

>> No.19984177

At least I do t respond to pasta like a fucking newfag plebbitor cunt faggot

>> No.19984182


>> No.19984196

have sex

>> No.19984210

>deflection and whataboutism

>> No.19984308

Good thing this board about literature has such effective Jannie faggots or this thread might have been deleted!

>> No.19984325

Take this shit to /pol/

>> No.19984328

>Putin is actually the victim which makes him good
>Killing others out of resentment is actually good

>> No.19984342

>Chinese banks just started restricting funding to Russian commodities


>> No.19984346


>> No.19984377


>> No.19984401

Based black man

>> No.19984405

>/lit/ - Literature