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/lit/ - Literature

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19979599 No.19979599 [Reply] [Original]

>It's a Melvyn gets mad at the guest episode

>> No.19979604

tea or coffee, /lit/?

>> No.19979614


>> No.19979617

Coffee, tea tastes like dirty water

>> No.19979618

Grog for me please, anon. (It’s an episode about the age of sail)

>> No.19979632

Tea should be served hot.

>> No.19979642

Hellotheonlineimageboard4chanwas founded in 2004 as a forum dedicated to anime enthusiasts, it now sees millions of users pass through its many different topical forums every year. To shed some light on this seemingly shady part of the internet I have with me Paul Cartledge, professor of classical studies and expert on the ancient Greeks, which some would consider the first shitposters […]

>> No.19979668

I love how much of a cunt he can be sometimes it's a big part of why I listen

>> No.19979669

My only gripe with this show is that it should be at least three hours long.

>> No.19979670

Its absolutely necessary to keep them on track. I’ve heard similar programs featuring guest academics with limp dick presenters and they always get bogged down in pedantic details that laymen don’t care for.

>> No.19979680

most kino episodes?

>> No.19979684

Ashoka the Great
one scholar in Sanskrit disagrees almost completely with what another lecturer in Religious Studies says
for one, he doubts the veracity of the claims concerning there existing universities in ancient Taxila

>> No.19979692

>tea tastes like dirty water
ceylon tea, that is

>> No.19979695

The rest is history is the superior history podcast

>> No.19979712

Melvyin a the greatest host alive

>> No.19979714


Comedy discussion show. Frank Skinner and his celebrity guests explore funny, odd and interesting moments in history. With historian-in-residence Dr Kate Williams.
Absolute pseud tier gtfo

>> No.19979795

So has anyone read his fiction? I have little hope for it, the excerpts I have read were ok but nothing special.

>> No.19979797

He’s a writer?

>> No.19979801

Yeah, has written quite a bit. General consensus seems to be that he would have been a great if he had focused on his writing and skipped the radio thing.

>> No.19979808

Is that the consensus of the seething academix who got BTFO by hin?

>> No.19979813

>its a Melvyn mumbles cantankerously at half the volume of the guest so you can't find a suitable volume episode

>> No.19979828
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>it's a Melvyn mumbles a joke in thick british accent and everyone laughs but you're too ESL to understand it episode

>> No.19979837

No, he does not really BTFO people much, which is part of what makes him a great interviewer, he is not trying to prove anything but understand. He also does not really have many literary critics on the show. Think that few even know he writes is fair proof that he is not a great writer. As I said, the excerpts I have read have not been great, mainly poor execution, they read like good ideas but not putting in the time to develop them.

>> No.19979843

He used to have an active blog. It was alright. Also he has plenty of literary critics on the show and there's been many critics of his attitude towards guests especially from women.

>> No.19979845


>> No.19979852

>it's a Melvyn mumbles a joke in thick british accent and nobody laughs so he quickly plays it off and continues the show

>> No.19979864

>Also he has plenty of literary critics on the show
Such as? I have been listening to him for years and I can only think of a few. Also his writing career is as old as his radio career and predates him doing anything but standard bread a butter radio work, the reaction to his writing has been largely consistent from the start. I do not think he has even gotten the attention of any literary critics in the academic sense, just news paper critics and the like.

>> No.19979884

Such as half of the English professors invited on his shows. Also I think you thought I was defending his literary skills rather than the superior value of the "radio thing" above.

>> No.19979896 [DELETED] 

What’s the American equivalent of in our tome.

>> No.19979898

What’s the American equivalent of in our time?

>> No.19979918


>> No.19979922

>can't give a single name.
OK. I never really considered you defending anything, certainly not his literary skills which you never even mentioned.

>> No.19979937

>It's a guest stutters so hard that Melvyn stops asking them questions and actively blocks their reentry into the conversation episode

>> No.19979944

Harold Bloom you annoying twat. Or Jacqueline Rose.

>> No.19979949

>two jews

>> No.19979969

>gets the answer he was looking for
>petulantly rejects it
Ok retard.

>> No.19979990

Neither were critics, just did some criticism, Bloom was more a middle man between criticism and the average person and Rose is more interested in feminism than literature. They both had their moments in criticism but calling them critics is a stretch. He has a fair number of guests of this ilk. But this is besides my original point and question, feel free to provide their critiques of Melvyn's literature and demonstrate the point you originally attempted to make. I suspect you will just keep on trying to move the goal posts.

>> No.19979993

>no true scotsman
Just stop posting

>> No.19980008 [DELETED] 

Ahaha the Aurora Leigh episode was quite funny and a bit like this. Are there any other examples of this happening?

>> No.19980011

They both spent the bulk of their careers on other things. But as I said, show me their seethe over being BTFO.

>> No.19980182

kek, I love those.

>> No.19980311

I will soon be going to a public event where Melvyn is speaking. There will also be a QandA, does /lit/ have a question they want me to ask?

>> No.19980335

>Could you please invite fewer.. ahem... women?

>> No.19980353

Try and ask in a not rude way what will become of the show when he's gone. I think it would fall to complete shit if it didn't have a presenter of Melvyn's standards. Just imagine if they got some SJW to replace him

>> No.19980990

Have they returned to the studio yet or are they still doing the interviews remotely? I stopped listening when I noticed a lot of the guests' mics sounded different, and realized the episodes were being heavily edited and conversations felt a lot less natural. Disappointing as they covered some good topics during this time.

>> No.19981167

they're back in the studio. though you will hear the odd guest calling in.

>> No.19981216

> Hello, pegging is a sexual practice which involves the penetration of the male anus by a female sex partner, commonly practiced by cuckolds and beta males. With me to discuss pegging are Professor Onions Mann from the University of Fagshire, Professor Hugh Strap from Queer's College Oxford, and a woman we were forced to invite by the producers.

>> No.19981287

Melvyn can often cut the academics off right as they're saying something interesting but I understand that he's working under time constraints and I respect how well he keeps the conversation moving.

Only thing that genuinely annoys me is when he'll be like "somebody wrote X on their notes, can someone talk about this?" and half the time no one seems to know.

>> No.19981321

do you guys think melvyn prepares by reading books or what?

>> No.19981345

>not listening to in our time for the qt english, irish, and scottish girl voices that are smarter than you
i hope you're a flaming homosexual otherwise you're ngmi

>> No.19981350

the show is broadly scripted/managed
the guests all send melvyn a summary of what they' want to talk about beforehand (probably in co-ordination with the producer)

>> No.19981444

and god bless him for it.
Its great how he is so good at stopping academics from developing into tangents or their pet hobby horse and actually stay on fucking topic.
>tea or coffee, /lit/?

>> No.19981625

>smarter than you

>> No.19981636

imagine thinking you're smarter than a leading academic who has probably spent 10+ years studying and 10+ years researching and teaching in their field
every guest prob speaks at least three languages in their field
meanwhile.... you're you

>> No.19981674

Fuck off midwit

>> No.19981694

you ok?

>> No.19981696

Lick my hairy, sweaty taint faggots

>> No.19981710


I feel so cool and smart being an American and watching "In Our Time" in secret. If the other Americans found out they'd be repulsed and roused with superstitious fear and anger. I would get beaten, sliced to pieces, they'd peel my skin off

>> No.19981767

judith beheading holofernes
the congress of vienna

>> No.19981773

really cringe /lit/ brainlets think they're on the same level (or any level) as professional academics

>> No.19981778

It's pretty bad. His book on the KJV isn't much to write home about either. He's an interviewer not a writer or an intellectual, despite his best efforts.

>> No.19981802

Compare how brusque Bragg can be to academics in IOT with how nauseatingly sycophantic he always is towards the litany of hacks and mediocrities who pass through the South Bank Show. Not as bad as Alan Yentob but still. Can't stand either of them.

>> No.19981827

Why not skim read a Wiki page, you'll get about as much information in a much shorter time span.

>> No.19981891

It's nice to listen to in the background while you do something else

>> No.19981946

unless you're some sort of trivia-obsessed tard that's training for university challenge you might be interested in HOW people speak about a subject and not just what the top 3 facts about it are

>> No.19982022

I am signifcantly higher

>> No.19982134

This is honestly the last thing worth watching (listening to) on youtube. I can forgive Melvyn being a little too terse to his guests.

>> No.19982339

You should focus more on what you're doing
You're better off actually doing some actual research yourself if you're after more than a shallow summary. IOT doesn't really offer much more depth than a few facts and rushed decontextualized commentary which is at about the same level of insight as a Wikipedia article.

>> No.19982370

Yes, he is given facts/points of reference the Friday beforehand and he tries to sculpt his interview around those topics.
Also true. They are fed the general questions, to which they have prepared summary answers.

>> No.19982385


>> No.19982432

...also Margaret Stansfield, whose common-law husband was a "jannie"--a crude slang term for those who perform front-line moderation duties on 4chan--for eleven years before he was permabanned for child pornography. Margaret remained as a user and occasional tripfag even after her husband's ousting...

>> No.19982496

I listened to this one off the back of this comment, wasn't as conflicted or heated as I expected. The other scholars seemed to agree with him quite readily that the Buddhist texts were likley post-hoc fabrications
>he doesn't listen at 2.17x speed

>> No.19982647

the tv show "drunk history"

>> No.19983130

What is everyone's favorite In Our Time episodes? Mine is the one on Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy.

>> No.19983147

Eat your hot dog Ignatius

>> No.19984473

Are they back in the studio

>> No.19984742
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>Hellopepethebasedfrog has been a well known countercultural figure symbol for many years now, but how did this popular icon become so popular with incel neckbeards, and just why does it infuriate Jewish intellectuals so much?

>> No.19984747

they should just make the show 4 hours long for fuck sake

>> No.19984862
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Based frog poster

>> No.19985421

it's called banter
i've listened to a hundred episodes at least and he never not once got mad

>> No.19985455

>t. hasn't listened to that one french revolution episode where he got angry with a dumb bitch

>> No.19985515

He got mad during the industrial revolution episode when the guest accused him of being racist and he got mad during another episode (I think it might have been the Napoleon one, I can’t remember) when the guest said he was a social climber

>> No.19985555

sounds like they got mad with him first
completely justified to put them in their place then

>> No.19986111

guests start discussing 300 movie in the Thermopylae when talking about modern adaptations
melvyn absolutely seethes that he has never heard of it and forces them to stop discussing it