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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 424 KB, 1200x1599, Muh Exploitation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19979028 No.19979028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> Profits are...LE BAD!!

>> No.19979036

He never said this.
Fuck off

>> No.19979047
File: 140 KB, 601x400, EMJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das Rheingold is a superior criticism of capitalism and takes into account (((them))).


>> No.19979051

Marx is very weird looking. Seriously what was his issue?

>> No.19979059

jannies, clean it Up!
If you are making a bait/shitpost thread, at least make an entertaining/novel write up. this is /lit/ not /int/. Im disapointed in your lack of effort more then anything else. THis thread wont be any fun.

>> No.19979061

You already made this thread.
Profits that go to the jackass who does nothing to generate it is bad. Get banned.

>> No.19979096
File: 23 KB, 263x263, 1636651097468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is his hand inside his jacket, he must have just been cold, haha

>> No.19979100

Have you been bjerknespilled yet

>> No.19979159

Surplus created civilization. Surplus is good. Profit is surplus. Therefore, it's kosher.

>> No.19979174


>> No.19979205

Why does kapital have 33 chapters? haha

>> No.19979223 [DELETED] 
File: 538 KB, 1414x2048, merlin_146789499_db20ceaf-7ac6-4b0a-ba13-03654a12bc8b-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a thing people sometimes do with their coat; it's called hand-in-waistcoat--I do it too sometimes. Here's a pic with a young Nietzsche doing the pose.

>> No.19979228
File: 538 KB, 1414x2048, merlin_146789499_db20ceaf-7ac6-4b0a-ba13-03654a12bc8b-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a thing people sometimes do with their coat; it's called hand-in-waistcoat--I do it too sometimes. Here's a pic with a young Nietzsche doing the pose
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand-in-waistcoat#:~:text=The%20hand%2Din%2Dwaistcoat%20(,a%20calm%20and%20firm%20manner.

>> No.19979246

I'm sure the "beyond good and evil", "everything is power", "become like a god by transcending humanity" guy couldn't have anything to with 33s haha

>> No.19979405


>> No.19979440

Imagine caring, it's barely even a word and this alternative spelling has been used for a while now. DIE.

>> No.19979452

I am going to kill you.

>> No.19979778

Come at me, faggot. I'd like the kind of limp-wristed ninny who cares about such trivial things to try to lay a hand on me. I'd literally grab you by your throat and start anally raping you before finally strangling you to death while looking you in the eyes. You are nothing to me.

>> No.19979983

That would be pronounce "hoo-uh". So no it's not.

>> No.19980016
File: 819 KB, 837x960, sources.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im always amazed at how half of Marx and Lenin's oevre is countering other people that keep trying to reduce socialism to simplistic notions like 'state good' or 'profits bad' or 'gapitalist evil' and yet people still ascribe these exact views to them. I have to blame this on a mixture of political counter propaganda and just really really dumb people that do not actually read. I suspect OP is in the latter category.

>> No.19980040

What's the deal with 33? Is it a jewish thing?

>> No.19980045

A lot -- and I mean A LOT -- of people who agree/disagree with Marx haven't read him. This seems to be the case with a lot of well-known figures.

>> No.19981562


>> No.19981572

>I'm always amazed at how much effort manipulative power freaks dedicated to trying to stymie obvious criticisms with rhetorical flourishes
are you?

>> No.19981615

>write hundreds of pages of dishonest gibberish
>most people ignore it
>revolutionary lunatics claiming to be marxists instate retarded tyrannies
>people criticize these retarded tyrannies and associate them with Marxism
But le why do people not understand the nuances of my hundreds of pages of dishonest gibberish

>> No.19981619

It's a Freemason thing. If you're a 33rd degree mason you've reached the top of the hierarchy. Lots of US presidents were 33rdº's, there's a list on wikipedia. Also, the hand in the waistcoat is also supposedly a secret Freemason callsign

>> No.19982184

I just finished vol 1 and 2 of Das Kapital and Marx is a way deeper thinker than any of his braindead detractors on this board would have you believe. Especially in Das Kapital, he is primarily exploring the mechanisms at work with capital and what the effects and conditions are within capitalistic production. There are very few outright moral judgements except perhaps regarding the dangers, poor working conditions, and dietary bereavement of workers within this system (which were manifest at the time of the industrial revolution and he quotes extensively government and private reporting to support these facts). Of course /lit/ is full of posers who would rather rail against the strawman that the Red Scare propaganda created rather than to actually explore the writings of the man himself.

>> No.19982194

Which government did Marx helm?

>> No.19982256

His analysis is a joke

>> No.19982327

Which government did Adam Smith helm? Or Ludwig von Mises? Or John Maynard Keynes? People can make economic contributions without directly being involved in government you absolute mongoloid
Try reading him first so you can at least produce an argument, loser

>> No.19982349

You didnt produce ant argument in favor of him lmao, there is nothing to respond to

>> No.19982411

He is a Jew

>> No.19982424

Christianity never implies that christians want all those filthy dirty sinning sodomites to go to hell. Just like Capitalism(two more weeks) falling, it is just inevitable that they go to hell

>> No.19982429

Which did Marx?

>> No.19982526

Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations literally the year the Declaration of Independence was sent to the King of England. To imply that nations have been built off of the writing of any of the authors you mentioned compared to a dozen+ self-styled "marxist" regimes is laughably retarded. You are retarded.

>> No.19983138

Who isn't? Surely not you.

>> No.19983173

>like 4 hours later
>yeah I'm a jew lol
wow you really care about this russia stuff eh, JIDF?