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19978810 No.19978810 [Reply] [Original]

and write a book with a black/poc cast and the plot not center around white validation? I’m just honestly disgusted by how many trad pubbed books by black ppl in the recent years are about black people wanting white acceptance, never fitting in with white people… especially since I have never faced that or cared to face that even when I went to college. Why do publishers keep pushing this kind of pain? It’s embarrassing. Am I crazy for thinking it’s on purpose? Why can’t black ppl publish work that doesn’t center whites?

>> No.19978818
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>> No.19978822






>> No.19978865

I’m literally in the middle of writing my first novel ever. Not even close to querying. I’m also writing YA so… the prose doesn’t have to be exemplary
I’m a woman

>> No.19978920
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>> No.19979534


>> No.19979554

I've grown to despise the idea of YA but it's probably because it makes gigabank to just regurgitate the same problem over and over again until the new craze for a different problem arises.

>> No.19979558

I think romance authors have the bigger opportunity to make money but yeah there are some breakout YA
and the breakout YA from Black authors are usually the books I described in my OP. Tired of it

>> No.19979567

>Why can’t black ppl publish work that doesn’t center whites?
Sorry OP but this will be continue to be the case until we abolish whiteness and stop centering the desires of Karen.

>> No.19979575

Also OP mind I refer you to >>19973356 if this doesn't stop you Godspeed to you

(apologies if I fucked up the cross post I have never done it before)

>> No.19979639

Oh I agree but it’s been a dream since I was a teenager so I at least want to try

>> No.19979648

then all power to you

>> No.19979694


>> No.19979917

I have similar feelings. I want to write a book with a racist character even though racism is not the primariy concern of the story nor is it supposed to be some type of message to the reader. I feel like there's no way someone would give my story attention just because of that

>> No.19979939

Why do you want the character to be racist?

>> No.19980275

It's part of the worldbuilding.

>> No.19980298


>> No.19980321

Write your book. Publish it yourself. Print it and scatter it around town if you must. You‘ve ascended to the next level, you‘re the cutting edge voice of the dialogue surrounding racism. Speak even if no one is listening. No chance happens if those who realize that change is needed stay silent. Let them hear it. And don‘t use nice language. Tell them the fuck off.

>> No.19980541

Only self published romance does well.

>> No.19980553


>> No.19980556

Become a literary giant with this one weird trick:
First establish some cred by writing for a prominent quantum feminist magazine like lulz.com. They still accept outsiders for a limited time only.

>> No.19980563

Because the hope of the dark races is to become full members of American society, that is, to become white, and to have their ethnic particularities obliterated by a sense of common humanity. What you want to write is something that would vaguely support a kind of ethnic sectarianism. What you don’t understand is that blacks are a blunt object meant to destroy white ethnic sectarianism, their stories and voices only matter insofar as they can be used to demoralize and attack majority ethnic groups because internationalists see ethnic majorities as a threat to their projects and goals

>> No.19980600

what happened here anon?

>> No.19980703

diy tit removal surgery looks like. The US public school system pressures white kids to "transition to the other sex" by mutilating themselves.

>> No.19980811

That’s really interesting. Thank you for the insight. Why can’t the white elites see that I can have multiple identities?? Yeah I’m black but I’m also american?? Americans can be different ethnicities. Just stop trying to erase the ethnicity part by trying to subjugate minorities