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File: 72 KB, 456x600, 1604305840015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19977354 No.19977354 [Reply] [Original]

>Young man! Deny yourself satisfaction (of amusement, of debauchery, of love, etc.), not with the Stoical intention of complete abstinence, but with the refined Epicurean intention of having in view an ever-growing pleasure. This stinginess with the cash of your vital urge makes you definitely richer through the postponement of pleasure, even if you should, for the most part, renounce the indulgence of it until the end of your life. The awareness of having pleasure under your control is, like everything idealistic, more fruitful and more abundant than everything that satisfies the sense through indulgence because it is thereby simultaneously consumed and consequently lost from the aggregate of totality.


>> No.19977364

ngl thats pretty nice.

>> No.19977428

Based and edgingpilled.

>> No.19977431

This should be a basic principle of flirtation.

>> No.19977477

So cock cages are a go?

>> No.19977544

"Edging" is still degenerate sensual pleasure.

>> No.19977572

>taking this advice from someone who literally died a virgin
It’s a sound ethical principle for the most part, but you will not get a lot of sexual opportunities at the end of your life. If you postpone pleasure indefinitely then it’s really no different from the ascetic ideal, even though it purportedly reframes it. It’s very similar psychologically to the ascetic Christian who hopes for his pleasure in heaven, except he’s secularised that heaven into “one day in the future”, which, of course, never comes.

>> No.19977586

God I love Kant so much

>> No.19977656
File: 16 KB, 191x263, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds an immoderate outpouring of libido, you incontinent hedonist.

>> No.19977661
File: 257 KB, 820x876, 331-3317538_hahaha-dude-check-this-out-anime-girl-smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>34 years old
>been depressed my whole life

>wake up one day
>"that's it. today's the the day i'm gonna kill myself"

>have an idea

>"i should do drugs first"

>go to teenager cousin's house because he's a druggie
>he gives me weed and teaches me everything i need to know about it

>i wanted to do this alone, because well, i was planning on offing myself that morning

>smoke it
>feel extremely happy for the first time in my life
>couldn't even feel sad, not even if i wanted to
>do all the things stoners say that feel amazing while high
>cry listening to All You Need Is Love
>sleep like baby

It was almost a spirtual experience.
And of course I did it many times after. Nevet got addicted. Never touched any other drugs (yet). I'll save that for when I'm very old.

>> No.19977671

I-I am sorry Mr. Kant.

>> No.19977689

It's Immanuel! How many times did I tell you? Now tuck me in, before- Oh no, the circus! The circus is coming! Quick!

>> No.19977719

Sweet story anon I'm proud of you

>> No.19977833

>even if you should, for the most part, renounce the indulgence of it until the end of your life.
He definitely has the afterlife in mind.

>> No.19978058

You made a pact with Satan, guaranteeing you hell instead of risking it through suicide. Congrats, I hope you repent soon and find a more holy way of finding living bare able, instead of restoring to means which are inexcusably evil, against yourself and everything beautiful.

>> No.19978599

If God didn't want anon to smoke it he wouldn't of put it in the ground
"turns around, bends over, spreads ass and farts liquid shit in your face*

>> No.19978720

wait until you find out you can be trans and get everything including happiness
convert now

>> No.19978790
File: 212 KB, 1200x1200, immanuel-kant-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do portraits of Kant range from fairly good-looking like this one to absolutely fucked up demented goblin (>>19977656
)? What did he actually look like?

>> No.19978812
File: 2.63 MB, 1589x1200, kant's_deathmask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is his death mask. Looks fairly normal to me, definitely not goblin tier like those portraits. If anything it's closer to the one in OP.

>> No.19978836

Im said aesthetic theory has fallen to the wayside in general interest.
Im glad you fond some happyness But I think suicide is way more aesthetically pleasing then Marry J. If you were FORCED to feel happyness, thats just hollow.

>> No.19978846

And not to mention he was in declining health plus the face usually becomes more gaunt in death.

>> No.19979622

I'm sorry, I don't remember there being a ring of Hell where stoners are disposed?

Something something suicide trees, harpies.

t. alcoholic genius (ring any bells?)

>> No.19979628


>> No.19979767

OP's pic is not a historical portrait but an average of multiple of Kant's portraits, which hypothetically would sort of average out most of the other portrait's exaggerations, but also includes some artistic liberties. Contemporaries described Kant as a handsome man with piercing blue eyes so im personally more tempted to imagine him closer to the OP's pic.