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19976547 No.19976547 [Reply] [Original]

>semicolons in dialogue

>> No.19976568
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>not using semicolons in day-to-day speech

>> No.19976575

The length of my colon is none of your business

>> No.19976582

>not imagining what your speech looks like in type within your mind's eye while you're having drunken monologues at home at 2AM
are you serious OP?

>> No.19976589

If anything it is the period which is rarely used in common speech.

>> No.19976599


>> No.19976610

Perhaps you need to keep better company

>> No.19976613

literally used this one moments ago when i told my bitch mom that i wanted curry dip with my tendies and not sweet and sour

>> No.19976618

t. uptalker

>> No.19976621
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>> No.19976625

I want to live in the snow like that
how hard is it to emigrate to finland from within the EU? I am a worthless piece of shit but I obey the rules

>> No.19976649

>from within the EU
Probably very easy, it's the EU. That sign is in swedish though (it COULD be placed in Finland still).

>> No.19976650

>I want to live in the snow like that
no you don't, it blows donkey dick

>> No.19976663

Considerably more common than the space.

>> No.19976673

I'll be honest, I only want those sweet Scandi gibs
But AFAIK they only give you gibs in Europe if you're African. Not EU citizens allowed!

>> No.19976698

pretty much

>> No.19976727

The excuse is asylum from some shithole. If you live in the EU your potential shithole is not shitholey enough to warrant asylum. It's not some form of negro worship.

>> No.19976733

>its not some form of negro worship
It 100% is. Do they take white south Africans?

>> No.19976735

Ah well this sort of thing is why we collectively signed up to enter the EU.

>> No.19976740

>Dialogue isn't littered by embdashing

>> No.19976743

They don't take South Africans at all, not for asylum at any rate.

Sure did.

>> No.19976744

if you pack your bags and go right now you can say you're from WAR-TORN GHETTOIZED HOLOCAUSTED eastern ukraine

>> No.19976748


>> No.19976764

Yeah all the immigrants in Europe are Syrians lol

>> No.19976870

Alaska is fairly easy to move too, they always need workers. Most anyone can get a job and a work visa there, and once you have those it becomes easy to get citizenship.

>> No.19976891


>> No.19976914

I hate burgers sorry

>> No.19976972


>> No.19977012

What happened to butterfly? Do tripfags have a community?

>> No.19977059

Is Russia enough of a shithole for an asylum?

>> No.19977112
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Not sure about asylums, but I saw plenty of black russians at the pub

>> No.19977154

Could just move and get a job or something. Plenty people move to Europe without causes for asylum.

>> No.19977175

But I hear it's full of drugs problems and poverty, as well as animals that will murder you.

>> No.19977295

Trucker strike

>> No.19977341
