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/lit/ - Literature

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1997573 No.1997573 [Reply] [Original]

>go to library
>there is a kids section with fat nigger moms and their kids crying
>every computer has a nigger on it using free internet to watch youtube rap videos
>niggers talking as loud as they want


>> No.1997575

looks like they were learning to dougie...

>> No.1997580

It was that way in my college library.

I got kicked out of school / fired from the library by freaking out one day and calling them all a bunch of worthless niggers.

>> No.1997581

butterfly in the sky

>> No.1997582

Libraries seriously need to crack down on crying kids and retards who think its a social club.

>> No.1997585

Fucking inbred crackers.

>> No.1997588
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>go to library

>> No.1997591

Enforcing library rules on them would be racist, they aren't like us.

>> No.1997592


That was actually what made me freak out on them in the end. I told one of them to get off his cell phone and he called me a racist.

>> No.1997595


>> No.1997597
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Maybe instead of being such a racist you should try to put yourself in their shoes. Most of them probably come from lower economic backgrounds. They probably can't afford the internet at home, or air conditioning. The library is a nice place to hang out if you don't have any money.

>> No.1997600


So the rules don't apply to them because they're poor?

>> No.1997602

went to my local library for the first time in years while waiting for the alumni card to arrive which would let me start going to my uni library again, and when I walk in I see that it's now basically just an internet cafe. I was the only person sat with a book; every other table/area was packed with people using netbooks/laptops

>> No.1997603


Library is a place for quiet learning. if u are going to talk or use your cell phone, go to the fucking lobby, which also is air conditioned.

>> No.1997604


You probably are a racist. It wouldn't have been a problem if a white person was using his cell phone. But a nigga tries to make a call and whitey breaks out the shackles.

>> No.1997605

>go to library
>there is a kind of lounge section for people to read in comfort
>every couch or chair has a white person on it with their feet up on the cushions and tables
>one white woman even took her shoes off to air out her stinky feet

see, i can play that game, too.

>> No.1997608


This isn't the 1700's. Libraries aren't even libraries anymore. They're media centers. People go there to hang out, use the internet, and rent DVDs and magazines. Occasionally a loser comes in looking for books. Get over it.

>> No.1997613


I know you're trolling but I had literally just asked a teenaged white girl to take her call outside as well.

I am a racist, though. Ever since that day.

>> No.1997615

> privileged white kid who has internet but insists on going to library
>black poor kids who go to the library because they have no computers

Keep whining OP.

>> No.1997618


Then you're not only a racist. You're a dick. Like I said in >>1997608
Libraries have evolved. People don't just go there to study and read books anymore. They're basically just a cheaper version of Starbucks. You wouldn't expect someone to take their call outside at Starbucks, so why insist on it at a library?

>> No.1997619


>> No.1997624


>implying all black people speak that way
>implying you're not a racist
>implying anyone should take the opinions of a racist seriously

>> No.1997625

sageeeeeeeed annnddddddddddd reporteddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

>> No.1997629


you are a dumbass. librarys are still a quiet place to go get a book and read. yeah they have free internet and dvds, but bringing a kid there who whines and cries, while your fat nigger ass sits on the cell while people are trying to read is stupid. also, it funny there parents dont tell their kids to go read a book and learn, but watch lil wayne be a greedy unintelligent nigger, so they can all do the same, and contribute nothing of value to society. these people should go the the fucking mall or a place like starbucks, with internet. damn negros, ill give them a book on evolution and show them their head is shaped like a baboons

>> No.1997630

Way to go, you pretty much just identified /lit/'s main contention with libraries.

Libraries are meant to be a place for learning. That's why they were established. The problem is that libraries have saturated themselves with content that is completely devoid of intellectual value in hopes of bringing in more visitors, which has failed.

>> No.1997631

I came from a dirt poor family. I went to libraries often TO READ BOOKS.

>> No.1997633

Fine, can we have some real libraries opened up then?

>> No.1997634


>watch lil wayne be a greedy unintelligent nigger, so they can all do the same, and contribute nothing of value to society.

>implying lil wayne doesn't pay more in taxes in one year than you ever will in your life
>implying this doesn't help society overall

>> No.1997635


last time i checked you could check those out and bring them home with you

>> No.1997636


Good for you. Not everyone wants to read books all the time. Sometimes people just want to get out of the heat and go online.

>> No.1997637

Last I checked libraries have chairs for reading in.

>> No.1997638


what good is he doing teaching kids to say fuck everything but drugs, bitches and money?

>> No.1997639


Then you're in the minority. Why is it that the minority always tries to make the majority bend to its will? People don't fucking go to libraries to read anymore. If you can't accept that, you have the problem. Not the other patrons.

>> No.1997641

Public libraries are for the PUBLIC. If the public is people who want to act a fool and watch youtube videos, which it pretty much is, then thats what a public library is gonna be. If you are oh so offended by the typical public and don't want your air being breathed by them, go to a university library for extremely smart folks like yourself.

>> No.1997642


Best Answer:

"Racism is the most evil thing in the world, even worse than murder."

You guys are worse than murderers.

>> No.1997643

>Implying Lil Wane pays taxes

I'm pretty sure his label can "hook him up wif sum of dat tax loophole sheeit".

Plus, the damage done by his songs that breed stupidity outweighs how much he pays in taxes.

>> No.1997644


No one's stopping you from sitting in those chairs and reading

>But, but, people won't shut up! Don't they know the universe revolves around me?

Get over yourself. If you want peace and quiet, go home. It's obvious no one is waiting for you there.

>> No.1997645


you know nothing of lil wayne's work

>> No.1997646
File: 22 KB, 159x140, 1259017824334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending niggers

sure is starry-eyed kid in here

>> No.1997647

>going to a public library
subscription library, my nigga.

>> No.1997648


Read the post. The good comes from his taxes


Now you're just being racist again

>> No.1997649

you know Wayne was an honor student growing up right? Just cause people don't fit you narrow view of cultured and sophisticated doesn't mean they are necessarily dumb.

>> No.1997650


maybe you missed the part about library?

>> No.1997651

Stop complaining.

>> No.1997652

Prove him otherwise. What intellectual or artistic merit does Lil Wayne provide to the youth of America?

You're just claiming that he's never paid attention to his work because his blunt judgment is true.

I hate to break it to you, but rap music is shit and it will never benefit society.

>> No.1997653


What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1997656


bullshit. the first time someone defends an e-reader here, /lit/ fags tell him to go to the library.

>> No.1997657

>but rap music is shit and it will never benefit society.

Yeah, no, you just lost all credibility whitey.

>> No.1997658

>People don't fucking go to libraries to read anymore.
Then take the books out and change the name of the damn places from Library to Maison Singe or something.

>> No.1997662


nope; you're the one who made the positive assertion here, hoss

>what good is he doing teaching kids to say fuck everything but drugs, bitches and money

post even one line of lyrics where he says that, or even a quote from an interview or whatever, and i'll concede the point

you cant

>> No.1997664


>I hate to break it to you, but rap music is shit and it will never benefit society

Just another closed minded asshole. You would have said the same of the troubadours in the middle ages and of the plays in the Renaissance. Just because something is new doesn't mean it's shit.

>> No.1997665


/lit/ credibility? LOL. This is the most isolated board in 4chan. He's 100% right.

>> No.1997666


If your logic is correct then:
people dont go to the theaters to watch movies anymore

>> No.1997667

you can still go to the library and check out books. but if the people there are being annoying cunts and you choose to stay there and read, then you have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.1997668

>Just because something is new doesn't mean it's shit.
Rap isn't new, though.

>> No.1997670

Given the off chance that you're not trolling, what does rap music bring to the cultural table that another genre of music hasn't?

Other than bragging about how much weed you smoke, how many girls you fuck, how tough you are, and how big your dick is, of course.

>> No.1997671



so give an example. how has rap benefited society?

>> No.1997673

If you think that's all rap music talks about, I feel bad for you, son.

>> No.1997676


Why? Are you so pretentious that you can't stand to see your precious books housed in the same building as other more "vulgar" forms of entertainment? You do know that's all books are, right? They're entertainment. Quit looking down on people because they don't enjoy the same hobby as you.

>> No.1997677

So if me and my bros come into a movie theatre shitfaced and yell at each other and have a brawl while everyone's trying to watch a movie, that's cool?

>> No.1997679

Rap isn't new. It's been around for some time.

If I'm wrong, give me an example of one rap song that is intellectually enriching, and thus beneficial to society by some margin.

>> No.1997681



So i can get food to go at a restaurant if there's niggers wilin' out in the dining room?

Deal with it?

You're a fucking coward.

>> No.1997684


It's relatively new.


The same way any other form of entertainment benefits society. By enriching peoples' lives. You really think rock benefits society in any way, other than making life a little more tolerable? It's the same with rap.

>> No.1997685

I have no problems with computers and such resources being contained within a library, I have a problem with them being loud as fuck.

My college has a library with a huge computer section and yet everyone still keeps the noise down. People who talk, talk quietly. People who listen to music use headphones.

But I step into a public library and there are people blasting rap music off youtube, people yammering away on cell phones, people hooting to each other loudly with no care or respect for others.

>> No.1997687


you're a fucking beta coward....defending those who shit on you. only in America.

>> No.1997688

restaurants and libraries are two different things, though, bro. you pay money for food and service when you eat at a restaurant, so if people are acting a fool then you are more than welcome to complain. you probably wouldn't even need to as (a) other diners would have already complained or (b) the manager would have asked them to simmer down or leave.

>> No.1997690

What else does it talk about?

>> No.1997691


Yeah, not exactly. Movie theaters do nothing except show movies. Libraries have evolved from book oriented places of quiet study. They are now places where all forms of media can be found and where people can go to hang out.

>> No.1997692


[Lil Wayne]
Man, I aint got nothing but some p-ssy and some paper
I keep a bad bitch like a muthaf-cking laker
I don’t love them hoes, f-ck that p-ssy till its aching
Pass a bitch like Troy Aikman
Man, gangsta’s don’t die, gangsta’s go to Vegas
We don’t need no navigation, we go where the money takes us
Muthaf-cking fools, like the first of f-cking April
I aint never been a p-ssy, have you ever been in p-ssy
Thats so muthaf-cking good, feel like a treasure in a p-ssy
I’m a shovel in a p-ssy, or devil to them p-ssy
Spill the champagne on them p-ssies
Yeah, same shit different rest room
Stop playing, I turn ya chest into a flesh wound
Ha, you would never guess who in my guest room
Now they saying “just me Tune!”

Tunechi, that what they call me man
Bitch dog muthaf-cker, you’s a Pomeranian
They say f-ck me, then Karma came
And since my case, I got my guns in my momma name

And since my case, I got my guns in my momma name
In my momma name…guns in my momma name
And since my case, I got my guns in my momma name

[Lil Wayne - Verse 2]
I’m smoked out, I’m by myself
Bithc, I’m a king no matter how the cards are dealt
It’s Young Money or it’s take money
Long hair don’t care, call me jake sully
Pay me or pay for me
I tell em hoes stay on ya toes, ballet for me
Momma pray for me
Goons spray for me
I have em bring me your head on a tray for me
Cut the brain raw, p-ssy ass n-gga I’m at your chest like a training bra
Tune talk that shit that rip straight through the kevlar

>> No.1997693


Surely you are trolling? right? right? No one can be this stupid. Hip-hop music is the folk music of black people. You may not appreciate the culture, but goddamn, you surely can't be so blind as to not see it.

If you think all rap music is bad, you must not heard much, cause there is plenty of even mainstream rap that is great.

Mos Def, Black Star, J dilla, Kanye, Common, Nas, MF Doom are all great and thats off the top of my head.

>> No.1997696


but you can't just give a blanket claim like "enriching people's lives". How??

>> No.1997699

They talk about love, the loss of innocence, the problems that come with living in a poor/rough neighborhood, etc. You might not come across it often because that kind of stuff doesn't really do well commercially, but it exists, bruh.

>> No.1997701

From Lil Wayne's "Lollipop":

"But man I ain?t never seen an ass like hers
That pussy in my mouth had me at a loss for words
I told her to back it up like burp burp
And make that ass jump like shczerp shczerp"

>what good is he doing teaching kids to say fuck everything but drugs, bitches and money

>post even one line of lyrics where he says that, or even a quote from an interview or whatever, and i'll concede the point

There you go, bitches.

>> No.1997702


>folk music of black people
>guns. drugs, hoes, money, cars, clothes, crime, kill, bitch faggots, I'M THE BEST

yeah, pretty much

>> No.1997703


Yeah, because it's a PUBLIC library. That's like complaining about people playing frisbee or football in a public park when you wanted to go there and bask quietly in the sun and read a book. These places aren't just for you. If you have a problem with the way others use them then you can leave.

>> No.1997705

Music in general benefits society. Music has been shown to help with memory.
Certain kinds of rap, like southern crunk or any loud banging sounds don't have this positive effect on the brain.
Therefore, the problem isn't rap music, but the kinds of rap music.


>> No.1997710

>it's a PUBLIC library
No, it's a public LIBRARY.

>> No.1997711

It's been done in plenty of other genres of music before rap. Those genres have done it better too.

I'll admit, they are deeper themes than the aforementioned ones, but they haven't been unexplored.

>> No.1997712

>bring up Artists that don't sing about that
>you disregard and keep making ignorant statements

Look broski, you wouldn't take some kid who thinks chuck palahniuk is high literature seriously, so why should I take someone who thinks all rap is like Lil Wayne and Soulja Boy seriously?

>> No.1997713


Yes, I can. Because that's all any art does. Art serves no function other than to enrich the lives of those who appreciate it.

>> No.1997714


One of the main purposes of a library is for quiet reading.

A park has no rules besides keeping your dog on a leash

>> No.1997715

>Mos Def, Black Star, J dilla, Kanye, Common, Nas, MF Doom
hey now,let's not jump the gun here.

>> No.1997716


>implying people are shitting on me when they're minding their own business

>> No.1997717


I've heard it all. I used to believe in groups like PE. "She Watch Channel Zero" (Flavor of Love) "Can I Get a Witness" ( Madonna lawsuit).

It's all bullshit. There's zero credibility. You'd like to think so, but there's not.

Loved Common's Christmas Gap ads.

>> No.1997719

>It's been done in plenty of other genres of music before rap. Those genres have done it better too.

Really faggot? Thats your argument? You don't like it and it came later?

Stop the presses, all rock bands besides the Beatles suck because the Beatles did it first!

You just don't like it. Thats fine, but don't try to act like its objectively worse. It makes you look like a retard.

>> No.1997721


not a line of this "teach[es] kids to say fuck everything but drugs, bitches and money"... note the wholesale absence of the imperative mood. weezy f baby is simply expressing his own preferences and desires, there's not a scrap of evidence it's intended to be didactic

you may find the content shallow or vulgar, but that's your problem and in no way proves what you're trying to prove

q e goddamn d

>> No.1997722

>Look broski


Go back to /b/.

>> No.1997725


You dense faggot. Every theme has already been explored by every generation before us. Does that mean no one can create art anymore? Jesus.

>> No.1997727 [DELETED] 


You dense faggot. Every theme has already been explored by every generation before us. Does that mean no one can create art anymore? Jesus.

>> No.1997730


Obviously you've failed to notice that libraries have evolved beyond that. If you want to quietly study, go home.

>> No.1997731

He is a great artist. Pretty much every track on his debut album was great. 808s was amazing, as was MBDTF. He does do the "yeah, im awesome" bit, but he still has a lot of honesty and emotion to his music that isn't generally found in mainstream rap.

>> No.1997734


all kids are influenced by their peers. Raise a kid in the ghetto listening to rap, he is going to shoot to be a rapper, raise a kid by taking him to the library to expand his mind, he is going to be a valued member of society

>> No.1997739

>green text single word of argument
>use as excuse to disregard argument because you have no legitimate response


>> No.1997740

No, not at all, but if those themes are explored in a unique way while showing talent, then it's good art. If it's the same old shit, it's bad art.

Rap pretty much explores it in a new way, but that method is utterly talentless, thus rendering it as bad "art".

>> No.1997743

>Rap pretty much explores it in a new way, but that method is utterly talentless
How so?

>> No.1997744

>Rap pretty much explores it in a new way, but that method is utterly talentless, thus rendering it as bad "art".

Isn't it fun to just make crass generalizations without backing up anything you say. Its almost like, its so fucking retarded that its impossible to argue against.

>> No.1997747


apparently you were raised by people who were bad at posting

>> No.1997750


>but that method is utterly talentless, thus rendering it as bad "art".

That's a statement of opinion. Many rappers have immense talent, not only in being able to write deep lyrics, but also in being able to deliver them with a lyrical dexterousness that most singers couldn't even match.

>> No.1997756


Not necessarily. I was raised in a small town where no one cared about anything but sports. I don't give a fuck about sports.

>> No.1997758


And you were raised by people who change the subject when they know they are wrong

>> No.1997759

Hahaha, you hip-hop fans will never rest.

Pathetic artform. History will tell the tale, and unfortunately you won't be around to see the ridicule.

>> No.1997763

It requires no instrumental talent. All of the rhythms and beats are created by computers. Even if instruments are used, the beats and rhythms are so simple that it barely requires talent.

Honestly, all rap is is shitty lyrics strewn together about how hard it is to have the government pay for everything you own with a shitty beat in the background.

Parody rap arguably requires more talent than actual rap.

>> No.1997767

Computers are instruments.

>> No.1997768

Yes, by the year 2050 we will have all realised the negroids were idiots and imprison them again and we will all worship the new world leaders, Animal Collective

>> No.1997771

You're living in America and expecting otherwise?

>> No.1997773


>It requires no instrumental talent.

Because it's not about playing an instrument. Obviously. Rap is poetry. The beat is there to keep a rhythm. Nothing more.

>Honestly, all rap is is shitty lyrics strewn together about how hard it is to have the government pay for everything you own with a shitty beat in the background.

No. Some rap is about that. You're making gross generalizations and it's not helping your argument at all.

>> No.1997774

>It requires no instrumental talent. All of the rhythms and beats are created by computers. Even if instruments are used, the beats and rhythms are so simple that it barely requires talent.

Holy shit. Nah, fuck it. You have to be a troll. No one is this dumb.

>> No.1997777


So having proficiency with computers makes you musically talented?

What label should I start contacting before my career takes off? Should I get an agent?

>> No.1997778

Can you give some examples? Of good rap? Not artists, but lyrics.

>> No.1997780

Having proficiency with computers doesn't mean you're going to be a good producer, bro.

>> No.1997781


this is definitely less bad of a post, which i appreciate, but the previous one was predicated upon a bunch of really dumb assumptions -- that kids who listen to rap and kids who visit libraries are mutually exclusive sets, that peers are the primary influence on what kids become, and especially the dumb way you use "living in the ghetto" as a pejorative as if people have a chocie

>> No.1997784
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Nice quads. Unfortunately that's the only merit your post has.

>So having proficiency with computers makes you musically talented?

Obviously never heard of electronic music. Pic related. These two men would like to have a word with you.

>> No.1997786

Oh, right. I forgot, some other rap songs are about dick size, weed, and hoes. Thanks for reminding me.


>I can't think of an argument.

>I know! I'll call him a troll!

>> No.1997789

Yes. But knowing you you'll cry and bitch.
But for everyone else. Points if you know the artist and song.

Straight outta the depths of hell
Reflect the sect
And inhale the buddah wisdom
Envision and ? inscriptions of a mega spiritualism
Paint a picture from the spiritual
And seriously spit a lyric
That'll rip through a phsyical ligament
Trigger livin in these city limits
Limited with no money, goin through crazy minutes
Crazy thinkin of back in the days
When blazin a lazy written
Before we was swallowin duces, poppin with gooses
And rockin the bubble gooses
Trouble lose kid, puffin a lucci
Hoppin off Huffy, stealin Marvel comics and water uzis
All of us canoeing through sewers with juvenile manuevers
Caught up in nooses from borders with troubleshooters
On corners where coppers'll hop outta Dunkin Donuts
Poppin they gun and shoot us
For more of us aware of
Thinkin Rudy Guili don't give a FUCK ABOUT A MOULE!
Got me woozy, sippin Kaluha's loosin my noodles
Screwed up in the two triple losers
Sprayin it live, b-boy grafitti alpha
Out of rap-palooza
Looza, looza

>> No.1997790

Jesus Christ you are ignorant. Having an expensive good DAW and being proficient with it wont give you creativity or originality. There are thousands and thousands of people who make electronic music in their basement and its just as shitty and uninspired as all the garage rock bands we formed when we were 14 and 15.

Are you honestly gonna say Kid A lacks talent or merit because LOL DEY USED COMPUTERS.

>> No.1997793

"Electronic music" is utter shit. A computer does nearly all of the work. All you need to know is how to use a program or develop one. Sure, it might express talent with a computer, but not with music.

>> No.1997796

Jesus, /lit/ you make for terrible reading at the moment.

Just take this guy >>1997763

This is some YouTube grade comment right here. Are computers not instrument? Is Edgard Varese not a musician of the highest order? Repetitive instrumentals are a part of the culture and background that embodies hip-hop. And while the genre as a means of popular music may have deviated some ways from the bongo-backed "militant" lyricism of Gil Scott-Heron there evolving genre is still alive and good. The often drum-heavy music appeals to the your most basic sense of rhythm, and a good rapper will accentuate this with rhythmic rapping. In many ways it's a world away from other types of music in that the lyrics must be held in sometimes a higher regard than the music. You can find a diverse range of topics if you care to take a look.

>> No.1997797


[mos def]
Against the canvas of the night
Appears a curious celestial phenomena
Called black star, but what is it?

[talib kweli]
Black people unite and let's all get down
We got to have what? we got to have that love

[mos def]
What is the black star?
Is it the cat with the black shades, the black car?
Is it shinin from very far, to where you are?
It is commonplace and different
Intimate and distant
Fresher than an infant

[talib kweli]
Black, my family thick, like they're striped molasses
Star, on the rise, in the eyes of the masses
Black is the color of my true love's hair
Star's are bright, shining, hot balls of air

[mos def]
Black like my baby girl's stare
Black like the veil that the muslimina wear
Black like the planet that they fear, why they scared?
Black like the slave ship that later brought us here
Black like the cheeks that are roadways for tears
That leave black faces well traveled with years
Black like assassin crosshairs
Blacker than my granddaddy armchair
He never really got no time to chill there
Cause this life is warfare, warfare

>> No.1997799

>"instrumental music" is utter shit. An instrument does nearly all of the work. All you need to know is how to play it. Sure, it might express talent with an instrument, but not with music.

>> No.1997806


Except writing a good song for a computer takes the same amount of skill and musical knowledge as it takes to write a song for a guitar or a violin. Music is music. It doesn't matter what the instrument is.

>> No.1997807


o, dwellin in the past, flashbacks when I was young
Whoever thought that I'd have a baby girl and three sons
I'm goin through this difficult stage I find it hard to believe
Why my old Earth had so many seeds
But she's an old woman, and due to me I respect that
I saw life for what it's really worth and took a step back
Family ain't family no more, we used to play ball
Eggs after school, eat grits cause we was poor
Grab the pliers for the channel, fix the hanger on the TV
Rockin each others pants to school wasn't easy
We survived winters, snotty nosed with no coats
We kept it real, but the older brother still had jokes
Sadly, daddy left me at the age of six
I didn't know nuttin but mommy neatly packed his shit
She cried, and grandma held the family down
I guess mommy wasn't strong enough, she just went down
Check it, fifteen of us in a three bedroom apartment
Roaches everywhere, cousins and aunts was there
Four in the bed, two at the foot, two at the head
I didn't like to sleep with Jon-Jon he peed the bed
Seven o'clock, pluckin roaches out the cereal box
Some shared the same spoon, watchin saturday cartoons
Sugar water was our thing, every meal was no thrill
In the summer, free lunch held us down like steel
And there was days I had to go to Tex house with a note
Stating "Gloria can I borrow some food I'm dead broke"
So embarrasin I couldn't stand to knock on they door
My friends might be laughin, I spent stamps in stores


>> No.1997811


Mommy where's the toilet paper, use the newspaper
Look Ms. Rose gave us a couch, she's the neighbor
Things was deep, my whole youth was sharper than cleats
Two brothers with muscular dystrophy, it killed me
But I remember this, mom's would lick her finger tips
To wipe the cold out my eye before school wit her spit
Case worker had her runnin back to face to face
I caught a case, housin tried to throw us out of our place
Sometimes I look up at the stars and analyze the sky
And ask myself was I meant to be here... why?
Yeah, yo

if the use of detail in that doesn't impress you, you can get fucked

>> No.1997814

eh. library funding is getting cut all the time, and for good reason. no one really uses them anymore, except as public bath houses for the homeless, and now apparently you can't even go there to study.
get active in your local government and get the tax dollars moved elsewhere.

>> No.1997819

Ghost is fucking awesome.

>> No.1997824


My name is Robert Johnson and what is this new black music you speak of? Listen to a few of my songs and tell me which is better, mine or rap. Seriously, I have came back from the dead where I lived as the greatest modern performer of all time. I am black, I grew up in the early 1900's where I experienced severe racism. I influence people even now, no, especially now. Jimi Hendrix came from me, who is this "Lil' Wayne"? Can he possibly be better than me? I doubt it.

> assuming there are actually black people ITT
> assuming anyone knows of anything before the 60's

>> No.1997827
File: 42 KB, 572x778, robert_johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.1997832

Didn't you play jungle music with no real benefit to society?
Didn't your music corrupt the minds of white children?
Isn't your music vulgar, deplorable noise?

>> No.1997837


And I followed her to the station
with a suitcase in my hand
And I followed her to the station
with a suitcase in my hand
Well, it's hard to tell, it's hard to tell
when all your love's in vain
All my love's in vain

When the train rolled up to the station
I looked her in the eye
When the train rolled up to the station
and I looked her in the eye
Well, I was lonesome, I felt so lonesome
and I could not help but cry
All my love's in vain

When the train, it left the station
with two lights on behind
When the train, it left the station
with two lights on behind
Well, the blue light was my blues
and the red light was my mind
All my love's in vain

Ou hou ou ou ou
hoo, Willie Mae
Oh oh oh oh oh hey
hoo, Willie Mae
Ou ou ou ou ou ou hee vee oh woe All my love's in vain

> yeah, so I guess Lil' Wayne will also be glorified 80 years from now, as a master

>> No.1997839


I love Robert Johnson. And I don't even like rap. But if you think people weren't bitching about the blues in the early 1900's, just like people are bitching about rap today, nigga you crazy.


Exactly what I'm talking about.

>> No.1997843


I am of the most opened minded white people. I like what rap is about, it is not high art by any means unless it proves that 100 years from now some songs remain as anthems for the people, like folk music.

> /thread