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19974700 No.19974700 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19974703

a manlet broke into her house and stuffed her in the oven on 450 Fahrenheit

>> No.19974738

God, she was so fucking ugly.

>> No.19974804

>thoughts on Sylvia Plath's body
She's hot

>> No.19974807

the duality of man

>> No.19974911

Nothing but pure negativity

>> No.19975291

The Bell Jar sucked, her poetry was nice

>> No.19975296

Ted Hughes was a better poet

>> No.19975470

Wish I could ejaculate inside her, impregnate her, and leave her, ruining her life

>> No.19976261

I'd like to work her body, if you know what I mean.

>> No.19976266

I‘d like to torture ted to death. That is all.

>> No.19976270
File: 26 KB, 197x240, hughes-ted-1960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'appen I'm gon' fuck thee lass

>> No.19976276

It takes a special kind of monster to drive not one but two women into suicide.

>> No.19976284

The thot fears the Yorkshireman.
Though Plath in particular was a head case long before she met him

>> No.19976290

I'm a fan. That she makes /lit/ seethe because she openly hated manlets is even better.

>> No.19976293

Only an already insane woman would seriously consider being in the same room as this idiot monkey, so you‘re right about her already existing mental health issues. But he certainly didn‘t help make them any better.

>> No.19976300

I agree. Watching men seethe is one of the most satisfying things one can do.

>> No.19976311

When I was at Cambridge one of my friends had Ted's old room at Pembroke. One time I played a prank on my friend the night before he made a trip to Norway by sticking American cheese on the walls and column in the room. He took it kind of hard for some reason and we were never as close after that.

>> No.19976320

>I played a prank on my friend the night before he made a trip to Norway by sticking American cheese on the walls and column in the room.
I don't get it...

>> No.19976379

The kind of cheese you put on hamburgers. It's sticky so I stuck it to the various parts of his room. The prank was that when he came back there was cheese stuck to his walls, but he didn't think it was funny.

>> No.19976385

When I was younger I thought people killed themselves with ovens by putting their heads in and dying due to it heating up. It was only when I was an adult that I learned it's because of the gas, which made a lot more sense.

>> No.19976398

I used to imagine that they smashed their head with the door, so i guess we‘re both rather stupid.

>> No.19976399


>> No.19976403

That was a joke in Infinite Jest right? That guy using the modern microwave to kill himself and exploding his head.

>> No.19976412

Hughes was a chad and a much better poet. The fact that she killed herself over him is hilarious.

>> No.19976419

This isn't funny. Just stupid.

>> No.19976434
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>when he came back there was cheese stuck to his walls
absolute mad lad

>> No.19976462

>over him
I sure hope you don‘t think she killed herself because she was afraid of losing him. She killed herself because it was the only way to make 100% sure she would never have to have anything to do with him. What do you think why assia killed her daughter before commiting suicide? Certainly mot because she found the idea of him having custody of her a good one.

>> No.19976564

What's not funny about cheese being on the walls?

>> No.19976593

You will never be six feet tall

>> No.19976786

Why did she kill herself?

>> No.19976791

Ted thought it would be a funny idea to put cheese on her walls :(

>> No.19976794

But I am exactly that. Still, ywnbaw.

>> No.19976828

I'd put cheese on her walls if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.19976844
File: 42 KB, 476x477, IMG_3294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was literally the joke I was making...

>> No.19976872

I'd spread my brie on her vagie, if you catch my drift.

>> No.19976876

I read the Bell Jar when I was like 14 and the character of the interpreter at the UN convinced me to be an interpreter, which I eventually did. I don’t remember anything else about the book but in that sense it changed my life. Thanks Sylvie.

>> No.19978374

how's that going for you anon?

>> No.19978418

That sounds like Bel Canto by Ann Patchett

>> No.19978869

it's hard not to shake the suspicion that if her life was exactly the same but started 20 years earlier literally no one would know her outside of a handful of phd candidates

>> No.19979705

Is that because her appearance and relationships elevated her status? I'm inclined to agree, but I also feel she made advancements in confessional poetry in her own right.